Debian :: Access Files On Alternative Computer?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a desktop installed with Debian Squeeze and ALL my files are stored there, and is always on. Everyone has an account on this computer.

Each of us have laptops (Debian/openSUSE with KDE4) and sometimes need to use the files that is stored on the desktop. Currently, we are transferring the required files via usb drives.

All the computers are connected to a wireless router that connects us to the internet.

So, to enable all laptops can access the desktop's file, should I

- install smb to all the computers or

- install ssh for the task.

- or are there any better way.

Need to ensure,

- security as ALL my personal info is on the desktop

- easy to use and prefer gui than console as I have young kids using the system.

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Software :: Access Computer A's Shares As Well As The Third Computer, The Aforementioned Computers Cannot Access Computer B

May 28, 2011

I have three computers in my network, but two will be mentioned. Computer A is a Linux Mint 9/Windows 7 dual-boot, and I have just installed Mandriva Free 2010.2, which I will call Computer B.

Now my main problem is that Computer B, while it can see and access Computer A's shares as well as the third computer, the aforementioned computers cannot access Computer B. The message was: "Unable to mount location/Failed to mount Windows share." Now, the SMB protocol was used because of the third computer and Computer A have Windows OSs installed in them.

What I originally wanted was that I can share Computer B's NTFS partition, namely Documents and Downloads, to the other computers. And I can't do that, because of the error message.

What I can do, however, is use Computer B to view shares from the other two computers (Computer A, as an example). By my experiences in Linux Mint, I understand that I'd have to mount my Windows partitions in order to share them. I don't even know if my NTFS drive in Computer B is mounted, though that is what was described.

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Networking :: Access Computer Files From IPad?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm not familiar at all with the networking functions of linux systems, but I just bought an iPad, and I want to store all my movies, music, and documents on my computer at home, and access them from my iPad. I've heard a VNC client is the best way to go. But will this allow me full access, or just to view the screen? Will I be able to watch movies at the highest framerate with this method?

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Ubuntu :: Access Files On Home Computer Via SFTP

Jun 1, 2011

I want to access my files on my home computer when I'm away (school, vacation etc). I set up a scheduled task to send to send me my external IP address by email because I have a dynamic IP and dont want a static url. (dyndns) I planned to use sftp for an encrypted connection, but I dont know where to start. How can I set up my computer to accept incoming requests, but without any security issues?

Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop 32-bit
openssh-server installed

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Server :: NFS Export Giving A Computer Access To Root-owned Files?

Oct 8, 2009

Yes, I know this is not a good practice, and this is only a short-term solution.I have a server with a web-file-server daemon running internally as root, so the permissions for all files it transfers/creates have a uid/gid of 0:0.This is fine for the daemon, but I would like to manage those files from another workstation - actually a few workstations on a very limited LAN subnet - through NFS. How would it be possible to have users from a certain subnet mount NFS with root read/write abilities?I have seen the anonuid/anongid options (for the /etc/exports file), but I'm not so sure this is the right way to go.

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Debian :: Can't Access 2nd Dvd Drive From Computer?

Jan 22, 2011

My problem is that the OS does not show my 2nd DVD drive (slave to the first one).I tried editing fstab as per man pages, and as per several instructions I got using google, but to no avail. In the end, I reinstalled Debian with a data CD in the 2nd DVD drive, hoping that the presence of media would "force" Debian to recognize the drive - but this did not help. In the end,as I am completely clueless, please help me to help the OS recognize and provide access to the 2nd drive.

Here are a few things that can help explain better- > 1. see the attached picture file for "inside" the Computer. Note the Slave DVD drive does not appear.Screenshot of Computer Icon on Desktop showing that only the Primary DVD drive is visible - and not the Slave DVD drive.
Screenshot-Computer.png (26.38 KiB) Viewed 212 times

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Debian Multimedia :: Interesting Dilemma Involves Remote Access To Computer

Oct 22, 2010

we usually have to access a batch of computers that is located on campus. This is straightforward enough on Windows, the OS that the computer support center cares about, but I'm interested to see how I would handle this in Debian. The process for Windows is:

1) Run the authentication program, which runs in the background.
2) Use Exceed on Demand (or Putty, but I can't really use that for my classes ), and log into the server. From there, it lets you log in to whatever computer you want. When logging on with Exceed on Demand, Solaris environment is then launched.

