Debian :: Nautilus File Browser - Open Folder By Using The Shift And F4 Keys
Mar 21, 2011
In the kde realm, with the dolphin file browser, I can open a terminal in whatever folder is in the gui by using the shift and f4 keys. I'd like to be able to accomplish the same in gnome with the nautilus file browser but can't figure out how to do same. So far I have to open a terminal and then cd to the desired folder. Or do I have to use some other file browser and which one?
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Feb 19, 2010
I basically am hoping for a line of bash script I can put into "Open With" for folders so I can get a terminal with the right path. I hate manually typing in paths to places when I am looking right at them in nautilus. "gnome-terminal" doesn't work - it just opens a terminal to ~.
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Feb 12, 2011
How to call Nautilus file browser with root permissions? "sudo nautilus" does not work. Under Ubuntu there is a command:
"gksu nautilus"
but this does not work in CentOS either.
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Mar 1, 2010
I have a dell precision m4300 laptop with a 360 wireless bluetooth dell adapter On my system there is a debian lenny with kde3 and backported enable(everythings is p to date except bluez-utils and bluetooth holded at version 3.36-3)
Nowadays bluetooth more less works fine, I can send and receive single file to/from my phone (nokia n70)
The hell begin when I try to browse my phone files from konqueror...with bluetooth:/ I can see the list of all the device near me with sdp://[address]/ i can see two icons (obex file transfer & obex object push)
but I cant see or access to any file or folder into the phone.
I also try to update my bluez-utils to 4.60-1~bpo50+1 but in this case kbluetooth totally fail and a see the contextual menu of the system tray icon all disaled.
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May 27, 2011
I'm using rhel6. Using File Browser Nautilus 2.28.4 I could easily locate any file I'm interested in by it name. I'd like to use this File Browser to locate the file name based on it content e.g. based on some word in the text file. It doesn't work for me that way ... My question: does Nautilus support the search of file based on it content or only based on the name of the file itself?
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Dec 4, 2010
Currently if I have folder "/abc/def/ghz" open on Nautilus and I want to run a terminal command on that folder I have to manually open the terminal and go to that folder.I'd like to know if there is a way to have a button or a short cut that'd allow me to open the terminal right in the desired folder.Something like pressing CTRL ALT and have the terminal popup in the the current folder.
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Apr 29, 2011
I just upgraded from Maverick 10.10 to 11.04 64-bit and I have the following problem: every program that provides an "open file or folder" function such as synapse -> open folder, firefox downloads open folder, deluge open, instead of opening nautilus in the desired folder (default behavior of 10.10), it just opens a gnome-terminal.
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Jun 12, 2010
Is there an alternative to Nautilus file browser? I mean a file browser which offers out of-the-box (!) more features and where I don't have to install such add-ons like nautilus-actions separately and defined some commands which should obviously be built-in.
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Feb 2, 2010
I am using fedora 11, I am facing a problem while accessing windows share through nautilus.. Initially while accessing the windows share through nautilus, I clicked on remember password. Now I need to access the same windows share with another username having different access previliges on the share. But when I click on the shared folder it takes the password that I have previously saved. Its not prompting for new username and password.
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Jun 19, 2010
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 and have a problem that the file browser does not refresh automatically. This is what I notice. open a file browsercreate a folder or touch a new file from a terminal window.In the already opened file browser, I expect the new file or folder to show up on its own. It doesn't unless refresh button is pressed
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Jun 2, 2011
That in essence is my question. It is much easier to open a music folder in nautilus when you need to edit tags of music files.
I tried working with the nautilus-action configuration tool but to no avail. Can someone point me in the right direction?
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Jun 20, 2010
I have a Lenovo G550 Notebook, with a US keyboard layout (dedicated Numpad on the right). Now the quirk is.. the 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp' & 'PageDn' keys on the numpad do work in Ubuntu (They double up as 7, 1, 9 & 3 respectively, when Numlock is turned on), but what doesn't is Shift + 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp' or 'PageDn'.. Is there a setting to do this? I just have gotten used to it in Windows (for say, easily removing the typed in URL on a web-browser, using the keyboard), it seems like alls' lost without it
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Jun 28, 2011
I recently preformed a full update to my openSuSe 11.3 x64 + gnome install. Everything was running fine before the update however post a number of features have stopped working or have changed. I used the command zypper up to update everything. The errors I've been recieving are as follows, Wastebasket
Won't open on via Desktop or Places menu. Gives the following error "Could not display "trash:" File Is Of An Unknown Type". If I drop things on the Wastebasket the files do go to /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files but I can't Empty Wastebasket upon right click as the option is highlighted out.
