Debian Installation :: Screen Freezes When Clicking App?

May 14, 2015

Acer desktop m3641
mcp73 (the motherboard?)
Intel pentium dual cpu e2200
ram 2gb
hdd 300gb
The only os is debian and there is plenty of space on the hdd.

Symptoms: When I click on something, say Evolution or Empathy or Maps, about 1 in 5 times the screen will freeze and I have to switch the computer off and on again.

I had this problem with Wheezy and could not resolve it. In the past week I have installed Jessie 32bit and then Jessie 64bit and I get the same problem.

On downloading my copies of Jessie I have verified the md5 and sha.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Freezes After Clicking Anything / Fix It?

Jan 26, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and at the login screen, if I click anywhere on the screen, the entire system freezes. I can't open up the terminal or anything at this point, I have to restart the computer.

This also happens when I use the live CD.

I've done apt-get update, dist-upgrade... no change. Not to mention, I can't get into xorg anymore to change the video driver to VESA (it's always had trouble in previous versions without the restricted nvidia drivers)

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB / ISO File - Freezes On Clicking Forward

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to install on Ubuntu Netbook on my MSI Wind U123. I downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu Netbook and followed the proper directions to create an installation USB. During installation, I got up to the step where it tells me to have: atleast 2.5GB available, make sure power cord is plugged in, and that I am connected to the internet. When I click on, "Forward" to continue the installation, it just hang/freezes.

I have similar problem when trying to install JoliCloud. When installing JoliCloud, I get up to step 3, where it asks about the keyboard. When I click "Forward", it doesn't do anything, it just hangs. I tired using multiple different USB drive, and also downloaded ISO file again to ensure the file wasn't corrupted.*

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Debian Installation :: Screen Freezes During Live Boot From USB

Jun 8, 2015

I am attempting to get Debian+Mate running on my laptop, with no success. I have not yet used Linux, but I do wish to climb out of the Window, and the Live session seems ideal to get a feel for Debian before finally abandoning Windows.

I got the Debian+Mate ISO file from the Debian website, and created a bootable USB stick. (Note : I have done this several times, getting new ISOs, and using Unetbootin, Universal USB Installer, and Linux Live installer; the result is always the same.)

When I boot the USB drive, all appears good at first. I get to the Debian (or Mate?) screen which is a pale jade green with a white squiggle in the middle region, with a panel at the top; this shows at left three options - applications, places, and system; and at right the correct time, a sound symbol,the wifi symbol, and a battery indicator. At the left of the screen in vertical arrangement there are 4 icons labelled computer, users home, install Debian Sid, and trash. On the bottom panel, at left there is a "button" for "click to hide all windows & show desktop", and at right 4 squares for workspaces.

There are also (temporary) windows that inform me that the battery is no good (I run on mains), and that there is no wifi connection established. These windows disappear in a minute or so.

The cursor moves ok. The only actions that it creates are the information drop-down texts that tell me what the headings mean - e.g. no connections when I hover the cursor above the wifi connections symbol.

But whatever I attempt to do - selecting any of the options - nothing happens. Everything except the cursor appears to be dead.

The machine that I am using is an old laptop that I use as a second computer. It has a SIS Mirage 3 graphics engine, which I gather may be a problem. I also tried the same procedure with my fairly modern ASUS laptop (NVidia graphics) with exactly the same results; it seems that NVidia graphics may also be problematic, judging from some posts on the web. I have also tried Debian+Cinnamon, again with the same outcome.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Freezes When Clicking Menu

Aug 24, 2010

Firefox 3.6.8 is freezing whenever I click a menu item. It locks up for about 25 seconds before continuing. It does this even in safe mode, or if all the addons and extentions are disabled. I have even tried deleting and creating a new profile. Chrome works fine. Also, on another login account, firefox is working fine!