Now, I know there's not a lot of technical information here, and I apologize, but I know next to nothing about networking. What I do know is that I'm remotely accessing a secure computer, and then I ssh over to another computer (when using Putty, which was only command-line). I was wondering how easy or hard this would be to do through Debian, including the fact that I need to have the authentication program running.

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General :: Alternative USB Serial Port Access?

Aug 16, 2010

was wondering if there is an alternative method to using udev rules in order to get access to the USB serial ports. Is there a command to check the names and give them to you? I'm looking for something along the lines of "ttyUSB".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Move HD To New PC - Can't Access Computer From Other Computer

Sep 21, 2010

I have ubuntu server installed on a pc. The motherboard died, so I switched the HD to another computer. Everything is fine except the network. I cannot access this computer from other computer (while it was possible before). I looked at the interfaces and everything seems fine. The nic itselft seems to work too.

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Ubuntu Networking :: The Phone Can Access The Internet Through The Computer Unable To Get Access To Https Sites, Like Webmails

Dec 31, 2010

I managed to configure my W890i phone to get access to internet through an ubuntu-based computer. It's very easy to use the phone to give internet access to the computer, but the opposite is quite more tricky. For that I've done the following

----On the phone---

-Set the USB network option to "through computer", so that the phone uses the computer's internet connection and not the opposite.

-Decide and set "Shared Network" parameters: user, pasword and workgroup.

-In "conectivity-> internet connection" set "allow local network" to "yes"

----On Ubuntu 10.04---

-Install samba, samba-client, smbfs, smbclient, firestarter and dhcp3-server

-Configure Samba (System-> Administration-> Shared folders): same workgroup as in the phone, add new user (the phone), passwd this new user. In my case the user was called "w890i" and the password given was the same.

-Once the phone is connected to the computer through USB (then select "phone mode"), a new connection appears in NetworkManager: usb0.The aim is to create a shared network that gives internet access to this device. Edit the IPv4 parameters of this new connection, set them to Manual and give an IP adress ( and a subnet mask (; the rest of the fields are left empty.Connect this network.

-Set firestarter to use dhcp3: sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server /etc/init.d/dhcpd

-Launch firestarter and follow the wizard. Set "allow internet shared connection", choose the device for the primary internet access, and then the device for the shared network (usb0). Then change the settings for firestarter: activate DHCP for local network, set IP to the one we gave before (

-Open dhcp3-server config file sudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server And set INTERFACES="usb0"

-Set the policies of firestarter: in incoming connections, allow connections from the IP adress given to the phone ( Then add rules for the ports that need to be open for this connection. I opened HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, DHCP for all the connections in the local network.

-Apply policies and start the firewall.


After all this, the phone can access the internet through the computer. Two problems appeared:

1. I couldn't get access to https sites, like webmails. The phone gave a "communication error". But then I tried with Opera instead of the browser built in the phone's firmware, and I could finally get to https sites.

2. I couldn't retrieve mail, neither POP nor IMAP nor IMAPS. I thought it was a firmware problem again, and I tried out several mobile phone email clients written in java, but none of them worked.

So this is at the moment the problem. If I connect from the phone to the internet directly through 3G, the email clients work for all my accounts. I don't think it's a firewall problem, because the ports are opened for this connection

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Debian Configuration :: Give Application Write Access On Folder And Its Files

Mar 23, 2011

is there a way to give an application (controlaula) write access to a folder /var/lib/monitorprofe and files on that folder.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Does Not Start - Access Denied While Trying To Open Files In Profile Directory

Nov 21, 2015

Iceweasel will not start, saying :

(process:12904): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

Error: Access was denied while trying to open files in your profile directory.

but only for my userid. What home directory resources are required to start?

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Debian :: An Alternative For Mathematica?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm an undergraduate Physics student, and I would like to install a software for helping me with relatively simple tasks, such as calculating integrals, plotting graphs and performing some general numerical calculations. Can someone indicate me a good software for these purposes, preferably an official Debian package?

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Debian :: Finding The Alternative To Jigdo?

