Fedora Installation :: BFO F13 Doesn't Configure The Network

Jun 16, 2010

I'm trying to use the Boot.Fedoraproject.org (bfo) solution to install Fedora 13.

As soon as boot starts it tries to connect to net0 device which faults.

The point is that net0 seems to be my wlan device whereas the LAN connection is defined as net1.

I'm able to break the sequence (ctl-B), open the LAN connection (ifopen net1) and even 'dhcp net1' which results in an 'OK'. (At this point I'm not sure of the real result as I don't see my IP)

In any case so far I can't follow as I don't know the commands I had to put (set. chain, ...). Neither I know how to return control to the original sequence (if it were possible).

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Install Doesn't Configure On Board Network Connection

Apr 7, 2010

Doing a fresh F12 install on a Dell Vostro 430. Machine needs to have 2 Network adapters for our setup.The install seems to go just fine but the on board network adapter doesn't appear to get detected/configured. If I look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts all I find is ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-lo. Looking carefully at ifcfg-eth0 I see it's the second card that I've put in the machine.As a test I removed the second network card and did another fresh install of F12. This time in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts all I have is ifcfg-lo. When I go to system>Administration>Network Device Control I see no network devices displayed.

Is this an issue others have seen with F12 or is it possible my on board network adapter has an issue?BTW I did check the BIOS to be sure that Onboard Lan was enabled and it is.output from "lspci -k " with both cards installed on machine (I only listed Ethernet controllers)

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Fedora :: Use To Configure FPGA Via USB Doesn't?

May 17, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 a couple weeks ago, and I dual-booted it with Vista 64-bit. The only thing that kept me from switching before was the fact that I work with FPGAs, field-programmable gate arrays. The development environment I use, Xilinx WebPACK 12.1, has a Linux version, which I've installed, but the program I have to use to configure the FPGA via USB does not. I have a Digilent Nexys 2 board, and I decided to go the VM route for running those programs from Digilent. VirtualBox was ridiculously easy to get going, except for USB. What's strange is that I've been able to get the guest system, Vista 64-bit, to recognize and set up the drivers for my board, but the program, ExPort, isn't able to communicate with my board.

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CentOS 5 :: Configure Network During Installation?

Jul 26, 2009

I try to install CentOS 5.3 with DVD. After choosing option for disk format, next step should have been Network configuration (for dynamic or static) but I found no thing. I chech many times but still can not find any steps so that I can configure network before anaconda starts to install CentOS. Note that, I choose option to install from dvd not via network.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configure Network In Fc15?

May 28, 2011

i just installed fc15 on a virtual machine and since i wanted to learn how to configure it manually, i chose minimal installation. i have referring the deployment guide, now im trying to configure the network interface. what are the steps i have to follow when i install a new network interface manually? no GUI tools are available here because of the minimal installation. im stucked

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Fedora :: Compile From Source - Install Buddi Budget Manager And The ./configure Command Doesn’t Work

Nov 24, 2009

Ive been using linux for a few months now and every now and again i come accross a program that doesnt have a rpm package but says that it can be installed on Fedora using source. I'm familiar with build essentials and the following commands:-

tar xzvf package.tar.gz
cd package
make install

but from what i have read fedora uses a differnet compiler. I'm trying to install Buddi budget manager and the ./configure command doesnt work, which im guessing is because it doesnt have a configure file? Can anyone confirm how to compile from source and whether there are any tutorials specific to fedora.

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Fedora :: Configure Network Devices And Connections

Dec 4, 2010

Does anyone know where the System->Administration -> <Network Configuration> has been placed in F14? Can only find the System -> Preferences -> Network Connections, but here you have no checkbox to activate a device (although even so discribed in the HELP).

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Fedora Servers :: Configure DNS Server For Small Network

Jul 2, 2010

How to configure DNS server for my small network. In Fedora Linux operating system I want to use Linux as a DNS server for my small office. there are files " /etc/hosts" and "/etc/resolv.conf ".

what is the purpose of these files and in which situation we use these files? For configuring a new DNS server. how can i configure my own DNS server for my small office? Any blog or site in which they show steps to configure DNS server.