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CentOS 5 Networking :: 5.4 Freezes When Clicking On Inactive Linked Folder

Apr 16, 2010

i encountered the following:


1 server with centos 5.4 running 1 client with centos 5.4 - gnome running thin ethernet network

on my client desktop i have a link to a shared folder on the server. this works fine.

to the problem: after working with this (using the link and seeing it working) i shutted down the server from my client (in a terminal screen, using ssh) the terminal screen signalled the server going down and the connection ended. the linked folder on the client desktop changed its icon fine.

after that i clicked on the changed icon (of the link that was not a working link any more) and the client machine froze.... no reaction any more. i could only end the session by >ctrl-alt-f#< , log in and shutdown.

Q: is it normal Centos is that angry when you click such a link?

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Debian :: Computer Screen Freezes - Cannot Connect To Webserver

Feb 28, 2010

I installed debian server on a custom built intel computer, with a 2.5 ghz dual core processor, 3 Gb of ram and a 500 GB sata hdd, I had originally installed debian server to use it as a web server, but for some reason after a few hours it completely freezes, mouse wont move I cannot connect to the webserver or ftp server, I restarted it and it will do it again, it isnt a specific amount of time it just does it randomly sometimes it will take 2 hours another time it will take 2 days, anyone know what could be wrong, I am quite new to linux and am not sure exactly how to view logs and such.

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard Freezes And Blank Screen

Aug 30, 2015

This started happening after I started working on the kernel image and initramfs tools configurations basically started trying to make my system work the way I wanted.I can be doing anything like playing worms or being on this forum and the screen turns black but I don't lose energy just nothing shows on the screen and my keyboard doesn't respond the num lock doesn't turn either state,

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard And Mouse Or Maybe Screen - Freezes

Mar 29, 2010

So it's a beautiful day and I'll be happily using my computer when I realise that the screen is no longer showing that I'm typing or moving my mouse (or finger across a touch-pad). I can leave my computer in this frozen/crashed state for hours. My only recourse is to drain the battery or hold down the power button until the computer shuts down. The computer is a Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop/notebook. As my memory serves, it has an ATI graphics thingy. Radeon 1400, maybe. But I've had the computer for years and this behaviour has emerged only the past couple of months, with seemingly increasing frequency.

The OS is
# uname -a
Linux polaris 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Jan 10 22:40:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
(aka Squeeze?)

Sometimes this happens within minutes of turning the computer on and logging into Gnome. Sometimes this happens only hours after I've started using the computer (mainly just surfing the web). Sometimes it is preceded by a loud boop sound and the following if I have console open, sometimes not. So maybe that's unrelated. But that happened just now so I thought I'd throw it in.

One weird thing: Usually this happens within an hour of starting to use the computer, but one occasion I noticed I had not had the problem for several hours. On that occasion, the only thing I noticed I was doing that was also unusual: I had turned on and forgotten about a kvm virtual machine. After I shut down the vm, I had about only a minute before the freeze. I'm surprised now that it hasn't frozen since I started typing thing. Maybe I should always keep this forum open in a browser window.

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Debian Multimedia :: Periodic Screen Freezes In Jessie

Apr 15, 2015

For months I've been experiencing periodic screen freezes in Debian Jessie. I've tried many ways to debug/fix it without any luck...

I'm running GNOME 3 in Debian Jessie...
Code: Select all$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 3.12.2
$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 8

On a ThinkPad X60 with a SSD.

Code: Select all$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

My screen freezes periodically.

By freeze, I mean that the mouse can still move, but everything else behind it is frozen entirelyI can switch to a terminal with CTRL+ALT+F1, it's ... I guess... X or gnome-shell or something that's frozen? Not the whole OS thoughThese freezes last anywhere between 5 or 10 seconds and 3-5 minutesI can't predict when they will occur, but often, after a suspend/resume, they will start occuring much more frequently. Also, they often happen after I enter my password and press ENTER on the lock screen after a resume from suspend. But not exclusively -- they can happen at any other time when I'm doing pretty much anything in GNOME...