Jun 18, 2011

I am wondering if there's a better alternative than jigdo. I was trying to help out and choose what is recommended but this jigdo crap is ridiculous. Didn't work for me and the primitive bad design of it is a waste of time.

Maybe Debian should consider joining today's technology. There are supposed to be hybrid isos you can download and even Ubuntu is finally joining the camps doing that.But, there's nothing on Debian web pages mentioning 'hybrid isos.' Who uses jigdo anyway?There's no way of entering the url or any instructions that make it intuitive. Get rid of the jigdo and do something different....

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Debian Multimedia :: Alternative To Nomachine NX?

Feb 4, 2011

Over the past few months Nomachine's NX Server has deteriorated to the point where it's unusable, as detailed in this thread for one machine. On my other machine it works, but I cannot do apt-get dist-upgrades as it spews forth messages like, "insserv: Starting nxsensor depends on stop-bootlogd and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!".So I give up on them.

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Ubuntu One :: Deleting Files From Web Interface Erase Files From Computer?

Nov 27, 2010

Does deleting files using the Ubuntu One web interface delete the files stored on my computer?

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Debian :: Define Package As Alternative To Dependency

Jul 14, 2015

I've created a package and added package conflicts entry in it's control file(in my case, all the lib-mesa packages). Now each package that depends on lib-mesa cannot be installed. How can i define my package as alternative to lib-mesa, so i can install those packages ? Is there a way i can add my package as an alternative in the package dependencies(the ones that depends on lib-mesa)?

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Debian :: Partimage Does Not Support Ext4 - Alternative?

Aug 27, 2010

I thought I'll be smart, and installed squeeze on ext4 partitions ( boot-ext2, root-ext4, home-ext4 and swap). With my Lenny (ext3), I use partimage to backup the / partition, and rsync to backup my /home files. Now, I found out that partimage does not work with ext4. Are there other GNU packages I can use to backup my / partition?

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Debian :: Alternative GUI For Gadmin-Proftpd Configuration

Jan 11, 2011

That PoS called "gadmin-proftpd" in debian stable and I don't believe it will ever work. Is there an alternative GUI for configuring proftpd or it has to be done in text mode?

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Debian Configuration :: NFS Mountpoint - Access To The Files Suddenly "freezes"

Sep 23, 2010

I have an NFS on my desktop, and mount it from my laptop: /mnt/reddevil_nfs nfs rsize=8192,wsize=9182,timeo=9 Occasionally, access to the files suddenly "freezes". For example, if I try to run "ls /mnt" from the client, nothing will be printed, Ctrl-c does nothing, and the prompt never reappears; or, if I try to view that directory from thunar, thunar will freeze, or if I am playing a video from the share in mplayer, mplayer will freeze. I tried to unmount it:

umount -f /mnt/reddevil_nfs
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount.nfs: /mnt/reddevil_nfs: device is busy
umount2: Device or resource busy
umount.nfs: /mnt/reddevil_nfs: device is busy

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Debian :: Install WineHQ In Testing / Wine Alternative In The Repositories?

Jul 16, 2011

I noticed that WineHQ doesn't exist in the Debian repositories. Or is there a Wine alternative in the repositories? If not, how can I install the latest stable version of Wine ?

it says here that some .deb packages need to be downloaded and manually installed, but I don't know how to install them...

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Debian :: Handling Virtualisation And Finding Program(s) To Alternative To VMware?

Mar 13, 2009

I currently run a home sever using windows server 2008. On it I'm using VMware to run 2 virtual machines (currently running CentOS (which is Red Hat based) as web and mail servers. It's not a big setup, we only host our personal websites and a couple for some friends. Although server 2008 handles resouces much better than server 2003, it's still running windows, which as we know is far more inferior to a Linux server. I'm trying to convince the husband to let me run everything on Debian, but he wants to run it on Red Hat (which okay, isn't bad but our household is devided. We have long running arguments because he likes his boxes Red Hat based running KDE, and I like my Debian distros running Gnome!)