Computer Icon If I try to open it from link in Places menu I get the error Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.. The link to it has also disappeared from the left hand panel if I have a Nautilus window open.
Mounted Icons Previously I used to have 4 drives mounted;
1 network (NFS),
1 encrypted (TrueMount),
2 Windows (partitions of main machine)
Out of these only the encrypted and network drive showed on the Desktop and two Windows drives would stay mounted under /windows but have no icon on the Desktop. After the update, all these drives are on the desktop and but the only way to not have them appear on Desktop is to set Gnome config not to show any of the icons on Desktop. Although these are independent errors, they are all related to folders (at least indirectly) so I felt it was better to group them together to give a better picture of the issue.
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Nov 26, 2010
I have been using ubuntu for a while and i like it a lot, im a web developer and i have windows xp installed in virtual box, i moved completely to linux and just use windows to test in ie, it had been a while since i didnt use windows and i had to use in the last few days and noticed how much faster it is, the thing that bothered me the most is when opening folders in the desktop or the recycle bin, in windows its instant, in ubuntu opening a folder takes a long time to open nautilus, is this normal or is my installation bad, any comments are appreciated, i dont want to abandon ubuntu, i really like it but it really bothers me that nautilus is so slow to open.
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Sep 1, 2011
In Ubuntu used to be a keyboard option called "Make Shift+NumPad work like MS Windows" or something. It allowed me to press for example Shift+NumPad 7 and it would get registered as the "Home" key. Without that option the shift key acts like a temporary NumLock and it'll pick up a "7" instead. My regular Home/End keys are somewhat out of reach, so I wonder where the setting is in XFCE. I'm using the latest XUbuntu 11.04.
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Jul 3, 2010
How do i type in an address into Nautilus (default file-browser in Gnome DE)? By default it shows me the folders as buttons instead of a typable url-type space, how do i change it to a white space i can key-into?
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm running
Opensuse 11.2
Kernel Linux
GNOME 2.28.2
I have an instance of Nautilus File Browser that will not close or be killed, and it always opens to the same directory, kdenlive in my home directory.
Rebooting, logging out and in as someone else, then logging back in again as myself doesn't stop it. And, I'm afraid to uninstall Nautilus. I've tried Re-installing it to no avail.
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Sep 15, 2010
In the left pane of Nautilus File Browser, I can only display directory and file names. I don't have the button at the top of the pane which allows me to select an alternate view such as Tree view.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm running
Opensuse 11.2
Kernel Linux
GNOME 2.28.2
I have an instance of Nautilus File Browser that will not close or be killed, and it always opens to the same directory, kdenlive in my home directory. I'm a newbie and have already googled. Rebooting, logging out and in as someone else, then logging back in again as myself doesn't stop it. And, I'm afraid to uninstall Nautilus. I've tried Re-installing it to no avail.
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Sep 20, 2009
I have just installed F11 and want to change Nautilus to default Ubuntu and not open each folder in separate window. But I can't go to Edit/Preferences.Nautilus keeps crashing and I get this report:Quote:
Distribution: Fedora release 11 (Leonidas)
Gnome Release: 2.26.3 2009-07-07 (Red Hat, Inc)
BugBuddy Version: 2.26.0
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Mar 2, 2011
So Ive had this issue off and on for a while now, but have never really looked to see if others have had it or how I can fix it. Essentially the problem is that kde seems to randomly decide that I am holding down the shift or ctrl key.Im using a logitech cordless desktop s510, running openSUSE 11.3 x86_64. Ive had this problem on and off using a couple of different logitech keyboards. The most often time when it happens with the shift key is when im coding, and the control key when Im running a keyboard shortcut.
I can usually fix the issue by holding down the key that kde thinks is pressed for like 5-10 seconds and releasing, however sometimes I have to unplug and then replug in the usb adapter for kde to get things right. This doesnt happen if im running a non-graphical terminal (thouhg I cant say whether it happens in gnome as I dont have gnome installed) so I am thinking its related to kde. The keyboard can be plugged into other computers and they dont act the same way.