Things I've Tried...

When frozen, I've tried to CTRL+ALT+F1, login, and run gnome-shell --replace... [*[When frozen, I can successfully CTRL+ALT+F1 and run `service gdm restart`... with the obvious downside of losing everything I have open. But the screen responds immediately and I can log back in to GNOMEI tried running `Xorg -configure` to generate an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to edit, but received an error about not being able to generate configuration for multiple screens or something (I can retry and provide the exact error if this is a useful direction to try) is it the gnome-shell freezing? Is it X? Is it a problem with the X driver I'm using?

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Debian Multimedia :: Use Gnome2 Screen Completely Freezes

May 1, 2011

when Gnome starts my Desktop completely freezes. So I decided to reinstall and install Gnome2. When Debian is freshly installed I still need to configure and install my ATI 6950 Graphic card and the X config. Since the latest drivers from ATI I can use the --initial config from ATI. This all seems to work. But also when I use Gnome2 my screen completely freezes. I don't see any special things in my logs. I do remember that with my previous PC I had the same problem. This was the "first" reason why I left Debian for my desktop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Hibernate / Logout Garbles Screen And Freezes

Jul 13, 2011

I have a problem with garbled graphics after resuming from hibernate or logging out (when the screen blinks and goes back to the display manager). It only occurs when I do either, about half the time. What happens is the edges of everything "bleed" horizontally (left to right) in red and green colors and black text on a white background becomes entirely unreadable (but white text on a black background is readable and just looks a little bolder). If I shut down or restart the computer (softly) when the screen has garbled, then it will freeze and not even the SysRq keys work (I have enabled it in /etc/sysctl.conf). Then the only thing left is to do a hard restart (in which case there's a voice saying "System failed VGA test" before BIOS/GRUB loads) or poweroff. Powering it off and then starting it again works fine. I did a google image search and this is sort of how it looks when it freezes: link

Once the screen has garbled (but only if it hasn't frozen) I can use SysRq to issue S E S I S U O to shut it off and then power it on, and that works: then I get a non-garbled command line after sigterm and it shuts off and starts up properly. If I issue B instead of O (to restart) I get the "System failed VGA test" on boot (but it doesn't freeze when shutting down). Hibernation is easy enough to fix by just turning it off (it's not a laptop so I don't need it anyway), but it still happens sometimes when I log out. So as long as I never change users the system works perfectly and this never happens. I've tried GNOME, Xfce4, OpenBox without any DE, gdm3 and SLiM and the problem persists in all of them.

Some system details:
Debian Squeeze i386 (using only software from the stable main repository)
Kernel: 2.6.32-5-686
Video card: ATI Radeon 9600SE (using the preinstalled open source drivers)
Motherboard: ASUS P4P 800-E

By the way: sometimes when it's in the process of shutting off (when the display hasn't been corrupted), after it kills all graphical applications, I can see that the CLI text gets the garbled look, but at that point the poweroff works without freezing. This is the most similar sounding bug that I could find: [URL]. Unfortunately I can't find a solution to it, and most people who have similar problems seem to get either the garbled graphics or the freezes, but not both. Also: how safe is it to keep shutting off with SysRq to recover from this? Can I get disk errors?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 On HP ML350 G6 - Installation Process Get The Screen That Shows The Files Copied - Freezes ?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm trying to install on HP ML 350 F13 G6 with standard array controller and 3 drives in raid 5. Well, when the installation process get the screen that shows the files copied (all copied...) , it freezes and does not advance more. Perhaps groped a firmware update? Other distributions are installed correctly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install Freezes On Welcome Screen

Jan 20, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 with the live cd, but my computer freezes on the welcome screen, where you select the language (for the second time).After that the ubuntu logo starts pulsing and after a while the welcome screen appears. At this point, my mouse and keyboard are frozen (though the laser is still working) and the only way is to turn my computer off. I can't even eject the cd rom.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Freezes When Upgraded To 9.10?

