Debian Multimedia :: Can't Read CBR File

Apr 27, 2015

I've downloaded a cbr (comic book) file. But I couldn't manage to read it. Tried built-in Document Viewer, Comix and mcomix. Nothing worked. Document Viewer says the file is full of empty pages, others show broken paper instead of the images. But when I unpack it, the images are normally unpacked. I can't attach it because I get an "Internal Server Error". I can however upload to somewhere else if you want to check the file.

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General :: Windows Access The File From Ubuntu Got Read Only Even Though Have A Full Permission To Read, Write And Execute The File?

Feb 4, 2010

What are the possible problem when Windows access the file from Ubuntu got Read Only even though have a full permission to read, write and execute the file? Ubuntu to Ubuntu accessing the file there is no problem only Windows got a problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Read Overture File

Jan 21, 2011

Does anyone know how to read an .ove (an Overture) file?

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Debian Multimedia :: DVD+RW Can't Be Read

Jun 27, 2011

My brand new DVD+RW disc can't be read by debian (6.0) after trying to erase and burn a new iso into it. I used brasero for this but it failed to burn it and left it in this bad state. It could be detected before the failed brasero session though.

However, whenever I introduce the dvd into the drive after the brasero session, the dvd drive makes the same noises all the time as if it can't read something on it and is going back to the beginning and doing this all the time over and over again. The data on the dvd is not important but what I want to know is if it is possible to stop the OS from trying to read what's in it so I can use some erasing software to make the dvd useful again.

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Debian Multimedia :: Dvd Burn Success Wont Read ?

Oct 29, 2010

I burn a dvd with k3b or braseo and it says it completed the burn w/o error but when I go to put it back in to read it just keeps the read light on on the drive and wont read. I have tried to read the DVD on windows 7 as well and get the same result. I had this issue with Kubuntu 10.04 as well and wrote it off as a quirk of Kubuntu. Before that I had Gentoo installed for many years w/o issue. So I have a hard time believing that suddenly when I switch from Gentoo that I am having this problem with my drive.

The following is the dmesg |Tail from inserting a dvd burnt w/ k3b:

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Debian Multimedia :: Movie Player Cannot Read From Resource

May 22, 2011

I can not watch a DVD video using Movie Player. It gives the message: An Error Ocurred Can not read from resource. What does it want me to do ? Buy a new DVD player ? I have no trouble with this drive in another distribution on the same computer, or playing audio CDs in this very Debian OS. So I don't think there is anything wrong with the DVD drive. VLC won't do anything either.

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Debian Configuration :: Start X Server In A Read Only Root File System?

Apr 27, 2010

For my project, it's absolutely necessary to have a read-only root partition system. I have a writable /opt/project partition.But, I also need to start x server. startx This tries to write to some temporary files and fails as / is readonly. Is there any how-to on how to move this temporary files to the writable portions of the file system.

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Debian Programming :: Check If Files Exists By Read Input From A File

Jul 27, 2013

I need a script that dose the following checks if files exists by read input from a file then compares them to the files listed in the directory if they don’t exists the script would report back which file dose not exists. I also need to format the output so that files are grouped in different groups, group A, B, and C and etc based on file name. I would like the output of that do not exists files to be sorted based on second number in the file name than group according. I understand some of the basics of bash scripting something along of the lines of a loop and if statements might do the trick. Below is what I have so far. I don’t car so much about the script reporting back the file exists I prefer to only know if the file is missing and is less than 3 days old. Problem is if a file dose not exists in the reports file the test compares against the wrong file.

Group A


Group B


Group C


Code] ....

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Server :: Read And Write File Sharing From Debian 5.04 To Palm Webos 1.4.5

Oct 12, 2010

I currently have a debian hpc server unit of 10 p4 computers running under debian lenny in use for serving my home network via pxe. I was wondering if there was anything I could use to allow the same read and write acces that is on my pxe machines on my new palm pre plus. That would save me the hassle of syncing all my documents and movies etc to my phone every day or so.

So basically what I am asking is if I can use the current 5tb nfs raid and mount it some way to a remote ip that I can access fully on my phone without the need for a flash plugin. Btw the phone is homebrew app ready.

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Debian Multimedia :: Avconv Downsizing Resolution - Can't Read Text

Dec 3, 2015

I have recently began to use libav and had an issue I was running into.. Not exactly how to word it so I will simply state the symptoms..

