Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Setup - Resize 20gb Partition Through The 11 Installer

Nov 28, 2009

I have a computer with windows xp on it, and i want to dual boot with fedora 11. I have 2 hard drives in it, 1 500gb HD and 1 350gb HD. the 350 isnt much concern b/c its just sitting there all free and unpartitioned right now. Now my 500gb is split into 3 partitions, a 20gb(with xp installed on it) a 105 gb with pretty much nothing on it and a 350gb with all my data.

My problem is I'm trying to resize my 20gb partition through the fedora 11 installer and when I tell it to resize say to 10gb it starts and fails the resize. its a NTFS partition and the windows stuff on the partition is only about 8gb. any idea whats going on? the only error I get is "The resize has failed"

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Fedora Installation :: Resize Of NTFS Partition On Install - No Progress Indicator On The Installer

Apr 13, 2009

I am doing a fresh install of Fedora 10 64bit on my PC. What I have done is, freshly installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit on the entire Hard Drive (680GB), then fired up the live CD and told the installer to resize sda1 (The windows partition) to about a 60:40 ratio. I intend to dual boot the system

Now the thing is, it's been running for half an hour now and there's no progress indicator on the installer so I don't know if its actually doing anything. Well there is a progress indicator but it's nonsensical, it just moves backward and forwards. The HDD indicator LED on my computer is flashing every now and again, but not constantly as I expect it to?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Setup For Xp Dual Boot?

Aug 4, 2010

I have created 5 partitions:2 GB ext320 GB ext310 GB ext320 GB ntfs400 GB ntfsI have already installed XP on 20GB ntfs. Will dual boot work if I use the 3 ext3 partitions to install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup The Partition - Dual Boot - Malfunction

Jan 1, 2011

i have an acer aspire one with a 250 gb hdd the hdd is currently partitioned into two parts part 1 - 85 or so gb, has windows installed part 2 - the rest which is currently unallocated. i am trying to install ubuntu so that each has its own section and will dual boot once in the ubuntu installation window, how do i set up the partition to achieve this? i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 netbook

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Windows 7 - Cannot Resize Win7 Partition

Aug 8, 2010

Regarding the installation of ubuntu 10.0.4 on my HP pavilion DV5000 laptop.

I previously installed windows 7 in my laptop and i would like to have ubuntu and windows 7 in dual boot. in order to do that i need to free up some space to be able to install to create partitions for ubuntu and the swap even if I have 30GB of unused space.

When i launch the live cD and i reach the step 4 ubuntu is actually recognising three operating systems installed:

- windows 7 (loader) under dev/sda1 (92,86GB) NTFS
- windows NT/2000/XP (which is corresponding to my "HP recovery" partition) under dev/sda2 en FAT32 (6,2GB)
- windows XP embedded (I don't unerstand what it is) under dev/sda3 NTFS (1,1GB)

when I go to the step 6 to modify the size of sda1 to free up some space, i don't have the possibility to change it, i can read "unknown" under the used space collumn.

I also tried to resize this partition using gparted but unfortunately i had the same problem, when i select it all the options to modify it are greyed out and i can notice a key near the hard drive logo (is it locked ?).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Opensuse Installer Doesn't Allow To Create / Partition (ext4) >20GB

Jan 9, 2010

I am currently installing 11.2 on a new 1TB hdd.the opensuse installer does not allow me to create a / partition (ext4) >20GB. Does anyone know why and how I can get around this limitation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows XP On A 1TB RAID-0 Setup - Create A SWAP Partition

Mar 20, 2011

(This is for a 100% Clean install)

Q1) I was wondering if it is possible to Dual boot Ubuntu with Windows XP on a 1TB RAID-0 setup ?

Q2) Also, is it possible to create a SWAP partition (for Ubuntu) on a NON RAID-0 HDD ?

Q3) Lastly... I read GRUB2 is the default boot manager... should I use that, or GRUB / Lio ?

I have a total of 3 HDDs on this system:
-- 2x 500GB WDD HDDs (non-advanced format) ... RAID-0 setup
-- 1x 320GB WDD HDD (non RAID setup)
(The non RAID HDD is intended to be a SWAP drive for both XP and Ubuntu = 2 partitions)

I plan on making multiple partitions... and reserve partition space for Ubuntu (of course).

I have the latest version of the LiveCD created already.

Q4) Do I need the Alternate CD for this setup?

I plan on installing XP before Ubuntu.

This is my 1st time dual booting XP with Ubuntu.