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Fedora Networking :: NetworkManager Won't Configure Network Until Login

Jan 9, 2011

I'm on F14 and can't seem to get NetworkManager to behave. I seem to remember being able to start my machine and see my static address configured right after boot. For some reason, that's no longer the case. When I finish a boot, I'm not getting any address until I log in. I've tried editing the ifcfg-eth0 both by hand and by the system-config-network. I've played with the "Available to all users" checkbox on both the nm config applet as well as the system-config-network gui. I can't seem to get it to behave predictably and give me my static without having to be in a gnome session.

Here's my ifcfg-eth0 from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

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Fedora Networking :: To Configure Network In Rescue Mode ?

Aug 16, 2011

I made a big mistake. While logged in as root i deleted the /bin directory by mistake. I cannot boot up now...I tried to re-install with the upgrade option...Did it partly but it does not go to the login. I tried a rescue operation and have gone into /mnt/sysimage...However I do not know how to copy my data files over the network to another computer. If I could do that it would be great...I can then backup my file and reinstall.

However I do not know how to setup the network in rescue mode..

Agter going into the network option ...It gave 2 places where I could enter the values ipv4 .and ipv6...I tried entering the old IP address in the first oprtion ........./....Its prompting for some entry to be put after the /. I think its a 3 digit input. Not sure what has to be done.with namesserver and default gateway....I have a small dlink hub and normally (when the system was running) I just needed to go into network manager and enter the machine ipaddress, subnet mask and some value for the default gateway which was not really there....It worked, i could remote connect with another computer in my LAN. How do i enter the in rescue mode?

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Debian Configuration :: Configure The Network During The Installation - Lxde AMD64 - Pppoeconf

Apr 8, 2011

I have got the following Problem: I installed the 64 bit lxde Debian version... I couldnt configure the network during the installation because I just have a dsl modem and not a router... so the configuration of the network failed.... after the installation I started debian... and was surprised about the lack of "basic system configuration"-software that had been installed... I couldnt find aptitude or whats the debian-Update-Programm called .... instead I found OpenOffice... HAE? then I tried to configure internet access..... so I started a terminal and tried to start pppoeconf... but the program wasnt found! ARRRGG! What am I doing wrong here.... Why are these system utilities like pppoeconf not always installed...

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Fedora Networking :: Configure A Network Bridge To Start On Boot?

Nov 5, 2009

How do I configure a network bridge to start on boot?

I have two network interfaces eth0 and eth1.

Here is my current network script configuration:



The bridge will come up if I restart the network service after boot....but it won't automatically come up when the computer starts.

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Fedora Networking :: Allied Telesyn USB Modem AT-AR206 - Configure Network To Use DSL Line

Jun 9, 2009

I have been using an ethernet ADSL Westell modem for years and would like to upgrade to a newish Allied Telesyn USB Modem AT-AR206 in Fedora Core 10. The modem power goes on when plugged into my pc and lsusb shows that it has been recognized with this:

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1110:9022 Analog Devices Canada, Ltd (Allied Telesyn) ADSL Loader

I used system-config-network but don't have the option of adding this new hardware.

How do I configure my network to use my DSL line?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mouse Doesn't Work Neither Network Connection

Feb 27, 2010

I have been trying to install Xubuntu 9.10 in an old desktop computer (Mobile AMD Duron, 213 Mb RAM) but the mouse doesn't work! Neither the Network connexion... When I boot with an USB (same OS) everything works fine... I can also boot with Puppy Linux (working in other partition) without any problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Install Cd That Doesn't Need Network Access?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a 10.04.3 installed with a specific set of packages: nothing obviously special about it, just ubuntu-desktop, a few devel tools, and with a pre-seed file that sets up a few non-default parameters.

Everything works exactly the way I want it to, except for one important detail: the install always pulls packages over the network (and possibly updates to the apt database--it's not always easy to tell, during the install, exactly what it's doing). In any case, it stalls if the network goes away in the middle of the install, and since the install is intended for places with poor, intermittent network connectivity, so this is an issue for me.

I tried doing an install without any network connectivity, and it succeeded, so all the necessary packages are in the ISO. It's only when the network is available that it tries to pull over something (possibly apt files, since that's where the process seems to hang for hours when there is a slow network). So I can install from scratch in 10 minutes when the network is disabled and 2 hours when the network is enabled--and no other changes!

