Fedora Installation :: Graphic Adapter - No Input Signal ?

May 3, 2011

I had the following problem while i installed fedora on my machine: The boot record was normally read from the installation CD and the boot screen appear, (up to this moment my Graphic Adapter is going fine) then i select the first option (which is the default as well) to boot fedora from the CD, and suddenly my monitor inform me that there is no input signal. I think it might be some driver problem, but my adapter is pretty common i think (NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT), so its not very likely.

Things i have to note:
1. My Adapter is working on my Windows installation.
2. I manage to install fedora by removing my GeForce 9600 GT and using the on board Graphical Card from my main board.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Signal Input On Display?

Dec 10, 2010

Have a Compaq Presario SR1915AN desktop with a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE it has a dual boot of Windows XP and Debian 5.0.6 which would only run in 800x600 mode.I decided to install Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop as this is what is on another different machine, thought it would be safe.The install wouldn't work, I would get the purple selections screen and first time chose the normal graphic mode, 10 seconds or so in to the install the scrren goes dead and i see the "No Signal Input" display show on the screen. Rebooted and selected text mode install, this time it fully installed but on reboot it again has the screen goes dead 10 seconds after you select from the Grub screen.

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Fedora :: F12 -- Input Signal Out Of Range?

Mar 29, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 12 -- a brand new install, not an upgrade. The system was previously using Fedora 11 without any problems. Fedora 12 installed without any issues, and I haven't really done any customization to it. I am running KDE. The system is hooked up a KVM switch.

When I am on system #2 (a Windows system) and I switch back to system #1 (Fedora) after a few minutes of time, the Fedora screen will be blank and the monitor will present an "input signal out of range" error. I can SSH into the box and kill X to get the screen back. This has not happened on this system with any previous versions of Fedora that had been running on it (everything since Fedora 7).

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Fedora Installation :: Messed Up Strips Graphics (its Not Due To Graphic Card, Graphic Card Is Supported 7600gt)?

Apr 8, 2009

In Fedora 10, I cannot get to the installer because it shows these messed up strips graphics (its not due to my graphic card, my graphic card is supported 7600gt) in non-quiet install it shows logical errors and i/o errors.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upon Live CD / USB Boot After First Purple Screen - Get "No Input Signal" On Monitor

Feb 19, 2011

Iv'e tried on both CD & USB. Upon Live Boot from the CD I get the first purple screen, then "No Input Signal" on my monitor. Upon Live Boot from USB I've choosen both the Install & Boot options, then It thinks for a minute; and I recieve "No Input Signal". I'm leaning toward it being my "Graphics Card"(NOTHING IS WRONG WITH IT OR ANY OF MY HARDWARE!!!!; but it is an "ATI" ^_^), but thats just a guess. Iv'e Tried Both 32/64 Here Is My Hardware Information... (Everything is Brand New & Full Diagnostics)

Intel Core i7 950
MSI Big Bang-XPower (MS-7666)
DDR3 1333 gSkill Ram (6 x 1gb)
ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 (2 gb Memory, GDDR5)
HANNspree 28" Monitor 1920x1200

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Debian :: Input Signal Out Of Range?

Feb 15, 2011

I have been trying unsuccessfully to load Debian on my desktop. I have tried both live and otherwise. Both AMD64 and i386. It seems to be loading fine and then all of a sudden the monitor quits with a sign Input signal out of range. I have tried lots of other live disks and they have worked fine. My monitor is a Hanns G and my video card is NVIDIA GeForce8200. All other stuff very normal. 4 Gigs of RAM. What?

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Input Signal Out Of Range / Fix It?

Nov 28, 2010

I basically destroyed my laptop a couple of years ago. Windows XP wouldn't even start but it didn't come with an installation disk. I tried recovering it but it just died. So a few months ago I put a box of thing on top of it which broke the screen! I was going to chuck it out until I stumbled upon a page which told you you could use it as a web server.

I decided to use it to host my website. I installed ubuntu without a problem however it wasn't until I was about to start it up I found out it was against BT's terms and conditions!! So since I installed ubuntu I thought I might as well make use of it and use it to render my files. When I went to turn it on for the second time and plugged it into the monitor it said input signal out of range!

I can see the login screen but I can't move the mouse or anything. I can't access the terminal, how can fix this?

