Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia-glx Wants To Remove X Server?

Feb 27, 2010

i run debian squeeze, and i followed this guide, using m-a. But, when i try to install the nvidia-glxReading package listsBuilding dependency tree..g state information...The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

libnautilus-extension1 gnome-mount
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:


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Debian Multimedia :: "Unable To Load Nvidia.ko" When Running NVIDIA*.run?

Feb 20, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze with 2.6.32-5 amd64 kernel with GCC 4.3.5 (the same one used to build the kernel) installed. I have a nVidia GTX 470. I'm trying to install the latest nVidia drivers (260. ...). I've never installed noveau or any other open source nVidia driver. Here's what I've been doing:-Change the "Driver "nvidia"" line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "Driver "vesa""-Restart system in single user mode as root, no services running-cd to the directory with nvidia-Linux-x86_64-... .run (what I'll call "sh --uninstall"-enter "CC="/usr/bin/gcc-4.3" && sh"It starts up and it compiles the kernel 100%. Then it says this:

ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'.  This happens most
frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or
improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs


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Debian Configuration :: FATAL: Error Inserting Nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/nvidia/nvidia.ko): No Such Device

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers but it is not working.

lspci | grep VGA

02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)

My xorg.conf looks like this:

# xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.


And after that my X is not working. And when i try sudo modprobe nvidia I get this:

FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/nvidia/nvidia.ko): No such device

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Completely Remove GUI

Jan 29, 2012

I installed Debian without desktop enviroment and then I aptitude installed fluxbox, everything worked fine, but I wanted to try LXDE so I purged fluxbox and installed LXDE.But my old computer is too slow now. I purged the LXDE, but it is still here and it didn`t remove as many packages as it installed them, I also removed lxde-core, but it continues to work.

How could I get back to non-desktop enviroment without reinstalling the whole system?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Keep Out Proprietary NVIDIA Driver

Feb 20, 2016

Debian Jessie kernel 3.16.0 AMD64. Legacy GeForce 66oo GT video card.

I just re-installed Jessie via Debian non-free DVD. When I run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, the screen says to the effect :

"Before Nouveau can be used, must remove Nvidia config from xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d"

Is there a simple way to keep Nouveau and blacklist or prevent Nvidia driver from being automatically installed in the first place?

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Driver On 2 Kernels ?

Feb 10, 2010

Running debian sid. I have the Debian 2.6.32-trunk kernel installed and the liquorix kernel.

I use sgfxi to install the nvidia driver. Normally sgfxi allegedly strips out all prior nvidia, using both the nvidia uninstaller and purging any debian nvidia packages.

Today when I updated the liquorix kernel and reinstalled the drivers for the new kernel, it was still installed in the old kernel. Normally it is just installed in one kernel.

Card nVidia G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] X.Org 1.7.4 Res: 1280x1024@50.0hz

GLX Renderer GeForce 9400 GT/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 190.53 Direct Rendering Yes

I guess the questions is, is this a new feature or just some weird glitch? Also I only get the nvidia splash on the Debian kernel and not on the liquorix kernel.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia 260.19.12 Work With Squeeze?

Oct 28, 2010

Does this latest nVidia driver (version 260.19.12) work with the default Linux kernel in Debian Squeeze? And does it require any additional packages before installation?

(I cannot test it myself, since it's my brother who recently bought a new nVidia card)

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Install Nvidia-glx Without Getting Apt Errors ?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using Debian Wheezy on amd64 using the binary nVidia drivers from the Debian repository. When I started up my computer yesterday, everything worked fine. Then I started installing a bunch of updates going back a week since I had it turned off for a week. This seems to have messed with my nVidia drivers. I could run GNOME at 1080p just fine, but I couldn't run prboom-plus or glxgears since they would give me errors about not being able to find a screen. Strangely enough, Wine could run both Proun and Bulletstorm without a problem.

I looked at synaptic and tried to install nvidia-glx to solve my driver problems, but it gave me an error about not having the correct version of libgl1-nvidia-glx. I try installing that and it wants to remove 140 programs first! Of course I refuse to let it do so. Then I figure it might have to do with some other program that these programs are dependent on. So I check the package dependencies and lo and behold, they all require libgl1-mesa-glx. I try removing that and synaptic also says that I have to remove those 140 programs with it. I give up and try playing the Half-Life 2 demo via Wine. When it hangs I restart my computer. However, while rebooting, I got this nice error message from X that said that apparently I don't have any nVidia drivers anymore.