I'm using these as my resources:
- [url]
- [url]

Q5) Anything else I should be aware of (possible issues during install)?

Q6) Lastly... is there anything like the AHCI (advanced host controller interface) like in Windows for Ubuntu?

(Since I need a special floppy during Windows Install...) I want to be able to use the Advanced Queuing capabilities of my SATA drives in Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: Shrinking Vista Partition Won't Shrink Much - Having 20GB Free Space?

Aug 16, 2009

I have just over 20GB of empty space on C:. When I click it under disk-management, the window comes up and says I can only resize it 192 MB less than what it is. But I have 20GB free. Any ideas on what is wrong? I also have this odd 9.56GB partition that is empty. DM says it's "EISA configuration"...whatever that is. I am planning to allocate about 10GB for F11 if this pans out ok.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - Installer From F13 LiveCD Doesn't Detect Other OS - So Grub Conf Is Wrong

Oct 13, 2010

I've just installed Fedora (F13) for the first time, on a new HDD, to give myself a dual-boot system. So currently I have:

So, at the appropriate stage in the install menu, there is an option for where to install GRUB, and a drop-down to choose which drive is the primary BIOS boot drive.

However, in both cases, no other drive except my new sdc is visible. So, I can install GRUB to MBR of sdc, or to first sector of boot partition - but no option to put it to my primary boot drive MBR on sda.

Likewise, in the GRUB configuration page, if I go to Add another OS, the only option it gives me is my new Fedora install. It doesn't list the Vista OS on sda at all.

The result is that I can boot to either OS by changing the boot drive priority in BIOS.

I guess my question is this:
- is this expected behaviour from the installer, meaning that I'll need to configure GRUB manually somehow? (gulp ) or
- did I do something wrong in the install process? or
- is this some weird bug manifesting itself?

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Fedora Installation :: Setup Dual Bood Data Partition And Move /home?

Feb 21, 2009

I have just spent dome time using gparted to sort out my partitions. I have a vista partition, a fedora one and a big chunk of unallocated space I wish to use as my data drive.

I want to move my ~ folder to the new partition and have windows/vista access the folder and write to the Documents, Downloads folders etc.

What is the best format to use?

Also I plan to start backing up my partitions to a server, for instance using g4l to save a linux image (maby a windose one too). Is there any benifit in keeping all the hidden files (ones starting with period '.') i.e moving the whole ~ folder or would I be best off leaving the ~ dir and moving the folders I know i use such as ~/Downloads, ~/Documents etc?

And how should i preform the move of all these files? 'mv'? do i need to add any special options?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Setup - Xp Sp2?

May 20, 2009

how to install fedora on a hdd that already has xp sp2 and setup a dual boot.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Setup New Drive For Dual Boot

Jan 24, 2009

I just got a 1.5 tb I want to do a dual boot fedora 10 and vista. I don't have vista now. Can I install fedora 10 on a 200 gig partition and install vista on the rest when I buy it later?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Setup With F11 / XP On Same Disk

Sep 18, 2009

How to correctly install F11 on the same disk as Windows. I have created the partition but can't tell what F11 install to use to setup as dual boot with Windows XP Pro 64bit.

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Fedora Installation :: Windows7 On Sda And 13 On Sdb - Setup To Dual Boot?

Dec 6, 2010

Windows 7 is first boot disk. Installed Fedora 13 on second disk from DVD. During installation it did not ask if I wanted dual boot. Fedora installed fine on second disk. Rebooted and only Windows will lood. How to setup to dual boot? Can I modify Windows Boot file? or do I have to install Grub on to sda. How do I do that?

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Fedora Installation :: No Automatic Dual Boot Setup With Vista

Jan 2, 2010

Usually I have no problems with linux but with fedora it didnt automatically set up the dual boot with vista. I cant remember how to set up grub to boot vista, how to set this up.

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Fedora :: Resize Boot Partition With LVM After

Feb 10, 2010

I've been upgrading a Fedora server over the years. Once it was Fedora Core 2 now it is Fedora 10. Now I want to continue the upgrade process and upgrade the server to Fedora 11. The problem is that the boot partition is 100MB but Fedora 11 wants a 200MB boot partition. Looking at Fedora 13 it seems a boot partition of 500MB is gonna be the norm. I would just resize the boot partition but there is a LVM directly after it taking up the rest of the drive.

How do I resize my boot partition in this scenario?

