Debian Multimedia :: DVD+RW Can't Be Read

Jun 27, 2011

My brand new DVD+RW disc can't be read by debian (6.0) after trying to erase and burn a new iso into it. I used brasero for this but it failed to burn it and left it in this bad state. It could be detected before the failed brasero session though.

However, whenever I introduce the dvd into the drive after the brasero session, the dvd drive makes the same noises all the time as if it can't read something on it and is going back to the beginning and doing this all the time over and over again. The data on the dvd is not important but what I want to know is if it is possible to stop the OS from trying to read what's in it so I can use some erasing software to make the dvd useful again.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Read CBR File

Apr 27, 2015

I've downloaded a cbr (comic book) file. But I couldn't manage to read it. Tried built-in Document Viewer, Comix and mcomix. Nothing worked. Document Viewer says the file is full of empty pages, others show broken paper instead of the images. But when I unpack it, the images are normally unpacked. I can't attach it because I get an "Internal Server Error". I can however upload to somewhere else if you want to check the file.

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Debian Multimedia :: Dvd Burn Success Wont Read ?

Oct 29, 2010

I burn a dvd with k3b or braseo and it says it completed the burn w/o error but when I go to put it back in to read it just keeps the read light on on the drive and wont read. I have tried to read the DVD on windows 7 as well and get the same result. I had this issue with Kubuntu 10.04 as well and wrote it off as a quirk of Kubuntu. Before that I had Gentoo installed for many years w/o issue. So I have a hard time believing that suddenly when I switch from Gentoo that I am having this problem with my drive.

The following is the dmesg |Tail from inserting a dvd burnt w/ k3b:

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Debian Multimedia :: Movie Player Cannot Read From Resource

May 22, 2011

I can not watch a DVD video using Movie Player. It gives the message: An Error Ocurred Can not read from resource. What does it want me to do ? Buy a new DVD player ? I have no trouble with this drive in another distribution on the same computer, or playing audio CDs in this very Debian OS. So I don't think there is anything wrong with the DVD drive. VLC won't do anything either.

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Debian Multimedia :: Avconv Downsizing Resolution - Can't Read Text

Dec 3, 2015

I have recently began to use libav and had an issue I was running into.. Not exactly how to word it so I will simply state the symptoms..

Goal: Create a screencast demo on linux, play it back on a windows machine.

I am running this command to record the screen, installed libav:

avconv -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1600x900 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -threads 4 /home/sysadmin/Desktop/output.avi

The issue I am running into is, when I try to play this file in Windows Media Player or even VLC on the linux host, the default size of the video results in the text in the terminal to be unreadable..

When I re-size the video, as in blow it up to full screen, I can see the text clearly..

The playback device is running something like 1280x1020 resolution. Is there a way to make it so that the text will also be readable?

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Debian Multimedia :: Scroll Through The Menus The Highlighter Is Grey And It Makes Things Awfully Hard To Read?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently installed Firefox 3.6 on Debian Squeeze. Everything went smoothly, but Firefox looks weird. The interface reminds me of Windows 98 and anytime I scroll through the menus the highlighter is grey and it makes things awfully hard to read. I'm not sure what could be wrong but I'm hoping someone here I'm not sure how to insert small images as url links so I'll just post links to screenshots I took for reference.[URL]Oh, and one other problem I recently discovered, flash doesn't seem to work. It works just fine in Iceweasel but I am told I have to install it in Firefox. I installed in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but that doesn't seem to have helped. Come to think of it, it probably wouldn't since it's probably the 32-bit version I got from their site, I run on 64 bit.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Does Not Read Terminal Sizes From Gconf

Jan 24, 2011

gnome-terminal from the Debian squeeze does not use the 'default_size_columns' and 'default_size_rows' from the /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ folder of gconf.

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Debian Installation :: Debian 5.0.4 New Install Will Not Read Boot Disk Info

Mar 10, 2010

I down loaded Debian 5.0.4 and burned it to CD (several times I might add till it was right) and now the computer I'm putting it on wont acknowledge it as a boot disk and load. It does not have a problem with my windows cd, which has a crack and the start of all my problems, But not the Debian CD-1 disk. what now? The computer is an IBM thinkpad a22p. Everything works as far as I can tell. But I was going to reinstall Windows and failed in that because of a small crack on the edge of the disk that stopped the install and any hope of accessing the file on the laptop. Microsoft does not support windows xp any longer, you must buy windows 7, but the ibm will not run it due to processor speed and ram limitations. But it will run linux and I'm willing to try it just to get out of microsoft control.

