Debian :: Start Script For Ventrilo Server?

Jul 12, 2011

i am looking for a start script for linux debian for vent ? i cant find one for Debian

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Ubuntu :: Host A Ventrilo Server ?

Jun 5, 2010

I would like host a ventrilo server. I followed all the instructions and I get to the part where you type ./ventrilo_srv and I get this:

I don't know what causes the the unable to bind to TCP socket.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Ventrilo Server Init.d Script?

Oct 3, 2009

I just installed the ventrilo server daemon on CentOS 5.3 and I'm having 2 issues with the init.d script I wrote. Issue 1: the stop command does not work. I suspect due to an issue with where the daemon puts the pid file. Issue 2: chkconfig says that the "service ventrilo does not support chkconfig". The script is below.

# ventrilo server
# Pull in init.d functions
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions


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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Up Ventrilo Server ?

Jun 23, 2010

I have it downloaded (linux version). What folder should I put it in?? Does it matter?

I am new to bash so i dont know how to start the Ventrilo Server up.

I navigated to the folder the server is in and did ./ventrilo_srv and ./ventrilo_srv -d and they both come up "No such file or directory".

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General :: Automatic Startup Of Ventrilo Server Fedora 12?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm looking for a way to automatically startup Ventrilo when my linuxbox restarts. At the moment I have to manually start it up. I know there is a way and I've tried to follow other threads but I can't seem to find a tutorial on how to do this with the Fedora 12 distro.

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Server :: Ubuntu 8.10 - Unable To Read Configuration Data For Ventrilo

Mar 5, 2010

I am running ubuntu 8.10 on an old gateway as a server. I have vent up and running just fine. I went to configure the ventrilo_srv.ini file and now that I have made the changes, I need to restart the server program, which I am having problems doing. The following command returns the following:

sudo /home/taylor/ventrilo/ventsrv/ventrilo_srv restart
Ventrilo Server - Public - Version 3.0.3
(c)Copyright 1999-2008 Flagship Industries, Inc.
Unable to open configuration file 'ventrilo_srv.ini'.
ERROR: Unable to read configuration data. Exiting.

What am I doing wrong? Did I change something that shouldn't have been changed. I only set the name to something other than default and set the admin password.

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Ubuntu :: Setup Ventrilo Server - Load Automatically On System Boot

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to setup a ventrilo server. I want it to load the server automatically on system boot so it is running at all times. I have downloaded the server files and can manually start it, but I do not know where/how to make it start automatically.

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Server :: SSL Won't Start On Debian?

May 17, 2011

I have Apache running fine on a webserver but now just tried to get SSL running also. I made a copy of default-ssl and changed the SSLCertificateKeyFile record to match the certificate I had. I enabled the site through a2enmod and restarted apache but a telnet to 443 tells me that SSL is not running. Also apache2ctl -S is not listing the record. There is no indication in the errors logs to give me a clue.

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Debian :: Start A Ftp Server With Proftpd?

Aug 24, 2010

I am pretty new to Linux and I want to start a ftp server with proftpd. Well sofar I have made one but there is one problem when I login with windows, the computer don't ask for a username and password. Instead he just show some folders from my home directory.

I have used the standard proftpd config file, and tried to change some things with online tutorials but non of them worked with windows (only for linux ftp connections). Can some of you refer me to a good tutorial for a multi user ftp linux server or explane me what to do?

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General :: Start An SSH Server In Debian?

Feb 5, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to start an SSH server in Debian?

I believe the process name is sshd?

My box was unplugged and now when I restarted, SSH server is no longer running... I had it up and running before, but I just forgot how to start it

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Debian :: Cannot Start Hylafax-server / Fix It?

Nov 8, 2010

Whenever i start hylafax-server on debian lenny, i will get this error code...

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OpenSUSE :: Keeping The Mangler (Native Ventrilo Client) Working?

Apr 13, 2011

I play MMOs and need to be able to communicate in ventrilo with the guild and groups that I am in. I have never had any problems making windows games work in WINE as long as the appDB says they are good to go, but I have had an ongoing problem with Mangler in a few distros.

I have had an on going problem with my system and Mangler. I use a creative usb fatality headset. When I am in Windows it works fine for ventrilo. If I boot into Linux and load up Mangler I can get it to work, but then after a while no one can hear me, but I can hear them and the Mangler icon in the system tray turns yellow instead of green.

I have the audio settings in Mangler set for my USB head set. My head set will consistintly work in Audacity. When I go into the pulse audio settings and set the drop box down to my head set it will show default audio every time I go back into the audio settings. If I reboot then plug in the headset and then reste the drop down to head set it will work. If I open a game or something it will close sometimes other times I think it just takes time. I have had the same propblem on Ubuntu 10.04, Kubuntu 10.10, and openSUSE 11.4.

