Fedora :: GMail Videochat - Get The .rpm For Installation?

Aug 20, 2010

Google recently announced the availability of GMail Video Chat for linux! This is great news :-) But the sad part is that the plugin has been released only for Ubuntu and Debian based systems! So the thing is we have a .deb. Is there a way we could get the .rpm for installation? I tried using alien but sad enough, the generation of the rpm file fails for no reason what soever.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sort Videochat To Become A Serious Desktop Player

Jan 7, 2010

I'm a huge fan of Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular. But until there is a more user friendly microphone/video experience, Ubuntu has no real hope of achieving significant desktop market share, something I dearly want to see. Every install of Ubuntu I've tried in the past few years has had maddening problems in this area. I've spent hours trawling forums, fiddling with Alsa settings, disabling and re-enabling options, installing various packages, all to no avail.

Buy any Windows based laptop or Mac and the integrated mic and webcam will generally work first time. My other half recently bought a Macbook, and the video experience was completely seamless. I've recently completely ditched Windows, and feel utterly liberated, but I could only do this as I have access to a Mac for videochat. Videochat is not a luxury, it's a must have for most users. I'm aware of some of the various issues behind the problem, but surely Canonical can muster enough geeks to fix sound and video. This sums it up pretty well: Why do No Serious Musicians use Linux?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Use Gmail Smtp Relay / Send Emails Form Server Using Gmail Account?

Oct 28, 2010

I would like to send emails form my server using my gmail account.Does anybody know how to do it?

OS = OPENSUSE 11.3 server installation - NO GUI....

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Ubuntu :: Use Any Browser And Go To Gmail - Can't Get Gmail To Load

Jul 27, 2010

use any browser and go to gmail. i can't get gmail to load. if i browse on videos, links to videos don't work. they appear to be taking a long time to buffer, then a message appears saying to try again. sometimes, links on google search pages are all dead. yahoo mail loads as far as logging me in, then i get a page with all dead links.

i'm using a laptop at several locations that have free public wifi. at some places, everything works perfectly normally. at other places, google and yahoo are almost useless. the "bad" places work just fine under ms windows.

so i figure it's a networking/handshaking issue, but that's all i can figure. i need help to troubleshoot it further. if it's happening to me, it has to be happening to other people, and i consider it a major hassle.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Gmail. Just Gmail?

Nov 8, 2010

My college internet providers shifted to a different setting.. defined in the changing lan proxy settings on the user end. I.e.ip - and port to 3000. This to reduce misuse of the net connection ..The thing is, since then, every other website is working, except GMail. It isnt blocked, the Nebero page shows up for blocked sites. When attempting to open gmail, the default internet page shows up for unavailability of page owing to no or slow response from the server, or the firewall or proxy settings not appropriately configured. I cannot open gmail, the connection on empathy im. I cant ping gmail either. No response. What can be the problem.

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Software :: Gmail And Gkrellm / Configure Mailcheck In Gkrellm To Check And Notify For New Mail On Gmail Account?

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to configure the mailcheck in gkrellm to check and notify for new mail on my gmail account. I have activated pop of course...

These are the pop info taken from gmail:


Server for incoming mail (IMAP) - needs SSL: imap.gmail.com
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 993
Server outgoing mail (SMTP) - needs TLS: smtp.gmail.com (use verification)
Use verifiering: Yes
Use STARTTLS: Yes(some clients call this SSL)
Port: 465 or 587

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Ubuntu :: Gmail Relay And Post Fix / Send Emails With Postfix And Gmail As The Mail Relay?

Apr 29, 2011

My issue is that i'm trying to send emails with postfix and gmail as the mail relay,i'm trying to send emails to my self by sendmail -bv user@gmail.com

In the logs, i can understand that it been delivered to the destination,
taken from: /var/log/mail.log:
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/pickup[10490]: 9C7552170C: uid=0 from=<root>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/cleanup[10495]: 9C7552170C: message-id=<20110429210523.9C7552170C@moni.localdomain>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/qmgr[10491]: 9C7552170C: from=<root@moni.localdomain>, size=283, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

When login in my gmail account i can't see nothing under the sent / inbox / spam folder.

it's seems like the mail are been sent.. but nothing is happening.

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Fedora :: SugarCRM Can't Access To Gmail Host?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm running sugarCRM with fedora 11.I want to make my sugarCRM send email to my gmail account . But I always get this error : imap.gmail.com: No such host. I'm sorry to bother this question here ,but I can't fine a good answer from SugarCRM forum .And I have struggled with this question for days .Here are some details:

Operating system type and version Fedora11
Sugar version and edition Sugar Community Edition Version 5.2.0j
Webserver type and version httpd-2.2.13-1
PHP version php-5.2.9-2.fc11.i586
MySQL server version mysql-5.1.37-1.fc11.i586


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Fedora :: KMail And Gmail - Using Port 993 For Receiving

Jul 20, 2010

Having issue here with Gmail and Kmail. Sending is cool, receiving is stuck. Is anybody using 993 port for receive? That's what I am trying and it's not working.

