Fedora :: F12 Systems Refusing To Hibernate?

May 31, 2010

There are two Fedora 12 systems which are now refusing to hibernate. The hibernation sequence seems to happen but then things hang indefinitely with a black screen and a blinking cursor, top left. I don't know where to start looking for clues; what do I look for in the logs, could someone please point me to a good hibernate/suspend troubleshooting guide?

One of the systems just recently got out of whack, for no apparent reason; it hibernated great for a couple of years, even as it went through upgrades from Fedora 9. The other stopped hibernating after its F9 -> F10 upgrade. This one lacks non-root hibernation permissions, but when I issue "/usr/sbin/pm-hibernate" as root, it goes through the motions and then hangs at black screen also.

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Fedora :: Firefox Can Not Connect To Anything - 'proxy Server Refusing Connections'

May 11, 2011

I use Fedora 14 and Firefox as my web browser. I use Astrill VPN service. I have the following persistent problem: I start my computer. Astrill is not set to start on boot. I start Firefox. Firefox can not connect to anything, it says 'proxy server refusing connections'. I go to Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Network>Settings I click the radio button 'no proxy'. The problem remains. I am completely unable to connect to the net. Even on reboot, I cannot connect. On reboot, Firefox is set to use a proxy, although it was not on shutdown. Some init script is setting this. My normal connection is often faster than through Astrill, so I only really need to use it when I want to get at a website that is blocked by the govt here in China.

where Firefox is being told to use a proxy, and how to reset it to not use a proxy, assuming Astrill is not active. There must be something left in a .conf file somewhere which is overriding the settings in Edit>Preferences. Because, if I set it now to 'no proxy', I cannot connect to the net.

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General :: Can Hibernate / Reboot Instead Of Hibernate / Poweroff?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm using pm-hibernate, and would like to reboot the machine after it's done hibernating, rather than having the machine turn off.Is there a way to do this with pm-hibernate, or any other Linux hibernate thing?

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Debian :: Privoxy Is Refusing All Connections?

Feb 3, 2011

Since I cannot upgrade Adblock Plus anymore because iceweasel is too out of date for the new versions, I am trying to give privoxy a try. I am following the howto Block Ads & Fast Caching w/Privoxy +Squid without success. I am always receiving the error:The proxy server is refusing connections Iceweasel is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.

I added these lines to /etc/privoxy/config
enable-remote-toggle 1
enable-edit-actions 1

Moreover, I have edited the /etc/hosts file to block urls providing adverts and anything I wanted rejected.

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Ubuntu :: Blatantly Refusing To Run The Binary?

Sep 10, 2010

I am currently trying to get Google's Android Debug Bridge working, which is as simple as running one of the executables in the sdk's tools folder.It seems to be blatantly refusing to run the binary. Here is the command and more info on the actual file:

jonhaller@jonhaller-laptop:~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ file adb
adb: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, not stripped
jonhaller@jonhaller-laptop:~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools$ ls[code].....

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Refusing To Be Used In Applications?

Sep 26, 2010

there seems to be a problem that has arisen with my beloved netbook (acer one 10.4")running Ubuntu Netbook. the mouse generally works fine (both menovering and clicking) while using the desktop, but as soon as an application is opened you are unable to click on any of the options within the application (buttons, etc). i have tested this over and over, and what seems to be the problem is that the pointer ignores the application and will always click the desktop.

i have used several diffrent mouses (both usb and trackpad) but the problem remains. i assume this means there it is a software fault. if anyone has ANY suggestions, advice, etc. feel free to post. would like this to be fixed asap!

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General :: Proxy Delegate Refusing Connection?

Feb 12, 2010

My aim was to build a VERY simple smtp proxy under debian to handle mail from a port (51234) and forward it to the standard 25 port. I compile and install a "delegate" witch can handle easily that. It's working very well like that : delegated SERVER="smtp://anotherSmtpServer:25" -P51234

The strange thing is, it's working on my virtual test machine and on the dedicated server in local but I can't manage to use it trought internet. I test it like that. telnet [mySrv] 51234 Of course, no firewal, no deny host, no ined/xined, the service delegated is listening on the right port ... 2 clues : The port is answering trought internet with nmap as "51234/tcp open tcpwrapped" have a look at the tcpdump following :


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Ubuntu :: K3B & Brasero Refusing To Burn DVD Properly?