My current line of thought is to use G4L to backup both partitions, then restore the boot partition to a large drive, increase the size with parted then restore the LVM backup after it.

So far G4L has been reluctant to backup the boot partition of Fedora on a test rig to an NTFS drive. Not sure if I should be backing up the image to a ext3 drive.

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Ubuntu :: Setup To Dual-boot With Windows - Resizing Partition?

Jul 26, 2010

When I installed Ubuntu I set it up to dual-boot with windows and didnt put much thought into the partition sizes, and now I want to make the ubuntu partition bigger. I shrunk the windows partition from gparted fine and then booted up off my ubuntu 10.04 disk to make the ubuntu partition bigger, but it won't let me do so from gparted. Attached is a picture of how my hard drive's currently set up.

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Debian Installation :: Setup Installer Boot Parameters

Jul 16, 2015

I'm making some tests with Debian Setup.

As reported by the docs [URL] .... there are some boot parameters available for the Debian Installer.

I would like to try a setup setting the base-installer/install-recommends to false.

This can be done via preseeding, but I'd like to try it out setting the boot parameter.

I've tried several combinations but no one has been effective.

What is the syntax for setting the base-installer/install-recommends parameter to false at boot time?

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Fedora :: Resize Partition For Triple Boot?

Oct 5, 2009

I have Vista and F11 dual booted on my system. I wan't to resize Fedora(I think Vista has already been shrunk as far as It can) and install Debian as a third OS. Fedora takes up all the free space and I am only using a small amount of the partition. I am not sure of the best way to do this. Can I boot the Debian live cd and resize Fedora at the partion step? Or do I need to boot a live F11 cd, repartition and then boot the debian cd? Or is there a better way?

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Fedora Installation :: 14 From The Live Cd To Have A Duel Boot Setup - Partition

Jan 15, 2011

Well Fedora 14 sees my Emu soundcard right out of the gate with the live cd! I have windows 7 installed right now. I would like to install Fedora 14 from the live cd to have a duel boot setup. What I am trying to do is just give Fedora 60GB of the drive and keep the rest for Winows. How can I go about this with the live cd. I am sure it's been covered to death but I couldn't really find it.

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Installation :: Dual-booting OpenSuSE And Fedora With Shared /boot Partition

Mar 7, 2009

I'm trying to achieve my dream (but indeed not perfect) boot scenario: dual-boot OpenSUSE and Fedora with shared /boot, /home and SWAP partitions. First I installed OpenSUSE (sda3 on my layout below) with separate /boot (sda2), /home (sda5, encrypted) and SWAP (sda6), next I installed Fedora on /dev/sda1, and pointed it to mount sda2, sda5, sda6 with respective mount points, without formatting. I proceeded with the installation without installing new GRUB bootloader (overwriting an existing one).

It was successfull and now I'm back in OpenSuSE trying to edit menu.lst file (under /boot/grub) to make GRUB boot Fedora.

I attached a copy of menu.lst I cooked up for now. OK, it's a mess. Life would be allot easier if I didn't have a separate /boot partition, as I could just chainload, but it's no longer possible (or is it?). May be I needed to specify the resume device or problem is in initrd? below are the contents of /boot:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install 10.10 From Usb Stick To Vista PC For Dual Boot-installer

Jan 29, 2011

Cannot install Ubuntu10.10 from usb stick to Vista PC for dual boot-installer crashes.Launchpad report bug not allowing me to report new bug either!I have been trying to install 10.10 ALL day unsuccessfully. Unhappy about unsuccessful outcome!

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Fedora Installation :: GParted Can't Resize The Partition?

Dec 27, 2009

I threw F12 KDE on my spare rig and wanted to throw Ubuntu on it as dual boot so I can play around with different things in each flavor. I installed F12 across the entire drive and later decided I wanted to try Ubuntu with it dual boot. I booted to Ubuntu's LiveCD and fired up GParted - but GParted can't resize the partition. It just gives me a 200mb EXT4 partition and "lvm2".

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Fedora Installation :: Resize Partition Method Preference F12

Jan 11, 2010

Installed a test system and I messed up. I let the installer use the entire 200gb for F12 install when I only wanted to use 100gb. Since it is test and new install I could just blow it away and start over but decided to use this as a learning opportunity. I chose all the defaults on the install so my partition is ext4. Since the partition I want to resize is in use while the system is up, I need to do this offline.

