Debian :: How Do You Install Gmail Backup 0.107

Mar 12, 2011

How do you install Gmail Backup 0.107?I downloaded the zip file and extracted it to the download folder. What is the command to install it?

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Slackware :: Trying To Install 'Gmail Backup' But It Requires Python2.5

May 9, 2011

When I run the install of 'Gmail Backup' (from URL...) an error msg appears stating that I must have python2.5 - I presently have python2.8Is there any way to solve this without destroying my Slackware 13.37 installation?

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Ubuntu :: Best Way To Physically Backup One's Gmail And Hotmail Inbox

Oct 17, 2010

What is the best way to physically backup one's gmail and hotmail inbox on ubuntu?I have tried Evolution but it does not seem to store locally the mail which it accesses through gmail. Is there anyway to have it store locally a backup?

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Debian :: Backup Purge Script - `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 10, 2010

This script simply deletes files older than a certain age (in this case 7 days) from a certain location; I use it to purge old backups nightly, and it works as expected:

# delete backups older than 7 days
find /mnt/backup/*  -mtime +7 -exec rm -Rf {} ;

The problem is, every morning I get an email with an error message something like this:

find: `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No such file or directory

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OpenSUSE Network :: Use Gmail Smtp Relay / Send Emails Form Server Using Gmail Account?

Oct 28, 2010

I would like to send emails form my server using my gmail account.Does anybody know how to do it?

OS = OPENSUSE 11.3 server installation - NO GUI....

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Debian :: Used Backup-manager - Restore The Backup Data?

Feb 4, 2011

I am now preparing myself to upgrade lenny to squeeze and decided to do a backup on my system. I used backup-manager to do the job and it worked fine. how do you restore said backup data?

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Ubuntu :: Use Any Browser And Go To Gmail - Can't Get Gmail To Load

Jul 27, 2010

use any browser and go to gmail. i can't get gmail to load. if i browse on videos, links to videos don't work. they appear to be taking a long time to buffer, then a message appears saying to try again. sometimes, links on google search pages are all dead. yahoo mail loads as far as logging me in, then i get a page with all dead links.

i'm using a laptop at several locations that have free public wifi. at some places, everything works perfectly normally. at other places, google and yahoo are almost useless. the "bad" places work just fine under ms windows.

so i figure it's a networking/handshaking issue, but that's all i can figure. i need help to troubleshoot it further. if it's happening to me, it has to be happening to other people, and i consider it a major hassle.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Gmail. Just Gmail?

Nov 8, 2010

My college internet providers shifted to a different setting.. defined in the changing lan proxy settings on the user end. I.e.ip - and port to 3000. This to reduce misuse of the net connection ..The thing is, since then, every other website is working, except GMail. It isnt blocked, the Nebero page shows up for blocked sites. When attempting to open gmail, the default internet page shows up for unavailability of page owing to no or slow response from the server, or the firewall or proxy settings not appropriately configured. I cannot open gmail, the connection on empathy im. I cant ping gmail either. No response. What can be the problem.

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Debian Multimedia :: Re-install Etch Recently But Forgot To Backup /var/lib/dpkg Folder

May 16, 2011

I need to re-install Etch recently but forgot to backup /var/lib/dpkg folder, I know there's archive server provides old packages, but packages from does not. I have tried its mirror sites but it seems they had removed the old packages from Etch and earlier releases.

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Software :: Gmail And Gkrellm / Configure Mailcheck In Gkrellm To Check And Notify For New Mail On Gmail Account?

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to configure the mailcheck in gkrellm to check and notify for new mail on my gmail account. I have activated pop of course...

These are the pop info taken from gmail:


Server for incoming mail (IMAP) - needs SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 993
Server outgoing mail (SMTP) - needs TLS: (use verification)
Use verifiering: Yes
Use STARTTLS: Yes(some clients call this SSL)
Port: 465 or 587

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Ubuntu :: Gmail Relay And Post Fix / Send Emails With Postfix And Gmail As The Mail Relay?

Apr 29, 2011

My issue is that i'm trying to send emails with postfix and gmail as the mail relay,i'm trying to send emails to my self by sendmail -bv

In the logs, i can understand that it been delivered to the destination,
taken from: /var/log/mail.log:
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/pickup[10490]: 9C7552170C: uid=0 from=<root>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/cleanup[10495]: 9C7552170C: message-id=<20110429210523.9C7552170C@moni.localdomain>
Apr 30 00:05:23 moni postfix/qmgr[10491]: 9C7552170C: from=<root@moni.localdomain>, size=283, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

When login in my gmail account i can't see nothing under the sent / inbox / spam folder.

it's seems like the mail are been sent.. but nothing is happening.

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Debian :: Kmail Not Receiving Mails From Gmail Through Pop?

Mar 26, 2010

I have recently configured the kmail to receive mails from gmail through the pop. I have followed the gmail's tutorial,[URl]I was able to send messages, but not to receive them.To say the true, I received just one mail and never more.

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Debian Multimedia :: Evolution Not Logging Into Gmail?