The host server is running on a standard pc box, it's got a 2.5 gigahertz dual core processor and 3 gig of ram, almost one TB storage. (don't ask why I'm including this drastically important info!) I want to run the entire network on Debian. So that would be the main host running Debian and the two virtual machines also. The host itself would need to run as a file and app server for our home network and the two vertuals as web and mail servers. (we run about 12 domains three of which are under heavy usage with Mysql databases, so we run two servers so we can dedicate more rescources to the virtual server that sucks the most juice.) I was wondering how Debian handles virtualisation and what program(s) would be a good alternative to VMware?

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For Folder Access For 'Others' Is Always Set To 'Access Files'?

Apr 22, 2011

I've created a new user for a SSH tunnel only.After login I can access all directories because permissions is set for "Others" to "Access files".Now my question: Is this normal that permissions for Folder access for "Others" is always set to "Access files"?I don't want my SSH tunnel user accessing the directories.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Another Computer In LAN?

Jun 15, 2010

In Ubuntu 9. i can access another computer in LAN by command smb://192.168.0... by click pencil icon on address bar.But in Ubuntu 10.4,i can not find out pencil icon, and do not know how to write down command smb://.... in address bar.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files From Hdd Missing \ Files That Were Located On C(vista) Cant Access Any Of The E Ones?

Mar 7, 2011

I changed to wubi last night, i decided to go that way cause i was informed it was a safe way to try giving it a try for linux and ubuntu without any special effort needed to be payed and easily deleted if i am not pleased.Thankfully i am pretty satisfied with the results, i pretty much dealt with most of the issues i have faced so far successfully and i am running it ok beside one important thing.See i am using my laptop, which has a hdd of 250GB.On my Vista there are 2 different hdd C+E by default, they separated my hdd.So while i have windows on C and E is pretty much used for my additional data(see movies, music etc) when i installed wubi i installed it on E, thought it would be better and it had more space.

Now though, while i can access threw ubuntu all my files that were located on C(vista) i cant access any of the E ones, and search file dont helps either.The "vista hdd" as ubuntu describes it, its a 250 gb disk on computer, which means it should contain both of the vista disks.But sadly thats not the case.i cant seem to be able to find them anywhere.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions For My Home Directory Were Accidentally Changed From 'access Files' To 'create And Delete Files?

Nov 25, 2010

the permissions for my home directory were accidentally changed from 'access files' to 'create and delete files', and I changed them back, but ever since then I am not able to change any preferences/settings at all. power management, themes, panels, emerald, anything. my user account is supposed to be the administrator, and all the user privliges are checked. how to get control of my computer back?

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Up Remote Access To Computer

May 3, 2010

My home network consists of two computers that share one internet connection via a router. I have a desktop computer that runs Ubuntu (Karmic), connected via ethernet; and a netbook that runs Windows 7 (will be Ubuntu, eventually), which connects wirelessly. Both computers have multiple user accounts. What I would like to do is access my account on the Ubuntu desktop via the netbook while my wife is using the desktop with her account (or enable her to access her account on the desktop while I am using it). I looked into VNC, but it, apparently, only supports the active desktop. So, if someone connected to the computer while it was in use, they would be looking at the other user's desktop. Is this a misconception on my part?

So, I have 3 questions:
-From the netbook, how can I log into my account on the desktop and just get a command-line shell?
- From the netbook, how can I log into my account on the desktop and actually have access to my Gnome desktop?
- If I leave my house with the netbook, and want to log into my desktop machine across the internet (CLI and/or Gnome), how can I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Access A Computer With No Monitor?

Jun 26, 2011

my monitor broke and I can't get a new one for about a week, and there are files I need on my PC. I was wondering if I could move those files to a memory stick by using only the tty1 CLI, or better yet, get access to the PC via my laptop. How would I do this?

Could I use remote desktop? (My previous experience with remote desktop didn't go well, but maybe since the PC and the laptop are on the same network it would be easier?)

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Networking :: Access My Websites From A Different Computer?

Apr 26, 2011

I have been studying LAMP for a while now and all my websites are on the localhost. But if i wanted to access my websites from a different computer, how do i access do that? LAMP ( client ( Do i need to setup the DNS servers as well in my home network for me to access my intranet (LAMP).

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Software :: 10.04 - Can't Access Usb Devices From Computer

Mar 21, 2011

I can't access my usb devices from Computer, yet I can detect them, but they work fine. I made sure that volumes_visible is checked at gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > desktop. The output of the commands:


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