Debian Multimedia :: How To Remove Icon From Desktop

Jul 25, 2011

I installed  aptosid (  ex-sidux), based on debian sid. It uses  xfce manager.

On the desktop I have many icons ( like  other patitions, trash, ..), I want to remove them, where to do it, they don't appear in the Desktop directory  (they are not links).

By the way,  I think, if I really understand it ??,    xrandr   replaces  xorg,  I can't find the file used  by xrandr  unlike xorg  uses  xorg.conf.

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Debian Multimedia :: Remove The Background Color From The Icon Text?

Feb 2, 2011

Any way to remove the background color from the icon text? The little color bubble that holds the icon text? Yes I know I am picky...

2011-02-01-203633_1280x800_scrot.png (6.88 KiB) Viewed 504 times

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Debian Multimedia :: Why No Desktop Icon With Automount

Sep 9, 2010

I have a 2 Computers:
Computer A has a RAID array in it, and everything works perfectly fine. When Computer A powers on, the RAID array is automatically mounted, mdadm takes care of all of the things it's supposed to, and an icon for the RAID array is automatically placed on the desktop. Everything Just Works (TM).
Computer B is configured similarly to Computer A. They have identical configuration files (at least, all the ones I've checked are identical), and when Computer B powers on, the RAID array is automatically mounted, mdadm takes care of all of the things it's supposed to, BUT, NO icon for the RAID array is automatically placed on the desktop. How do I change that?

They have identical /etc/fstab's (the lines in bold are the ones that matter):
Computer A
mediaserver:/home/mediaserver/Desktop# cat /etc/fstab .....

Computer B
mediaserver:/home/mediaserver# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information .....

They have identical /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf's
Computer A
mediaserver:/home/mediaserver/Desktop# cat /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
DEVICE partitions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes
HOMEHOST <system>
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 metadata=0.90 UUID=82bfcecf:5cd4d557:2f1fbd23:68e2797c

Computer B
mediaserver:/home/mediaserver# cat /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
DEVICE partitions
CREATE owner=root group=disk mode=0660 auto=yes
HOMEHOST <system>
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 metadata=0.90 UUID=6c24c0e5:84ead07e:c109596b:d7e29b7e

The outputs of mount are also very similar:
Computer A
mediaserver:/home/mediaserver/Desktop# mount
/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/md0 on /mnt/arrayCOMP_A type xfs (rw)

Computer B
mediaserver@mediaserver:~$ mount
/dev/hdc1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/md0 on /mnt/arrayCOMP_B type xfs (rw)

So how do I get an icon for the device /dev/md0 to automagically appear on the desktop every time the device is mounted (which occurs every time the computer boots up)?

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Debian Multimedia :: LXDE Desktop And Taskbar Icon Configuration?

Aug 1, 2011

The first issue is adding launch icons to the task bar. I can add launchers, but cannot figure out how to link them to applications. It is only half a problem, because putting links on the desktop is easy, but I prefer having launchers on the task bar so the desktop is not cluttered.The big problem is placement of desktop icons. I like to put icons on the right side of the screen, and more importantly, I like to group related icons. For example, if I had a folder or document for Linux and another for Debian, I want them grouped together. I also like arranging by category: folders in one column, documents and images in another and launchers (if any) in a third. However, if there is way to enable desktop icons to be moved, I cannot figure it out. Icons are fixed on the left side of the screen with folders first in alphabetical order, then documents/images in alphabetical or numerical order, and launch icons last.My guess is icons can be moved, but I am not computer literate enough to figure it out. It does not make sense that the task bar can be placed on the top, bottom, left or right, but desktop icons cannot be moved. I have tried every preference setting, but there are no relevant options.Am I over-looking something that is not obvious or is it a strange deficiency with LXDE?

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Debian Multimedia :: Change Icon Font Color On Desktop To White?

Oct 10, 2015

I'm using Robolinux Cinnamon which is Debian 8.2 (fantasic OS btw). I usually use a blank, black wallpaper but the default color of the icon font is black. I googled this question for about an hour before I came here. How to change the icon font color on the desktop to white?

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove Icon From Desktop

Aug 27, 2010

Mounting a disk automatically from /etc/fstab puts an icon on the desktop, whether it's appropriate or not. How can I prevent this? Is there an option? I have two disks mounted with the commands /dev/sda2 /media/Windisk ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 //machine/sharename /media/myshare cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=cp850 0 0

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Fedora :: Remove Trash Icon From Desktop?

Apr 10, 2011

how i can remove Trash icon from Desktop ?also what bout my home and computer icon?(in gnome)

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Ubuntu :: Remove Filesystem Icon From Desktop?

Mar 17, 2011

How do I remove the 84 gb filesystem icon from my decktop? I cant get it off there. It came on there when I click on it from places.

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Debian Multimedia :: Remove KDE Applications Without Removing Entire Desktop

May 9, 2015

I've installed Debian GNU/Linux, from a Testing NetInstall ISO, then after setting up the system, I've installed the KDE desktop.Well, I like to have a system with the applications I want, not the applications that the system wants for me, I mean, that's the point of GNU/Linux, isn't?

