Debian :: Installation Freezes During Disk Partitioning?

Apr 5, 2011

This has now happened with 3 computers. I boot the i386 iso on a usb stick and I enter my name fine and create an account with a password, and then after the time is checked, the installation gets halfway through the hard disk bar and then suddenly it freezes. Sorry if i'm a little unspecific, I've forgotten what the name of the process was exactly and I don't want to have to try again if unnecessary.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Installation Freezes At Partitioning

Nov 8, 2011

I'm new to the Debian, but not to Linux. I've previously used Ubuntu for a few years, so I know something about how a successful installation should look like. I'm currently using Windows 7.

I downloaded the debian-6.0.3-amd64-gnome-netinst.iso from [URL] ...., and then made a USB pendrive using the Windows version of Unetbootin. The MD5 sum for the .iso-file was the correct one, b663727d7f5b572c329cea8e2ff5e29c.

I used the usual non-graphical setup, without any special options. The installation process went without hiccups until the "Starting up the partitioner" -screen freezes at "Scanning disks...". The bar stops at 50%. It never progresses any farther, even after an hour. It doesn't give any errors either. After I pressed Alt+F4, the last lines were:

Code: Select allpartman:   No matching physical volumes found
partman:   No volume groups found
partman:   Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
partman-lvm:   No volumegroups found

Exactly the same happens with firmware-6.0.3-amd64-netinst.iso too, or any of the live versions I tried. The result of graphical installation was also nothing. The USB pendrive created by LinuxLive USB Creator was nonoperative in exactly the same way.

The computer is brand new, without any previous OS installations. My desktop computer has the following parts:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, AM3, 2.8 GHz (HDT55TFBGRBOX)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3, AM3+, AMD 970, DDR3, ATX
Videocard: Gigabyte GT 430
Memory: Kingston 2x2 GB, DDR3 1066MHz, CL7 (KVR1066D3N7K2/4G)
Harddrive: Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ
Powersupply: OCZ 600W ModXstream, ATX 2.2, (OCZ600MXSP-EU)

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Debian Installation :: When Choose Resume Partitioning Installer Then Freezes At Detect File Systems

Dec 1, 2014

I'm trying to install Debian Jessie beta2 on a UEFI laptop. The installation worked just fine before with setting in manual partitioning an EFI system partition and a root partition.But when I try to partition with root as an encrypted volume I get this error when I wanna write changes to disk:" the attempt to mount a file system with type vfat in scsi1 partition sda at /boot/efi failed"When I choose resume partitioning the installer then freezes at "detect file systems".

Because my harddrive needs specific alignment I've made beforehand in gdisk:EFI System Partition of 100mib at /dev/sda1/boot partition of 512mib at /dev/sda2/ (because I expect the installer to want a /boot too for an encrypted device)rest of harddrive reserved for root at /dev/sda3

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Debian Installation :: Disk Partitioning Consistently Triggers Computer Restart

Jan 3, 2016

I'm trying to perform a clean installation of 8.0.0-i386 from a CD. Seven consecutive attempts all result in the same issue: Almost immediately after commiting the disk partitioning settings (i.e., to begin formatting), the computer does a hard restart. I have tried doing the partitioning as early as possible in the installation process, just in case the system is running out of memory; I have also tried using the lowmem option. I suspect the problem may be related to my very old hardware...

Micronics serverboard 440BX chipset*
Dual Pentium II 450MHz CPUs*
Adaptec AHA-2940UW SCSI adapter
IBM Ultrastar 36GB UW-SCSI HDD
Matrox G100 AGP video card*
*starred items are all original parts from an Intergraph server with validation/verification stickers attesting to their intercompatibility

No POST errors, the HDD passed verification using the Adaptec ROM utility, all unnecessary hardware removed

Could it be that I need an older release or some custom-compiled kernel? The only thing I could come up with on the web was that a lot of people have a similar failure with modern distros on non-PAE CPUs, but the P-II should not be susceptible to this problem.

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Debian :: Manually Partitioning And Formatting Large Hard Disk

Jan 5, 2016

What is the recommended method these days for command line partitioning and formatting for the Terabyte size hard disk.?

It was easy to keep up when your working or have access to hardware for re-purposing, but that has all dried up and my knowledge has been left behind. The problem(s) are with new, recent hardware

Following a crash from a now detectable faulty stick of RAMM, I've lost one of my data hard disks and my fiddling with replacement seems to leave various errors/warnings mainly about GPT not supported and this message is still present despite trying fdisk, cfdisk, gpart, gparted, and(?).

System is an ASUS mobo using SATA drives (root 500Gb: MBR+3 partitions;/, swap, /home), and two 2.4TB with single partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitioning The Disk With Windows?

Mar 13, 2010

When you paratition the disk on windows, it leaves all your documents on it, right?

