Ubuntu :: Partitioning Disk Space And 10.10 Install Requirements?

Apr 13, 2011

I am testing release 10.10 of Ubuntu desktop from a USB boot drive. It looks great so far, and I am thinking of installing it on the machine. However, I would like to know the disk space requirements. I know I could look them up, Also, while working with the interface I accessed all of the machines devices from the Linux OS and saw that I could partition an existing partition. However, that houses the Windows XP SP3 installation and I was wondering if altering partition size would wipe its contents.

I would be awsome if I could dynamically alter the partition to the size required by Ubuntu plus some slack for applications and the like so I could have both OSs on the same machine without having to reformat the drive for dual boot and re-install both OSs.

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Fedora Installation :: Fedora Disk Requirements - Need 9 GB Of Disc Space

Jan 19, 2011

I was reading the fedora Disk requirements and it said you need 9 GB of disc space. Which partition should this 9 GB of space be on? I plan on having a / root partition, /home partition, a swap partition, and a /boot partition.

Quote: 1.2.3. Hard disk space requirements for all architectures The complete packages can occupy over 9 GB of disk space. Final size is entirely determined by the installing spin and the packages selected during installation. Additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of /Fedora/base/stage2.img (on Installation Disc 1) plus the size of the files in /var/lib/rpm on the installed system.

In practical terms, additional space requirements may range from as little as 90 MiB for a minimal installation to as much as an additional 175 MiB for a larger installation. Additional space is also required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning - Adjust Swap Space?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm a first time installer of Ubuntu. I've run it directly from CD a few times earlier, but I'm installing it from the CD for the first time. I've read some stuff about this from other sites, and have some doubts I hope you geniuses would be able to clarify. Situation : My 80GB Primary HDD is partitioned into what I think is 1 Primary partition [10GB] and 1 extended partition [70GB] which is further divided into three logical partitions.

I don't have to worry about other data, since I've got a 320GB External HDD for that. Now, Ubuntu says that it can squeeze the free space out of the Windows Partition. But my Windows partition is pretty full, and I don't want to re-install it on a larger partition. I've got one logical drive [20GB] free on my Primary HDD. Can it be converted into a primary partition without affecting anything else i.e. my Windows partition and the other two logical partitions remain intact ? Or do I have to format my extended partition and subdivide into a primary and extended partition ?

Q2 - How do I adjust swap space ? Does it have to be a primary partition ? Or can it be a logical partition ? To make a logical partition swap space, do I have to reformat my entire extended partition to squeeze out free space, or can it be kept intact? I'm using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I know it's a lot to read, but I'm pretty confused right now.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Install Antivirus / Have No Disk Space

Apr 8, 2011

I just installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu and after running it for a few days I am having some strange issues. First, I cannot access the Applications men. When I click on the tab it highlights but I do not get a drop down menu. Also, I am being told when I boot up that there is no hard disk space. If I go to places->computer and check hard disk properties I am told that there is 66MB of space (I have a 640MB drive and only Ubuntu is installed). I think I have a virus but I cannot install an antivirus because I "have no disk space" and can't access the terminal through applications.

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Fedora :: F15 - 64g SSD - Partitioning / Space Usage?

Jun 12, 2011

Just picked up a 64g M4 SSD, bit small I know but wanted to have a play and try the SSD thing out. I am chasing partitioning suggestions. Problem is, you guessed it, space. As always with SSD's, space is at a premium. Formatted I am apparently going to end up with about 58gig usable. A disk usage analysis of my current Fedora 14 install on a 7200rpm drive gives me 30g of files in home, and about 15g to root.

Of that 30g of home files, 8g is tied up in Thunderbird alone, so was going to allocate about 45 to /home; and about 3g to swap. Problem is / (root) I have 8 gig tied up in /usr, and another 5 gig tied up in /var. Is this normal? Can I delete some of those files or will a fresh install of Fedora 15 blow out eventually to fill all that. I know I am trapped with /usr on the SSD but can I move /var to a 7200rpm instead of chocking up my teeny weeny ssd? What have other people partitioned their SSD's as?

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General :: Why Is Used + Available Disk Space Always Less Than Total Disk Space

Feb 24, 2011

root@localhost:~ $ df /dev/sdb1
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 1922858352 23247088 1801935664 2% /mnt/external/sdb1


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Ubuntu Installation :: How Much Disk Space Does A Full Install Take?

May 24, 2010

I downloaded the Lubuntu iso from http://lubuntu.net. It is 521MB.How much disk space would a full install use? 2GB? 3GB?

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Slackware :: Best Practice In Partitioning - 320 GB Space Distribution

Apr 9, 2011

I am new to Slackware but I'm a bit familiar with Ubuntu. I normally partition my ubuntu using /swap, /root and /home. In ubuntu it is recommended to separate /home and /root partitions so that later on if something to be changed in the system we just need to apply on that /root without affecting our old data in /home. Is it the same way in Slackware applied? If so, is it the same as having /swap, /root and /home partitions as well? Can anyone suggest for the harddisk distribution of my 320GB space..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unused Space When Partitioning HD For Dual Boot?