Thus I want to remove some applications from KDE, let's say KWrite. I know it's a good text editor, but Kate is way better, at least for me, and... I should have the authority to decide what applications I want on my system, I think you got the point.So I installed Kate, and when I try to remove KWrite, APT asks me to remove nothing but this applications: kde-baseapps kde-plasma-desktop.

I don't understand why do KDE forces me to get rid of the entire desktop... when I'm just trying to remove a single application, and a replacement it's already installed.

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove Desktop Icon Left From Maverick

Apr 25, 2011

I was using Maverick. I created a desktop icon for the trash and placed it on desktop. Then removed the one from the taskbar.

Now I'm running Natty Beta and the trashcan icon is still there. It is also in the Unity task bar.

I want to get rid of the one I created, but can't figure out how. I can't drag to trash, right click only gives properties.

The menu item from desktop "Customize toolbar" doesn't work. Looked at gconf-editor no luck.

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Debian :: - Remove Assistive Tech Icon In Top Right Panel?

Mar 7, 2011

I have the Assistive Technologies Blue Icon in the Top Right Panel, and I'd like to Remove it. I have un-checked "Show" in the APPLICATIONS Menu after unlocking that Panel. I have Dasher, On Screen Keyboard, and Orca un-checked so they don't "Show". I also have Assistive Technologies un-checked in SYSTEM -> PREFERENCES. But, the Assistive Technologies Blue Icon is still being displayed to the Left of my Wifi Icon in the Top Right Panel. How do I get it REMOVED?

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Debian Installation :: Installer Icon On Desktop Do Not Work

May 11, 2011

I downloaded the debian-live-6.0.1-amd64-kde-desktop.iso. Found here [URL] and made a bootable usb drive. After KDE starts there is the Debian Installer icon on the desktop and usually it will work, but not for me. I click the icon and wait for it to start but nothing happens?

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Debian :: Create App Launcher And Change Icon On Xfce Desktop?

Feb 3, 2011

I've Live Lenny with xfce desktop.Howto create application launcher and change icon on xfce desktop?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open Audio CD With Rhythmbox When Left Clicking On Desktop Icon - Instead Of Nautilus

Mar 31, 2011

When I have an Audio CD inside my computer in the desktop there is an icon called "Sound disk". When I left click on it Nautilus opens. I would like Rhythmbox to open instead.

I've tried to change in /etc/gnome/defaults.list :

But the problem is still here.

NB: I only need to click once on the icons of the files to open them (I changed the preference of Nautilus).
NB2: I have no problem with "Open with" in the context menu when right clicking.
NB3: I have no problem when I insert an Audio CD: Rhythmbox opens automatically because I selected that option.

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OpenSUSE :: Removing The Home Directory Icon And Trash Icon From Desktop Using Custom Script SuseStudio

Mar 22, 2011

I have just created an 11.3 64 bit image using susestudio. All seems well but would like to customize the desktop via my script that I have added. My question is how do I remove the home directory and the trash icon from the desktop? Or better said what is the path to removing the symbolic link, I cannot find the symbolic links in the desktop directory. It is empty, I do not see any symbolic links under /home/test/Desktop?

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Software :: .desktop Icon Is Not Displayed / Icon Is Not Working In Menu?

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to add .desktop file for my application but I'm stuck with very strange problem.I created 48x48 icon for my program called etmmanager.png.I created .desktop file according to specifications:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=ETM Manager for time logging

My problem is that icon is not working in menu! I can find my program in Utilities->Time->ETM Manager and this is what I wanted, but there is no icon for the program.

It starts working if I specify absolute path in etmmanager.desktop file like
About my system - Opensuse 11.1 KDE 4.2

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Ubuntu :: Xdg-desktop-icon Does Not Show Correct Icon?

Apr 30, 2010

I tried xdg-desktop-icon command. It does install a shortcut. The shortcut works when double clicked. But the shortcut is shown as a standard icon, not the icon defined in the .desktop file. Do I miss something?

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Debian :: Apt Wants To Auto-remove Most Of Desktop

Oct 16, 2015

Fresh Jessie installation with KDE desktop. Installed from Disk 1 of the dvd images. Can't figure why apt wants to remove this stuff. The only packages I removed from the base installation was iceweasel, and juk. I'd like to autoremove to clean out the amarok stuff but I'm afraid it will take all the rest with it. What do I do about this, and or how do I fix it? Does apt have a setting where if an app isn't used for x amount of time it deems it useless for removal?

Code: Select allCalculating upgrade...

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  amarok-common amarok-utils apper apper-data ark cdparanoia cdrdao clamz dvd+rw-tools easy-rsa genisoimage growisofs gwenview htdig hyphen-en-us
  iputils-arping k3b k3b-data k3b-i18n kamera kate kcalc kdeplasma-addons kdesudo khelpcenter4 kio-audiocd kmix kopete kscreensaver ksnapshot libappstream1

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Debian :: Remove The Launcher From Desktop?