This gets esspecially annoying when Im coding (because of all the symbols) and generally when the issue occurs. I think it may have something to do with the key being pressed for over a certain length.
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Oct 16, 2010
I'm running Kubuntu 10.10, with KDE 4.5.2, what I've noticed is every so often my Tab, Caps, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Super keys stop working. I'd been running Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome and hadn't ever come across this issue. I'm not sure if this is related to KDE 4.5.2 or is possibly because I updated to 10.10 and would also occur on a Gnome environment.If I switch to my virtual machine (VMWare Workstation 7.1.2 build-301548 which I was able to get working on 10.10 using URL.... the keys work within that but if I switch back to my host desktop they stop working.To fix it I've found logging out or unplugging the keyboard and plugging it into a different USB port fixes it.
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Jan 7, 2011
I use Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit) version, after I update system yesterday from 2.6.32-27-generic, suddenly my Nautilus freeze everytime I want to permanently delete files (SHIFT+DELETE).
Remove file to Trash will run OK, but when I empty trash, Nautilus will be freeze and I need to "Force Quit" it.
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Nov 5, 2010
I downloaded a FLAC album from a band's label.The weird thing is that I cannot see the folder contents using the standard file browser interface.However, VLC can see and play the files without problem.I don't believe the files have any sort of DRM, but they are legal, FWIW.
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Aug 15, 2011
I can't access any of the sub-folders or files in my home folder on Ubuntu. I've checked the folder associations, that doesn't seem to be the issue. I've also opened the mimeapps.list file and the inode/directory association seems fine - inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;
I'm running Intrepid (8.10) (please don't ask me to upgrade! ) and the issue started after using Qtpfsgui 1.9.3 a couple of time to create HDR images. I guess Qtpfsgui broke an association somewhere, but where? I can access other folders, on Computer and Filesystem, but not on my home folder.
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Aug 13, 2010
I decided to check out nautilus-clamscan, in which all it does is add an option to scan the selected file or folder for viruses in the context menu, and while it works fine for some things highlighted, for some that I've randomly tried it freezes, and won't complete scanning. using the usual method of scanning for viruses through Clamtk, it scans those files and folders just fine, so it's not those themselves that's causing the freezing.
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Sep 16, 2010
In Gnome, How do I open a file browser in the current directory? I assume its [command] . Whats the command?
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Jan 1, 2011
I'm using Icecat (aka Gnuzilla a Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13 ) When I select "open containing folder" it prompts "Choose an application" rather than defaulting it to the system's file management system (which in this case is Nautilus from Gnome desktop system).
Ubuntu 10.10 is the system I'm using. Does anyone know how to fix this so it will function normally?
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm currently on LinuxMint. I'd like to start PHP scripting, but the browser doesn't want to open the file, only to download. I've red the description on Ubuntu's site how to bring apache2 and PHP together, but it simply cannot find php module. How on earth can I force Linux to act as a normal OS?
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Aug 25, 2011
I suspect this is a Gnome 3 problem and not a Fedora problem, but I have no way to separate the two here. I cannot upload an image from my computer to Weebly or to Google Plus, but strangely enough, I can upload one to Picasa. The sequence of actions goes something like this:
1. Open Weebly editing interface, add a picture element, click on the element to edit/add a picture. It then gives you a choice: from your local computer, from the web, etc.
2. Click on 'from local computer' and my computer opens the Open File Dialog Window.I am guessing that is its name, it is the same window you get when opening a file in any other application, like Gedit or LibreOffice.
3. Navigate to the image I want to upload and double click on it or select 'Open'.
4. Nothing happens.
I am able to upload images from my laptop, running Linux Mint 11 with Gnome 2.
It sounds to me like the Open File Window is not passing on the necessary information to the browser. I have no idea why it works in Picasa and not in Google+ or Weebly.
I don't really expect anyone to have a solution just yet, but I wanted to mention it somewhere, and I didn't see any forums. On the other hand, if someone does have a solution, great.
This is by no means a knock on Gnome 3, it is fine with me and I Iike it a lot more than I thought I would.
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