I would prefer not to use sgfxi to do driver updates. One of the reasons I switched to the repository's drivers is because I was tired of having to reinstall my drivers every time there was a kernel update in testing.

Tried using vesa in xorg.conf, it also didn't work. Detailed X output said something about being able to find a screen but it wasn't usable.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Remove Tomboy With Gnome With It?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm surprise that synaptic wants to remove gnome with tomboy, how can I avoid this disaster and remove only tomboy and other application i don't use.?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Remove Icon From Desktop

Jul 25, 2011

I installed  aptosid (  ex-sidux), based on debian sid. It uses  xfce manager.

On the desktop I have many icons ( like  other patitions, trash, ..), I want to remove them, where to do it, they don't appear in the Desktop directory  (they are not links).

By the way,  I think, if I really understand it ??,    xrandr   replaces  xorg,  I can't find the file used  by xrandr  unlike xorg  uses  xorg.conf.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia X Server Settings Gui Won't Save

Jan 31, 2011

I have 2 monitors, a 22 inch samsung as my main and an acer as my alt. I am trying to get the samsung monitor to display, but is is disabled. So I enable it as a separate x display, then save, but when I restart x, the settings didn't save. I save the config under under /etc/X11/xorg.conf. What am I doing wrong?

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Legacy 304 Under Jessie Is Broken

Feb 2, 2015

I recently updated my Debian Jessie and somehow that update broke my Debian. I have a Gtx 465 and this has been working fine under Jessie for a year.

After the update I no longer have X running. I tried removing all the Nvida stuff and reinstalling 304-legacy which did not get the Xserver back. I also tried to install Nvidia 304 driver binary but this time it refuses to compile ;( So I am out of luck at the moment.

I am runing Jessie Linux 3.18 Nvidia 465 Gtx Intel Cpu

Code: Select all     built-ins
[    41.306] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[    41.306] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
        If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[    41.306] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ff757496d80

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: X Won't Start After Installing Nvidia Driver

Mar 27, 2015

I tried to install drivers for my GeForce GT 630M graphic card. At first, I just installed nvidia-detect and there was a suggestion to install nvidia-driver:

Code: Select allsudo apt-get install nvidia-detect
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver

After reboot, there was a sad ?monitor like this one: [URL] ....

After first failure, I tried to use Debian wiki tutorial for Debian Jessie (probably I should have done this at first )

Code: Select allaptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-legacy-304xx-kernel-dkms
echo -e 'Section "Device"
Identifier "GPU Nvidia"
Driver "nvidia"
EndSection' > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf

But also without success. Now I can't use X at all.

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Debian Multimedia :: Starting Gnome With Nvidia Non-free

Sep 29, 2015

After my last package upgrade (Under Testing/Sid), gdm refuse to starts and immediately gives the Gnome message :

Oh no! Something has gone wrong. GNOME-shell

This error appears before I can choose this account to login. GDM or Xorg doesn't give any useful log.

After uninstalling nvidia non-free drivers, I'm now able to boot with nouveau.

Any way for having non-free drivers working again?

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing Nvidia Drivers In Lenny?

May 27, 2010

I'm still getting used to the system. I've been able to install a couple of packages like Disk Manager and Firefox, and was able to mount my ntfs drive. I've only learned some basic terminal commands, but I'm managing ok so far. That is until I looked into what was involved in installing the video drivers I need for my Nvidia 8400 GS card. (ouch!) I'm trying to follow the guide here: [URL] but I've run into a snag in the 'Overview' part: "0. Make sure APT has non-free and contrib sources (consult the sources.list(5) man page for help on doing this) " The link provided [URL] is dead. With only a basic understanding (next to none) of what the sources.list is for, I'm unsure how to fulfill step 0.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sid Kernel - Cannot Install NVidia Drivers

Jun 6, 2010

I am running Debian "Sid" and cannot install the Nvidia driver. When I try to install the driver using Module Assistant it says "Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use." It also says "If the running kernel has been shipped with Debian please install the package linux-headers-2.6.32-trunk-amd64." The kernel I am running is the one currently in Debian "Sid".

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Debian Multimedia :: Getting Two Monitors To Work With 1 Nvidia Card?