Sep 3, 2010

the computer, home and wastebasket launchers are on the desktop, i would like for them to leave but when i right click, move to wastebasket is greyed out, which is what google said,

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Debian Configuration :: Remove Item From Desktop Menus

Feb 7, 2016

I am using Wheezy 7.9, Gnome Classic, gdm3 . I have two menu instances of Master PDF Editor, one instance in the Graphics menu and the other in the Office category. I have tried using Alacarte to remove one of the instances. Alacarte shows that the item has been removed but in fact it still shows up in the menu. The procedure I used was to open Alacarte as root user, delete the item, close Alacarte and re-start the computer.

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Debian :: Remove Computer Home And Trash Icons From Desktop?

Sep 1, 2011

I want a clear desktop. How do I remove the computer home and trash icon off desktop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Only One Tray Icon Per Application?

Jul 30, 2015

I have a multi-platform QT4 application and I'm trying to make it run on Debian 7.x. In this app I'm creating 2 QSystemTrayIcon 's and when I run this application on Debian 7.8 with Gnome 3 disabled both tray icons show up nicely in the notification area in the top-right panel. However when I have Gnome 3 enabled nothing shows up in the top-right panel and the tray icon shows up in the (hidden) bottom panel, but the problem is only the first one of my 2 tray icons shows up - the other one is lost.

I'd like to ask, whether it is by design so, that on Gnome 3+Debian 7.8 there can be only one tray icon per application? Or is it some issue with Qt? I tried also Ubuntu 14.04 with Gnome 3 and there both tray icons showed up nicely in the top-right panel.

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Debian Multimedia :: GUFW Icon Missing

Feb 1, 2016

Every time I install Jessie, I also install gufw as a graphical firewall frontend for desktop users, but I've also always had to create my own menu icon because the default one never showed up. I opened up the .desktop file today and took a look to see why it was never displayed in Gnome.

There was a line next to the bottom that basically told it to only appear in Unity. Deleting this line allowed it to appear in the Gnome menu. My question is this. Why is this line even in here?

Screenshot: [URL] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't See Dropbox Icon In Menu Bar

Feb 23, 2016

i've installed dropbox from URL...i started the daemon and all seems run ok.Now i want to configure the selective syn but i can't see the dropbox icon in the menu bar.i need to select preference from dropbox icon. URL...where is the icon?

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Debian Multimedia :: No Tray Icon In Rhythmbox

Jul 22, 2009

There doesn`t seem to be a tray icon for Rhythmbox. The only way to minimize it seems to be to the taskbar. I have used Rhythmbox. I am using a fully updated Debian Testing with Rhythmbox 0.12.3.

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Debian Multimedia :: XFCE4 Icon Themes Gone / Not Applying

Mar 9, 2010

I don't know what happened here, but running debian lenny and all of a sudden my icon theme is rodent, a decent chunk of icons are not showing up, and when I go to the icon changing panel they all look the same - like rodent! Icon themes I put in ~/.icons don't show up, and the icons in /usr/share/icons are permission as such:

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Debian Multimedia :: Personal Icon Not Appearing In Login Screen

May 31, 2015

I recently installed Debian 8 with the Xfce Desktop Environment, which uses the Lightdm gtk greeter as its login manager. My login screen at the moment looks something like this: [URL] ..... In particular, I still have the "grey person" as the default user avatar.

I have been unsuccessfully attempting to change my personal login avatar, following the advice on the Arch Linux wiki: [URL] .... I began by naming my desired avatar .face and saving it in my home directory. That didn't work, but I was not discouraged because the wiki mentioned that there were issues with the ".icon method". So I then installed accountservice, created a directory for my user, and saved my desired avatar as a 96x96 PNG named username.png in the appropriate directory (making sure that it had the necessary permissions, of course). That didn't work either...

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Debian Multimedia :: No Tray Icon Spotify-team Viewer

Oct 17, 2015

i have a problem with both spotify and teamviewer. Both of them work just fine but when i close the main window they keep going in background (as they should) but, not showing any tray icon, if i want to close them i have to manually kill them in a terminal. For teamviewer there's an option to choose to completely close the program by closing the windows but i would like to have the possibility of having the app working in background with a tray icon!!!

Spotify gave me the same problem but i read on spotify community that is a bug of the current version. Still i'd like to solve the problem with teamviewer.I had a similar problem with skype and i solved getting a plugin from but for teamviewer i don't see anything similar...

debian 8.2 jessie
asus n53jl
kernel 3.16.0-4-amd64

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Debian Multimedia :: GNOME CD Icon Doesn't Disappear After Ejecting It

Mar 6, 2010

This problem showed after fresh installation of Debian Testing (image is dated at 1 march 2010). When I want remove cd I click button on device but the icon is still at the desktop and in the nautilus too (in the left sidebar). I have to remove it manualy from nautilus or desktop ( option: eject ). This problem shows with packages like gnome-mount or gnome-volume-manager ot without them.

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Debian Multimedia :: Missing Weather Icon GNOME Panel

May 19, 2010

For some reason I'm not getting the weather icons associated with displaying the kind of weather. Obviously something is missing somewhere.

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