Feb 2, 2010

I recently upgraded to the 9.10 version of Ubuntu. Now my screen freezes from time to time and I cannot click on anything. I must do a hard reboot by holding the power button of the PC. Is there a fix for this? Is there a way for me to go back to 9.4?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Screen Freezes After Upgrade To 10.04 LTS

May 28, 2010

Today I upgrade my Ubuntu 9.10 pc to the latest Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. The upgrade went perfectly with no errors. But when I login to my account Ubuntu loads but then the screen freezes and nohing happens. Then I am just left with a blank desktop with only the Ubuntu 10.04 background and no panels.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Freezes At Splash Screen?

Jun 14, 2010

I upgraded a week or so ago to 10.04, and everything was working fine. Then suddenly a few days ago the computer froze at the splash screen on startup. Thinking it was just some sort of neurotic, temporary issue, I restart again, but no luck -- same problem.

In terms of what I changed before the problem happened, I don't recall changing any system settings. On possibility is my changing things to skip the login screen and go strait to my account, but I believe I had done that a few shutdown/restarts before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 - Freezes On The Screen

Jul 19, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 (32 bit). Everything seemed to go well with no errors until the point where the system needed to restart at the end. After it restarted (and every power cycle since), it gets to the "ubuntu" screen with the moving cycle of square dots underneath, and stays there for ever. The screen resolution is absolutely goofed up, the word Ubuntu cannot be clearly read (looks like it is way overdriving the monitor). All letters seem to have like vertical bars on either side.

Below the Ubuntu and the dots, there appears to be two lines of completely illegible text (they just look like multicolored boxes about the size of characters.

I tried using the shift key to get to grub and try to boot into recovery mode--no luck. I tried using grub to boot to the previous kernel--no luck. It just sits there at the Ubuntu screen with this weird resolution/appearance.

I can boot from the Live CD and things work fine. I can see the file system, grub files etc. Any help debugging this would be most useful.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Freezes When In Dual Screen?

May 11, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu 11.04 for some time now and I'm experiencing many severe bugs. One of this is very bothering and I still can't find a solution. I experienced many problems maybe related to this, but seems to have gone away by downgrading xserver-xorg-video-ati. Still anyway, when in dual screen, after some time, the screen completely freezes. The system is completely freezed, I can't even go to a shell, but I noticed it is possible to log in via ssh.

I've never had problems with ATI opensource drivers. Now I even noticed a logout problem anyway (which is known as far as I know). Is there anyone else experiencing the same? I found some others complaining about something similar, but not exactly the same and still no solution. Is it possible to somehow debug this when it happens? I have to note that I'm still using kernel version 2.6.35 because the new 2.6.38 is not booting at all. But I don't know whether this is the problem or not.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Freezes System After Clicking On "monitors"?

Apr 30, 2011

the problems is exactly the one in the title. I was trying to tweak my screen resolution but when i clicked on "monitor" the computer froze. No response from keyboard or other buttons. my machine is a (don't laugh!) hp pavilion zd8369ea.

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Fedora Installation :: Mouse / Keyboard And Screen Freezes

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to install fedora 10, 64 bit on computer with the following specification but the installation stops during installation (mouse , keyboard, screen freezes).
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-ud4h rev.1.0
processor AMD phenom ii 940
I have updated the bios to the latest version.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Screen Freezes After Completing Installation

Jan 29, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 10.04.1 using the wubi installer for windows. Installation finished without problems so I restarted my laptop as I was asked to. Then I selected to run ubuntu, there was the black screen "completing installation" and then came the startup where it stopped working.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Freezes And Computer Restarts

May 4, 2011

I just dusted off my old Compaq Prezeio 900Z. Unfortunately, when I try to install Ubuntu, it screen freezes on me and the computer restarts.