Mar 1, 2011

I am attempting to install the 64-bit version of Ubuntu 10.10 on my computer.I'm intending to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu with one hard drive that came factory partitioned into two drives. Win7 was installed first.Ok, onto the issue. The Install is going well until I get to the Allocate Drive Space form (so almost right off the bat). I first created a swap partition within my "second drive" (really just a partition of the larger drive). This stalled out and I had to exit setup and restart the computer. Booted into Win7 to be safe and Win only recognizes the First Drive and no longer the second drive. So, I boot up the Ubuntu Install CD and get back to the allocate drive space form I see I have a (linux-swap) drive with the same gb space as before.

So, from here I create a partition within the "second drive" 20gb of ext4 type space. This does not stall out and creates a partition of 20 gb. But, now it says I have 175 gb of "Unusable" space. This is very unsettling and using the "revert" button does nothing.How do I fix this space so I can finish the install?[URL]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Disk Space Missing / What To Do?

Jan 15, 2011

My root partition seems to missing 1.6 GB of space. From "df -k" I get this output code...

I can't find any rootkits with rkhunter and chkrootkit, and fsck reports no errors.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Light Weight (low Disk Space) Install?

Jun 21, 2011

So I wanted to install Ubuntu 11.04 on my ASUS 900a that only has 4GB of disk space. Of course Ubuntu 11.04 requires 4.4GB, so I started looking for alternatives.I tried to get Lubuntu 11.04, but when I ran the installation process it states that 5GB are required. Not very light weight IMHO if this is the case.I was hoping that someone had an idea of how to install a strippted version of Ubuntu 11.04 (maybe without some of the apps like the LibreOffice Suite) or knew why Lubuntu was asking for so much hard drive space.I'm hoping to move away from my light-weight version of WinXP.

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Fedora Installation :: Not Enough Free Space For Automatic Partitioning?

Nov 7, 2010

Fedora 14, 64-bit. In installer i came to partitioning, chose option: User Free Space, on hdd i have a partiotion (unformatted) of 40 GB. Still, installer says:


Could not find enough free space for automatic partitioning, please use another partitioning method. What should i do? PS. I don't want to create partitions manually, because I don't know how to do it and installer is going to do it way better itself. I can't use whole hdd either as i have windows and data on it which i cannot lose. PPS. I tried unformatted partition, unallocated space (of 40 GB), options: User Free Space, Create Custom Layout, but i always get an error msg about 'not enough space'. Is it possible, that installer is bugged?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Will Disk Space Increasing Wihtout Shuting Down?

Mar 18, 2011

I am running OpenSUSE 11.4, and have 2 partition in it, one is / (about 10GB), another one is /home (about 50GB). I usually put into sleep when I'm away from my computer. It had been few days I never shut down my computer, and today I got a warning message mention that my disk space (/home partition) is full. I check my disk space in Dolphin's properties menu for the /home directory, found out that it only used up 10GB disk space. I did a check on the "My Computer" on the desktop, the status is showing full usage (100%) in red color. I did df -h command, the partition for the /home is showing 100% used as well. I don't really know what is going on, and then I restart my PC. It back to normal after I come back to my Linux, which is 10GB disk space used. I don't know whether this is a bug in OpenSUSE or not.

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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Debian Configuration :: Partitioning The Four Individual Drives To Get Maximum Performance / Space From Them?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got 4 identical 1 TB drives and would like to use them in a software RAID configuration on my home server. I'm running Debian Linux using 'mdadm' utility to manage the software RAID. I don't know how much I've read is fact or dated or even false so I decided I would ask here to get help from people who know more about this than I do. This is essentially just a file server machine to store all my data so being that I've got four identical SATA hard drives, I was thinking about doing RAID level 5. I guess I'll start here and ask if that is the recommended level of RAID. I think RAID level 5 will be fine for my general server usage. My second issue is partitioning the four individual drives to get maximum performance / space from them. Basically just asking here how would you or you recommend I partition the drives? I was thinking about doing three seperate partitions per drive:

/dev/sda1 = 4 GB (swap)/dev/sda2 = 1 GB (/boot)/dev/sda3 = 995 GB (/Now from that partition schema above, obviously all the types will be 'fd' for RAID and the partition for /boot is going to be bootable. My confusion is that I read Grub doesn't support booting from RAID 5 since Grub can't handle disk assembly. If /dev/sdx2 (sda2, sdb2, sdc2, sdd2) are partitioned for /boot (bootable), how would you guys configure this RAID to match up equally? I don't think I do a RAID level 1 on 4 identical partitions, right?

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Fedora Installation :: Partitioning & