Fedora :: F15 Is Not Boot Properly When Ethernet Is Unplugged

Aug 22, 2011

My Fedora 15 is not boot properly when ethernet is unplugged.It is kind of blocked and the moment I plug in the ethernet, it work fine.I have attached the /var/log/messages, there is time gap of 1 min 30 sec, that is when i plugged in the ethernet.Can i anyone tell which service is blocking exactly.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Will Not Boot If External HDD Unplugged

Apr 29, 2010

When my Western Digital MyBook is plugged into my desktop machine via usb everything works fine. The computer boots up normally to the dual boot screen, and all OS options will boot up normally. However, if I unplug the external hdd (whether that be when the computer is off, or I unmount it and then restart) before I get to the dual boot screen I get an error message informing me that I have incorrect boot media, and to insert and hit any key. Some background: I have checked the bios and it is set up to boot from the internal sata hdd as the first boot device, and there are no usb boot devices defined. Prior to making this a dual boot machine, it ran windows only, and had no issues booting when the external hdd was unplugged.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Will Not Boot If Laptop Unplugged

Feb 18, 2011

I have got rid of windows 7 of my laptop and installed Ubuntu 10.10. So for the past week or so have done a lot o testing and stuff. Laptop I have is hp pavilion tx 2000 model tx 2130ea. Problem I have is laptop wont boot when unplugged but boots when plugged in. When it starts up you can hear the logo music but screen remains black. Now I have found what the problem is after hours of fault finding. Ubuntu detects the additional drivers to download wireless driver etc., and a couple of nvidia 2d/3d drivers so its when one these nvidia drivers are installed is what causes the problem when booting up unplugged. No problem when plugged in. At the moment I just have not installed these nividia drivers and all is good. Graphics Card Nvidia Geforce Go 6150.

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Networking :: Won't Boot When Ether Cable Unplugged Or In New LAN?

Mar 20, 2010

I ended up inheriting an IBM Intellistation Z Pro desktop with Red Hat 2.6.9-78.0.17.EL, that used to be part of a company network (hard IP, domain, etc). I'm trying to boot and connect to my home internet provider.With or without ethernet cable connected, the boot process seems to timeout on a number of steps (system logger, NFS Statd, automount5) and eventually get's stuck in NFS quotas.I started looking at /etc (in single user mode) and of course there are a bunch of files (hosts, resolv.conf, etc) with hard IPs, domains, etc.My questions are:- how hard is to change network setting to use soft IP and be able to connect to my provider

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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Enable Correctly On Boot / NFS Can Mount Properly At Boot Also?

Aug 8, 2009

I have a server that NFS exports the /home directory out to other computers. On the desktop they all work great, but on a wireless laptop, this is where the problem occurs. The wireless enables after the person logs in, rendering the NFS export /home useless on the laptops.Is there anyway to have the wireless enable correctly on the boot so that NFS can mount properly at boot also?I'm using Fedora 11 (32bit) with a wireless router that has a security of WPA-PSK [TKIP] + WPA2-PSK [AES]. I could switch to some of the older versions if necessary to get this working.

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Server :: Openvpn With Ethernet Is Not Wokring Properly?

Jan 30, 2010

Networking problem obviously

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Fedora Hardware :: AC Adaptor Alternately Plugged In And Unplugged?

Dec 30, 2010

I am using a Laptop with Fedora 12 and got a recent issue with the power management. I am not sure if this issue is Fedora-related, thereforeI have a (relatively) new main battery in my laptop and a (relatively) new Ac adapter (both not older than 6 months). Besides, a second battery is installed. Recently, I took out the second battery because I needed to use the CD rom drive. Then I put back the second battery (when the laptop was off, of corse).

After I switched the Laptop on again, everything works fine unless the laptop is thinking I am unplugging and plugging in the AC adapter every 3 seconds or so. I can see that behavior when clicking on the battery symbol, as the following terms change every few seconds:AC Adapter: Plugged inAC Adapter: Not Plugged inAlso I notice that the batteries are much slower charged than before when the laptop is operating, and even slower or halting when the laptop is powered off.

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Workstation Does Not Boot Up Properly

Feb 13, 2011

I just received a new workstation from a vendor with Fedora14 supposedly installed in it. The problem is, it does not boot up properly. Although I've contacted them to resolve the problem, I thought I'd ask here to see if I can expedite things. Bottom line, the machine goes through the boot-up process, but only so far. Rather than getting to the log-in screen, I only see a white bar at the bottom of the screen, with "Fedora14" adjacent to it. Is there a way that I can get into the set of configuration menus for setting up the OS? They neglected to include the source disks with the system, if that is what is required.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Ethernet Interface - Starting On Boot?