Feb 27, 2010

I created a system backup ISO with remastersys that's about 3.4 GB, and I've repeatedly had failure and about 4 coasters now with both K3b and Brasero trying to burn it. I even ditched the original ISO and made another- same problem.I have always had problems burning discs in both programs, and of all the times I've tried to burn anything with either, I've gotten errors near the end of the data check stage, in verifying the data burned. I'm really tired of this, and I need this ISO perfect to reinstall my OS on a new laptop harddrive.This time it's K3b. It burned successfully, but I get errors in the data verification stage. Here's what I got:

K3b Version: 1.0.4


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Ubuntu :: Vsftpd With Ftpes Refusing Datatransfer?

Apr 21, 2010

I was recently assigned to enchance a ftp-server with SSL/TLS support. When I started investigating I found out that the server is a virtual (openvz) ubuntu machine with vsftpd. Enabling ftps was easy enough, I just added the following lines to /etc/vsftpd.conf



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Ubuntu Servers :: Openssh Refusing Connections From Outside?

Sep 11, 2010

When ever I try to sftp or even ssh into my server I get connection refused.

I have the port forwarded in my router.

What am I missing?

Also I have installed Ngnix so what do I need to do for it to work?

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Ubuntu :: Server Refusing Web Connections After Update

Jul 22, 2011

I ran an update on ubuntu server today, and after a long install process, it spat out an error, telling me to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a". After I ran that command, I was no longer able to access my website or forum. I could really use some help with this one, I've tried so many things including disabling shorewall, restarting apache, so many things...

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Software :: Openoffice Refusing To Install Mint?

Feb 12, 2011

Having some problems, which seems to be the norm for linux mint 9.

Background: I decided I wanted to try LibreOffice out so followed the instructions here: [URL] to install libreoffice.

After a week I found that LibreOffice doesn't actually have a spell checker or thesaurus even though it says it does. Decided I'd had enough so uninstalled it and auto removed the rest of its gumpf and attempted to install openoffice which actually worked, before. Problem is I can't, linux mint wont let me and keeps outputting random rubbish that makes no sense ie:

spud@spud ~ $ sudo apt-get install openoffice.org
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Fedora :: Combining 2 Systems Into 1?

Mar 31, 2009

I have been running one computer with Fedora 9 and one with Windows XP Pro. to conserve space, I have moved the Fedora hard drive into the Windows computer (newer). Both are sata drives and each boots completely on its on. I would really like to make it a dual boot system so I can choose which drive to boot without having to open the case and swap the cables around. The Linux disk is readable by the windows OS but not the other way.

Everything I have read about dual-boot is how to do it at installation time. Is there anyway to do it, without reinstalling one of the OS.

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Two Systems Connected?

Jul 17, 2010

I was trying to connect two systems both running on fedora but I have had some connection problems. Its not getting connected at all. I have no idea why the systems are not getting connected. I used to share files between them when they both had windows installed in them and now I cant share.

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Fedora :: No Hibernate Option ?

Apr 27, 2010

I no longer seem to have the option to hibernate my laptop. I can suspend it, but I would like the ability to hibernate. Does anyone else have this problem. Could I issue a terminal command to do this?

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Fedora :: F10 Not Booting After Hibernate

Nov 19, 2010

I have hibernated my laptop using 'pm-hibernate' command.Then I tried changing my RAM which I could not do because of compatibility.So, I put back the original RAM and tried to boot the system but it is not booting and the display is junk.All that I can access is GRUB command line. Is there any way I can completely shut down from GRUB? I tried using 'HALT'.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Broadcom 2312 Refusing To Authenticate

Jun 27, 2011

I installing the infrastructure driver by doing


And everything seemed to work fine and usual however I get stuck on authentication. I'm 100% positive that I've typed in the right password.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Randomly Starts Refusing SSH Connections?

Jul 20, 2010

The ssh server is running Xubuntu 9.04. It was working before. Then I tried SSHing today and it gave me a connection refused. The computers I've tried SSHing from were running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04, MacOS, and Solaris 10. None of them would connect. The ssh server is running the latest version of openssh-server (according to apt-get install). I'm assuming something in /etc/ssh/ got changed but I'm not sure.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Refusing To Acknowledge High Resolutions

Mar 6, 2011

On my Debian 6.0 squeeze system, after reconfiguring GRUB and installing QEMU, X is sticking in 800x600 and not 1024x768. Yesterday I had no problems. Using a Rage Pro AGP 2X with 8 MB RAM (mach64 driver) on a i686 system. The kernel is the latest from squeeze's repo (2.6.32-5) and booted with the same settings as before despite the GRUB change to purge old 2.6 kernels.

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Ubuntu :: Audacity And QJackctl Refusing To Pick Up Audio?