Idon't know what else to do. This is the link to where I downloaded the software ( [URL] ). The others five that i downloaded were on the same page that I got this one. Are there bad files here? Is there a missing file in the disc?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Cannot Read DVD?

Oct 31, 2010

I fixed VLC to point to the correct device /dev/sr0) I executed sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras If I play a music CD instead of a movie DVD, it works correct, so the device must work VLC and Movie Player work correctly with any video file in the computer.

If it helps, this is what the log says:

Oct 31 13:14:39 pablo-laptop kernel: [ 4079.019744] sr 0:0:1:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
Oct 31 13:14:39 pablo-laptop kernel: [ 4079.019752] sr 0:0:1:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current]


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Won't Read DVD's?

Dec 25, 2010

I am currently running Ubuntu 10.10 on my Laptop Computer and along with a plethora of other problems -that I have been able to put up with- I have discovered that, for some unknown reason my laptop is incapable of reading DVD-Roms... what gives?

The only error I receive is, "could not read from resource". I have libdvdread4 installed along with Ubuntu Restricted Extras... due to my limited Ubuntu knowledge I have absolutely no idea what to do next.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Read TOC On DVD

Aug 12, 2011

Bought new movie the other day and trying to back it up with DVD::RIP. I have used this program for years but today I ran into something new. When I go to read the TOC from the disc I get an error:Code: Fri Aug 12 07:58:49 2011 Job 'Read TOC (lsdvd|tcprobe)' exited with error: Job 'Read TOC (lsdvd)' failed with error message: Error reading table of contents. Please check your DVD device settings in the Preferences and don't forget to put a DVD in the drive.Which is strange because I have every dependency installed and satisfied all the dvdrip requirements.

So I fought back and forth with it for about an hour and decided the check the dvd. The DVDs VIDEO_TS folder is like a whooping 24GB and I cant view the individual VOB files, they look and act scrambled just like if I did not have libdvdcss installed. But here is the kicker.I can watch the DVD just fine if I go to watch it in my PC or in my TV DVD player.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 Can't Read Micro Sd?

Nov 16, 2010

ubuntu 9.10 can't read micro sd? tried to read it using a card reader usb or sort of but it doesn't seem to be recognize... if ubuntu 9.10 can read micro sd using a usb card reader or something, how?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Read Picture Cds

Jun 20, 2010

I have the 64bit version of SuSe 11.2 installed on my PC. For some reason it cannot read a Jessops photo cd which reads ok on a windows pc or any other cd with photos on it, it has no problem reading other cds with program files on them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD's Not Playing In 10.10 - Could Not Read From Resource

Dec 11, 2010

I am trying to get some DVD's to play in Ubuntu 10.10 but whenever i try to play them i get an error message saying "Could not read from resource".

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Read Overture File

Jan 21, 2011

Does anyone know how to read an .ove (an Overture) file?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod To Mount Read Only?

Feb 3, 2011

I want my iPod to automatically mount as read only. I am hoping this will prevent Rhythmbox from changing my playlist sort order while still allowing me to listen to my music.I've tried a number of things this morning and never got it working properly. I'll try to remember what I tried:gksu gedit fstabI added UUID=5EFC-9810 /media/ipod vfat ro,noexec,noauto,user 0 0cd /mediaudo mkdir ipodMounted the iPod and it showed up twice in Places (possibly as a result of this bug: Also, the directory iPod was always listed in Places even when I hadn't connected my iPod. So I listened to the advice there and tried:/dev/disk/by-uuid/5EFC-9810 /media/ipod vfat ro,noexec,noauto 0 0Now I couldn't get my iPod to mount at all. The error given was something like:Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1...only root can mount media/ipodI was able to chown /ipod but it didn't solve my problem.I started over and tried:UUID=5EFC-9810 /media/ipod vfat ro 0 0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Forcing The Exec Bit For Read Only?

Apr 28, 2011

trying to run stuff from CD or DVD ROMS >without< copying to my cluttered hard drive, and came to a thought that I'd like evaluated: Would it work to perhaps use sed during the cd-rom auto-mount or some other point to enable the executable bit for *.exe and other 'executables' to somehow override the read only factor? I'm not too familiar with sed except that i know it can insert/replace new patterns of data for defined patterns of existing data.. so would something like this work? Could it be implemented as permanent function of Ubuntu to 'checkbox' cd/dvd mounts to insert the exec' bit on all, known, or choice files as a sort of 'virtual' permissions that can be placed on RO mounts?

