Fedora :: Accidentally Using 32 Bit Library On 64 Bit System?

Jun 16, 2011

When trying to run google-chrome, I am getting:

error while loading shared libraries: libnss3.so.1d: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

I am on a 64bit system and downloaded the 64bit google-chrome. I believe the error above means it is trying to use a 32bit library? That file is a symlink I made to /usr/lib/libnss3.so - why would this not be 64bit?

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General :: Accidentally Type Concatenate Large File On Remote System

May 6, 2010

Every once in a while on a computer I'm ssh'd into, I will accidentally type "cat largefile.txt" and my screen will start rushing with text for the next 10 minutes. I'm always working in a screen session, so my current solution is to just log out and then log back in, and since it can go 100X faster when I'm logged out, it'll finish in the short time it takes me to type my password in again. Is there a better way? Either involving the fact I'm in a screen session? Or a way to do this within SSH? What doesn't work: detaching from the screen session (doesn't respond until file is done outputting) trying command to move to a different window in the screen session (also doesn't respond) typing ctrl+C to kill cat command (also doesn't respond, probably because the command is done and the buffers just have to catch up).

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Fedora :: MAYDAY Accidentally Messed Up Fedora Core 12 Partition - Error Reading The Disk

Jan 18, 2010

I did a horrible mistake due to lapse in my concentration. Here is the 80 GB IDE disk geometry:

=> C: Windows XP SP2 15 GB partition
=> D: NTFS parition - 10 GB
=> E:F:G:H: NTFS partitions on the Windows Extended partition.
=> On the same Extended partition, there exists Linux /swap and /root partitions.

What happened was:

a) I wanted to delete the H: parition which was residing adjacent to Linux partition
b) By mistake I opened the Explorer and clicked the Mouse on H: partition and left it like that (forgot)
c) I opened Add/Remove program list but did nothing, to do few uninstalls after partition deletion.
d) Now I opened compmgmt.msc for Disk Management then deleted the H: partition!

Then XP reacted strangely and got almost hung

e) Then I switched OFF and ON the PC.
f) Most shocking was GRUB screen vanished (crash console appears) which means that Linux partition got deleted instead of H: partition!!

It's important to share with you that Fedora Core 12 possess the default BOOT flag. I thought that it's nothing big deal, only a case of Boot flag toggle with DOS bootable CD but am shell shocked to find after hitting the fdisk from DOS it says Error reading the disk!!! I felt like collapsed for a while, don't know how I did such a mistake. how to boot into my Windows XP. I can't afford to loose data or bear the expense on Data recovery

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Changed User Permissions And Can't Access "system" In Panel

Dec 23, 2010

I accidentally changed my user permission while setting up a new user account and am now unable to access the "system" on the panel to change things back. I've just spent hours setting everything up and downloading and hope that I don't have to go through all of that again.

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General :: Configure Environment After Installing A Development Library In System?

Feb 17, 2011

I installed a library to the /usr/local/ prefix in Linux using ./configure && make && make install. What environment variables do I need to set in order for the linker and compiler to search these new library and header paths?

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General :: Build A Shared Library On System Using Same Command Used For Solaris?

Jun 22, 2011

I am able to build a shared library under solaris with
/usr/local/bin/g++ -G -o output.so file1.o file2.o file3.o.
How do I build the shared library under linux using the same files?
I have tried to use the same command /usr/local/bin/g++ -g -o but I got some undefined references, even if those references are defined in one of the object files.

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Programming :: Book Which Explains System Library Structure In Depth?

Sep 7, 2010

Has any one ever come across a book on Linux programming which explains a Library structure in depth?

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Fedora :: Accidentally Uninstalled Kernel?

Oct 2, 2009

I was removing the latest two kernels installed because of some issues with compiz and stuffs. And I accidentally removed the only kernel left too. Now, grub has only one entry for Windows. I used "yum remove kernel-.....". Now, I'm stuck, I don't want to re-install the system. It FC11 using LVM. Is there any way I can install re-install the kernel only. What I'm thinking of is copying the kernel image from a live fc11 or installing via rpm on maintenance mode if its possible.

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Fedora :: Accidentally Deleted Libz.so.1?

