Fedora Hardware :: Use A Bridge So A KVM Virtual Machine Can Be Exposed Directly To The Network?
Jan 5, 2010
I'm having issues with my GigE Marvell NIC. The problems have started recently. Anytime I push network bandwidth over ~9MB/s, I loose all network connectivity. Stopping the network, rmmod'ing and modprobe'ing the sky2 module and then starting the network again does not resolve the issue (even though eth0 dissapears and then comes back). The only non-standard configuration (as far as desktops go) in my network is that I use a bridge so a KVM virtual machine can be exposed directly to the network. I'm currently testing the problem to see if it exists outside of the bridge.
I'm attempting to use a network bridge to connect my virtual machine, like so:
The issue is that when I type the following command, I get the further following horrible error message that doesn't seem to really point me to anywhere and I can't seem to find any relevant information to my problem on the web:
root@darkstacks:~# qemu-system-i386 -hda test.img -m 128 -curses -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0 warning: could not configure /dev/net/tun: no virtual network emulation
Does anyone have any idea what I need to do here? My processor does not have the vmx flag, as it's a 2.4GHz P4. I don't know if that might have something to do with it.
I have a debian squeeze box with dual NICs that I'm trying to configure with two virtual hosts. I'd like to have one of these machines act as a router for the 2nd NIC so I can plug in a switch and have a separate subnet.
Something like: - Openwrt router (firewall/vpn/stats for domain) - KVM machine with 2 NICs ( - Virtual machine #1 has a fixed IP of (virtual nic) - Virtual machine #2 has a fixed IP of (virtual nic) but also controls the 2nd nic and routes
I'd like to use the network for testing equipment without poisoning my existing network.
I have ubuntu-8.04.1-server installed on virtual machine. It works perfect. Now, I made copy of this virtual machine. I started that copied machine and it works fine, except one thing: network does not work! I have several others VMs with freeBSD, openBSD or Windows on it, but only ubuntu machine hes network problem after coping. I tried some other VM with ubuntu on it - same problem! I downloaded VM with ubuntu - same problem.I take a look into /etc/network/interfaces file and it looks just as it should (same as before coping) but ifconfig command returns parameters for lo only (before coping there was eth0 and lo).
Recently loaded 11.3 onto a virtual machine, however none of the network settings will allow me to connect to the internet. First time Ive had this happen, other distro's Ive experimented with connected with no problems. I recall seeing a similar topic some time ago (dont remember if it was here or another forum), but at the time, there had been no fix. Anyone know if this has been fixed?
I want to set up a bridge using bridge-utils within /etc/network/interfaces like is shown here in this guide: [URL] The problem is that, at the same time, I want eth0 to have a specific static IP address. Right now I have a configuration for eth0. This guide tells me that I should not configure eth0 outside of the br0 configuration.
I'm running Red Hat as a virtual machine on VMWare and the network configuration on VMWare is a bridge and i have had this problem, some times does not get network o others do, i have verified code...
I am preparing for the RHCE and would like to get some feedback on network installation. 1. How can we practice network installation on the Vista? I have installed CentOS installed using VMware desktop on Vista windows? 2. In exam do we get network server installed or we have to install it?
I have OpenSuse 11.3 with VirtualBox on it, and with installed Oracle DB (on host OS).. but, sometimes this computer is disconnected, without it's gateway (adsl router)... and in that case, I cannot ping from virtual OS to host OS, or another virtual OS. I tried to use 'Host only' option within VirtualBox, but it doesn't work. What should I do? It seems that virtual machines requires some kind of gateway/router, but since machine is disconnected, it's not working.. how could I fix it?
I installed a minimal ubuntu (minimal.iso) on a virtual machine (vmware) on my windows pc using following packages: Code: sudo apt-get install install gnome-core gdm network-manager-gnome human-theme x11-xserver-utils tangerine-icon-theme gnome-themes-ubuntu ubuntu-artwork jockey-gtk gnome-utils firefox
I'm using the Ubuntu VM as my local http server. It is reachable via ip - so http://IP-ADDRESS works. I also use samba for shared folders... but ubuntu is not listed in my network. What means that i cannot access files from outside the vm. Do I have to install further packages, because "normal" ubuntu distributions are listed in my network connections. Samba packages are correctly installed.
I have installed CentOS on a VMwareWorktation and that CentOS, i also install VMware Server (suscess) and setup a guest OS that, but i start this Guest OS, an error show "You may not power virtual machine in virtual machine"...
I created an archlinux vm guest using virtualbox on my windows desktop at work. I'm planning to use it for django development because there are no unix machines available to use as a workstation at work.
From the vm guest I can ping/ssh to other machines in the network, but not the other way around. It's like even though the guest machine has an ip address on the network and a hostname, neither is recognizable.
I have an appliance called my_appliance.raw. To start the appliance locally, I use:
After that I would like to ssh into the guest from the host but just the ssh command doesn't work. firewall is disabled on guest. the ip I use is the one that ifconfig shows when I run it on guest. sshd is running.
how do I set up a virtual machine in Fedora 14? Do I do it through Quemu? I did not see Virtualboxose within the repositories. If some one would be so kind as to instruct me (please simple step by step instructions for setting up a virtual machine or for downloading and installing Virtualboxose or any other version of Virtualbox I would forever be indebted to you. I would like to install Fedora on my laptop instead of Ultimate Edition 2.8 of which I am getting tired of any Ubuntu based distribution.Oh by the way I tried the new Gnome 3.0 shell with Laughlin 15 and I was impressed. I can't wait til it is released. Also could someone point me in the right direction as to where I might ask, request, or just offer suggestions for software packages to be placed within the repositories.