Sep 4, 2010

I'd be grateful for any suggestions to get a second TV/Monitor to work in addition to the desktop monitor for a PC which runs Lenny. The first monitor is a small TFTLCD 15". Works perfectly with a GEForce FX 5200 nvidia graphic card and uses the 173.14.09 driver. Having obtained an SVGA cable, I connected the card to a rather larger 32" LCD Panasonic TX-L32S10B TV to enable some armchair viewing of internet etc for my parents. The Panasonic TV or monitor shows all the boot messages but the graphical server fails to start. I know that both screens work, either alternatively or simultaneously, having tested with a Puppy live CD.
However, running

nvidia-xconfig --twinview results in an incorrect screen resolution for the 15" TFT Monitor; Gnome Screen Resolution Preferences gives a rather surprising fixed setting of 2048x786/50Hz when the maximum should be 1024x768. The resulting xorg.conf file is:

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildd@ninsei)  Fri Sep  5 22:23:08 UTC 2008
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier     "Layout0"
Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0


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Debian Multimedia :: Run The 2.6.32-5-686 Kernel On Squeeze And The Bad Nvidia Drivers?

Oct 31, 2010

I run the 2.6.32-5-686 kernel on Squeeze and the bad nvidia drivers. A recent update, and pardon for not noting which, broke 3d games on my box.

From a terminal neverputt yields the following error:

ignatius@lapbox 14:56 [ ~ ]:$ neverputt
X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request:  137 (NV-GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request:  4 ()
Resource id in failed request:  0x2600013


I can mv xorg.conf to xorg.conf-pre and nexuiz will fire-up. Without 3d of course. I spent an hour or so last week going over my xorg.conf but it just ain't broke!

Someone else saw it, too, and reported it but his post remains alone in the thread as of 10 minutes ago. Anyone else seen this?

I don't play games much at all, but sometimes I just wanna frag muthafuckas and now I can't.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Microfon With HDA NVidia ALC888 In Squeeze

Feb 7, 2011

newly installed squeeze. Everything seems ok except microfon. How can I found out what is the problem?


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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Messed Up After Nvidia Update?

Mar 27, 2011

system update today which moved the nvidia drivers from 195 to 260.After performing the update with synaptic and restarting, I noticed that my desktop theme, "Clearlooks," was messed up in that the shiny progress band was now two separate colours (blue and white). Tried other themes (among them "Glossy") and found most of them corrupted with, for example, the progress bar totally white.Similar problem with Iceweasel 4: the tabs have lost their inferior border, and the address/search bars are surrounded by white.I suspect (though I can't be sure) that the above is caused by the nvidia update. I did an "nvidia-xconfig" to try and see if this would change things, but no.

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Debian Multimedia :: Install Nvidia Drivers In Wheezy?

May 2, 2011

I'm having all sorts of problems after doing my first update (#1. safe-upgrade, #2. full-upgrade) in over a month.

Anything from no Nvidia linux-headers being found to any VT not working. After completely removing all of the previously tried Nvidia presence on my PC, is there a safe way for me to install the non-free drivers?

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia And Xrandr Doesn't Work

Jun 3, 2011

I have problems with xrandr in a system with Nvidia GeForce 8600GT video card. I want to use xrandr to rotate the screen on the fly.

~:$ xrandr -q
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1600 x 1200, maximum 1600 x 1200
default connected 1600x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1600x1200      50.0*
1600x1024      51.0 


I tried enable the last option, change values for xinerama and twinview, but nothing works.

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Debian Multimedia :: Conflict Reappeared Between Nvidia-glx And Xorg?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm running debian 2.6.32-5-amd64 and have spent an interesting day trying to get nvidia-glx running...What appears to be happening, is that installing nvidia-glx uninstalls X.I've tried various installation methods (Synaptic, apt-get, module-assistant) and the final result seems to always be /usr/bin/X not found.Re-installing X blows away nvidia-glx.The symptoms look a lot like this post: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=45188Is it possible that this problem has returned?

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Debian Multimedia :: Install Nvidia Drivers In Squeeze?

Jun 21, 2011

It seems that I'm learning a bit about Debian in the last couple of days...

Here's the thing. I don't appear to be getting any 3D accelaration from my video card at the moment.