Mar 25, 2011

I accidentally deleted /usr/lib/libz.so.1. Now I am unable to bring up GUI(I can get into command line prompt) and also not able to create this symlink file.How can reinstall/create this package/file?

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and libdb.so /lib dir but all were in vain.

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General :: Why Can't The System Import Modules From The Python Standard Library In Ubuntu

Jan 22, 2011

The whole day was more or less spent reinstalling a basic Gnome Ubuntu system. Everything went swimmingly until I started with the XBMC part of the installation. After wrestling with PPAs and apt-get for hours I finally got it installed, but then it all turned awkward in a hurry. It simply refused to start up. I clicked the icon and nothing happened for a good few seconds. The screen then flickered black for an instant, but after that nothing. I started from a terminal and it showed an error message saying it couldn't import Python's os and shutil modules. I found that mighty strange since both modules are part of the Python Standard Library.

Finally, in a bizarre twist, it turns out this doesn't seem to be a XBMC problem, suddenly apt-get started complaining too. TL,DR: I (nor the system) can't import any Standard Library modules in Python in Ubuntu! Is this a path problem? Or have I actually managed to uninstall some vital python packages, if so which ones? I am running Ubuntu 10.10, but I don't think this is necessarily a Ubuntu specific problem. Here are some dumps to show the error messages: (I forgot to copy the XBMC error message, but it looked exactly the same as these below, i.e., it couldn't import the os module) First from apt-get:


tv@tv:/usr/lib$ sudo apt-get autoremove
[sudo] password for tv:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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General :: Find Memory Usage Of Shared Library Running In System?

Nov 30, 2010

I need to find the memory usage of a shared library loaded in Linux environment.

I need this information for deciding on whether to make the library part in to application or a seperate application itself.

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Fedora :: Accidentally Renamed A Batch Of Files To The Same Name?

May 26, 2010

I just did something stupid... I wanted to remove a numeric prefix from a bunch of files in a folder (EXT4 filesystem), and I ran the following Python commands to rename the files:

import os
currentdir = os.getcwd()


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General :: Configured KOHA (an Open Source Integrated Library System) On Windows Xp Or Vista?

May 16, 2011

anybody used or configured KOHA (an open source Integrated Library System) on windows Xp or vista

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Fedora :: Accidentally Removing /etc/fstab Cannot Boot/enter Run Level 2

Jun 8, 2010

1. I accidentally removing /etc/fstab

2. reboot

3. It enter gdm/runlevel 5 though several warning complaining missing /etc/fstab (i can post the boot.log if it is needed)

4. I "touch /etc/fstab"

5. reboot (and cannot pass run level 2)

I can enter run level 1, but when after that if I "init 2" it is halted. Most of the boot message (after i create empty fstab with touch) is complaining about read only filesystem.

ps note:

1. I use LVM

2. I don't have access to a live cd until saturday

3. /etc/mtab is empty as well when i checked it in run level 1

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Programming :: SDL Static Library - Shared Library ?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm reading about shared, static, and dynamic libraries. What is SDL? Is it static, shared, or dynamic?

I always thought a library would be a lot of .h and .cpp files compiled separately into .o files and then if you compiled your own program you could use the -l parameter to link the library and it was all compiled together. Now I'm not so sure.

I don't even see any SDL .cpp files in my system anywhere. All I have are lots of SDL .h files in /usr/include/SDL and I don't really understand the code in them.

I'm making a wild guess here: SDL is a shared library. SDL itself is NOT compiled into my program, therefore SDL must be on any system my program tries to run on. When I compile and link SDL all it needs is the header files to know what SDL function and objects it can use. And then on every system it uses an already compiled SDL shared library thingy somewhere.

So... where is that part of SDL? All I can find are header files.

I'm thinking the advantage of shared libraries is that someone could say update SDL on their own system and take advantage of the new features without having to download new executables with the new version of SDL compiled into them for every program that uses SDL.

So if I'm making an editor and a game engine and they both use a lot of the same .cpp and .h files that I wrote and I'm tired of updating one and then the other and I need to turn them into a library, then a shared library might be kind of a silly solution. I could just make a static library. Right? Because it's not SDL. Nobody else is ever going to use this library.

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Programming :: Convert A Dynamic Library (filename.so) To A Static Library (filename.a)?