I'm having some issues with a windows virtual machine. The system is Fedora 11 and the virtual machine is Windows 2008 Server. If I start the virtual machine from the virtual machine manager, it only has a single cpu despite my setting it to eight. If I start the machine from the command line, I can get four cpus but not eight. In both cases windows seem to display the eight cpus in the device manager (or whatever program it is). It has been suggest that windows was imaged on a four core machine before being loaded on the eight core machine and that something in windows is maxing at four cores. But that doesn't explain why the virtual machine manager can only start one cpu. I just played around on my home machine with a fedora 10 live cd and it recognized the two cores on that machine and used them from the virtual machine manager without problem. Also upped it to three cpus without problem.
I have a reader program which runs only in windows. Now I have a windows xp installation iso on one of the partitions. How can I set up a virtual machine environment of windows xp, so that I can run windows programs? I've tried wine but I cannot figured that out. I think a virtual machine is the choice. but do I also need install those drivers and microsoft stuff, like direct X 10?
I am experiencing a multicpre problem with fedora14 / kernel #1 SMP. (standard from the distro). The host has a total of 2 cores .yet a virtual machine started with 'smp 2' ( or xml : <vcpu>2</vcpu>) will not run on 2 pyhs cores . it will use just 1 core ('top' at the host shows 100%cpu while running an endless loop process on the VM) and libvirt 'virsh vcpuinfo <vm name>' shows only 1 physical cpu used (although 2 vcpus are used : 0, 1) The kernel seems to be an SMP one ( so says the uname -a . what does '#1 SMP' mean ?) . Am I missing something ? same XML on a DEBIAN machine will run the VM with 2 phys cores as should although the host there has 4 cores (>2)Should I recompile the kernel src with some addtional flag ?
Now doing some research about performance of Linux switch. I'll start with basic structure of my system: PC1 is connected to PC2 - both have 1 NIC so not much to add.PC2 eth0 is divided in VLAN`s as far as maximum of 4094. Every VLAN has it's own switch (bridge). On PC1 when I run a test I just make VLAN/configure IP address and stream data to IP that's configured for that bridge on PC2.But now I want to add one more interface to each bridge, so I could stream from PC1 through bridge to Virtual interface (just an endpoint out of bridge). I could possibly add one more computer, physical interface to PC1 and make it work, but is there any way to make this work with virtual interfaces, like tun or something? Making just a simple tun interface and adding it to bridge, as you understand, doesn't do the trick, I need some kind of other endpoint that /virtually/ connects to tun interface. Maybe someone has made some kind of script or something? Using Iperf for my tests.
I used qemu sucesfully on F9 but I can't find it on F10. I can't create a virtual machine. I tried installing qemu from rpms that I found on their site without any luck. How can I create a virtual machine on F10?
I tried to yum install libvirt but it says it is the latest.I have also checked that i have the latest qemu-kvm virt-manager virt-viewer python-virtinst.I understand that the error msg says that it is unable to find that certain file, libvirt-sock, and i dun think i have it either.
We have a virtual XP machine on our fedora 11 install. I want to drop fedora 11 down to init3 (since its a server anyway) and everyone is worried about the windows virtual machine dying. What would happen to my windows virtual machine if I drop the host server to init 3?
I have the virtual machine manager in fedora 11.On Dell Inspiron 1545 (dual core, 2GB RAM)I can not run any linux distribution virtualized Using Qemu as engine.The virtualized system boots but after not working.Try distributions of 32 and 64 bit.
I get errors when trying to manage my VM with Virtual Machine Manager.When adding the disk img, it complained that it didn't have search rights and tried to fix it but failed.It let me move on so I moved forward.I then built the VM and I couldn;t start it from within VMM.
I can create a virtual machine I named vm1 and the virtual-machine manager says it's running.
I don't know how to load windows XP.
The vm1 virtual machine console is frozen with the message "Booting from hard drive." But I know it can't boot from hard drive because I haven't loaded windows XP yet. When I created the vm1 virtual machine I put the windows XP CD in the optical drive and directed the menu to the CD. I heard it running, but still the console is trying to boot from the hard drive. I never got to the point where it asked me any windows XP software loading questions.
I have an F12 installation on which I have installed NoMachine's NX server. I can remote in nicely when needed (try to do as much as possible via SSH) while not having to boot into and stay on Gnome on the server and run VNC.I noted that when I try to start the Virtual Machine Manager from an NX session, I get an error that VMM is "unable to open a connection to the libvirt management daemon". libvirtd is running, however. And, when I startx on the server and try there, VMM works fine.Is this an inherent problem with the use of VMM, or something correctable?
I have 8 VMs on this virtual machine running different OS. Can VMs be moved/copied to another PC of similar hardware config running Fedora 12 (64bit) as host and KVM
If Yes, whether copying following files,
e.g. copying following files and paste them on the same /path/to/directory
i have fedora 11 installed on my laptop. i used to run another linux flavor through virtual machine manager but it is giving error. i have just tried it with different flavors. i tired it with BACKTRACK, UBUNTU AND MINT(live cd) each time it gives error. last time i tried with QEMU type connection as loca installation media(iso). with the MINT iso it gave the error.