Aug 1, 2011

I got a mixer today and did everything correctly there and I am trying to put the audio through the microphone input which is fine. But when I try to record through Audacity it's as though the microphone and mixer aren't plugged in. I've played around with the settings in both qJackctl and Audacity only to result worse off than before. Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Fedora :: Screen Blackout In F11 On Different Systems

Jul 2, 2009

Am I the only one to experience this? A couple times a day I get a screen blackout while I am working at my computers. This is happening both to my Desktop, whose specs you can read in my signature, and to my laptop. The blackout occurs randomly, lasts 1-2 seconds during which I get a black screen and, after that, the screen is restored to its previous state and everything runs fine for hours.... until it happens again. My laptop uses the default SGI drivers; my desktop the proprietary nvidia drivers from rpmfusion. It happens while browsing, editing code and even gaming. No messages in system log seem to be related to this.

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Fedora :: How To Disable Hibernate Or Suspend?

Dec 18, 2009

I have a web server running on my laptop(in fact , it's a netbook). But I found it always hibernate automatically in a certain time .(In fact , I don't know what's the differences between hibernate or suspend. So I call this hibernate instead.) I am sure I have disabled the hibernate function in Power-Management from the System menu. But it still hibernates as usual.So could someone tell me how to disable it ( suspend,hibernate whatever )?

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Fedora :: Prevent F From Going To Sleep / Hibernate?

Jun 17, 2011

I there anyway to prevent Fedora from going to sleep / hibernate.

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General :: Fedora Hibernate On Battery Low

Jul 23, 2011

where do I define that my laptop should go hibernate or suspend when my battery has a certain percentage? Where do I define this percentage ?I see no such options under Power Management Preferences.

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Ubuntu :: Suspend Or Hibernate / Computer Refuses To Go Into Hibernate Or Suspend?

Mar 16, 2010

Just got Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm liking it a lot, but my computer refuses to go into hibernate or suspend. I have a Dell M1530 but I don't really think it's a dell hardware issue because it's not just when I close the screen, it's also when I click suspend or hibernate from the menu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Fglrx-kernel-source Refusing To Be Uninstalled

Jan 7, 2010

I have an HP tx2500 tablet pc running 9.04, which I was trying to configure the tablet for using the .fdi method on this page. After I redid the .fdi file, I rebooted, and it gave me a flashing screen, similar to the one i got when I tried to install 9.10.

I tried going into recovery mode and using xfix: bad idea. Then, I tried installing envy and reinstalling the drivers from there. That failed as well.

So now, when I try to manually remove the ati packages,(from command line in recovery mode) it doesn't let me, because of some problem with "fglrx-kernel-source" I can't configure, remove, or purge.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Compaq Proliant DL380 G2 Refusing To Install 10.10

Mar 29, 2011

I have a Compaq server, as per the title, and I wish to install Ubuntu Server onto it but ran aground when I found it got to trying to run the installer after the CD Boot menu, it just stopped there, waited 180 seconds (as per the error's details) and then locked up with the Caps Lock & Scroll Lock lights on the keyboard flashing.

Now I know it's not the server, as I have installed other OSes onto it in the past, including an older version of Ubuntu server (9.04), I did try and re-install the 9.04 version but the CD I had was too scratched up and got to a point in the installer (copying files) where it just failed cos it couldn't read the disc.

The specs of the thing are:

Dual PentiumIIIs 1.4GHz
512mb RAM (keep meaning to upgrade it)
3x 18.2GB 10k SCSI HDDs (Storage)


Not sure what else is in there, but the full specs are on the web...

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Slackware :: Amarok Refusing To Play Songs That Have Any Non-ascii Characters

Jun 25, 2010

I'm stuck with the problem of amarok refusing to play songs that have any non-ascii characters in the metadata, which is about 1/3 of my collection.A solution to that problem would be ideal, but if there is a good alternative (like amarok 1.x series) I would probably switch.

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Installation :: Possible To Install Fedora With Two Other Operating Systems?

May 18, 2009

I presently have Ubuntu and Windows XP Pro installed. By using the GRUB loader I can choose which to load.
I would like to install Fedora as a third option, but do not know how this will affect the GRUB and the choices.

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Fedora :: Clock - Can't Get Accurate Time On Systems

Jul 7, 2009

I have dual boot on my comp. Windows XP and Fedora 11 Now in both systems time zone is set to Belgrade ( which is my time zone), but when I setup clock in fedora to be, let's say 16.15h, then when I swich to windows it says time is 14.15h. When I setup in windows on 16.15h, and I swich to fedora, it says time is 18.15h. So I can't get accurate time on both systems in no way.

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