Goal: Create a screencast demo on linux, play it back on a windows machine.

I am running this command to record the screen, installed libav:

avconv -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1600x900 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -threads 4 /home/sysadmin/Desktop/output.avi

The issue I am running into is, when I try to play this file in Windows Media Player or even VLC on the linux host, the default size of the video results in the text in the terminal to be unreadable..

When I re-size the video, as in blow it up to full screen, I can see the text clearly..

The playback device is running something like 1280x1020 resolution. Is there a way to make it so that the text will also be readable?

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Debian Multimedia :: Scroll Through The Menus The Highlighter Is Grey And It Makes Things Awfully Hard To Read?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently installed Firefox 3.6 on Debian Squeeze. Everything went smoothly, but Firefox looks weird. The interface reminds me of Windows 98 and anytime I scroll through the menus the highlighter is grey and it makes things awfully hard to read. I'm not sure what could be wrong but I'm hoping someone here I'm not sure how to insert small images as url links so I'll just post links to screenshots I took for reference.[URL]Oh, and one other problem I recently discovered, flash doesn't seem to work. It works just fine in Iceweasel but I am told I have to install it in Firefox. I installed in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but that doesn't seem to have helped. Come to think of it, it probably wouldn't since it's probably the 32-bit version I got from their site, I run on 64 bit.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Transfer Songs To IPod - "read Only" File Error?

Aug 11, 2010

I use Rhythmbox to transfer songs to my iPod (nano 1st gen). I installed Mediatomb the other day so I could stream music and video on my PS3 (which is awesome btw). Unfortunately, using Mediatomb my PS3 would only find a small portion of my music collection.So I ran Code:sudo nautilus then right clicked on my music folder, and changed the Group category to "Create and delete files" under the Permissions tab. After, my PS3 found my entire music collection. Great. But now in Rhythmbox I get an error about the mp3 files being read-only and can't transfer them to my iPod I've tried reversing the steps (with and without 'sudo'), but no luck. Under the File Access section of Permissions, I can never change anything (like to "read only" or "read and write"). No matter what I choose it always stays at "---"

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Debian :: Cups Not Starting With The Server / Getting Error Unable To Read Configuration File '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - Exiting?

Feb 24, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message

cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!
cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644.

My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is .

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Does Not Read Terminal Sizes From Gconf

Jan 24, 2011

gnome-terminal from the Debian squeeze does not use the 'default_size_columns' and 'default_size_rows' from the /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ folder of gconf.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create Trashing Info File: Read-only File System

Jul 21, 2010

I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message

Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system

So when I click on delete I get another error message:

Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system

At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.

I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Shell, Auto Append Number To File And Read From External File?

Oct 31, 2010

cat ${SOURCE}/{start,universal,index,end}.txt > ${SERVER}/index.html
cat ${SOURCE}/{start,universal,02042010,end}.txt > ${SERVER}/02042010.html


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General :: Read .gz File Direct On Shell/terminal Without Decompressing The File?

Dec 9, 2008

How can I read .gz file direct on shell/terminal without decompressing the file?

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Programming :: Splitting A File Based On The Values Read From An Input File?

Jul 27, 2010

I am splitting a file based on the values read from an input file. The below one is the script.

1)How do I add the header which is present in the original file to the new split files created?(For eg. pharmacyf conatins header as table column names. The new files created (ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat) are without the header).

2) Also the script is creating 0 byte files for the pharmacyids which are not available in the intial file? Can this be avoided?

for pharmacyf in *
tablename=`echo $pharmacyf |cut -f4 -d'.' `
while read pharmacyid
grep -w $pharmacyid $pharmacyf >> $OUT/ODS.POS.$pharmacyid.$tablename.$CURRENT_DATE.dat
done< inputfile

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Windows Read Files From A Home File Server With An Ext4 File System?

Jan 28, 2011

Can windows read files from a home file server with an ext4 file system? or do I have to partition the drive with the server (ext4) and an ntfs partition with the files on?

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Fedora :: Cannot Create Regular File Read Only File System?

Jun 16, 2009

All my torrents go to my home/username/Download/ folder, I could read/write yesterday but now I cant even copy the files to a flash drive.The error i get is "Cannot create regular file '/home/username/Download/file' : Read only file system.