I have read a bit and it looks like there are couple of methods I could use. I have an install DVD and a Live CD so I could use either. If I could use a GUI that would be nice but I do not know how to access that if there is one. I have already booted to the Live CD and figured out how to access the command line tools (resize2fs and lvm) although I have not figured out how to use them yet.

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Fedora Installation :: Resize 10 Partition Down From 150gb To 100gb But GParted?

Feb 27, 2009

I want to resize my Fedora 10 partition down from 150gb to 100gb but GParted 0.4.3-1 doesn't seem to want to touch it since its using LVM. Is there anything I can do?

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Fedora Installation :: Partition Size After F14 Install With Resize Option

Apr 11, 2011

I've just installed Fedora 14 over an old Ubuntu (heron, I think). The old install used a single partition for both / and /home; and I wanted to try to avoid reinstalling /home if possible (but yes, I did back it up). I chose the anaconda option to shrink the old Ubuntu /, and created a new LVM for the Fedora /. This seemed to work perfectly. I mounted the old / on '/host' (an old naming habit), and then mounted individual home dirs into /home using autofs. All seemed fine. However, on my first reboot after the autofs mounts fsck failed. The current situation is as follows:

# fsck /dev/sda6
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.18
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 15360000 blocks
The physical size of the device is 15359895 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
Abort<y>? yes

# dumpe2fs /dev/sda6 | grep 'Block count'
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Block count: 15360000
# dumpe2fs -o superblock=32768 /dev/sda6 | grep 'Block count'
dumpe2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Block count: 15360000
Same thing for all the other backup superblocks I've tried.
# echo '15360000 4 * p' | dc
# fdisk -s /dev/sda6

Resize2fs tells me to run fsck, and complains of a short read if I try to force. Fsck seems to run fine if I say 'no' to the abort prompt, but doesn't change the problem. Filesystem is ext3. Started with debugfs. First used icheck and ncheck to work out which file(s) had been written to the non-existent blocks past the partition size. Fortunately, there was only one. Deleted that file (can restore it from backup later). Quit debugfs. Now resize2fs -p -f worked perfectly. fsck after resizing was clean. Reboot seems happy. As for the origin of the problem, I would guess there's a rounding bug in the code anaconda uses to shrink partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Loading 64 Bit Over 32 Bit On Dual Boot Win 7 Setup?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a windows 7 machine and installed ubuntu 10.4 32 bit in its own partition. I want to replace the 32 bit ubuntu installation with a 64 bit installation. I downloaded the 64 bit version, booted up on the install cd, and started the install. I got as far as the partition set up before chickening out. I was going to use the manual partition option, select the existing ubuntu partition, reformat, and install. I chickened out because i was afraid that this would also reinstall the grub boot loader without the dual boot option disabling my ability to get into win 7. How should i proceed so that i can replace the existing 32 bit ubuntu with a fresh 64 bit install and still be able to boot into win 7?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changing The Dual Boot Setup?

Mar 3, 2011

I currently have xp installed on the 1st partition and Ubuntu installed on the 2nd.Both partitions are on the same drive.(Being the 1st drive)I have just purchased a new case and some other components and wish to take the opportunity to change my current setup so that xp is on the 1st drive (alone) and Ubuntu on the 2nd drive (alone) Using clonezilla, I take a backup of each partition separately.I then copy back the xp partition to the 1st disk. I then copy back the Ubuntu partition to the 2nd disk.I gather at his point i run the live Ubuntu cd, open a terminal and run sudo update-grub.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 Installer Fails When Making A Partition?

Jun 12, 2009

When using the manual partitioner on the fedora 11 installer on the live cd, both for 64 bit and 32 bit, it will not allow me to create a new partition. I understand that I have four primary partitions and it cannot have more than that, so I tried deleting one of the partitions, then creating the new ext4 partition for F11. It still fails and gives me the same bugsee attachment)

how to read this, especially since there is so much there. I see at the top it says that there are 4 primary partitions, could it possibly still be seeing 4 primary partitions when trying to create the new one, even though I am deleting one of them? Other than this, I truly have no idea what else I can do.

EDIT: Attachment wont load up for some reason, here is some of the error file:
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/parted/disk.py", line 183, in addPartition


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Vista - Setup To Dual Boot?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a laptop running windows vista already and I need to run Red Hat 7.2/7.3 or Fedora Core 1 on there as well. I am in the process of downloading Red Hat 7.3. I haven't done this before so I'm wondering if there are any guides out there that detail how to set this up to dual boot? Is Red Hat 7.3 a better option over Fedora Core 1?

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