Debian :: Windows (err, Microsoft) Attempt To Monopolize Computers?

Aug 27, 2010

I finally found a blank DVD), I, of course, have a few questions: 1. Besides costs, what are some benefits of Linux over Windows? I'm sure with some use, I'll figure some of them out myself; my main problem with Windows (err, Microsoft) is their attempt to monopolize computers. If you have Windows, you have to deal with Microsoft's attempt to keep your computer free of all non-Microsoft products. 2. How do I resize the desktop? When I start up Debian I get an 'Out of Range' message on my screen, then after I hit CTRL Alt + a few times, I'm left with an oversized GUI- it's bigger than my monitor so I have to bring the mouse to the side/bottom to scroll down to my taskbar. 3. How do I install programs? The first thing I tried installing was Google Chrome, but I get an error message "Archive not found."

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Software :: What Can Be Replaced In Microsoft Windows

Jun 22, 2011

What linux is the best use that i can replace to Microsoft Windows that suitable to school and college. that all program used in windows base will work like Visual Basic, Pascal program, Photoshop and many more

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Ubuntu :: Microsoft Windows 7 Says : (loading) New Partition ?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a dual-booting PC.With Microsoft windows 7 and Ubuntu.Windows starts as it is supposed to!But when I choose Ubuntu in the first boot menu.(This contains Windows 7 and Ubuntu)Which directs to Grub 2 from Ubuntu.When I boot, it says: (loading) New Partition ???And then nothing happens???

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General :: Can't Access Microsoft Files Windows?

Oct 14, 2010

installed ubuntu on hard drive by mistake, can i access my microsoft files or recover them?

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Software :: Run Fedora Alongside Microsoft Windows?

May 14, 2011

I see on the Fedora website the text "Fedora is a Linux-based operating system, a suite of software that makes your computer run. You can use the Fedora operating system to replace or to run alongside of other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. The Fedora operating system is 100% free of cost for you to enjoy and share." Ok great having said that I have tried to go through this to install this on to my toshiba satelite laptop C650 and cant quite grasp the proscess.....having said this im so used to Ubuntu wubi installer for windows. is there something siliar for Fedora ? if not what do I do to have fedora run alongside windows ? will this be easy ? will it provide me with a similar boot option to either boot windows or boot Fedora ? also can I easily delete the Fedora like another program from windows like the Ubuntu wubi installer for windows ?

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Debian :: PHP Hack Attempt Logs?

Apr 13, 2011

I have received the following log messages on my Debian Squeeze webserver:Apr 13 15:16:37 vps suhosin[4699]: ALERT - ASCII-NUL chars not allowed within request variables - dropped variable 'controller' (attacker '', file '/var/www/ - - [13/Apr/2011:15:16:37 +0100] "GET /index.php?option=com_product&controller=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ%00 HTTP/1.1" 200 8018 "-" "libwww-perl/6.01"


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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Windows 7 Microsoft Security Essentials?

Feb 5, 2010

I have Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit dual boot with Windows 7. On Windows 7 i have microsoft security essentials for antivirus/antispyware. Recently I noticed GRUB boot failures after having booted to windows but couldn't see why. Just to be clear, I am using GRUB2. Anyway, the failure is as follows:

PC is powered on, goes on towards displaying GRUB menu but it only shows GRUB Loading and restarts, so the list doesn't show.and the restart keeps happening.Now the workaround so far is to boot using a live cd and fix GRUB according to the instructions posted here:

https:[url]....And after fixing GRUB2, i either have to boot into the desktop or recovery mode, to update GRUB2 menu once again using

command and then everything works.

Now coming to what i think is the cause of the problem. Everytime MSE (microsoft security essentials) is updated be it standalone, or over internet, including failed updates, the boot failure happens.I've googled microsoft and ubuntu forums but couldn't find a fix.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Lucid In Windows 7 - Microsoft Virtual PC

Aug 15, 2010

Do not attempt to make any changes to your operating system without fully understanding and accepting that if you screw up, you get to start from scratch. This tutorial involves editing files and folders independent from your Operating system and is relatively safe.

From this point, we'll assume your running Windows 7 and have Virtual PC installed. And before anyone thinks "Hey, what about VMWare or blah blah blah", don't clutter this thread, if they want to do that, they'll Search for Ubuntu on VMWare :wink)

I wanted to run a couple linux apps without rebooting my machine. What follows is an exploration in self mutilation and approaches voluntary masochism. I have discovered that while patience is a virtue, there is nothing virtuous about her. After reading over and over article after article on how you can't use Microcrap's built in Virtual PC for Windows 7, you have to use 3rd party to run a Linux VM. I called ******** and found some lingering threads buried deep within the ubuntu forums. This example is kind of thorough although it lacks the ease of use for people who don't know what they are doing.

A little primer on virtual machines. A virtual machine is a translatable snapshot of an operating system that will play on any machine. It does so by providing a known set of generic hardware with varying levels of complexity based on which OS is running on which machine. In this example, a copy of Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (lucid-32bit) is being run within a window on a Windows 7 Professional 64-bit machine.

Now for the why don't you just set up a dual boot machine and take full advantage of the power of the penguin. Well, it's not that easy, for a multitude of reasons. The biggest is convenience. I have instant access to files updated on either machine within the other, without the wait of a reboot just a quick ALT-TAB. I'm also not stuck to just terminal linux commands through a telnet session to another box. I rarely go beyond the terminal prompt in normal testing, however there are some network tools and testing consoles that I prefer in Linux. And yes, I do have a dual boot option should I want to flaunt my super 64-bit penguin power.

So, on with the story... After spending nearly a day trying this and that and seeing who did what and what wasn't working on my machine, it boiled down to what can Windows Virtual PC do, what hardware does it present to an operating system when it's enhancements are turned completely off (coincidence they would only support RedHat linux? I think not, see approved government operating systems).

When getting setup to start your image, you need a few large downloads, and you need to make your list before you start the process, so you can walk away and watch some tube or mow the lawn. Files needed to get you started: (these will not change typically)Microsoft Virtual PC There will most likely be 3 downloads for this. The upside is you get a "free copy" of windows XP professional out of it. The next file you will need is an ISO of the version of Linux you would like I chose Ubuntu 10.04 32bit, but this will work on most debian kernels I do not recommend 64 bit linux anything at this point unless you dual boot only, it's problematic. Do not burn the ISO to a DVD or CD (I'll explain why later)

Okay, we have all we need downloaded to a common location that we remember right? Great, let's get started installing Microsoft Virtual PC. If your install is similar to mine, you'll install in this order:


Of course change to -i386 if your running 32 bit Windows 7.Now that we have this installed, reboot the computer, after you log back in, check for windows updates by start button and type 'wuauclt /detectnow' without the quotes. Install any updates and reboot yet again.Now we've prepped the computer for adding Virtual PC's. If you want to see what a virtual machine will be like, you can go ahead and run the Windows XP Mode and see how nifty it is to have a clean system to try software on (that's isolated from your real system of course.)

Now on to creating some penguin powered windows. Open Windows Virtual PC. You will see a file explorer type of window with the option to Organize, Include in library, Share with, Burn, Create virtual machine, New folder.

Select 'Create virtual machine'

This will open up a wizard that we will use to setup the environment for Linux. Because this is not a Microsoft innovation, we want it to be as stable as possible.Type in the name you'd like to use, something to identify the OS you intend to install, I used AnotherOS but I would choose something more memorable, especially if you plan on creating multipe VM's The Location should be set for you, although you may put it on another Hard Drive if you would like (perhaps you don't want to allocate space on your SSD and prefer it on your SATA drive) Now for RAM, this is the amount of ram that will be reported to the new operating system, in this example I chose 512, I would recommend at least 1024 if you plan on doing anything graphically intense. For the most part, this will be a chunk of real memory that Windows 7 will not be able to use while the virtual machine is active. You don't want to set it to 3096 if you only have 4096 available and then try to run Autocad on Windows 7 and open your pocket Linux to do some geological survey conversions.

Networking, just leave this checked, we'll address this later. On with the show We want to create a virtual hard disk using advanced options. NEXT Choosing Fixed size because we want this to be as stable as possible. As far as name and location, it's typically simpler to keep it the same. It will have a different extension so NEXT. Now we specify a size. For reference, a typical Linux install, including swap drive portion is around 5gb (assuming you end up installing nearly every package available). I chose 16384 because that was the number that popped up and it was big enough to download nearly anything I could ever want to. Now we are ready to hit Create. You should see this screen and assuming everything happens like it's supposed to, you may close the window.

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Server :: Install CentOS VPN That Can Be Connected From Microsoft Windows?

Jan 12, 2010

how to install CentOS VPN Server that can be connect from Microsoft Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: SUSE Studio ImageWriter For Microsoft Windows?

Jan 31, 2011

I have been looking all over the internet for it can not find it . The link posted at [URL] SDB:Live_USB_..._way_.28GUI.29 does not work.

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Debian :: No Browser Access After Failed Iceweasel Upgrade Attempt

Jan 16, 2011

I learned that, even while on Linux, using Iceweasel/Firefox 3.0.6 is not safe. So I tried to update the browser for my PPC G4 iMac (256 MB RAM, 800 MHz processor).