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Ubuntu :: Keeping Mangler (Native Ventrilo Client) Working

Apr 13, 2011

I have had an on going problem with my system and Mangler. I use a creative usb fatality headset. When I am in Windows it works fine for ventrilo. If I boot into Linux and load up Mangler I can get it to work, but then after a while no one can hear me, but I can hear them and the Mangler icon in the system tray turns yellow instead of green. I have the audio settings in Mangler set for my USB head set.

My head set will consistintly work in Audacity. When I go into the pulse audio settings and set the drop box down to my head set it will show default audio every time I go back into the audio settings. If I reboot then plug in the headset and then reste the drop down to head set it will work. If I open a game or something it will close sometimes other times I think it just takes time. I have had the same propblem on Ubuntu 10.04, Kubuntu 10.10, and openSUSE 11.4.

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Debian :: MySQL Server Can't Start In Lamp

Jun 24, 2015

I installed LaMp 2 days ago. First everything works; But until yesterday, I can't start anymore mysql server : it failed each time.

When I look at the status :

Code: Select allsystemctl status mysql
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Erreur inconnue -1

It's like it can't generate mysqld.sock

Code: Select all/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!

I keep reading man and trying to find something I didn't configure correctly, but I can't find nothing.

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Debian Multimedia :: Unable To Start Second X Server

Nov 9, 2015

I was able to start multiple X servers before. Now after the upgrade to rootless X, I had to add myself to the "input" group to be able to start X, but I'm unable to start 2nd X on a different vt.

Here are the errors and warnings I'm seeing:

Code: Select all[114940.404] (EE) /dev/dri/card0: failed to set DRM interface version 1.4: Permission denied
[114940.409] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting
[114940.409] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
[114940.409] (WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
[114940.409] (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
[114940.409] (EE)
[114940.409] (EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices

I'm on Debian stretch/sid.

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Debian Multimedia :: Optirun Cannot Start X Server

Dec 30, 2015

I have been using bumblebee on my Optimus Laptop for a long time.I think I have this problem since the last Xorg upgrade, some months ago. The upgrade notes warned that Xorg now runs on userspace, and that configuration files are now read from the user (although I haven't noticed that).Then optirun ceased to work. As I'm using sid, I'm used to things being broken sometimes, so I simply let it go waiting for an upgrade that would fix it. Since this upgrade (either to Xorg or to bumblebee) is not coming, I have searched on the Internet, and I'm surprised that many people have had problems with bumblebee, but no one seems to be having the same exact error (see below).

I have tried everything (everything my limited knowledge and my internet searches allow me). I have tried with nvidia and nouveau drivers, but I get more or less the same result.

Code: Select all$ sudo systemctl status bumblebeed
● bumblebeed.service - Bumblebee C Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bumblebeed.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since mié 2015-12-30 09:30:34 CET; 20min ago

It seems Xorg is failing but is not giving any information about the failure, no message, which is different to the problems I have found in the Web.
I have purged bumblebee packages to assure I'm using default configuration files. I have added rcutree.rcu_idle_gp_delay=1 to GRUB_ CMDLINE_ LINUX_ DEFAULT as instructed on some howtos.

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Software :: Start Dovecot Server On Debian 6.0.1?

May 13, 2011

i have some problems to start my dovecot server on Debian 6.0.1 I tried to install it from webmin using "un-used modules" but it was allways the same error: "E: Unable to locate package dovecot-pop3d". When I tried to install it from console using the commands: apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dovecot-common - and there are no problems with dovecot-imapd and dovecot-common, but still the same error with dovecot-pop3d: "E: Unable to locate package dovecot-pop3d". After command: service dovecot status: could not access PID file for dovecot ..After try to start dovecot with comand "dovecot": Error: mail_executable: Can't use /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3: No such file or directory Fatal: Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf It's interesting because on version 5.0 there were no problems to install and run dovecot server just pressing the button from webmin..

I've read a few similar threads in this forum about dovecot errors but still can't to fix it.

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Debian Configuration :: MySQL Server Doesn't Start

Jun 18, 2015

Since upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie I have not been able to start the MySQL-server. When I do a "systemctl start mysql" I get the following answer on the console:

Job for mysql.service failed. See 'systemctl status mysql.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
Entering 'systemctl status mysql.service' the answer is:
● mysql.service - LSB: Start and stop the mysql database server daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mysql)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Don 2015-06-18 18:35:41 CEST; 4min 1s ago
Process: 11272 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mysql start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

syslog and hostname.err don't show any pertinent messages.

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Debian Multimedia :: X Server Fails To Start After Upgrade?