Nov 18, 2009

How can we convert a dynamic library (filename.so) to a static library (filename.a) using gnu gcc . Can we get a static library form a dynamic library . I saw a few post in which the conversion form a static library to a dynamic library is mentioned but, unfortunately, not the other way.

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Fedora :: C Programming Library Not Working?

Dec 9, 2010

I jus found that #include<stdio.h> is not working with gcc and neither any function from the library like clrscr(); i found due to <stdio.h> is a windows lobrary file so its not come with linux. But I want to to know if I have to call any function from that library what should I do? Is there any way to install <stdio.h> in linux?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Uninstall Svga Library

Apr 28, 2010

i installed svga library to do graphics programming in redhat linux, when i tried to run the program it is showing some error, i installed svgalib in 2 places. I think probably that would be the problem,so please some one tell me how to uninstall svga library?

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Fedora :: Install Library's Before Installing Wine In 11?

Nov 9, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 with VMware workstation. I downloaded the Wine file (wine-1.0.1.tar.bz2 and wine-1.0.1.tar.bz2.sign, its a source archive i think)from [URL]. Those two files are now in my flash disk. I went throught the wine user guide but they haven't explained about how to install it in detail, but i found that, "Compiling & installing Wine from source is slightly more difficult than using a package".

I went to [URL] looking for packages but again its saying, i should install some library's before building Wine and leads to [URL]. I went there & found a web page with some codes.

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Fedora :: F13 - MPlayer Complains About Missing Library

Aug 18, 2010

When I load a video into mplayer I get this message:
Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I checked that this lib was installed with yum:
Package libvdpau-0.4-1.fc13.i686 already installed and latest version

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Download A Library Manually, Can't Find It?

Sep 16, 2010

I need to download the following library: rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) <= 4.4.2-1It seems it's on this site, but the site is having issues or something: [URL]This machine is not connected to the internet nor can it be.I installed the libg2c.so.0 library [URL]and now am having to insatll its dependencies

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Why X86_64 Only Install 64bit Library

Feb 16, 2011

By default, Fedora x86_64 only installs 64 bit libraries under /lib64 when OS installation! I think, it is not very good because there are so many 32 bit application software, without 32bit library, 32bit application can not run at all! Why Fedora not install both libraries by default, any concern?

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General :: Play Itunes Library In Fedora 14?

Nov 20, 2010

I imported my itunes library from my ipod. I tried using Mplayer and Banshee to play the music but no luck. Is there a plugin I'm missing for mpeg4 decoding? I also tried using Soundconverter but it's also looking for a mpeg4 decoder.

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Fedora :: Root File Permission Accidentally Changed Root To 700

Mar 24, 2010

the terminal and logged in as root i was changing file permissions and happened to change the root folder to 700. Now my icons have gone and i can't even access the terminal.

I was just wondering if it is possible to go to rescue mode using the cd and restore all the appropriate file permissions to root/ users if possible

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Fedora :: Can't Find C Library Manual Pages On 11 / Solve It?

Oct 5, 2009

I cannot find the C library manual pages on fedora 11. Are info pages the same as man pages?
or how can I install man pages so that I can use man 3 malloc?

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Fedora :: Library Access - Command Rpm -Uvh *.rpm This Fails Due To Many Dependencies

Nov 18, 2009

I installed FC 12, 64 bit yesterday. I downloaded open office and unpacked it. I then issued the command rpm -Uvh *.rpm this fails due to many dependencies Some of these are:


how to "link" or make these and presumably other libraries searchable.

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Fedora :: Update Broke Library Links After Restart

Feb 5, 2010

I ran the automatic update today and it requested a restart afterwards. After the restart, I don't have any icons on my desktop, can't open windows other than the terminal. If I try to run software from the terminal, I get the following error.

/lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version 'GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6)
/lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version 'GCC_3.3' not found (required by /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6)

I have seen "just removed the library with an issue" or recreate the links or try to reinstall. I am running fedora 12.

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Fedora :: Configure Latex To Access To The Library In Home?

Nov 9, 2010

I have downloaded PGF for latex in my home directory.[URL]..How can I configure latex to access to the library in my home?

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Fedora Installation :: Maya Library Wont Start?

Jan 12, 2011

i ve just installed maya 2011 and for some when i run maya it returns the following error:/usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/maya.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libiomp5.so: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied

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