1. I downloaded a backported Iceweasel .deb from URL...

2. I then tried to install it with dpkg -i PathToIceweasel.deb

3. There was an error. I remember seeing xulrunner-1.9.1 is not installed. I tried to install that with apt-get but it was not available.

4. Now when I click on web browser I get the error "Failed to execute default Web Browser: Input/Output error".

5. What can I do without having to reinstall?

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Debian Installation :: Attempt To Install From USB Fails To Detect Cdrom

Jan 31, 2016

I am attempting to install debian for the first time on my pc that has no cdrom drive. I downloaded the Jessie CD image and wrote it to a 4GB stick, it didnt work. Then tried the netinstall image but face the same issue.

To write the usb stick I used unetbooting first, then tried win32diskimager and finally tried DD while stick was not mounted

Code: Select alldd if=debian.iso of=/dev/sdb BS=4MB; sync

Issue is still the same: I boot from the usb and after selecting language and keyboard it fails to detect cdrom drive (no drive at all in my pc). Same behavior using normal or expert mode.

Im also unable to manually specify the drive (it looks at /cdrom and I wanted to change it to the usb stick itself or mount usb to /cdrom but I cant find my stick in /dev)

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Ubuntu :: Able To Uninstall Microsoft Bing Search Engine On A Pc Using Windows, But The Method Will Not Work?

Jan 22, 2011

I have been able to uninstall Microsoft Bing search engine on a pc using Windows, but the method will not work on Ubuntu

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Debian :: Microsoft Refugee Trying To Set Up Postfix

Jul 29, 2011

I run a Windows based e-mail server and looking at moving my new server to Debian, however, this following problem might stop that, so I am hoping someone can help me out - I cannot receive mail.I have installed 'postfix' via Synaptic Package Manager.During installation, I was to choose a general type of mail configuration. I select "Internet Site" as this is what it is.I was then asked to input a system mail name. I used my IPv4 address (I will be hosting multiple domains).

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Debian :: Can Not Access Any Microsoft Site ?

May 7, 2010

I have Debian Lenny and I use Google Chrome for internet surfing. When I try to open a web page for any Microsoft site (microsoft dot com, msdn dot microsoft dot com, etc) it times out and never shows the page nor I get 404. All I get : "Waiting for www dot microsoft dot com" .

I have a Window XP VirtualBox machine within Debian with nic card as bridge and I can connect with no problems.

What could it be?. DNS look up addresses in Debian and Windows virtual are the same.

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General :: Mount A Removable Storage In Kubuntu 9.10 That Is Running On A Dual-boot Machine With Microsoft Windows XP?

Jan 22, 2010

How to you mount a removable storage in Kubuntu 9.10 that is running on a dual-boot machine with Microsoft Windows XP.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing A Printer To Other Windows Computers?

May 29, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and I want to share a printer on that computer with my windows network (mix of XP and Vista). I have network connectivity and and can see other windows computers and they can see me, I am just stumped on how to share a printer on my linux machine with all of the Windows computers on my network.

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Server :: Possible To Use LDAP For Authenticating Windows Computers

Jul 1, 2010

I have LDAP server, it is configured and all is very well, I use it to make some authentication for our Servers and routers. Also I integrates LDAP with Radius and all is work, so LDAP is powerful to the company. Last week my manager ask me to try making these authentication for all of Company computers which is windows. So, can I use LDAP, or Active Directory? I wish to use LDAP.

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Ubuntu :: VIRUS In MBR, As A Result Of Windows Computers Are Now 10.10?

Apr 27, 2011

How to wipe this hard drive clean like new, formated #4 linux when finished.W/D 500 GB

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General :: Windows - Use A Computers (would Be) Audio Output As A Stream?

Feb 28, 2010

I have two machines on a local area network (xp box and xubuntu box) and I want audio from both machines to be played from the same set of speakers. The problem is, the xubuntu machine doesn't have any sound output. There is no onboard sound card and all expansion slots are pci-x, so short of buying a pci-x sound card my only option for playing sound is to route audio through LAN to my xp computer.

I already have a program that will let me play music on one computer from another's speakers, but I am trying to set up a stream so that games and internet sound can be heard. Is it possible for me to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: LAN Surfer To Access Windows Computers?

Apr 22, 2010

but Im thinkng of completely switiching to Ubuntu,But all of my friends are on Windows...We have a LAN of abt 100-150 .. Is there is any GUI software thru which I can see all the files which are being shared on the network by Windows PCs,I know abt Samba ...but that is only computer specific & also that is reverse way...& doing from command will be tiresome task for all PCs.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Differentiate Between Connections From Windows And Computers

May 21, 2010

I have a question about connections with an ubuntu server. Is there a way to know if the terminal computer (which is connected to my linux server) is using WinSCP to connect (on a Windows platform) or a linux system? It seems they are using the same port (22) and I think the exact same protocol (SSH / SFTP), is there a way to differentiate between the two though? And going farther there, is it possible to limit the connections only to linux terminal computers and reject requests coming from Windows computers?