I don't care if the resulting ISO file doesn't fit on a CD (as long as it fits onto a DVD), but I want an ISO that doesn't insist on reaching out over the network during the install.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Realtek NIC Installation - Unable To Configure The Network Card Because Kernel Device (eth0, Wlan0) Is Not Present

Nov 30, 2010

Installed a TP-Link TG-3269 Gigabit card in a machine running OS 11.3 32 bit, when I go into Yast, Network Devices, Network to try configuring the card I get this errormsg: Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. Couldn't find any mention of the card in dmesg's output, (though the 8139 onboard card is in there) there is some stuff about pci host bridge but I don't know whether they would be relevant or not

The chip on the card says it's rtl8169sc but lspci lists it as being 00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8369 (rev 10) Done some googling and there don't seem be any drivers for a Realtek 8639 and it returns no matches from a search on realtek's site, but there is a driver there for rtl8169sc chips, which I downloaded and installed, no errors when installing it Even after a reboot I still get the same error in Yast's Network Settings screen, lspci still lists it as 8369 and the device isn't listed at all if I run ifconfig

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Fedora Networking :: 3G Dongle Doesn't Appear In Network Manager?

Jan 20, 2009

I have run Fedora 9 and 10 on my Dell Inspiron 640m for about 6 months now and generally experience very few issues with it. Specifically I've been running Fedora 10 KDE 64bit since it was launched. Up until I had to reload it a couple of weeks ago my Vodafone Huawei E172 3G dongle worked perfectly with Network Manager. Since the reload the dongle is detected by the OS (lsusb lists it correctly, etc) but nothing I do will make it appear in Network Manager.

I've tried manually configuring a GSM connection then plugging it in, but no joy. I've also tried using it in my Acer Aspire One which runs Fedora 10 XFCE and it work, but when I try it in another Dell Laptop running Fedora 10 KDE 64 bit it doesn't. I'm assuming that a recent update must have caused some issue as it has definitely worked in both Dell laptops in the past. As mentioned I've reloaded recently but the other laptop hasn't been.

I'm unsure where to go from here. I haven't been able to get Vodafone's beta drivers working under F10 (although I did under F9) and can't find any posts on this issue. The version of Network Manager that I'm running is NetworkManager-0.7.0-1.git20090102.fc10.src.rpm, which was released shortly before I reloaded. Chances are I just didn't try my dongle between the update coming out and the reload, so didn't notice the problem before hand.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure Server1 To Have A Different Hostname On The Standard Network Than On The Virtual Network?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a server that is on both a standard network and a virtual network, as follows: server1 attached to standard network server1 acting as Dom0 with two linux DomU guests (under Xen) I only have one network card. How do I configure server1 to have a different hostname on the standard network than on the virtual network? Here are the relevant network configuration files for server1:



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Networking :: Configure A Network Route To A Host For Testing Network Interface?

Aug 30, 2010

today I tried to configure a network route to a host for testing my network interface. Code: route add eth0 As I have to eth interfaces and both interface got their IP from DHCP ( and and are in the same subnet, I shut the other interface down:

Code: ifconfig eth1 down Then I tried to test the interface by doing a ping to
Problem: When I unplug the cable from eth0 (and eth1 is still plugged) the ping still works. Somehow my linux (it's debian) powers up again eth0 and pings over this port.

How can I stop my linux doing this. I just want to have the route added only on the one interface - not the other. Is it maybe some case of a default-gateway?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Airport Card On A Wireless Network - Couldn't Auto-configure My DHCP Network

Aug 13, 2011

I've installed the Ubuntu 10.04 Server onto a PPC G4 Mac just for the experience of setting up a server. During the installation process Ubuntu couldn't auto-configure my DHCP Network. I'm using the airport card on a wireless network. How can I manually configure the network once Ubuntu is installed.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Configure A Connection With YAST As Well As With Network Manager?

