Debian :: Sdparm -C Stop Not Working?

Feb 21, 2011

I can't spin down my internal windows SATA disk with sdparm anymore. It worked well in Lenny, but not in squeeze. The disk I'm trying to stop is not mounted or anything. Is this something udev related?

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Debian Hardware :: Sdparm Not Stopping SATA Disk In Squeeze

Feb 9, 2011

I recently updated from Lenny to Squeeze. In Lenny I used to spin down my internal SATA backup drive like this:

# sdparm --command=stop /dev/sdb

It worked well in Lenny, but it doesn't work in Squeeze:

XXXX:~>sudo sdparm --command=stop /dev/sdb
/dev/sdb: ATA       WDC WD2500AAJS-2  01.0

All I can hear is a click indicating drive head movement but the disk keeps spinning.

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Debian Hardware :: USB Keyboard Stop Working Sometimes

Aug 4, 2015

I'm running a SuperMicro GPU server with nvidia GFX 750 card. Debian Sid with last update this morning. The server is far away from the screen. So i'm using 5m active USB 2.0 cable with one Belkin powered hub. All USB device work always correctly.

But sometimes, my keyboard (a logitech illuminated) doesn't work anymore. I need to disconnect and reconnect it. Backlight keep on but no key work. I can't change the numlock or caps lock too.

Apparently, this appear mainly (only?) when i use the keyboard (for shortcut or typing text in vim).

I've tried with and without autosuspend (setting manually or from GRUB).

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Debian Multimedia :: Graphics Stop Working After Upgrade To Jessie

Oct 17, 2015

I upgraded from wheezy to jessie, but now I just boot to a console. I've gone through and made sure all packages are up to their latest versions, and I've made sure gnome, xorg, and xserver-xorg are reinstalled (during the upgrade they got uninstalled..).

Here's what happens when I run startx manually:

Code: Select allcharlie@asimov:~$ startx
X.Org X Server 1.16.4
Release Date: 2014-12-20
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian

[Code] ...

Note also that this whole time, gdm3 has been running:

Code: Select allcharlie@asimov:~$ ps ax | grep gdm3
 1058 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/sbin/gdm3
 3993 tty2     S+     0:00 grep gdm3
charlie@asimov:~$ sudo service gdm3 status

[Code] .....

I'm not sure why it prints that it's starting gdm3, but it does that every time I run `sudo service gdm3 status'.

Here's a copy of my /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

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Fedora :: Pen Drive Seems To Stop Working?

Sep 13, 2009

few days back i forcibly remove my flash drive from the USB, but after that the pen drive seems to stop working whenever i try to insert the pen drive in Windows or Linux, i see the appropriate image but if i double click on the image it says nothing is mounted,

i have seen what is mounted with
#fdisk -l

no pen drive is showing

i have tried to mount it forcibly with

#mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o force

with variou combination of /dev/**** can anyone mount this pen drive or can tell me what's the default for /dev/ ??? i think sdb1 it works with my external drive but i am not sure for flash drive and i am also not sure if it's ntfs file system, it's 4 GB so it should be ntfs

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Fedora :: CD Burning Stop Working?

Oct 17, 2009

I was burning a disc with K3b and it was from an ISO; Burn and verify. Everything went successful, but when I put in my 2nd DVD to burn, K3b doesn't recognize it. On top of that when I right click on the icon of a Blank DVD on my desktop, it doesn't have the Eject Volume option there anymore. Does anybody know what could be going on here? why would my Fedora (11) stop burning and ejecting discs all of a sudden?

also, I tried this with multiple DVDs/drives to see if they were bad DVDs/drives and it's all the same result. Also, since I didn't have the eject option on my desktop I had to eject it with K3b from within the program. There's still a problem though.

edit: Some reason K3b is recognising discs again and is burning again. I guess the restart did it and I don't know why it was acting funny.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Is Stop Working

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using edgers ppa and its been really nice until now, this morning I updated as usual and to my surprise after restart compiz is not working anymore.compiz-check does not print anything wrong with my system.

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Ubuntu :: Key Board Is Stop Working

Feb 27, 2011

My keyboard (usb) keep on stopping working after about 30-60 sec Then I have to removed the cable and re-install it then it works again.

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General :: Delete Key Stop Working?

Feb 20, 2011

my system info is

root@ubuntu10:~# uname -a
Linux ubuntu10 2.6.32-29-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 11 19:00:09 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux


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General :: Internet Stop Working After A While?

May 21, 2010

I'm running puppy linux and my wireless works for about 10 minutes before crapping out. Then I tried going thru the internet wizard again and it won't detect my wireless connection. All my other machines are using this connection at the same time with no problem. The situation is temporarily resolved when i reboot.

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Fedora Networking :: Ppp Stop Working After Update

Jun 29, 2009

after updating my machine, my ppp connection stops working. It dial ok, but fail when call the post scripts. Here is the log for the command

ipup ppp0:
Jun 29 16:50:42 ricardoalonso ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/ttyUSB0 at 460800
Jun 29 16:50:42 ricardoalonso pppd[4516]: Warning: can't open options file /root/.ppprc: Permission denied


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Ubuntu :: Gksudo And Gksu Stop Working?