Having tried many things (which all failed) and making a mess of my computer I have done the following things:

1. Reinstalled Lenny from scratch.

2. Updated sources to point to stable and allowed update manager to do its thing.

I now appear to have a working build of squeeze.

X is up and running fine, but when I check /var/log/xorg it appears that I'm running the NOUVEAU driver, which does not support the 3D functionality of the card.

So... What is the best method for getting the appropriate driver installed?

My last attempt ended up with nvidia-glx fighting with xorg, so I'm hoping that someone will have up to date instructions that I can follow...

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Debian Multimedia :: Remove Items From Main Menubar?

Dec 17, 2010

I need to remove items from Main Menubar --> Places --> Removable Media and from Computer shortcut.

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Debian Multimedia :: Permanently Remove Gtk-3.0 Folder In Wheezy?

Sep 1, 2011

There is a folder in my home titled 'gtk-3.0,' which continues to reappear even after I have deleted it. The reappearance of the folder seems to occur after using lxappearance to change the themes. I will not be participating in the headaches of the switch from gtk2 to gtk3, just as I did not participate in the headaches of the switch from KDE 3 to 4. So the following are my questions;1. Is it possible to permanently delete the gtk-3.0 folder so that it can not ever reappear in my home? (And why is it appearing there anyway? Shouldn't it be hidden with a dot?)2. If I can not prevent this folder from appearing in my home, is there a setting I can use in Wheezy to block gtk3 libs and apps from installation? Presently, the only gtk3 lib or app shown by aptitude search is libcanberra-gtk3-0, but I can't remove it due to notification-daemon dependencies.3. If I switch from all gtk2 apps to all KDE apps will that solve the problem of gtk3 placing a completely unnecessary folder in my home?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia X Server Doesn't Recognise

Feb 25, 2010

I have 9.10 64 on a HP TX2020 laptop, with NVIDIA GeForce 6150. I can't get twin monitor to work. When I go into Nvidia X Server, it doesn't recognise the tv over s-video. According to a lot of the forums I've searched, there should be an option to enable xinerama, which there's not. I know I should study this more and I will, but getting simple things to work takes so long on this OS and I'd really just like to see a movie.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Error After Nvidia Driver Install

Nov 8, 2015

Problem summary:

Error - "Oh no! Something has gone wrong." and "A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again."

How to get back to original nouveau driver after failed nvidia driver install?

What probably happened was a wrong nVidia driver install from the repository.. Because never had any problems earlier, but after I installed some nVidia packages, I get this error.

I already tried to remove nvidia driver by
# aptitude purge nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-glx
It was successful.

Then I reinstalled Xorg Nouveau driver and all its denpendencies by
# aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
It was also successful.

But problem still occurs..

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Debian Multimedia :: NVidia Driver Not Working With External Monitor?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1330, which has a GeForce 8400M GS GPU. The binary (sigh) nVidia driver installed is version 190.53 (installed by sgfxi). This is working well: glxgears gives me about 2600 FPS and compiz is happy.An old Philips 170B is attached by VGA cable. I was looking to set up a method of switching resolution upon connecting to the monitor when working at the desk, since I don't like the 1280x800 resolution of the laptop.

nfortunately, I can't get any output on the external monitor. It does work under Ubuntu, which installed the 180 series binary driver. (Going to an earlier driver is an option, but I want to understand the problem.) Bottom line, I want to work under Debian.As far as I know, nVidia's proprietary driver doesn't support xrandr. At any rate, with he external 170B monitor attached and turned on, I get the following:$ xrandr -qScreen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 800default connected 1280x800+0+0 0mm x 0mm

1280x800 50.0*
1024x768 51.0 52.0 
960x540 53.0 


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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia: Failed To Allocate Primary Buffer

May 21, 2010

I recently did a fresh install of squeeze. I have the stock 32 kernel along with the 34 from experimental (it is listed as stable by I installed version 195.36.24 of the Nvidia driver using the Nvidia installer, and after starting X the system became unresponsive.

grep '^(E' /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(EE) May 21 11:28:50 NVIDIA(0): Failed to allocate primary buffer: out of memory.
(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***

I find this strange considering that I have used this driver with no problem on a 33 kernel and the same video card:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] [10de:01d7] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device [1043:1212]
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 16


I believe it has 256MB of video memory, and I have 1GB of system memory. Is this just a problem with the 34 kernel?

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