Debian :: Which NVidia Driver For Debian

May 31, 2011

I got a new video card on an existing running Debian Wheezy system. The old configuration was an nVidia card but using the default / open source Mesa drivers I'm guessing. Now I have a nice new nVidia PCI-E card and would like to install the proprietary nVidia drivers but I'm not sure which I need:


nvidia-glx - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
nvidia-glx-ia32 - NVIDIA binary driver 32-bit libs
nvidia-kernel-dkms - NVIDIA binary kernel module DKMS source


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Debian :: Installing Latest Nvidia Driver On Debian Squeeze ?

Nov 9, 2010

I installed Debian Squeeze with no issues. I went to install latest Nvidia driver as done previously with Lenny. Used instructions that worked on lenny from "the trooper" [url]

Downloaded th latest driver for my GeForce 7300 GS vidio card, driver package

Used "method # 2 as described in HOW TO,as it worked perfectly in the past on Lenny. Only syntax I changed was instead of gdm I typed gdm3 as it appears that is the new name for gnome in Squeeze.

Did as folows:

Now the trouble showed up, Unfortunatly I can only go off my memory. A question was asked stating that something did not match, it needed a 3 and the driver had a 4 version or somethng of this sort. then it asked if I new what I was doing (and I lied) and selected yes. And whammo, it didn't work. (This question was asked when i did in Lenny and it is working perfectly still on that system). I now can not boot to GUI, I notice when system boots it starts in "S" mode although I select normal boot from grub2.

Not too bad if I got to reinstall as little is on the system. I just want to know what I am missing on the instalation deal or should I be going about this difrently with Squeeze.

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Debian Multimedia :: Updating Nvidia Driver To The Current 275.09.07 Driver Version Break Setup?

Jul 7, 2011

Currently using Nvidia driver version 195.36.31, it's the version that works with Nvidia-kernel-dkms, would updating Nvidia driver to the current 275.09.07 driver version break my setup?

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Debian :: Can't Install Driver Dowload Driver From Nvidia?

Mar 5, 2011

install debian 6 on my pc and have big problem with videoadapter driver i cannot install driver i dowload driver from nvidia do something in google but nothing! palit gtx 460 linux debian 6 x64.

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Debian :: How To Switch To Nvidia Driver

Mar 19, 2011

Using Debian Squeeze

I installed the Nvidia installer: I configured the xorg.conf file and changed the driver from nv to nvidia. I also removed "load dri"

When I use startx I get this error and it won't give me a desktop:

(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 7)
(EE) No drivers available

This is all I remember doing with Lenny. Apparently there is something else I need to do with Squeeze?

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Debian :: Jessie 8 - Installing NVIDIA Driver

May 15, 2015

I have installed before with ease following the Debian how to. On jessie 8 I have an issue with black screen, probably miss configuration but can't figure what?

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Debian :: Install Nvidia Graphics Driver?

Apr 8, 2010

I have already installed Debian testing and now looking to install Nvidia drivers version 190.

I had downloaded the Nvidia driver from their site but the way it installed on Ubuntu is not the same here in Debian. Obviously, I failed.

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Debian :: NVidia Driver Installation With Some Quirks

May 15, 2010

I am trying to install the non-free NVIDIA drivers. I have read the guide here [URL] but what they didn't mention is what to do when you have a graphics card that isn't supported in Debian Lenny's repo driver version. I have the GeForce GTS 250, which isn't listed under the 173.14.09 (the stable repo version) supported VGA cards list. The version I need can be found in Sid and Squeeze (195.36.24 currently). If I add the Sid repository, it seems to work but it returns a whole lot of other unrelated package updates and its really annoying since I don't want to change to Sid yet. So how do I keep the rest of my packages under Debian lenny with only the minimal amount of packages to be under Sid.

I tried APT pinning once but the standard '*' won't work unless if it's alone in the 'Package' line. To clarify, a line like:
Package: nvidia-*
would get ignored.
I would also need a list of required packages and dependencies that must be installed from Debian sid to get this to work. The documentation for APT didn't help much. I can usually get around this problem by using the NVIDIA way but then I can't boot into Gnome GUI at all under other kernel versions except the one I compiled it for, unless I use the terminal to restore the Xorg stock drivers.