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General :: Error - No Such File Or Dir. Read The 'readme' File But Cannot Configure

May 23, 2011

i'm new to linux and i am running ubuntu 11.04.i'm trying to install wine. i downloaded the binary files and extracted them. i tried running the command './configure' and got a error saying :no such file or dir. i read the 'readme' file but cannot configure.

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Security :: File Permission - Read An Execute Only File

Dec 16, 2009

Suppose I have a binary program with only execute permission enabled for the current user. How (in general) would I be able to obtain a core dump of the file? I think I have read it somewhere but I want to know if there are more ways of doing it.

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Programming :: 3D Array In MAT File ->DAT File To Read In FORTRAN?

Jul 2, 2009

Alright, so I have been trying to resolve this issue for awhile, but now feel like help is very necessary.I have a 128(by)128(by)128 array in a MAT file, and am using the following MATLAB script to convert it to a DAT file:

load C_42.mat


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Debian Multimedia :: Bluetooth Phone File Browser / Cant See Or Access To Any File Or Folder Into The Phone?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a dell precision m4300 laptop with a 360 wireless bluetooth dell adapter On my system there is a debian lenny with kde3 and backported enable(everythings is p to date except bluez-utils and bluetooth holded at version 3.36-3)

Nowadays bluetooth more less works fine, I can send and receive single file to/from my phone (nokia n70)

The hell begin when I try to browse my phone files from konqueror...with bluetooth:/ I can see the list of all the device near me with sdp://[address]/ i can see two icons (obex file transfer & obex object push)
but I cant see or access to any file or folder into the phone.

I also try to update my bluez-utils to 4.60-1~bpo50+1 but in this case kbluetooth totally fail and a see the contextual menu of the system tray icon all disaled.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Play DAT File On Wheezy

Apr 4, 2015

There is a video file with .DAT extension.How can I play such files via VLC or SmPlayer?Which codecs does it need?Following packages are already installed :

sudo apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53 libavdevice-extra-53 libavfilter-extra-2 libavformat-extra-53 libavutil-extra-51 libpostproc-extra-52 libswscale-extra-2 icedtea-plugin

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Debian Multimedia :: Burning Sound File Onto CD

Oct 19, 2015

I run Debian 7.9, kernel 2.6.32-5-686. I have wodim, k3b and brasero installed on my system. I have a file called sound.wav on disk, which I want to burn onto a CD so it can be played on any regular music CD player. Brasero and k3b won't let me do that - I get error messages and the CD does not get written. I used to do it with cdrecord years ago, but as you probably know cdrecord is pretty much out of the game these days; I have wodim installed instead. but I don't know how to do it with wodim.

Code: Select allluiz@debian-luiz-computer:~$ cat /etc/debian_version
luiz@debian-luiz-computer:~$ uname -r

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Debian Multimedia :: Printing A Pdf File Fails?

May 23, 2011

System : Debian squeeze, Gnome, amd64Printer : Samsung ML-1640 SeriesDriver:Samsung ML-1640, SpliX V. 2.0.0Printer works, but printing a pdf file from evince fails ( nothing is printed )...http://localhost:631/jobs/ shows : "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster failed

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Debian Multimedia :: File Search In Nautilus Hangs

Jun 26, 2014

As of today I can't seem to use the search feature of Nautilus (in GNOME 3). Say I open my home folder and press Ctrl-F to get the search bar. Whatever I type, as soon as I stop typing and Nautilus should start the search process, it just freezes completely. The cursor stops blinking and that's it, all I can do is run `killall nautilus` from a terminal. According to the System Monitor nothing is really using CPU.

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie KDE Does Not Show File Manager With Dvd-rom

May 7, 2015

When I insert a dvd-rom I dont get the option for the file manager. I do get k3b, vlc,dragon and two other options. Im guessing this is a bug since this didnt happen with Wheezy. When I insert a dvd data disc I do get the file manager option. Strange this is, after inserting the data disc, removing it and then reinserting the dvd-rom I see the option for file manager. How can I get the file manager option to show everytime I insert a dvd-rom? I tried to,create a new option in system setting but man is that stuff confusing.

i,want to be able to browse a dvd-rom movie/video using dolphin when i insert one. I want open with file manager to be one of the choices. I think file manager is the choice.

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Debian Multimedia :: Add Shortcut For Opening A Particular File With Keepass2

Jun 11, 2015

I want to set up a shortcut for opening a particular file with keepass2.

The combination is Alt+k ... How can I do?

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