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General :: Can Kernel And Distros Able To Do That Macs And Windows Computers Can't

Aug 25, 2010

what are linux kernel and linux distros able to do that macs and windows computers can'talso are there some things that freebsd and solaris can do that others can't (you don't have to answer this one)

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connecting Two Computers On LAN \ Both Computers Are Connected To A Switch With Cables?

Jan 31, 2011

im trying to connect two computers on lan.One computer has: VMWare Workstation and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.The other computer has: VMWare Player and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.Both computers are connected to a switch with cables.I have followed this guide in both computers:Depanati singuri calculatorul!: Opensuse 11.3 - configure local networkin order to setup a network.In one computer, if i go to: Computer---Network---Network folder, i only see one machine. When in fact i could see both of them right

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General :: Windows 7 - Backup Several Computers To Single Computer In Network

Apr 27, 2011

I am currently trying to figure out what's the best way to backup several PCs (about 5 computers each with Windows 7) from my family.

As I want the same solution for all Computer - I set up my old computer (Windows 7) and added some hard drives and there should now be enough space to backup the data of everyone from my family via the network. (Lets call this computer "Server")

But now I am wondering whats the best way to do this? What I do not want:

I do not want to start the Server each time manually when a computer tries to backup. (I thought about using WakeOnLan.. but I do not know if this is a good idea) I do not want the Server to run permanently I do not want to make the backups manually they should backup about every week automatically.

So which Software on the Computers / or the "Server" would you recommend?

Or would you eve recommend me to use Linux on the Server? If so, which Software would you use then?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.04 Desktop To Use On Both Of Computers When Windows Is Letting Down?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a portable 320 GB USB HP SimpleSave external hard drive, and I want to install Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop to use on both of my computers when Windows is letting me down. The last time I tried to install 10.04 a week after it came out, I was presented with tons of errors, even though I did it the same exact way I did it with 9.10 that worked. I would like some help on the subject of installing them on usb hard drives. Most the time, it's GRUB being antsy about where it's installed. IF I don't change where to install GRUB, it won't let me boot on any other computer, or USB port.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Viewing Computers / Shares On Windows Network?

Oct 23, 2010

When I goto Places->Network sometimes I see the other Windows computers in our house, and sometimes I don't. How do I make this more consistent?

When I double click on the "Windows Network" icon right now, I get "Failed to retrieve share list from server". Sometimes this works and I get to see the shares on the Windows pcs.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Is Not Working On Any Of The Windows Computers?

Apr 13, 2011

I have internet on my ubuntu machine (eth0) I am sharing with (eth1) My windows computers are getting IP addresses via DHCP from the Ubuntu Machine, and I can see (and use) samba/windows shares on all computers. Internet connection is not working on any of the windows computers.

I have eth1 set to "shared to other computers" under the IPv4 settings

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Software :: Instantly Audio Streaming To Other Computers (including Windows)?

Dec 11, 2009

I am looking for some easy to use cross-platform audio software that can send live audio from my Windows XP PC to other computers (laptop/netbook/MID) in the network. Mine MID is Meamo Linux device. When I mean audio, I talking about whatever is coming out mine PC sound card at any point (music, video's audio, XP sounds clicks, etc). Also, the audio MUST BE live, aka no delay between between computer.Basically, the idea to is to "send/stream" audio to other PC over wifi/network so all the sounds are sync. Sort of like a whole house audio system, but one that uses computers so I don't need to buy any additional equipment. Also, it would be nice if the client software worked on other OS, like Linux.I have been looking some software solutions with no luck. I tried UPnp (shoutcast/Icecast) servers, however all of them have 1 Sec to 10 second of delay.Again, I am looking for something instant.I have also looked at pulse audio, however the setup seem too complicated for Windows especially.

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Software :: Windows Computers Can't Resolve Samba Share Names In 10.04

Oct 2, 2010

After upgrading my ubuntu server from 9.04 to 10.04, the window computers couldn't resolve samba shared names anymore, the error code displayed by Windows was 0x80070035.

I was using the ubuntu server as a samba server, using 'share' as the security authentication method, it has been working very well under previous ubuntu versions but, after upgrading to 10.04, the windows computers can't access the server shares anymore; the linux computers don't have any problems (I can access the shares from linux).

As a workaround, I've added the name of the server in c:windowssystem32driversetchosts; but I'd like to know how to fix the problem without modifying every windows computer.

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