May 15, 2011

I recently installed Vortexbox, which includes fedora release 14.Got everything working, but could not access the network. After a bit of searching, found that "ifup eth0" activated the interface.To do this on boot, I have added this command, together with my "mount /dev/..." command in file /etc/rc.localIt works OK, but I cant help thinking there's a proper way of doing this?

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Fedora Installation :: Fails To Boot Properly 15 Using A USB Stick

May 29, 2011

I am trying to boot Fedora15 using a USB stick. It fails to boot properly It works fine when I boot Fedora 14 using the same usb stick. I've attached some screenshots. Trying to run it on a Lenovo T500 2081CTO with an ATI graphics card.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot Into 64bit - Kernel Not Loading Properly

Jun 1, 2010

I got a new laptop, this is the one: [URL] and decided that I wanted to go with Fedora instead of Ubuntu with this computer. The laptop runs win 7 64 bit so I'm trying to go with Fedora 64 but it will not boot. I first installed Fedora 12 64 bit from the DVD install and it would go to grub fine but when I boot the fedora os It just stops in the middle of the boot script. When it stops, the last 4 lines are:

? kernel_init+0x0/0x257
? child_rip+0x0/x20

I hadn't messed with it for a few weeks and yesterday I saw that 13 was out, so I downloaded and burnt the Fedora 13 64 bit CD. I popped it in, booted the computer and it did the same crap. It didn't stop at the same line but it was around a line with:
? kernel_init
So I guess the kernel isn't loading properly or something. Do ya'll think I would be better off using the 32 bit?

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Fedora :: Set Up Multipath Properly To Two Devices Properly?

Mar 29, 2011

How can I set up multipath to two devices properly? I'm sure that I need to do something more then just: /etc/init.d/multipathd start

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 On External HDD Cannot Boot Vista If External Usb Is Unplugged

Mar 2, 2010

After installing ubuntu 9.10 on external HDD I cannot boot vista if external usb is unplugged(where ubuntu is installed). it says grub loading and after that recover grub ( i think that is what is says ... not certain in this moment ) anyway hope you get my dilemma. If you need more information I'll be glad to provide it.

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Debian Installation :: Unplugged HDD Now Cannot Start OS

Jun 8, 2010

I have some years experience of linux & programming, but I don't really know whats "under the hood" in a PC. I decided to learn. I have two hard drive disks in one of my computers, so I decided to see if I could run it with only one. I removed the voltage from one of the hard drive disks and when I booted, of course the cumputer gave me the message: "Disk failure, insert system disk and restart". When I reconnected the HDD in my computer and booted once again, I got the same message.

This brings me to my first question: Why can't I start my computer as usual after unplugging and replugging one of my two hard drive disks? All cables remains the same, what has changed? The first question remained unanswered and I tried to install a OS on one of the HDDs when the other was disconnected. This worked fine and I set up a windows/debian dual boot. Perfect! But after reconnecting the disconnected HDD I tried to do the same thing (so I would install a new version of the system I started out with, a windows/debian dual boot). I formatted and installed windows on one of my HDDs again. It was bootable.

When I installed debian and let the installer set up Grub, I got the message "Missing operating system" when booting. I tried to install only linux (without windows) and I reached the same resault: after unplugging and replugging one of my 2 HDDs I can no longer boot a debian operating system, though the installation runs without a problem. What has happened? What do I need to do to be able to install a working debian system on this computer? (installing windows works fine) Has the settings of my BIOS changed when I unplugged?

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Ubuntu :: BIOS Not Found - External HD Unplugged

May 26, 2010

So basically, as rookie as it sounds, I spent about 3 days trying to figure out why my computer wouldn't boot (BIOS not found, then it ran grub rescue) until I saw that my external hard drive (which evidently somehow has some file on) was unplugged. I am running windows and ubuntu 10.4 on partitions on my computer's internal 120gb drive. The problem I have is that during these 3 days, I re-installed ubuntu on the drive from the CD- so I think I have 3 partitions, even though the 3rd does not show up as an option to boot into from startup.

What it does show though, is on my desktop I have 2 mounted drives:
One 52gb one that has my Windows files in it, and one 44gb one that has ubuntu files in it, but NOT the ones I use- this is the rogue copy I installed by "accident". I checked this by looking through the contents and it was all minimal (nothing in home folder).
How do I "remove" this partition safely, and return to having just a windows an ubuntu partition?