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Debian :: Run Nvidia-xconfig - Say Driver Not Found

Jun 4, 2010

If i run nvidia-xconfig, it will say driver not found, and the next time i boot, it will end up in a terminal. why is it so? (by the way i recovered from that using backup of xorg.conf). And i dont think now the nvidia-driver is present.

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Debian :: Nvidia Driver Won't Detect Resolution

Dec 18, 2010

The nouvea drivers work with some xrandr magic, but the closed-source drivers won't. They fail to detect a possible resolution over 640x480. My monitor has a native resolution of 1440x900 @ 60hz. I've tried to modify my xorg.conf, but to no avail. I installed the latest nvidia drivers from the site instead of the repo drivers, version: 260.19.29, this is my xorg.conf, basically a standard xorg file:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 260.19.29  (  Wed Dec  8 12:27:39 PST 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Debian :: Setting Up Nvidia Driver On Squeeze?

Jan 20, 2011

hHey i recently installed Debian Squeeze 64bit over my Ubuntu & Windows, i got everything installed and running including all programs i need without a single problem The one thing i havent been able to do yet is install the Nvidia Driver for Geforce 8800gt, ive searched a few sites but one site is telling you to do this way and the the is telling you to do it another way then people are saying about having errors when xorg updates and stuff.

So i was wanting to know whats the easiest and best way to install the Nvidia Driver package (from nvidia website) onto Squeeze 64bit, i've done it on lenny but cant remember ow

If i get this working then il probaly use Debian as my main OS from now on.

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Debian Configuration :: Driver From Nvidia Don't Work

Sep 4, 2015

i've installed debian 8 on this laptop but can't use the nvidia card from nvidia-detect can't find the card but it work 'cause i can see it in the list of hardware, 3d controller the driver from nvidia don't work, and i had a problem with force installation and xorg.conf file.. how i can make it work ? the card it's nvidia 820m

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Debian Configuration :: No Sound With Nvidia Driver?

Jun 7, 2010

I recently installed Squeeze. I had sound with the video driver that came with the install. Then I installed the Nvidia driver from Nvidia website. The sound dissappeared. When I uninstalled the Nvidia driver and removed xorg.conf and rebooted again, the sound came back. Then I installed the Nvidia driver from (nvidia-glx, dev and settings) from Debian with Synaptic. The sound went away again. If I uninstall the nvidia driver and xorg.conf the sound will probably come back again. The sound driver is the one that came with the install.

The volumes are unmuted in the alsamixer. Somehow alsaconf command does not work.

My mother board is a ASUS M4N78 Pro with Nvidia IGP.

What can I do to have sound with the nvidia driver?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Keep Out Proprietary NVIDIA Driver

Feb 20, 2016

Debian Jessie kernel 3.16.0 AMD64. Legacy GeForce 66oo GT video card.

I just re-installed Jessie via Debian non-free DVD. When I run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, the screen says to the effect :

"Before Nouveau can be used, must remove Nvidia config from xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d"

Is there a simple way to keep Nouveau and blacklist or prevent Nvidia driver from being automatically installed in the first place?

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Driver On 2 Kernels ?

Feb 10, 2010

Running debian sid. I have the Debian 2.6.32-trunk kernel installed and the liquorix kernel.

I use sgfxi to install the nvidia driver. Normally sgfxi allegedly strips out all prior nvidia, using both the nvidia uninstaller and purging any debian nvidia packages.

Today when I updated the liquorix kernel and reinstalled the drivers for the new kernel, it was still installed in the old kernel. Normally it is just installed in one kernel.

Card nVidia G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] X.Org 1.7.4 Res: 1280x1024@50.0hz

GLX Renderer GeForce 9400 GT/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 190.53 Direct Rendering Yes

I guess the questions is, is this a new feature or just some weird glitch? Also I only get the nvidia splash on the Debian kernel and not on the liquorix kernel.

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Installation :: Unable To Use Nvidia Driver On Debian?