Jan 20, 2010

I am running a file server on Jaunty. It was a fresh install about a month ago and I have been having problems ever since. I connect external drives to the machine to do nightly backups. Lately, I have been using GParted (Gnome Partition Editor) to format the drives before using them as backups, as I keep a backup for every day of the week.

After using GParted a couple of times, it will stop working and I can't open it or any other application that needs root privileges. I can't use Gnome to mount drives anymore. I have to open Terminal and use the mount command to mount drives. Trying to start gparted or any other application, including nautilus from the Terminal using gksudo or gksu, I get the following error message:

gksudo nautilus
(nautilus:25353): nautilus-extension-gnome-mount-WARNING **: Cannot connect to system bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.LimitsExceeded : The maximum number of active connections for UID 0 has been reached
(nautilus:25353): nautilus-extension-gnome-mount-WARNING **: Could not initialize hal context


Once the machine is rebooted, everything works fine until I run a few more privileged applications, then the applications stop working again and this whole process starts all over. The only way to fix the problem so far is to reboot the machine, which is completely unacceptable.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Buttons Stop Working?

Feb 6, 2010

I am running 9.10 (Karmic) on a Compaq Presario CQ60 laptop with Nvidia graphics. I have installed the -185 driver which has solved most problems. However every so often the system seems to lose track of the mouse button state. The first symptom of this is that all mouse movements on text are treated as if the left button is being held down: mouse movement selects text rather than just moving the graphics cursor. I am using a M$ optical mouse.

I have tried:unplugging and replugging the mouse using Ctl-Alt-F1 to go into a console and Ctl-Alt-F7 to go back to the GUI I am able to shut down all of the open windows normally using the keyboard, but the only way I have so far found to get the GUI working again is to reboot the system.

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Ubuntu :: All Of A Sudden Sound Stop Working ?

Jun 5, 2010

I recently did a clean install of ubuntu 10.4 and finally got everything working. All of a sudden my sound stop working and i can seem to tell whats wrong. The strange thing is though when i first turn on the computer i can here the drums at the login screen but after logging in there is no sound anywhere. I checked all the sound preferences and everything looks alright, nothing was muted. I am pretty much stumped..

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Mouse And Keyboard Stop Working?

Jun 7, 2010

I was having a problem with the mouse and keyboard randomly failing to work after upgrading to version 10.04. I tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions. The problem went away after I edited the file /etc/default/grub and changed the following line:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noapic nolapic"

If you are unable to open a terminal window, try doing the following

Log into you account.
sudo nano /etc/default/grub

After saving your changes and exiting nano you can reboot by using the halt command.(FYI Ctrl+Alt+F7 gets you back into X server -- but you need to reboot for the change to take effect) Update: problem recurred. I had to do Ctrl+Alt+F1 to log into a console. I executed 'ps aux | more' to find the PID for X.Using the PID I restart X with 'sudo kill -S SIGTERM <PID>'.Once it started up again it was fine.

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Ubuntu :: Scroll Click Stop Working / What To Do?

Jul 4, 2010

Until yesterday, I used the scroll key, middle click, to open/close tabs at Firfox and chrome, today for some reason is not working any more.

I can roll pages up and down, but at Firefox and chrome i cant open/close the tabs with scroll/middle click.

I checked online and the only fix I found was the safe mode solution, which I don't know how to do this on Ubuntu.

I reinstall Firefox and chrome but same thing happens.

I think its something at about:config. I mess around with it, tried all combination, seems nothing happened there for me, no reaction at any changes.

Kinda noob at Linux so if you could explain any solution like talking to 5yo kid would be appreciated.

Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox fully updated.

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Ubuntu Installation :: HDD Seems To Stop Working After Some Time

Sep 29, 2010

I recently bought a Shuttle XS-35 Mini-Barebone-PC and filled it with a 2GB Corsair RAM and a 1 TB WD Scorpion Blue Drive.After assembling all the parts I simply wanted to install Ubuntu but it simply doesn't work. However then I had the idea it would be good to kinda get the drive to a completely clean state and used the tools to safely wipe the whole HDD (by writing zeros everywhere as the tool tells me). The tool ran good for around 30 minutes but suddenly the write speed showing in the console window would go down to 0B/s (meaning basically nothing at all I suppose). I tried it 2 more times and it always came to a halt at the 10-20GB mark.

So this lead me to belief that that is also the problem while installing, that my drive doesn't want to wark anymore but rather just sleep a bit.What could be the problem? Is it a hardware error? Is there some linux system setting that could whip my HDD whenever it gets lazy? Did I do something else wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Stop Working After A While?

Jan 15, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10. Everything works fine, except wireless. Wireless works fine for a while (I am right now using it) but then it loses all networks and I have to shutdown and then start Ubuntu again to get wireless network again.