Jan 23, 2010

I did a distribution upgrade using "apt-get dist-upgrade". After rebooting, I receive a message saying "Failed to start the X Server". When I okay the prompt for more info, I see the following: GDM: Xserer not found: /usr/bin/X :0 -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 Error: Command could not be executed! install the X server or correct GDM configuration and restart GDM.gdm[4678]: WARNING: gdm_server_spawn: Xserver not found: /usr/binX :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7

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Debian Multimedia :: Tightvnc Server And Can't Start GUI Apps As Root

Feb 12, 2015

I have headless debian as a server which i use over tightvnc server running on it. Vnc works fine but I can't for example run sudo mousepad or any other gui app from terminal, it says something about not having the rights to open it as root. I understand this has something to do with security, but my computers are behind nat so the vnc server can only be connected inside my lan so i don't mind.

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Server :: How To Start Sequence Of Applications At Specified Time Intervals In Debian

Nov 18, 2010

I am currently running debian lenny on an old mini ITX box (1GHZ 1GB ram OS on a 16GB CF card, 4 X 1TB sata drives) as a file server on my home network. I have modified /etc/inittab to auto log in a standard user, start X and start fluxbox. I would like the system to then start a couple of VM's using virtual Box but as this is not a high spec box I would like to start these automatically at 5 min intervals and about 5 min after the auto log in.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can achieve this or alternativley monitor the processor load and start each VM in sequence as the porcessor load drops below 20%.

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Debian Configuration :: Start X Server In A Read Only Root File System?

Apr 27, 2010

For my project, it's absolutely necessary to have a read-only root partition system. I have a writable /opt/project partition.But, I also need to start x server. startx This tries to write to some temporary files and fails as / is readonly. Is there any how-to on how to move this temporary files to the writable portions of the file system.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie X-server Failed To Start ATI Radeon 9200 Pro

May 4, 2015

I have an older computer and I did a fresh install of Jessie

Procesor AMD, Graphic card ATI Radeon 9200 PRO / RV280

After instalation my computer boot into black screen. I have no problems with wheezy.

I installed manually firmware-linux-nonfree (in case) module R200_cp is loading correctly.

When I configure Xorg, my log file says something like that:
(EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x0
Fatal server error:
(EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting

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Debian :: Exim Startup Script - Avoid Automatic Start Of Mail Server

Jun 9, 2011

after installing Debian, I typed the command:

update-rc.d -f exim4 remove

to avoid automatic start of this mail server (I use qmail). After several months, I did a reboot and exim is started! Looking at the history, I found this command:

Quote: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

Maybe this command has restored the init script of exim?

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Ubuntu :: Start Synergy On Startup Wont Start Automatically On Server

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to run synergy on startup. This works fine on the client, but it wont start automatically on the server. I put this line in an entry in startup applications:


but still no dice.

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Server :: DHCPD Will Start In Debug But Will Not Start As A Normal Service

Jun 7, 2010

I have setup a CentOS 5.5 server as a DHCP server. That will be it's only task in a Cisco callmanger VoIP environment The DHCP server that comes with CentOS 5.5 is from ISC V3.0.5 -redhat.

The server (HP DL360) has two physical NIC's of which only NIC1 is used (ETH0)

ifconfig shows:


The interface has a fixed IP setup.

My dhcp.conf file looks like this:


When I start (try to) dhcpd via the service interface or via the prompt as

Code: service dhcpd start

I get an [FAILED] message and the following is in /var/log/messages


But when I start the DHCPD on the comamnd prompt in debug mode it looks as follows:


and /var/log/messages shows:


Why does the system ask a declaration for eth0

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CentOS 5 Server :: DHCPD Doesn't Start - How To Make It Start

Sep 2, 2010

I'm configuring a new Centos 5.5 server in replacement of an old W2K server.The topology of our network is simple : one file/dhcp/dns relay server and workstations (PC's and some MAC's) plus network printers and scanners.All the workstations have dynamic IP addresses (easier because a lot of 'dynamic' changes : new persons with their own laptop, ...) and the server and printers/scanners have fixed IP addresses.I edited the dhcpd.conf (see here underneath), I have the file dhcpd.leases but it doesn't start !

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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Debian :: Apache2 Start Error Starting Web Server: Apache2[Wed Dec 09 15:36:40 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost?

Dec 9, 2009

I am getting this error

Starting web server: apache2[Wed Dec 09 15:36:40 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost XX.XX.XX.XXX:80 has no VirtualHosts(99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs failed!

also what is

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Server :: Start A Service At The Start Of PC

Dec 6, 2009

I use FC8 and i want some services like HTTPD and NAMED to start at the start of the system , how to create a script to do that .

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Server :: Lighttpd 1.4.28 Won't Start - How To Start It

May 25, 2011

Fresh install, followed the directions,

# ./configure --with-mysql --with-openssl --with-openssl-libs=/usr/lib (MySQL 5.5.12 & OpenSSL 1.0.0)

Everything seemed to go well enough. Stock lighttpd.conf. However, it won't start on boot. Not even manually via:

# /etc/init.d/lighttpd start
# /etc/init.d/lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (came across that while scouring Google).

No messages, no logs, nothing. ?

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