Feb 1, 2010

Im new in this world of linux and suse. I have just installed the opensuse 11.2 in a Dell Inspiron 5160. Such laptop has a BCM4306 Wireless LAN controller. When I tried to configure a wlan connection, I found that the firmware was not installed. After looking in different forums, I installed the firmware b43. Now, my wlan card is abled to find the wireless of my router.

I have tried to configure a connection with YAST as well as with Network Manager, but both cases failled. Specifically, when I use Network manager, Im able to see in the applet my connection, how strong is the signal, but I see a yellow symbol (in one forum, such a box is shown with a green symbol).

I have check many time all about the secutity, encryption, and so one and all seems to be correct. But when I open the mozila firefox or the konqueror browser, no chance to surffer in internet. Now Im just a step to become crazy. The drivers are ok, the information about the router and the keys are ok, but in such a way, I am still harmloss.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Start Network Manager - To Configure My Wlan ?

Nov 27, 2010

I have just installed opensuse 11.3. I am absolutely new for Linux and for this forum. I have tried to open Network manager to configure my wlan. But its not starting. How to start network manager and configuring my wlan.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Configure Network / NICs Not Being Detected?

Sep 6, 2011

I'm going to come right out and say I am a complete novice with Linux/SUSE. The equipment I'm having a problem with is a little web-server that was purchased by my employer that has, quite suddenly, stopped functioning. I was changing the IP address within YaST, at which point the device offered to update itself, which I saw no harm in. Post-update, however, I was unable to so much as ping the device.

I tried "ifconfig eth0": "Error fetching interface information: Device not found." I went into network settings via YaST and found that there are two cards now listed as: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller Both IP addresses are "Not configured". The information pane, for both cards, cites:

RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controllerBusID : 0000:02:00.0 Unable to configure the network card because the kernel device (eth0, wlan0) is not present. This is mostly caused by missing firmware (for wlan devices). See dmesg output for details. The only difference in either of the cards is the BusID (0000:02:00.0 and 0000:03.00.0)

I can neither edit nor delete either of these cards. As I mentioned, I am a total Linux novice, and am at a total loss for what to do next, or even how to find critical information about the system itself. I know enough to check dmesg, but not enough to have any clue what to look for in the output.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Doesn't Detect WiFi Card?

Dec 22, 2009

I just installed x64 Fedora, and as the title says, NM fails to detect my WiFi card. It's an Encore ENLWI-N with a RaLink RT2800 chipset. The card does show up when I run lspci, although iwconfig yields nothing.Not sure if this helps, but when Ias running Karmic Koala, Ubuntu detected the card immediately and required no configuration

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Fedora Networking :: Automatically Connecting To Hidden Network Doesn't Work?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm new to Fedora and have a problem with the network manager. Everytime I start Fedora, it does not automatically connect to the default WIFI Browsed Google and just found [URL]..

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Iptables And Forwarding Stuff Doesn't Work On The Private Network

Mar 27, 2011

I have 2 different networks: the first one is gateway machine (eth0), and the second is a private machine (eth1). So, I've configured the iptables and forwarding stuff and when I try to ping google.com on the gateway machine, it works, while it doesn't work on the private network. Note: I am using VmWare 7. I need your quick assistance about this issue.

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Fedora Installation :: Printer Won't Configure?

Jun 19, 2009

I have a hp2100 printer that Fedora 11 recognized but won't print. I get this :

[davek@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost davek]# hp-setup


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Fedora Installation :: Configure Zabbix On F12?

Dec 14, 2009

Does anyone have experience install,configure zabbix on Fedora. I already install using yum but i don't know how to configure. I already install zabbix agent, zabbix server but don't know how to configure.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Networks And Unable To Configure Network

Jul 27, 2010

I just switched from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 because I was unable to get Ubuntu to connect to wireless networks. I tried everything suggested in help and forums, and kept getting "Bad Password" with WICD and Network Manager. Now, with Fedora...I still can't connect.

Problem #1: The guide says to "...make sure that the relevant wireless interface (usually eth0 or eth1) is controlled by NetworkManager," and that I do this via: System>Administration>Network

However, there is no Network option under System>Administration.

Problem #2: I open Network Manager, which displays a list of networks. I click on mine, configure it with WPA and the right password, and it fails to connect: "The network connection has been disconnected."

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