Mar 19, 2015

I have been using Debian for about 2 years now, I have decided to use my email through Evolution (actually both my live and Gmail accounts). Right now my problem lies with Gmail so I will just mention that...

Evolution simply does not accept my gmail password when I log in. I have gone through the whole "Evolution Setup assistance" many times, and whenever the setup is done, and I proceed to open up the program and actually log in to my email> I enter my password and click "ok", and then the same login screen simply flashes and asks me to enter my password again! This is the entire problem. I cannot go beyond the login screen, and evolution simply asks me to enter my password again, and again, while never logging me in. And yes, the password is correct as I use the very same one to log into gmail's web interface several times a day. Imap is also enabled in my gmail account.

I have used Gmail's imap and smtp configuration information from [URL]..... and it simply does not work, even though I put all the information into Evolution Correctly.

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Debian Multimedia :: Email Client For Gmail And IMAP

Feb 5, 2012

I am running debian testing, amd64 architecture on my box. I have 3 gmail accounts that I use regularly. I have used mainly thunderbird/icedove to access my mailboxes via imap.However, now two of them have really several tens of thousands of emails I often experience difficulties in dealing with them (the connection often freezes, browsing my folders is a pain).I tried also sylpheed and claws, but the situation has not really improved.I do not think there is anything fundamentally wrong in the way I configured my accounts on the various clients (actually, some of them even boast automatic setup of gmail accounts).

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Debian Multimedia :: Epiphany Generally Slow And Freezing With GMail

Mar 26, 2011

A week ago I installed a completely new Debian Squeeze on a newly LUKS encrypted, etx3-formated notebook Acer Extensa 5220. I used main sources only and the only uncommon thing I did so far was to disable ipv6 according to the Debian guide:


I used Epiphany as my main web browser on Debian Lenny on the same Notebook. Before the last weeks before switching to the Squeeze I experianced the problem, that I couldn't display the freemail-webpage of GMX any more without crashing the browser. After installing the new system I can display GMX again, but now Epiphany freezes as soon as I open GMail. And unfortunately the browser is much slower than before on Lenny. Right now Chromium and Iceweasel are working without any problems with the same installation...

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Debian :: Iceweasel - Gmail Account Opened And All Windows Show Blank

Mar 22, 2011

in the past i always used debian for servers only (mainly webservers, routers and antispam gateways), but now i have to develop some application for linux so i installed it on a desktop (have always been running windows on my desktops). i am running testing (mainly because i need some more recent packages and working with stable i find myself using backports most of the time). now i have seen that the standard used web browser is iceweasel (which according to sources i found is a firefox fork) but this browser seems to have some troubles:

- videos : always gives me an error in the video frame and i have to clear my cookies and reload the page to make it work for every single video i watch. embedded ..... vids work fine.

- gmail : as soon as i open my gmail account on any tab or iceweasel window all other windows are unuseable (show blank as if the application crashed) but gmail works fine. as soon as i close the iceweasel window where gmail is running all other windows are doing normal again.

- lots of pages display very poorly on iceweasel (misplaced div's, ... etc) : this is nearly always on pages where you find overlayed advertising in div's so i guess this is mainly dued to poor coding of those junk adds (i can live with that).

is there any alternative to iceweasel. especially the gmail part is very annoying, the rest i could live with (but prefer not to). i googled the web for those problems but i mostly found that these problems occured because of some extension (for example : ad blocker) but i don't use those so it didn't solve my problem.

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Debian :: Gmail And Mutt Smtp / "No Authenticators Available" Getting Error?

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to set up Mutt to use my Gmail account. I've followed this tutorial, and I've been able to use IMAP to download and view my messages, however, when I try to send a message I get a error message, "No authenticators available". I've tried using 587 and 465 for the smtp port. 465 results in Mutt freezing and only being closed with kill. Does anyone have any idea? Anyone currently using Mutt with Gmail without the issue's I'm experiencing?

Here is my .muttrc:

set from = ""
set realname = "David"
set imap_user = ""
set imap_pass = "mypassword"
set folder = "imaps://"

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Debian :: Dd Command - Backup Over LAN

May 10, 2010

My church is planning to purchase a NAS serving 9 PCs running Windows and Linux respectively. The new device apart from storing data, mainly photo, is expected to be used for backup keeping all PCs images.

I have been googling a while unable to find a solution running dd command over LAN.

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Debian :: How To Create Backup

Nov 17, 2010

i ma trying to learn how to configure lot of server's in Debian Distro what i want to to create backup from the original files easy to restore cos if i miss any configuration it will easy to restore omething like restore point in windows

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Debian :: Create Automatic Backup

Feb 8, 2016

Like topic, I want to create a weekly backup of some folder to anoter partition (or external usb), compressed or not (folder also of 20/30 gb), with only root permission on file (or folder) created..This system, where I have installed debian jessie, is always on being used like a NAS..

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Debian :: Restoring An Rsynced Backup?