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SUSE :: Error - Input Signal Out Of Reach

Mar 25, 2010

when restarting suse 10 , i get an error displaying as Input signal out of reach..even its not going through any of the consoles....but ..when i shutdown the suse system and start suse its going inside without this error...how can i stop the error from occurring while restarting suse...this error occurs only when i restart suse.....when i freshly start suse after shutting down the system...its going well without errors.

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Debian Multimedia :: DisplayLink USB Graphic Adapter With Intel I915

Jun 6, 2014

I'm trying to set up an HP DisplayLink USB graphic adapter on Debian 6 to be paired with the notebook's integrated Intel i915 video card. I use a custom 3.11.1 kernel in which the options for VGA arbitration, fbdev framebuffer and DisplayLink driver are enabled as built-in, not as modules.

The device works and I'm able to correctly run an X session on a DVI monitor connected to my notebook thru this USB graphic adapter. However, I'm still not able to use both the DisplayLink device and the integrated Intel i915 at the same time under X, with the purpose to extend the desktop area over the two screens, side by side.

During a boot, if the DisplayLink adapter is detected over the USB cable, the X-server's Intel driver is repudiated as shown in the logs below, and the main notebook's screen stops working with X. (nonetheless, it still functions on the "Alt-F1" text terminal).

Relevant portion of /var/log/Xorg.0.log
In particular, it shows: [ 2509.084] (II) UnloadModule: "intel"
Code: Select all[  2509.061] (II) FBDEV: driver for framebuffer: fbdev
[  2509.061] (II) intel: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i810,
        i810-dc100, i810e, i815, i830M, 845G, 854, 852GM/855GM, 865G, 915G,
        E7221 (i915), 915GM, 945G, 945GM, 945GME, Pineview GM, Pineview G,

[Code] ....

In case it is required, this is the relevant excerpt of my xorg.conf. In my full xorg.conf file installed locally, no other options deal with graphics or screens.

Code: Select all# All down here is required for DisplayLink
# Depth must be 16 bits for all the screens to support DisplayLink
Section "Device"
    Identifier  "IntelVideo"
    Driver      "intel"

[Code] ......

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Booting - Input Signal Out Of Range

Aug 27, 2010

i installed a program called start-up manager. i fiddled with the display settings cause on startup of the computer my boot screens and etc were out of wack placed halfway across the screen and really pixelated. after changing the resoloution i restarted and just after booting everything goes black and it comes up with the input signal is out of range. ive tried to run livecd or live usb i should say as its on a usb stick. and search for commands to repair my screen settings but cant. ive tried to run grub cause i heard its a repair console by pressing and holding shift it doesnt work ive tried to ctrl alt f2 and other commands during start up non of them work. they all just result in that message popping up.

there is no repair console for me to access during start up. i just want to roll back to before i did this when everything was working. also half the commands given on other threads come up with error messages saying commands were wrong and such. and ive also started up bios to try and change display settings for it to magically work so i can login and change my settings back and nothing happens. im using another computer at the moment to find results.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Graphic Driver - It Keeps Saying Graphic Card Is Outdated?

Mar 30, 2010

So I finally got ubuntu..I wanted to play team fortress 2.Runs great in wine etc.But 1 problem.It keeps saying my graphic card is outdated.I cant see anything.So I downloaded the driver from nvidia website.Followed some instructions.But it says cannot open binary file or something.Is there any other way to update graphic drivers.Cause I realy still want to play some windows games.Mount&blade, Atlantica online,team fortress 2 etc

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphic Driver - Enemy Territory It Comes Back With Error On Graphic Card

Nov 8, 2010

i justy got me a dedi box and there is no graphic driver installed on it, or it dont work :/ VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] but wen i try installing enemy territory it comes back with error on graphic card


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General :: Input Signal Out Of Range Change Settings To 1280*1024-60Hz?

Mar 31, 2010

i have both windows XP and suse linux installed in my hp pc with monitor HPL1710. when i in stalled Scientific LInux (cern) in the unallocated space using default partirtion it is in stalled. unfortunatately i have choosen the screen resolution to be 1600*1400. So when i try to reboot it says:


Input signal out of range change settings to 1280*1024-60Hz I have no idea what to do ? I dont find any scientific linux sub forum . so i am sending the thread here.

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Ubuntu :: "Input Signal Out Of Range, Change Settings To 1600 X 900 - 60 MHz"?