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Debian :: System Freezes With No Particular Motive But Most Often When Watching YouTube Video In Full Screen Mode

Feb 19, 2015

From time to time system freezes with no particular motive but most often when watching you tube video in full screen mode. How to diagnose freeze, hang, blocking problems in debian jessie system amd 64 gnome 3?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Freezes At Black Screen After Update

Mar 12, 2009

Tried the DVD install for 10. Install went fine other than it take for freakin ever, but after an 1 hour install, the update wanted to install 1675 or so updates. I let those updates install. 5 hours later the updates were done. Rebooted and now it freezes at a blank screen right after the 3 scrolling bars. System is older AMD 3000+, 1 GIG RAM with NVidia 5700 video card.

I did try and search some. But the only thing I could find was something about editing my grub file for a scan=sync setting (the information was basically gibberish to me. No clue what it was talking about or how I would edit a file on a system that won't boot). I tried to recover mode off the live CD. It had some options that said you could type Linux command line arguments, but whenever it got to the sysimage it says Linux isn't a command.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezes At Boot Screen After Updating Packages?

Dec 8, 2010

Ok, so I just finished correcting my driver issue with my wireless card when I'm struck with another problem....after gaining access to the net and updating my packages, ubuntu fails to boot up. It freezes at the boot screen where it runs the 5 orange dots with the ubuntu logo.

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Ubuntu :: Fix Clicking Noise After HP Splash Screen?

Feb 27, 2011

How do I fix the clicking noise after the HP splash screen?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freshly Installed System Freezes Just After Loading Screen

Jan 27, 2010

I recently upgraded from Hardy to 9.10 Kubuntu. The install went smoothly, and when I boot up, the loading screen (the one with the progress bar) does its thing. Then I see the 'waiting' cursor (in Kubuntu, the two dots chasing each other around in a circle). I see this for about two to three seconds, then the entire thing freezes up and I can't do anything, including switching to a virtual console. How do I figure out my system's dying words so I can figure out what's going wrong? As a (sort of) aside, when I open files in /var/log for reading with cat <file> | less, I have to Page-Down a whole bunch to get to the most recent stuff. Is there a way to jump to the bottom, or read with something other than what I have been using?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Entire - Computer Freezes - Refusing To Go Beyond The Welcome Screen

Apr 18, 2010

I start using Ubuntu, after successfully installed it without any problem.Then I downloaded latest updates, etc. But,after installing a display driver, my computer freezes, refusing to go beyond the welcome screen. I tried several ways but could not solve the problem. So I decided to re-intall Ubuntu, download again the updates, again configure my settings, etc. herefore, I'd like to know whether there is any application to backup or to create a full image of a hard disk so as to avoid the long hours of re-installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Freezes On USB Load At Syslinux Copyright Message?

Jan 13, 2011

I have used Universal USB Installer to extract the xubuntu 10.10 iso and install onto a flash drive. I would like to try a live version of xubuntu that boots from a flash drive. When attempting to boot from the flash drive, the screen effectively freezes after displaying the syslinux / ebios copyright message, with a flashing cursor.

Does anyone know a possible cause or solution? Information that may be useful: I am using a 4GB flash drive, formatted as FAT32. I formatted once using the Universal USB Installer, but some files were left on the drive, so I have reformatted it using the option provided by the Windows interface, (and reinstalled xubuntu.)

When I opt to install onto USB with a 2GB persistence file using Universal USB Installer, the installation processes hangs with a dialogue saying there are 0 seconds left to copy, until the dialogue is forcefully shut (and installation appears to be successful). When I select no persistence file, the process does not hang. (I am faced with the same aforementioned problem at boot time, regardless.)

I have not checked the md5sum (though I have no reason to suspect it will fail.) I have downloaded a simple programme which checks a single md5sum against a single file, although I am unsure which file I should check against in the case of xubuntu, and if the md5sum.txt file represents a single md5sum.

I am using Windows Vista on an old Toshiba Satellite. I am new to using linux, and am very unfamiliar with the the setup and installation procedure.

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