There, there's 49% left. IF I set Ubuntu to 48% of the disk, would it destroy the files that are on the right 48% of the disk? Or, does it not matter if you defragment

That's not my hard drive deframenting, it's just one I found on the web. It's rather small at 4 GB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Partitioning For Dual-boot ?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a new win7 system with a 500GB HD. What is considered the safest way to partition the disk before installing Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Minimum Disk Size For Automatic Partitioning?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to create several virtual machines based on a minimal (no GUI) Ubuntu installation. I'm using VirtualBox (on Windows 7), the VMs are being created with 256MB RAM and using the Ubuntu Minimal CD Image [URL]. Because I want 4-5 of these virtual machines I want to use minimal disk space for storage too, which means restricting the virtual hard disk size for each. My first attempt was to limit it to 300MB, but when I got to the partitioning section of the installer it would not allow me to do automatic partitioning and forced me to do manual partitioning, it did moan about the size of the disk.

So I started again with a 1GB virtual hard disk, this time the installer was quite happy to do the automatic partitioning. My question is how small can I make my virtual hard disk without having to do manual partitioning? I don't have a problem with doing the partitioning manually but for easiness I just want to do it automatically and find it strange the acceptable size isn't mentioned anywhere (that I could find).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Hangs Preparing Disk Partitioning

Mar 25, 2011

Just bought a new computer that I will use as server:
Gigabyte 890GPA-UD3H motherboard
AMD Phenon II 1090T
16 Gb RAM
4 x Seagate 2Tb hard disks

I tried to install Ubuntu server 10.04 and 10.10, both 64 bit, having similar results. Also I have tried enabling and disabling the RAID card. On 10.04 installer hangs preparing disk partitioning phase at 43%, on 10.10 hangs at the same stage 45%. Must I download something and apply before that phase?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitioning - Triple Boot With Full Disk Encryption ?

Mar 28, 2011

To structure the layout of my partitions. I'm installing Windows 7, Backtrack 4 R2 and Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop on my laptop. I've got a 500 GB HDD named sda.

I've already installed Windows 7. It's my opinion that it's easiest to begin with Windows.

The partitions look like this right now:

The Windows installation is unencrypted and I want it to stay that way. It's only there in case my laptop gets stolen, I've installed various nasty things there.

The Backtrack 4 installation will also be given 100 GB space, I want it to be encrypted. The Ubuntu installation should get the rest of all the remaining space and preferably be encrypted but it's not 100% necessary.

How I should partition this? There's a limit on 4 primary partitions? How do I circumvent this? There should be one dedicated GRUB partition which will point to each of the installations own boot loaders?

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Debian :: Freezes When Unmont USB Hard Disk

Aug 3, 2011

I have a Samsung R430 Notebook with debian 6 installed, Nvidia drivers installed... and i'm having troubles with my system... often freezes when i unmount my Hitachi 500GB USB external hard drive.. i got no response from my machine, even with Ctrl+Alt+F1 to enter console mode and reboot from there, just have to shutdown or disconnect my notebook in the bad way.i dont think that is hardware, cause i have installed Windows 7 as well with dual-boot and no problems so far...

cant attach mi mesagge log at this point because the forum doesnt allow me to do that, but if you want to help me i can send that to your e-mail or something.

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Debian :: Partitioning The HD During Installation?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to install Debian Lenny on my iMac. When the installer menu comes to the partitioning scheme, I have no choice other than "manual partitioning".

Based on what I have read so far, I think I need to have at least two partitions:

- a root partition (/) but for how much space I am not so sure yet

- a swap partition equal to the amount of my RAM (which in this case is 2 GB DDR3): is this correct?

I wonder if I should furthermore make a "free space" (around 1 GB) and a boot partitions as well. Should I make any further partitions?

I want to devote some 50 GB of space to Debian so how the rest of this space should be partitioned: that is, when I am done with root, swap, free space, and boot, I am still left with a considerable amount of space.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Disk Freezes On Try It Now Message

Aug 1, 2011

I currently tri-boot windows 7, ubuntu 10.10 and backtrack linux. I want to have a fresh install for ubuntu 11.04 (replacing 10.10), but the disk freezes when I hit try it now. I don't like to install a new version of Ubuntu if the try it now does not work (as I worry that the installation won't work). I have a studio xps 17 with a quad core core i7 Q720, ATI Radeon 4670 (1 GB I think), Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet, Intel Wifi link 5300 AGN, 4GB ddr 3 RAM.

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Debian Installation :: Partitioning Scheme For GPT On A SSD

Sep 23, 2014

I have a Intel DH67CL motherboard with UEFI support(and updated to latest BIOS). I have connected a 180GB Intel 330 SSD into my system so as to install Debian testing.

Presently, a 160GB sata hard drive is connected along with SSD and is used to boot default OS.