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Fedora :: Can't Send Emails To Gmail Accounts

Aug 25, 2010

I have evolution set up to send emails using gmail's smtp server. I've always been able to do it with no problems, but a couple of days ago I stopped being able to send emails to gmail accounts. I can send emails to other addresses but not gmail. The same happens with my wife's laptop with ubuntu. The only thing I can think of is that we recently moved and thus changed ISP, but I don't see how that's preventing us to send mails specifically to gmail accounts...

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Fedora :: Downloading Mail From Gmail Or Hotmail To 13

Sep 22, 2010

I have a lot of emails on hotmail and gmail that I want to store in text or html files on my local Fedora computer for future reference. Is there a way I can download them to my hard drive without doing it one email at a time with the browser's Save Page As feature or some such thing? There has to (?) be a better way.

Every mail program should have an easy-to-use 'mass' export-to-text-file feature so that people are not held hostage to a particular email service or program. The lack of such a feature in email programs I've used is one of my pet peeves. It seems rather tyrannical and abusive. (Now before someone tells me it's a free service, please remember all the advertisements I have to go through to use the service). I do not have an email account through an ISP. I live with my landlord who deals with the ISP. I only use hotmail and gmail (and, rarely, yahoo).

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Fedora :: Fetchmail Can't Retrieve Email From Gmail

Dec 20, 2010

I use fedora 13 now. I want to try mutt, but I don't know how to make it work.so I search by Google, Then,I add a .fetchmailrc in my home directory as below:

set daemon 60
set logfile /home/kenifanying/.fetchlog
poll pop.gmail.com
protocol POP3
user "abc@gmail.com"
password "123456"
sslcertpath /home/kenifanying/.certs/

There are two files named gmail.pem and Equifax_Secure_CA.pem in ~/.certs/ I create these two files like this: First, I retrieve the Gmail certificate provided by the Gmail pop server: $ openssl s_client -connect pop.gmail.com:995 -showcerts


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Openssl Pop.gmail.com Connection Refused?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm try to connect to pop.gmail.com via openssl usingopenssl s_client -connect pop.gmail.com:995and i always have one error socket: Connection refusedconnect:errno=29what can i do to make it work?

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Fedora :: Isp Bounces Forwarded Mail To Gmail

Jul 20, 2010

I am running Fedora Core 8 as my mail and proxy server. My mail works properly for all users, but the problem I'm having is that when I create an alias for user's email to be forwarded to their gmail, the ISP bounces the mail. My ISP has given me an open relay to send mail.Is there somewhere in sendmail that I could put the user name and password of the ISP, so that the ISP will not bounce the forwarded mail. Or is there something that I'm missing?

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Fedora :: Balsa And Gmail / Can Receive Email, But Can't Send?

Jul 12, 2010

Has anyone had success sending email with Balsa and Gmail. I can receive email, just can't send.

update. need to add the port to the server name.

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Fedora :: How To Send Mail From Localhost To Gmail Or Yahoo?

Dec 4, 2010

can any one please tell me that how to send mail from localhost to gmail or yahoo or some other server,i think it is some mail relay server problem but dont know how to get over it.i am using fedora 13.and i had setup dovecot,sendmail and squirrelmail properly.and configured them. i have no problem to send mail from my local host to me back.my squirrel mail and mutt works fine.bt only problem is that they cant send any mail on other servers.

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Fedora Security :: KWallet Not Storing Gmail's Password?

Aug 26, 2011

This used to work in Fedora < 15. Whenever I want to send an e-mail using Gmail's SMTP server for the first time in a given session, the KWallet system asks if I would not rather migrate the password and store it encrypted inside a wallet. Every time I concur and every time an error message pops-up, as soon as I try and send another e-mail. The attached snapshot shows the error message I get. It doesn't matter how many times I select "Store Password". Every time the ordeal is the same. Up to Fedora 14 this method worked all right, but now it fails.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Not Loading Gmail Standard View After Updates

Feb 23, 2010

Gmail is not working in standard view mode in firefox after recent updates. I don't know what is wrong but it is not loading the standard view, all other browsers load it well on ubuntu 9.10 So don't know where the problem is.

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Fedora :: Use Gmail As The Default System Email Instead Of Thunderbird Or Evolution?

Jan 26, 2010

Is there any way to have Fedora use gmail as the default system email instead of thunderbird or evolution?

