I'm running a desktop-less version of Debian via Sun VirtualBox. The reason I'm doing this is because I don't have enough graphics or RAM power to have a desktop environment running on top of my current desktop; also, I want to learn Linux through the command prompt. I'm running the AMD64 version of Debian; I'm not sure if that's relevant.
My main goal is to be able to email useful files from the virtual Debian to my main computer, so that I can save them for later if I ever decide to do a "real" installation of Debian on this computer. I realize now that there's probably some "easy" way to do this by reading the virtual machine's hard drive, but at this point, my curiosity wants to see this issue resolved. I started off wanting to find a command-line program to send my email with, and one was built-in. The syntax ~$ sudo mail -s "Subject" email@yahoo.com "This is a test email."
C^D Cc:C^D ~$
is what I found. I tried it, and (unsurprisingly), it failed. I then learned that the mail command calls exim4, or something along those lines, so I needed to configure exim4. Soon thereafter, I learned that Yahoo's SMTP wasn't public, but Google's was. So, I found this web page which described how to configure exim4 to allow for email to be sent to a Gmail account. I made one, and followed the page word-for-word.
I sudo-mailled a test email to my Gmail account, and nothing happened. I waited a bit longer, and still, nothing happened. Finally, I started looking around, and found out about the exim4 logs in /var/log/exim4. In my mainlog, I think that it's telling me that Google denied my connection: <date><time><random numbers and letters> == **********.gmail.com R=send_via_gmail t=gmail_smtp defer (111): Connection refused
So, now, I'm just stuck. I don't know what I did wrong, I checked my exim4.conf.template twice for spelling errors, but I don't think I made any. At this point, I can only hope that someone else has had a similar problem, or knows what I'm doing wrong (or haven't done yet).
Send an E-mail to your local account. Try two different ways to send and read it. How can you check that it really arrived? I decided to try using the 'mail' and 'pine' commands. So:
1) Using the root account, intending to send an e-mail to myself (root):
# mail -s "Hello root!" root Simple form of sending e-mails internally. ^D (this keystroke is to finish the e-mail) EOT
2) Using 'pine', another e-mail client: The mail is composed correctly, with 'To:' field set to:
which is my hostname, as my box runs in a VMWare Slack 12.2 image. In both cases, nothing was received in my mailbox (by typing #mail)... Additionally I don't see any new e-mails when I look at the file '/var/spool/mail/root'. Do I need extra information configuring my mail client/server/service?
Can anyone tell me what the pros and cons are between heirloom-mailx vs mailutils? This is for ubuntu 10.04 LTS. AT this point my only purpose is to use the mail command line program to occasionally send log output to email aliases.
Is there an easy to use program that I can use to send mail from the command line? I want to be able to create a batch script to send mail from different text files. What I'm looking for is something like: mailapp mailserveraddress destinationmailaddress mymailaddress filetosend
In my Windows environment, I use email client such as Microsoft Outlook to connect to our email server to send email with the following configuration:
Incoming server (POP3): 995 - (requires with SSL) Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 - (use encrypted connection SSL)
And the mail server requires user ID login and password.how do I setup a text command based email client in my Linux (Centos 5.1) to send out email through the existing email server above, which is in another machine? The email client has to be text command based because I need to use command line to send notification email from anothar application installed in my Linux (Centos 5.1) Since the email client will only be used to send email notification, I don't require setting up of an email server in my linux.
I use gmail for all of my emailing needs but stumbled upon linux counter at counter.li.org. Now I registered on the site and downloaded the machine-update script from the site. So I ran it and it collected the required data. But when I run ./machine-update -m as they have told, I guess no mail gets sent as I have to configure the mail program. How do I configure it so that it sends mail from my gmail address using stmp?
I'm running SUSE linux Server version 11. I want to configure mail server with postfix & cyrus-imap. For that, i have read many documents in Internet by i met issues. I'm running DNS in this server & it's ok Now I cannont send mail through command line.
I'm trying to setup notification function for the Nagios Core which use Mail to send notification.I got an account from Rogers. I have SMTP server, email account with authentication information.My Nagios server is in a workgroup, there is now domain assigned to it, I just use nagiosserver.localdomain in /etc/hosts.I added Rogers SMTP server in /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and Future (AuthInfo) I created an /etc/mail/AuthInfo and add AuthoInfo:smtpserver "U:user" " P: pwd" "M:Plain"I added smtp server in /etc/mail/access for RelayI added root@nagiosserver.localdomain on /etc/mail/virtusertableI regenerated sendmail.cf by user m4 commandrestart sendmail service.When I ran: Mial -s test nagios4ccs@rogers.comIt did not prompt any error message , in the maillog it says the message is queued but It can not be sent out
what do I need to change in postfix/ dns to send email to one one of the email server hosted by 1and1.