I have MSI laptop with Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)

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Ubuntu :: Internet In 10.04 - Wireless Stop Working

Jul 27, 2011

my wireless will simply stop working after each new webpage loads. Whats strange is that it will not disconnect me, and the wireless icon in the top right will continue to show that I am connected to the internet. I am currently tethered to my phone and the internet is working fine. Once If I switch to my regular wireless internet and disonnect and reconnect to my home router then the webpage will load fine only once then after that it will not work again until I disconncet and reconnect again.

This is not a problem for anyone else in my house who all use macs (needless to say they are all very smug about this). Also when I connect to my schools wireless internet there is not a problem. Also restarting my modem and router at home does nothing to solve the problem. Like I said before this just started up about 3 days ago and has baffled me since.


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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Start To Stop Working

Jul 25, 2010

i installed linux ubuntu 10.04 only works for a few minutes then the mouse and the keyboard start to stop working, they completely freeze then i have to restart the computer.

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Software :: Will Current GTK Theme Stop Working?

May 13, 2011

I am using Arch with Gnome 2.32 installed a couple weeks before Gnome 3 was out. And this means I use GTK 2 themes for GTK apps (if I'm not mistaken...). I have some awesome theme which I modified and my WM is IceWM, so it's just for GTK programs. And I don't wanna switch this theme to any other. So the question is: if I update Gnome 2 to Gnome 3, will my current GTK theme stop working? I won't update any piece of software untill the strong need, but I'm wondering if I'll be able to use my fave GTK 2 theme with newest Gnome.

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Slackware :: NX Stop Working Today For No Reason

Apr 7, 2011

After many month of use NX stop working today for no reason. I try to connect to my system at home and all it does its say authentication failed. I can connect via ssh just fine. I am using Slackware64 13.1

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CentOS 5 :: Beryl Stop Working After Upgrade 5.4?

Oct 24, 2009

Beryl 2.0-1 was working fine with my driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.31-pkg2 and twinview in xorg...after yum update to 5.4 is no more, here are my files

# beryl
* Beryl system compatiblity check
Detected xserver : NVIDIA
Checking Display :0.0 ...
Checking for XComposite extension : passed (v0.3)
Checking for XDamage extension : passed


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Keyboard Stop Working / What To Fix It?

Oct 19, 2010

I am running Centos5 on my webserver and suddenly the keyboard stop working. I don't want to reformat. Can anyone help me fix that problem.

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CentOS 5 :: Mouse And Keyboard Stop Working

Aug 27, 2011

I just install CentOS 5.6 on my computer. My mouse and keyboard stops working in 2 cases: 1. copy files from usb (FAT and NTFS); 2. update my system (specifically, when downloading update packages). But the system's still working. It seems weird but I can do nothing but reboot every time.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: NVidia CK804 With ALC 850 Stop Working?

Oct 12, 2010

About some days ago my sound card (an Nvidia CK804 integrated with motherboard, OS ver is 11.3) stop working. I receive a notification each time I start KDE and if I try to test the card from Multiedia Control Module

I suspect that maybe some recent update could produce the problem, if it is so probably there are someone here that has faced the same issue.

The card works fine on windows, so there isn't a hardware problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mouse And Keyboard Stop Working With 9.10 AMD 64 Bit?

Jan 11, 2010

System was running fine under 8.04 but decided to update. The live CD works fine but after install, the Mouse and Keyboard stop working under 9.10. Even the keyboard power button is off. Disconnecting and reconnecting the keyboard or the mouse does not . AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 mouse

Everything else seems OK but how would I know without the keyboard or mouse. The keyboard turns off right before the first Ubuntu screen. The Numlock will go off and then nothing. Tried to run dpkg - fix broken packages after booting to repair. All I get is fail to fetch http: (whatever )Could not resolve Update: Alt-F3 ... then Booting to terminal mode does not disable the keyboard.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How Can App Work For While / Then Stop Working Within Same Distro

Jan 17, 2010

I have been working with Ubuntu for the last 6 months. Overall, I am all behind linux and open source. However, what I cannot figure out is why [in Ubuntu] or how can an app work for a while, then stop working within the same distro? My iPod was working great with HiPO, Banshee, and Rhythmbox and now, after the latest upgrade, it's not working.

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Ubuntu :: Mysql Stop Working After Today's Update

May 26, 2010

I'am using ubuntu lucid, after today's system updates, mysql stop working at all. Log file at /var/log/mysql/error.log does not say anything about today, and whe I try to start it the terminal hang also in verbose mode.

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Ubuntu :: Quicksynergy And Synergy Randomly Stop Working?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using Quicksynergy on my desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) computer as the server and Synergy on my Laptop (Windows XP) which is right beside my desktop.Everything works well for a while, but randomly seems to stop working. When I look into the problem, it seems that its with Quicksynergy on my desktop.I find that I have to quit Quicksynergy and open the system resources application to kill the Synergy daemon (or whatever it is) that Quicksynergy uses.Restarting Quicksynergy after killing the daemon fixes the problem as my laptop always reconnects perfectly fine.Does anyone else have this problem in Ubuntu? I'd like to get this fixed so I don't have to keep killing the synergy process and restarting Synergy.

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