1. I am planning to do GPT partitioning. I am totally new to GPT partitioning. from what I understands, It needs some mandatory partitions like ESP. My doubt is, in a SSD solely booting Linux, will I need to create separate /(root) and /home and /data partitions? Also, I plan to use /var/log and some other frequently updated directories moved into existing harddrive.

So, what is the partitioning order - is this fine - ESP(512MB), /boot(100MB), /(30GB), /home(50GB) and /DATA(50GB) and remaining 16-17GB for over provisioning for the SSD?

2. is there a need to have 128MB MSR(microsoft reserved) in the case of Linux

3. With gdisk or parted for creating partitions? how to verify if partitions are aligned. In GPT, only primary partitions are supported?

4. Some answers in askubuntu/superuser says ext4 is not really good for SSD, instead take JFS? is this true? Is Btrfs mature enough to use with Desktop system

5. Which bootloader? gdisk creator Roderick is pushing for rEFInd or gummyboot instead of GRUB2.

6. In my PC, 4GB RAM is available with a core i3 processor. Shall I mount /tmp in RAM? Will I need to specify the size of RAM when mounting using /etc/fstab? A size of 1GB is fine?

7. using deadline I/O Scheduler instead of CFQ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Partitioner Freezes On Installation?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm a complete noob trying to install Ubuntu Server 10.10 on my first build for use as a file/media server.When I get to the step to partition the drives, the installation freezes. The screen says "Starting disk partitioner" and the progress bar stops at 45%. It has done this three times now, and the longest I waited for it before rebooting was over an hour.I am installing from a flash drive containing the .iso file, and I have the following hardware (in case that matters): asus p7h55-m pro mobo, core i3-540 CPU, 2x4GB ram, WD caviar green 1.5TB, WD caviar green 1TB, and Kingston 8GB SSD.

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Debian Installation :: Partitioning Fails During Install?

Feb 11, 2011

So I am helping a friend (computer n00b) to install Debian Squeeze over the telephone, since his Vista had crashed, and after we set up the partitions like so:9   GB   /1GB      swap  150 GB   /homeIt "hangs" for a while, i.e. nothing happens, and then it says that it "failed to partition disks". It did not give any error codes, and I did not see the message first hand, since I was doing it over the phone, but I was thinking that there is something wrong with the hard drive (causing Vista to crash perhaps?) so could this be circumvented by just using the first (or last) 10-15 GB of the disk?

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Debian Installation :: Partitioning Fails On Sun Ultra 450?

Apr 3, 2011

So, I've got as far as partitioning the hard disks on my Sun Ultra 450 Enterprise system, but it always fails with:

SILO (Sparc Linux Loader) can only boot the kernel off of a disk with the "sun" partition table. In the current partitioning scheme the kernel is going to be installed on the /boot partition located on a disk with the partition table of type "msdos".

What is this error message trying to say in its ambiguous way?

I selected automatic partitioning, but it got me to the same place as manual partitioning before it failed in the same way.

I installed four used hard drives in this system - they may have come from PCs for all I know. However, they are SCSI SCA drives, which makes it hard for me to believe they came from a PC environment.

If they did, do I need to to a low-level (or high-level) format of these drives to wipe out the "msdos"ness of them? If so, how do I do that in the SILO installer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Disk Loads But It Freezes After The Loading Dots

May 26, 2011

tried to install 11.04 using wubi and wouldnt work so created a boot disk and did it that way: the boot disk loads but it freezes after the loading dots

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Debian Installation :: IMac G3 - When Partitioning The HD - Just Shuts Down And Restarts From The Beginning

Jul 31, 2011

I have downloaded the latest version of Debian for PPC to run on my iMac G3 600MHz 1GB ram. The problem is, is when it is partitioning the HD the computer just shuts down and restarts from the beginning. I don't understand this. I chose it to erase and use the entire disk. The HD is 80GB. I really want to install this OS!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Boot From Disk Error - Logo Glows Freezes And Nothing Happens

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu from a disk I got with a Ubuntu manual magazine, but once I choose the install option, the logo glows for a couple minutes then freezes and nothing happens. The same happens for running it without installation. Does anyone know what I should do? I'm currently downloading it onto a USB stick to attempt to boot it from that.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Partitioning Without Touching OS?

Jul 3, 2010

i currently have ubuntu server installed, where i host some files. now is it possible to create a new partition on my disk and move the data there, without resintalling the OS?if so, how?

root@kitsch:~# df -T
Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


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General :: MSDOS And GPT Partitioning In 1 Hard Disk?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a BIOS affected by 1024 cylinder limit ,,(Just to explain , the BIOS will recognize only 137GB no matter how big the HDD is (160/250/320/500))This problem doesnt affect the OS in any way --Linux can read the entire disk and so can WIN after SP1 of XP...This problem is only upto the point of MBR handing over boot instructions to Bootloader..In that case LiLo or Grub1 or Grub2 would fail if the kernel of the OS is after the 137GBI want to know if I can mix 2 partitioning schemes..Say use MSDOS partitioning till the limit of say 100 GB and for the rest 60 GB use GPT partitioning and install GRUB2 (as I read only GRUB2 supports GPT cleanly) ...Then , maybe I can do away with options of restricting /boot within 137

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning Disk Space And 10.10 Install Requirements?