I'm using zenoss to monitor system/ network and devices. I wanted to setup email notification , so I installed postfix. All works fine when I use my private account on yahoo or hotmail. but when I specify email account that is hosted by 1and1 I receive error 421. "
xxxxmyserver postfix/smtp[5399]: B0A5B22A06: to=<1and1emailaddress>, relay=mx00.1and1.co.uk[]:25, delay=0.8, delays=0.04/0.02/0.62/0.12, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host mx00.1and1.co.uk[] said: 421 invalid sender domain 'xxxxmyserver' (misconfigured dns?) (in reply to RCPT TO command))
I've been trying to send mail to email account even after installing postfix but am not able to do so.My distro is Centos 5.4. I followed the Centos user guide to install and configure postfix into the server,
Code: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix but still didn't receive any email.
I'm trying to configure postfix so smart daemon can send out notifications emails. My system will need to send emails to a mail server that is on the same local network. I have not had much luck in getting this to work, and am confused on what I need to setup to do this and how to set it up. Does my system need to be apart of the same domain as the mail server? If so, how do I do this? Is there any restrictions sending emails from the command line as the root user? Do I need to configure a relayhost?
Basically all I need to do is send emails to a local mail server, i.e. a mail server on the same local network. I do not need to receive emails. I am rather clueless as to how to set this all up, and what I need for this basic email functionality. I have read and tried many postfix configuration tutorials, but when I try to send out a test email to a email address on the local network mail server I always get "Connection refused" to the server and deferred or bounced status on my test email.
I have a server with a static IP that I use as a sendmail server. The problem is that port 25 is exposed. As a result, anybody can login to the SMTP server and send mail from my domain as a user that does not exist as well as email from other non-existant domains. I'm sure there are sendmail options that I can enable to do some checks, like if the user exists on that server or if the domain is the same on the server, etc. I was wondering if you guys can mention a few that I can add to my sendmail.mc file?
I have thought about auth login, the problem is if auth login is on my public port then I won't be able to receive email from gmail because it would be unauthenticated. Also, I only have 1 mail server. I know the ideal solution is to have 2 mail servers. One for outgoing mail/internal mail server where you can enable auth login and the other for incoming mail which just acts as the relay to the internal mail server. That way spammers can't login to send mail out. That's another question I had, how do I configure sendmail to only send email out/in?
Anyhow, so I have to make do with 1 mail server for now. So I decided to add a few rules on iptables. I grabbed the IP range that gmail uses when I receive mail from then and added it to my iptables with the following command.
I'm looking for an easy way to send basic emails for the command line. I have tried configuring sendmail and mailx, but I have yet been able to receive a test email at my remote address. I have read through a fair amount of "how to" on this but I am a little confused and obviously not doing something right. My sendmail.mc file is as follows
i basically had this system installed for our mail system.The setup is as follows:
1. Operating system installed is Debian ver. 5.0.3
2. Roundcube is installed as a webmail(if its right for me to say that)
3. The server is hosted right here at our offices
4.The server uses relay system to send mail i.e. relays all our mails to our ISP
That all i can say about the configurations becuase thats as much as i understand it.The problem now is that we are not able to send or recieve emails from both internal and external.I tried to send mail to a collegue in the office who is on our local LAN,Roundcube says sent successfully but the person does not recieve the mail.i tried to send to my yahoo address but nothing.I dont know where these mails have been trapped.
I am trying to send e-mail from command line by using "mail" in fedora. It goes to e-mail server in the same network but it is refused by other outside this network with message: "..... Connection refused by name@yahoo.com ......
I've just setup a new Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server on linode for myself. Followed an excellent instruction at: here to finish the installation of some basic stuff including postfix.
I am trying to figure out a way to send an email to my gmail address with an attachment, but cannot find how. Already confirmed that email can reach my gmail account.
In the end I have to use mutt to send the email with attachments, probably SendEmails will also do well, but I am wondering how to do the same thing in postfix from command-line?
i am working on a neat little bash script, and i want the output to be mailed to my email account. So far i have tried installing sendmail then running: mail -s Test myemail@gmail.com But that hasn't worked; and i did check my spam folder. Am i missing something or is there a better technique all together?
Is there a way to send an email from a batch script. I want to send the output from a script to an email address, possibly a couple of email addresses depending on the output.
I have sendmail setup on my server but for some reason the following command does not send me an email: echo "test" | mail -s testsubject xyz@gmail.com
however in my crontab i have MAILTO="anemail@anemail.com" and it that is pumping out emails.
I am running this on an AmazonEC2 machine running Fedora Core 8.
I have users [URL] unable to send email to [URL]. [URL] user also unable to send email to [URL]. But both email addresses are fine as they can receive email from others or from [URL] and [URL]. I able to telnet mail server 110 and 25, no problem. Version: ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.10
Mail Log:
Feb 23 11:36:35 mail sendmail[16228]: o1N3aZxt016215: to=<xxx1@gas.com>, ctladdr=<xxx@abc.com> (501/501), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=442918, relay=gas.com, dsn=5.1.2, stat=Host unknown (Name server: gas.com: no data known)
I have an issue with sendmail. I need to configure sendmail to send email from command prompt to any domain. This is just for the notification purpose. I installed sendmail and sendmail-cf and sm-client. The following are the configuration I have done.