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Ubuntu :: Battery Gauge Dropping From 100 To 66% Once Unplugged?

Oct 10, 2010

I just noticed this issue today but when I unplug my laptop from its adapter, the battery loses 44% of its battery immediately, Is there any way of solving this?

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Software :: Can't Unmount After Unplugged Usb Drive On Accident

Oct 26, 2010

I accidentally unplugged my usb drive before unmounting it. In windows this is no big deal, so I'm used to that. However, I'm finding that in Kubuntu 10.04 this is a big deal. Now I can't mount any other drives unless I use the command line. Also, I can't unmount anything, even if I mount it on the command line.

What do i do? I know a reboot will fix this, but if it happens again i will be right back at this point. It should not take a full reboot just to unmount a drive. I have tried umount -l and umount -f and the terminal window just hangs.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Server Reboots When UPS Unplugged?

Jun 3, 2011

I received a new Cyberpower CP1000PFCLCD UPS today. I let it charge for about 6 hours.My server is a former desktop PC with the following specs:MSI MotherboardAMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU768 MB DDR RAMDual 80 GB HDD running RAID 1 (Disk Mirroring)After shutting the server, router, and backup drive down and plugging in the UPS, I did the UNPLUG test where you unplug the UPS to see if everything stays on.My Router and Backup disk both stayed powered on, but the Server immediately rebooted.Does anybody have any ideas how I can fix the server rebooting problem? It should be staying on just as everything else.

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Ubuntu Networking :: PC Runs Slow If Network Unplugged?

Dec 16, 2010

I've been asked to look at a system which is running slowly. It's running hardy on an intel Q9400 quad core CPU system which should be a pretty fast machine.

The most obvious symptom of this problem is that the terminal takes about 10 seconds to open instead of the usual fraction of a second.

What I've discovered so far is that the system has 2 network ports one configured to access the LAN and the other to connect directly to another piece of hardware using a different subnet. If the LAN is not connected the system runs slowly and if it is connected it runs at normal speed. It also makes no difference whether or not the second network port is connected.

I've looked at the system monitor and can see no abnormal network traffic or processes using a lot of CPU resources.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Laptop Freezes And Caps Lock Flashes When Unplugged

Dec 7, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 and it seems everytime I unplug my laptop it freezes and the caps lock flashes. This happens pretty much every time. I installed fedora 14 had no problem with unplugging the charger but I didn't like it and couldn't get WiFi working right. So I installed ubuntu 10.10 hoping it would be gone and I have the same problem again. I have a AMD Athlon II Dual-Core Processor M300
3GB DDR2 memory
320GB HDD (5400rpm)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Will Not Boot Up Properly?

Feb 16, 2011

Due to some prior issues which I believe to be self inflicted I decided to wipe my system and start fresh. My fresh install appeared to do the trick for a day or two but after running the update manager recently I found myself in trouble. When starting up I receive the message Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! Nothing seems to jog the computer from this black screen except shutting off the power. I've read through some threads of people having similar issues but can't quite figure out what I need to do. I have a Nvidia graphics card which has popped up as a potential problem, too, but not sure if it is my problem or not.

Here is a little history that may or may not be relevant. I'll try to make it brief. My original install was Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala which always worked great. I upgraded to 10.04 Lucid Lynx (through update manager) when it was available and it too worked great until I tried installing a program one day forgetting that I had the update manager running already running as well. The computer didn't seem to like this and never worked well after, thus, leading me to wipe and start fresh. What's odd to me is that I had made a CD for 10.04 from the Ubuntu website as well as the one I had for 9.10 but I could never get it to work when I needed help. I always have to revert back to the Karmic disc when I want boot help. If I put the 10.04 disc in whatever issue I'm having surfaces just the same. Is this because I didn't originally install from that disc?

here is the promised boot script. FYI, I ran it today 2/16/11. I guess the date is incorrect because I'm running the system from the CD.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for /boot/grub.
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu :: Boot A PC From Ethernet?

Mar 22, 2011

I've messed about with etherboot/gPXE roms & NICs, and I know how to boot a PC from Ethernet... but is it planned/possible using native wifi hardware?

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Ubuntu :: Automatically Unmount Encrypted USB Flash Drive When Device Is Unplugged?