Apr 13, 2011

I am testing release 10.10 of Ubuntu desktop from a USB boot drive. It looks great so far, and I am thinking of installing it on the machine. However, I would like to know the disk space requirements. I know I could look them up, Also, while working with the interface I accessed all of the machines devices from the Linux OS and saw that I could partition an existing partition. However, that houses the Windows XP SP3 installation and I was wondering if altering partition size would wipe its contents.

I would be awsome if I could dynamically alter the partition to the size required by Ubuntu plus some slack for applications and the like so I could have both OSs on the same machine without having to reformat the drive for dual boot and re-install both OSs.

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning Hard Drive After Using Full Disk?

Jun 22, 2011

create a partition seperate from my home directory out of it. i have a 500 gig hard drive and i wish to create a 70 gig partition on it on install i used entire disk is there any way to make a partition after this for i do not want to reinstall.

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Debian Installation :: No Boot Disk Has Been Detected Or Disk Has Failed

Nov 3, 2015

I installed Debian on my PC with a Acer Stock motherboard (xc600) with amd64 and after the installation finished it told me to remove my installation media and reboot. After reboot I was returned this message ' ERROR: No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.'. I have verified with gparted using mint live OS that I have Debian installed on my system.

I got believes that this may have be caused by a broken grub or I need to configure something I don't know how in BIOS.

I will update the topic later..

My installation media was a USB 2.0 flashdrive with a Debian 8.2 Jessie Installer and 9 different Linux distros. I have installed Debian multiple times before on my laptop and never had this problem so I know how to go through the installation process and set the partitions.

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General :: Windows - When Disk Partitioning In Ubuntu, Wrong Informations Were Detected?

Apr 5, 2011

when i check disk partition in ubuntu 9.04

using #fdisk friend show me like this.i have 4 hard disks, but he didn't.. but only 3.Was there anything wrong? when i installed linux and maked config?(e.g> i have miss on setting disk partition matter) and when see below result, the device sda2, sda5 start same address, end there anything wrong with my disk? i have seperated 4disks.. C:,D:, G:,H:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xe9ffe9ff[code].....

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Debian Installation :: Non-system Disk Or Disk Error ?

Jan 22, 2011

After installation of debian, using the squeeze net-installer, on a HP elitebook 6930P, i get the following error. "non-system disk or disk error"

It is right after boot process, and just when it should load grub. Grub is installed in the MBR. Windows7, is installed as well, and is not an option to remove. (Should not be the problem though).

/ is set with the bootable flag.

The installation went without any issues, and I have actually tried to install twice with the exact same thing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Startup Disk Creator Freezes At "Finishing" Stage?

Nov 18, 2010

1GB Dane-Elec stick is what I'm using.

The only thing out of the ordinary I noticed is that when I clicked "Erase disk" I ended up with a choice of two: /dev/sdc (with no indication of free space but a capacity of 983.0MB), and /dev/sdc1 which showed 288MB free before I erased it and a capacity of 980.4MB.

This app has never worked on any system I've tried it on, but this particular machine is an LTS (10.04) with recent hardware so I'd like to get it fixed if possible.

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Debian Installation :: Screen Freezes When Clicking App?

May 14, 2015

Acer desktop m3641
mcp73 (the motherboard?)
Intel pentium dual cpu e2200
ram 2gb
hdd 300gb
The only os is debian and there is plenty of space on the hdd.

Symptoms: When I click on something, say Evolution or Empathy or Maps, about 1 in 5 times the screen will freeze and I have to switch the computer off and on again.

I had this problem with Wheezy and could not resolve it. In the past week I have installed Jessie 32bit and then Jessie 64bit and I get the same problem.

On downloading my copies of Jessie I have verified the md5 and sha.

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Debian Installation :: 4.0 Freezes After Environment Selections?

Jan 19, 2010

I've tried this with 4.0r3 and 4.0r7 CDs, using two different networks to access repositories, and the same result each time: install goes fine until the "OK" for the "Desktop/Web Server/Mail Server/etc." selections, it brings up the "Select and install software" page and then it freezes, showing "5%" and "Please wait..." under the progress bar.

If I hadn't built 20+ servers this way I'd think it was me, but it's not... I think. What's going on?

(No, we're not upgrading to 5.0. Reference above mention of lots o' servers! )

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