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Fedora :: Way To Save Inbox Messages In Encrypted From Gmail Account

Jul 12, 2011

I use kmail for fetching and sending mails from my gmail account. The inbox stuffs are saved in ~/.kde/share/ apps/kmail/mail/inbox . It is not saved in encrypted form. One can open it with any editor. Is there a way to make kmail save those fetched messages in encrypted form and when I open the kmail it will show me those mails in decrypted form?

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Fedora :: Setup Smtp With Gmail To Send Notification Form My Forum (phpbb3) (F13)

Jul 16, 2010

trying to setup smtp with gmail to send notification form my forum (phpbb3) actualy nothing work even mailx, does anyone have a tutorial to make this works

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Fedora :: Run Ssmtp From An Initrd Image To Send An E-mail, Via Gmail MTA, Upon Reboot Of The Machine?

Sep 20, 2010

I am attempting to run ssmtp from an initrd image to send an e-mail, via Gmail MTA, upon reboot of the machine. I have already successfully installed and configured ssmtp on the running box (in other words, ssmtp successfully runs after completion of the boot cycle). When attempting to mail something via `echo "Test" | ssmtp username@gmail.com`, I receive the following error message:


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Fedora :: Send Mail To Gmail - Yahoo And Hotmail Emails But Didn't Receive

Jan 1, 2010

i'm using fedora 12 and i wanna send mail using command $mail actually i tried to send mail to my gmail , yahoo ,and hotmail emails but i didn't receive the mail so i expect that i should have some configuration on my host before sending mai

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log Into Gmail Via Firefox 3.5.6

Jan 6, 2010

I have two partitions on my laptop. One which I only use for shopping and logging into bank website which has xubuntu 8.04/firefox 3.0.x and another partition which has ubuntu 9.10/firefox 3.5.6 which I use for programming and mucking about with networking.

I decided for extra security and because I would create a google mail account for my ubuntu 9.10. I created the google mail account in the xubuntu 8.04 partition with no problems logging into the google webiste.

I then booted into the ubuntu 9.10 partition and set up evolution to receive emails from my google mail account. I have sent and receive emails. When I tried to log into the google mail account to amend settings, after a while it comes up with a connection error.

* I don't have skype plugin

* I emptied cache and removed cookies

* I deleted firefox profile in $HOME/.mozilla

* Disabled all add-ons (I only have noscript, imglikeopera, adlock plus and the ubuntu firefox extensions)

* I tried the gmail manager extension

I installed epiphany web-browser and still was unable to log in to gmail.

Although I can log into my 8.04 parition to access gmail from the web, I would prefer to be able to do this via my 9.10.

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Debian :: How Do You Install Gmail Backup 0.107

Mar 12, 2011

How do you install Gmail Backup 0.107?I downloaded the zip file and extracted it to the download folder. What is the command to install it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In Pidgin MSN With A Gmail Account

Feb 20, 2010

I'm having a problem. I cant log in pidgin or emesene or emapthy with a gmail acc in MSN.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add Gmail To Empathy?

Jul 11, 2010

i just wanted to know if its possible to add another im client to empathy

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Ubuntu :: Evolution & Gmail Won't Connect

Jul 24, 2010

I've spent ages trying to get evolution & Gmail to talk to each other. Whenever I press Send/receive it tries then I get 'Error while Scanning folders in "IMAP server imap.gmail.com" '. I've tried changing the ports etc, deleting the account from evolution and redoing it. I've looked thru various forums and walkthroughs. I've checked that the right password is stored in the keyring. I'm sure all my settings are right, but evolution can neither sync with my inbox nor send emails.

I have synced my google contacts and calendar with evolution, however. I use my Gmail on a variety of devices so I don't want to use POP and in any case SMTP isn't working either. I'm running ubuntu 10.04 on an acer 5738 thru a not particularly fast ADSL connection.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Log In To Gmail And Banking Site?

Aug 2, 2010

I have trouble logging in to some pages: gmail and www.alpha.gr. After entering username & password the browser is continuously loading but there is no network activity and the page won't load.I am running 64bit Lucid and have this problem with the latest versions Firefox, Chromium and Opera.There is no problem with Windows XP installed on the same machine. This is not the solution I want to follow however

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Ubuntu :: Docky's Gmail Won't Update

Oct 29, 2010

It's been two weeks now since I can't have my inbox checked on Docky's Gmail applet, and its a drag because I need an integrated mail notification and Docky is perfect.

So, here are the facts:

- have tried it on both 10.04 i386 and 10.10 amd64, identical problem

- after new installation works on till the first reboot, then stops. You see just the icon and when clickin "refresh" there's no "turning circle thingy inside the icon" which tells you it's refreshing. (and there's mail in the inbox).

- I haven't managed to find the docky configuration file, only something in the cache and configuration directory in home. Where is the real configuration file for Docky?

I'm talking about the 2.1 version.

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