Apr 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu Natty on my desktop which uses an nVidia GeForce 7+ chipset. After installing Ubuntu, I noticed that when the GRUB boot menu should show up, my monitor says "Input signal out of range, change settings to 1600 x 900 - 60Hz", and it stays that way until the Ubuntu desktop shows up. The Ubuntu desktop shows up just fine. It's just that GRUB and Plymouth don't show up and my monitor gives me the aforementioned message.Here's my xorg.conf configuration after I ran the nVidia X Server Settings app:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 270.29 (buildd@allspice) Fri Feb 25 14:42:07 UTC 2011
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu :: "Input Signal Out Of Range" When Booting?

Jul 25, 2010

I have a HP w1907 monitor and when I boot my PC and get to BURG, the monitor shows the the "input signal is out of range" and to change settings to 1440 x 900 and 60 ghz. This message won't go away until I select an OS to boot. The message blocks the the center of BURG where I select the OS but I can still select the Os although the image is partly blocked by the "Input Signal Out of Range" message. Using BURG-Manager I set the Resolution to 1440 x 900 but I still get the message.

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Ubuntu :: "Input Signal Out Of Range" While Booting Up?

May 1, 2011

While my Ubuntu computer was on the splash screen, my Ubuntu is in a bad resolution and I get the error on my monitor Quote:"Input signal out of range, change settings to 1600 x 900 - 60Hz"I tried editing the GRUB file to changeQuote:



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Fedora Installation :: 13 - Raid0 - Graphic Card Or Something Else

Oct 11, 2010

I've already got two installs without much problems.. one on my laptop and another fedora13 install on an older comp just to test it a bit before installing it on my main comp. But now I've got a problem. Both those install went without problems but when I started installation on my main comp first I've noticed some graphic problems when there is installation started and there is mouse and fedora 13 welcome installation screen. there are some like glitches or something no idea how to describe them.. like bad pixels in small upper part of the screen. But ignoring that everything went OK up to the part where I can choose a standard discs or non starts like sans and stuff..

When I choose standard disc installation just freeze there. No idea what is happening. Only this that came across my mind is that there is a problem with raid maybe? There are 2x640Gb HDD in raid0, there is win7 installed, and another 1Tb HDD, non-raid member disk, where I would like to install Fedora and have a dual boot. Still got programs that I need win for I'm afraid. Installation went smooth on laptop and another comp but there is no raid so I'm guessing that could be a problem. This comp where installation froze is in short:


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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Graphic Installer Does Not Work In F11

Oct 21, 2009

I tried to install Fedora 11 on computer with Windows XP as the primary partition, and Fedora 11 as a logical partition. The version of anaconda that ships with Fedora 11 has a bug in the graphical installer, the GUI. The text version of the installer starts up but does not let the user use logical partitions.I have installed Fedora 6 using the graphical installer, and logical partitions.Is there a new version of anaconda for Fedora 11? or Could I use the Fedora 6 anaconda to install Fedora 11?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 - Monitor Loses Signal During Install

Jan 23, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora 10. I'm booting from a CD, and the installation gets as far as those 3 progress bars in the very beginning. As soon as they all load, my monitor goes black and starts flashing a "DVI Input Out Of Range" warning. That's all.
I'm using a
nvidia geforce 8800 gtx
and the Planar PX3611W monitor.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Geforce Fx5700 Graphic Driver

Feb 8, 2010

i tried to upgrade my geforce fx5700 driver. After upgrading i cant login. Before the login screen appears there is a black screen and when i type it writes first "^[[4~" and then i can write and nothing happens. I have two options in the bootloader : Fedora ( and Fedora ( I am afraid to kill the second konfig.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - Graphic Drivers - Screen Showed Only A Bunch Of Colored Vertical Lines

Feb 10, 2009

I recently downloaded and installed Fedora 11 Alpha. I then installed the Nvidia drivers for my Graphics card (GeForce 7800 GTX). I discovered that Fedora 11 is using a Beta version of Xorg and an incompatible ABI. So, my drivers would not work with Fedora 11 without me dowgrading the Xorg server. I decided to reinstall Fedora 10 instead.

I started the install, and when the installation loaded the generic video drivers, my screen showed only a bunch of colored vertical lines. Fedora 10 doesn't allow me to install in text mode.