Jan 23, 2010

the links are my stage of backing up my / and /home, both on different partitions.
short-sum up: with rsync, 2-weekly, manual on an external disk.


all my test restores in vbox worked fine. i may use the backup as a second OS, so it works. but there i first deleted the old OS and than ran cp -a /media/backup_partition /media/restore_parititon.

yesterday i ran into trouble and had to restore my system.
mount /dev/sda1 /media/restore
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/backup
rsync -auv /media/backup/ /media/restore

that did work, but not so good. dpkg-errors, all non-repo-apps, like opera and some old thrash, were a mess. i had to reinstall them with dpkg to delete them. besides that the system is up and running, but it was a lot of work.

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Debian :: How To Backup Wicd Profiles

Mar 28, 2010

I would like to backup my wicd profiles. I thought it would be sufficent to copy /opt/wicd/data and /opt/wicd/encryption - however, those path do not exist in lenny (which I am running). So which path / folders / files do I need to backup in order to back up the wicd profiles and configuration?

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Debian :: Configure Backup PC On Jessie

Sep 9, 2015

I have been a windows user for a very very long time, and recently switched to debian. I have so to speak crapped all over my system failing to compile sourcecode properly held broken repos and what not.

So decided to reinstall debian last night, now I have a rather clean fresh installed copy. As I'm a new user to linux, I want to setup a backup system so I can revert to a clean fresh installation when I muck up my system.

Now I have downloaded and installed BackupPC with needed libraries and sitting here trying to configure it on my computer. I have followed this guide: [URL] ....

I have come to this section here:

Server SSH KEY Creation and Deployment:

3. Deploy Key To Client Machine
Copy to client machine

backuppc@server$ scp /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/ sudo-user@<client machine>:/home/sudo-user/
backuppc@server$ ssh sudo-user@<client machine>

sudo-user@client$ chmod 600
sudo-user@client$ sudo mkdir /root/.ssh
sudo-user@client$ sudo chmod 700 /root/.ssh
sudo-user@client$ sudo mv /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo-user@client$ sudo chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys


Now I'm not quite sure what to do here as I have no networked computers to deploy to only one machine. Although I want to make a local system backup and upload that to a server I have access to, but would that server be seen as a backuppc server/client?

On this computer here I have generated the id_rsa and located in /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh

looking at this part:
Test ssh connection(On server, as Linux user backuppc)
backuppc@server$ ssh root@<client machine>

How should I interpret @<client machine> should that to be ssh root@ ?

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Debian :: Backup Server With Rsync And Ssh

Jan 18, 2016

I switched last summer from Windows (used it since Windows 95) to Debian. I'm using Debian Jessie for a couple of months now and I'm getting used a little.

There are problems here and there, but I can solved them with some reading on the web. Not really a big problem...till now

I run Debian 8.2 om my PC (PC1). Bought an older PC (PC2) that I want to use as a backup server.

I'm using PC2 only for making backups, after the backup I switch it off again.

So I installed Debian 8.2 (net-install without DE and with SSH) on PC2 and tried to configure it to let it work as my backup location. Made a public SSH key and exported it to the root account (no problem) and to the user account (sensdeb), but there was an error "Access Denied"

Gave the user (sensdeb) sudo-rights via visudo file

# User privilege specification
sensdeb ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

I installed rsync.

The problem is that Rsync only works when I use the root account.

Code: Select allrsync -r -n -t -v --progress --delete -u -l -H -s /media/Data/Mp3/Anastacia root@

When I try to sync with he normal user account sensdeb

Code: Select allrsync -r -n -t -v --progress --delete -u -l -H -s /media/Data/Mp3/Anastacia sensdeb@

I get error's. Access Denied

I don know how to give the user sensdeb the rights so that I can use that account for my backup tasks. Now it's possible to sync with the root account, but that should not be the way to do it, I read many times.

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Debian :: What Subdirectories Should Be Excluded In Backup

Jan 12, 2011

I am going to use 'rsnapshot' to create backups of my local & remote computers. My intension is that I can use these backups to restore disk images when needed -> install Linux from scratch and then copy the subdirectories from 'rsnapshot' backup to the new Linux installation.My question is what subdirectories should be excluded in the backup.

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Debian :: Backup To Windows Server?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a Linux server running Debian 5. I need to get it backed up. I have worked with tar in my past Unix days. I've read that there are some limitations to tar though since it is intended for tape.

My server would need to backup to a Windows server share. From ther it will be backed up to an offsite location. Can anyone make a recommendation for what to use? I would like to take a full backup weekly and then a incremental daily.

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Ubuntu :: Back In Time To Backup Home Directory To A Second Hdd That Is Mounted At /media/backup?

May 18, 2010

using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup Script With TAR - Incremental Backup With Simple FTP To Another Location And Email Status

Jan 15, 2010

After I spent some time discovering The BIG BANG of Universe and The Meaning of Life :

I managed somehow to create a script to make some backup of files on server and TAR it and then FTP the archive to another location FTP server and then emails result.

It also measures time needed to complete it and deletes archive older than XX days (set in find -mtime +20) and makes incremental backup every weekday and FULL on Sundays (which suits me bcoz no heavy load).

Files for TAR to include and exclude are in txt files listed each line separate name:

file: including.txt:

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