Dec 19, 2008

I recently reinstalled Debian on my desktop to migrate to 64-bit. Everything was working swimmingly before but I've encountered a bizarre error i have never seen before. After installing the Nvidia driver and rebooting when X comes up it complains it cant find any screens. However, if I kill X and start it again it starts with no issues. I also have an odd message at startup which might be part of the problem as well.I'm running Debian Testing AMD64 with and Nvidia 9800 GTX+. I compiled for the install.

For what its worth the Nvidia module is showing up for lsmod so I don't really know what is wrong. I have tried reinstalling the nvidia driver as well which didn't help. The error message during bootup is:


Loading kernel modules...Usage: modprobe[-v] [-V] [-C config-file] [-n] [-i] [-q] [-b] [-o <modname>] [ --dump-modversions ] <modname> [parameters...]
modprobe -r [-n] [-i] [-v] <modulename> ...
modprobe -l -t <dirname> [ -a <modulename> ...]


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Debian Installation :: How To Install Driver For Non-nVidia Chipset

Sep 19, 2015

I've often installed Debian Netinstall and added the nVidia driver for my monitors. I just purchased a new PC that has this as part of its description:AMD A4-5000 APU with Radeon(TM) HD Graphics..I have monitors connected to both its analog and digital outputs. Larger distros have enabled a good video driver automatically, but I need to know how to do this for my Debian Netinstall partition. The video performance is horribly slow right now.

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Debian Configuration :: NVidia Driver : Error During The Compilation

Apr 2, 2010

I follow a french tutorial to install the nvidia pilots. So, i did :

$ su
# apt-get install module-assistant
# m-a prepare
# m-a clean nvidia-kernel
# m-a a-i -i nvidia-kernel-source


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Debian Configuration :: Getting The Xen Kernel And NVIDIA Binary Driver?

May 10, 2011

I'm encountering a problem running X and Gnome from a Xen-enabled Kernel with NVIDIA Binary driver compiled with IGNORE_XEN_PRESENCE=y on debian squeeze

Debian Squeeze : 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
NVIDIA Kernel from the official package

Boot and module loading are successful, but when X starts, I only get a black screen. I attached here my Xorg.0.log, however it doesn't seems to have any problem.

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Debian Configuration :: Set Boot-image With Driver From ATI And Nvidia ?

Jul 14, 2011

I get plymouth and install it success, but it only support nouveau(nvidia) mode.

When I update my driver with [URL] , plymouth gone.

Is there any other way to do boot-image with the driver from [URL] ?

I find super-image-manager(buc), but I can not install it.

Addition: What is buc ?

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Debian Multimedia :: X Won't Start After Installing Nvidia Driver

Mar 27, 2015

I tried to install drivers for my GeForce GT 630M graphic card. At first, I just installed nvidia-detect and there was a suggestion to install nvidia-driver:

Code: Select allsudo apt-get install nvidia-detect
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver

After reboot, there was a sad ?monitor like this one: [URL] ....

After first failure, I tried to use Debian wiki tutorial for Debian Jessie (probably I should have done this at first )

Code: Select allaptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-legacy-304xx-kernel-dkms
echo -e 'Section "Device"
Identifier "GPU Nvidia"
Driver "nvidia"
EndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf

But also without success. Now I can't use X at all.

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Debian Hardware :: Install Nvidia 9500 GT With Its Driver?

Jun 23, 2011

How to install Nvidia 9500 GT with nvidia driver.

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Debian :: Open GL/GLX Not Functioning After 260.19.21 Nvidia Driver Install

Dec 16, 2010

I installed latest nvidia driver with SMXI. I have noticed that anything that uses open GL or GLX does not function. Screensavers, games etc. Output from glxinfo as follows

jon@DebSid:~$ glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 138 (NV-GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 4 ()
Resource id in failed request: 0x3800003
Serial number of failed request: 30
Current serial number in output stream: 30

System as follows,

Intel P4 2.66, generic descktop PC, Nvidia GeForce 7100 GS, Debian Squeeze/Sid

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General :: Unable To Use Nvidia Driver On Debian Amd64

Mar 9, 2011

I installed the Nvidia driver for the on board GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a the "Debian way", according to this link Debian Nvidia Howto. The problem is that the only available screen resolutions are 640x480 & 320x240 and I need something more like 1024x768. The driver is installed correctly, or at least is properly recognized, as in Nvidia Xserver settings, GPU0 appears as GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a.