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General :: Installation Failure Fedora 12 - Message Safe Reboot Needed Received Signal 3

Jul 15, 2011

i have a dell inspiron laptop lap top with windows7 os.my hardisk is 320gb capacity.now i want to install fedora as my secondary os. I tried fedora12 but instaltion terminated abnormally with the message safe reboot needed recievied signal 3. i have 20 gb unallocated space in my disk.

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Ubuntu :: Guild Wars Graphic - None Of The 3D Graphic Parts Works

Oct 28, 2010

I have an ubuntu PC with 512 MB ram and an 3d graphic card that can normally support Guild Wars on windows xp. I installed the game with Wine an the game opens, I can see my character menu but the problem is none of the 3D graphic parts works, I just see a black screen.I even installed directX.

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Fedora Installation :: Could Not Capture Mic Input For Skype

Mar 22, 2010

I just upgrade to F12 from F10 and having problem with Skype mic audio. it was working well with F10 before.

I have try to plug in a mic for internal sound card and using external USB headse, both sources could not capture my mic audio. I try to use Gnome Volume preference to select the source and it makes no different. I also noticed the output volume is low on USB headset too

Just get it working on playing with Gnome Volume preference. I find that on headset input and output audio, I have to crank it up to 100% range to get it working. Volume control seems to be useful from 80-100% Problem solved, hope pulseaudio would improve the volume control

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Fedora Installation :: Wireless Network Configuration - B43 Adapter Grayed Out

May 9, 2009

I am doing network config of my laptop. I'm new to Fedora, so I'm not sure how it goes ...
I have an Ethernet device (eth0) and a wireless device, wlan0
Status in system->administration->network:
Tab devices:
eth0 : active
wlan0: inactive
Tab Hardware:
eth0: system
wlan0: configured (description: b43)

Double clicking on the wlan0 line gets you to Network Adapters Configuration, where adapter b43 grayed out) is associated with device wlan0. So far, so good (I did all the fwcutter stuff, so I assume this is the result). When I installed the system (from installcd, then update, then install broadcom-wl, ...) I configured it to be started up with network manager, automatically on startup. I managed to get it working exactly once in that session.

Problem is, it doesn't start up and the wireless is not even visible when you click the network manager icon. For that matter, eth0 does not start automatically either, but at least there is a button to start it in network manager. Coming back to the tab devices, clicking on wlan0 allows you to click on the activate button ... but there it says: Cannot activate network device wlan0! b43 device wlan0 does not seem to be present.

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Live USB Install Resolution - "No Signal"

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to install Fedora 10 from a live USB. It boots from the USB just fine, gets to the bootloader, the 3 coloured status-bar goes all the way, then my screen changes to "No Signal." I was able to boot into and install F11 in the exact same way on the same hardware. I think the problem is my monitor, its 16:9 and can't display some high 4:3 resolutions (like 1280x1024, 1440x900 is the optimal resolution). Is there any line I can add to the boot option in grub to change the resolution, or anything else, besides digging through my closet for a CRT just for the installation?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Live CD Hangs At "f" Graphic?

Oct 9, 2010

I was trying to do a fresh install of Fedora 13 using a live CD on my 7-year old laptop. However, the installation failed during creation of home folder, citing some disk issue.Now, when I try to reboot my comp with the live CD, the boot screen hangs at the "f" graphic. What could be wrong? Is there anything I can do to reboot with the live CD and also install Fedora 13?Also, is there a way to fix corrupt disk sectors or skip them during installation?

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Fedora Installation :: Madwifi Wireless Drivers For Built In Atheros Adapter?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using LiveCD to test my laptop with FC 14. It booted from the LiveCD image last night, but my wireless didn't work. I need the madwifi wireless drivers for my built in Atheros adapter.

Can I download the latest and greatest madwifi drivers, compile them and use them while running from the LiveCD image?

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Fedora Installation :: System Gets Loaded With A Bunch Of Fonts And Input Methods For Various Eastern Languages?

Nov 18, 2009

When I install I never select language support other than English, yet the system gets loaded with a bunch of fonts and input methods for various Eastern languages and I spend time taking them out.Why are they getting installed at all?

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Vostro 1700 - Input Doesn't Work Correctly Neither Built In Microphone

Mar 20, 2009

I've installed fc10 but I got some problem with the audio driver for my Dell Vostro 1700. In particular line input doesn't work correctly neither the built in microphone, neither the line input. Is there a special driver?

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