Apr 21, 2010

I formatted the USB flash drive using Karmic's Format Disk utility (right-click on a volume, select "Format..."), and selected "Encrypted, compatible with Linux (FAT)" from the "Type" drop-down menu.It mounts correctly when I plug it in, and I can access the files just fine.When I unplug the Flash drive without using the 'Safely Remove Drive' option, the icon on my desktop changes its name to '2.0 GB Encrypted', instead of disappearing and unmounting like my unencrypted Flash drives do.

I would like to have encrypted Flash drive treated in the same way as my unencrypted Flash drives, which disappear and unmount when unplugged, even if the 'Remove Safely' menu option isn't used. What can I do to accomplish this?NOTES:When I plug the encrypted Flash drive in, the following line shows up in the output of 'mount'. 'secure' is the name I gave the disk during the format process:

/dev/mapper/devkit-disks-luks-uuid-302db16c-c6e2-4dd9-a259-436437c76475-uid1005 on /media/secure type vfat


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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Will Not Boot Up Properly

Feb 15, 2010

I need to tidy up how my PC boots up.
Current sitch:
Windows XP Pro installed to main C drive.

Ubuntu 9.04 installed to an 80Gb USB drive which draws its power from the PC. Switching PC on brings up GRUB menu where I can choose between Ubuntu or Windows. For whatever reason, Ubuntu 9.04 will not boot properly, only getting me as far as the login screen. When I try to type in my username, the screen does not respond - I cannot type anything into the login box. If the USB drive is not connected to the PC when I switch it on, then there is no way to boot into Windows.

I need to change this so that I can boot into Windows without the USB Hard Drive being connected to the PC. The GRUB thing is obviously on the USB hard drive, so I need to keep it connected to the PC just to boot it up. I'm concerned that if I take that drive and try to upgarde it to 9.10, I will mess up the boot sequence etc., and then won't be able to boot up the PC into either Windows or Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Boot Properly?

Jun 29, 2010

Tried restarting my netbook with Karmic on it this morning. Got the login screen and an error message as follows:

Install Problem The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly.contact your computer Administrator. Then when I click on my user name the system just comes back to the login screen and the same error message. Does this each time I try to login. Can't get it to boot.

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Ubuntu :: PSPgo Mounts With Glitchy Name - Mount Point Stays In /media After Unplugged

Feb 23, 2010

Whenever I plug in my PSPgo via USB, it shows up in Nautilus as:


The first line is the system's onboard memory, and the second line is my 16 gig memory card. It used to mount as:


I *cannot* unmount the drive. The computer does not seem to be able to find the mount point to take it off from. When I unmount from Nautilus, it says:


Error unmounting:

If I just unplug the drive, the entry in /media remains as 1C[glitchy box thing][series of underscores] (see screenshot)

I tried looking at the drive in gparted, and it says:



Is my PSPgo becoming corrupt or something? That would be supremely unpleasant. I'd definitely like to avoid that, if at all possible.

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Software :: Horelease /dev Entry Of Unplugged Storage Device While A Program Has A File Open

Nov 6, 2009

I plug a USB device, it gets a /dev entry, e.g. sdf, i mount its filesystem, then some program opens a file on this filesystem. I unplug this device, its /dev entry disappears, but if i replug this device again, it gets another name - sdg.

How can i force the program to close the file so the filesystem is ready to be unmounted without using "lazy unmount" to release the device name, BUT so that the program doesn't crash after trying to make I/O to this file, and, of course, without having to kill the program?

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes Computer Doesn't Boot Properly

Jan 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 64-Bit. sometimes when i boot the computer, right after the grub loads, a black screen is displayed. It just says my computer's name and "tty1".It lets me enter my username and password. The system takes my password but the black screen remains.For some reason the word "ubuntu" with the loading bar does not appear like it is supposed to in this case. The system does not boot into my destop like it should.

This usually happens 1/4 times when i boot so i didnt pay much attention and would just restart the computer. However just 5 minutes ago i had to boot my computer 12 times to get it to boot into the desktop.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Does Not Work Properly On Boot?

Mar 5, 2011

Today when working with Windows 7 Disk Management, I carelessly mark the partition on which Win 7 is installed as ACTIVE and the chain of problems began. When I restarted my laptop, something like this appeared:

No such partition.
Grub rescue>_


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Ubuntu :: Kernel Doesn't Boot Properly?

Jul 16, 2011

I tried to put Avast on my 11.04 machine, it didn't work, what's worse is that now only one kernel will work properly. any time i try any kernel other than 2.6.38-9-generic(it came with the install CD)the boot process stops at different points but it's during the time that it is starting and stopping processes. oh yeah, i've tried install different linux systems and they all work with what comes with the install cd but when i try to change the kernel same problem.

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