Here's the xorg.conf file.


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


..only causes gdm not to start.On my Ubuntu partition, I have working the proprietary Nvidia driver (file:, and have had no problems from it at all. I was going to install this same driver onto Debian when I read several pages advising to go the "Debian way".

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Debian Configuration :: Nvidia Driver Resolution Setting Not Working

Jun 5, 2011

I have installed the Nvidia drivers on my desktop using [URL] according to the Debian way. Everything seems to be fine except the resolution. The best it will let me choose is something like 600x480. I have searched and most of what is suggested around the web is to change xorg.conf. I have tried this using different setting suggested but nothing is working. I did not have a xorg.conf file so I created one with the setting suggested on the Debian wiki.

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Debian Configuration :: NVidia Driver Fails With Built Kernel?

Jul 30, 2011

I've posted here before (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=66322) about problems arising from my attempts to get an nVidia driver to work with my custom kernel. Now those problems are all fixed, and I'm back to where I was: the built kernel boots fine, but the nVidia driver fails.

The custom kernel is as near to the stock one as I can make it, I'm just trying to find a working build process at present, before trying to build a later-version kernel.

I used sgfxi with "-! 40" to build the nVidia driver for my custom kernel; it reported that everything was fine.

With stock kernel - 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...

Extracts from /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
X.Org X Server 1.7.7
Release Date: 2010-05-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0

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Debian Configuration :: Colors Too Bright After Installing Nvidia Driver?

Aug 17, 2011

After I've installed nvidia-vdpau-driver 280.13-1 from debian testing repositories, all the colors on the screen became too bright, except dark colors.

I've tried to change the values from Brightness, Contrast and Gamma, in NVIDIA X Server Settings -> X Server Color Correction, but it doesn't bring everything back to normal.

Either the nvidia driver has problems, or I don't know how to calibrate. But before I installed nvidia-vdpau-driver, I had the nouveau display driver (experimental), and all colors were displayed normally, the same as in Windows 7 and XP.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Error After Nvidia Driver Install

Nov 8, 2015

Problem summary:

Error - "Oh no! Something has gone wrong." and "A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again."

How to get back to original nouveau driver after failed nvidia driver install?

What probably happened was a wrong nVidia driver install from the repository.. Because never had any problems earlier, but after I installed some nVidia packages, I get this error.

I already tried to remove nvidia driver by
# aptitude purge nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-glx
It was successful.

Then I reinstalled Xorg Nouveau driver and all its denpendencies by
# aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
It was also successful.

But problem still occurs..

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Debian Multimedia :: NVidia Driver Not Working With External Monitor?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1330, which has a GeForce 8400M GS GPU. The binary (sigh) nVidia driver installed is version 190.53 (installed by sgfxi). This is working well: glxgears gives me about 2600 FPS and compiz is happy.An old Philips 170B is attached by VGA cable. I was looking to set up a method of switching resolution upon connecting to the monitor when working at the desk, since I don't like the 1280x800 resolution of the laptop.

nfortunately, I can't get any output on the external monitor. It does work under Ubuntu, which installed the 180 series binary driver. (Going to an earlier driver is an option, but I want to understand the problem.) Bottom line, I want to work under Debian.As far as I know, nVidia's proprietary driver doesn't support xrandr. At any rate, with he external 170B monitor attached and turned on, I get the following:$ xrandr -qScreen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 800default connected 1280x800+0+0 0mm x 0mm

1280x800 50.0*
1024x768 51.0 52.0 
960x540 53.0 


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Debian Multimedia :: Use The Free Driver For Nvidia But I Can't To Play With Wine?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a problem when i use the Nvidia driver and the latest version of Xorg (1.9.4) on Debian Sid. In fact, when i minimise a window (Nautilus, console or Chromium/Iceweasel), i see the window's black border and it's very slowly when i minimize or maximize it. I don't know how to explain correctly so i tried to take a screenshot :

In this screenshot, you can see the black border. I haven't this problem if i use the free driver for my Nvidia but i can't to play with wine I tried with the driver on experimental repositories or the driver on Nvidia Website.

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