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Debian :: Can't Read Fstab / Why Is So?

Aug 16, 2010

Debian 5.0.5 lenny; Kernal Linux 2.6.26-2-686; GNOME 2.22.3

Trying to read the fstab file using code...

So why can't I read the fstab file?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Chromium: How To Read Video (not Flash)

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying Chromium but it does not read video like firefox does with gecko mediaplayer

here: BFM Business : le direct I get "Missing Plug-in"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adobe Can Read Info About Pictures?

Mar 4, 2010

I have spent some time in photoshop. And I remember a useful feature in it, where Photoshop can tell you info about the image, by pressing on the properties or something. Photoshop can say what the picture was taken with (mobile / camera) and what date.

I run Ubuntu now is there anyone who knows a program which can do the same for Ubuntu? I can't find anything in GIMP

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Player Read Only - Cannot Change Permissions

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to get my Multimedia player to work with Ubuntu I can't have access to it because it said that it is read only. I have got to gksudo and tried to change the permission on it but can't. The player works fine on a windows computer. All my other usb devices work fine I was able to change permission in the folders but not the drive.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD Playback Error - Could Not Read From Resource

Nov 18, 2010

When I insert a normal off the self DVD movie, I am unable to play it, I have tried 3 different media players:

Movie Player (An error occurred, could not read from resource)
VLC (loads the disc, shows a time of 00:00, and just won't play) GNOME MPlayer (pretty much the same as VLC, loads but won't play)

The funny thing about all this is that the one burned DVD I tried (no menus but structured as a DVD) will play, I'm thinking copyright?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Putting Photos On DVD To Be Read In DVD Player

Jan 29, 2011

I would like to put Photos on a DVD disc so they can be viewed on a TV via a DVD player.
What is the easies way to do this? And photos are in PNG format. Will this format work? or do I have to convert them to JPG?

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Debian :: All USB Media Mounts As Read-Only?

Jun 16, 2010

All of my USB -- media, flash drives, media players, SD cards -- mount as read-only on my system. Following is a bunch of output from questions I expect to be asked / debug info.

Groups I'm in
gmweezel@computer:~$ groups
gmweezel dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev netdev powerdev
DMESG output
gmweezel@computer:~$ dmesg | tail
[17532.047289] sd 13:0:0:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off
[17532.047292] sd 13:0:0:0: [sdg] Mode Sense: 45 00 00 00


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Debian :: Grub - Fd0 Read Error

Jun 6, 2011

How do I fix this error

Error: fd0 read error

Debian squeeze install, two hard drives, one partition on each which make up a software raid1.

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Debian :: DVD Error - Could Not Read From Resource

Jun 11, 2011

I try to play a DVD but get the error

Could not read from resource

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Debian :: Can't Read Wireless Adapter

Sep 9, 2011

tonight my laptop with debian installed is no longer reading my wireless card. It has been working for quite some time and I really have no clue as to why it stopped. I did install some updates today, but they seemed pretty minimal. I got the card to work following the same thing I did to get it to work in ubuntu which can be found URL...So what can I do to figure out why it stopped recognizing it or to fix it?

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Debian :: Set Partitions To Hide Or Read Only?

Feb 21, 2010

I wish that some partitions were hidden and others were read only, moreover I wish that these settings can't be edited by other users (except of course root user). For do this, have I only in "fstab" file in "etc" folder to comment (or delete) lines relatives to partitions that I wish are hides and I set options to "ro" to lines relatives to partitions that I wish are read only?

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Debian :: Using OpenSUSE Can't Read Or Write On The HDD

Aug 8, 2010

I want to use dual Monitor on Debian Lenny amd64, I have the nVidia 8600 GTS. I googled several times, I have to change the xorg.conf (as it seems) but I can't - no rights.

And there's another thing... I have a dual boot system along with the openSUSE HDD but I can't open it. And using openSUSE I can't read or write on the Debian's HDD. How can I change that?

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Debian :: Monitor Text Cannot Be Read?

Jan 29, 2011

I just installed Debian and I find it very difficult to read the text in the GUI windows. I cannot explain it well--which is one of the reason I probably cannot find the answer.But, it looks like some of the text was printed (it these were printed pages) from a printer that is running out of toner. If I switch to the ctrl-alt-F2 terminal then the text is easy to read. I have installed on other partitions Ubuntu and Windows in both of these operating systems everything looks fine

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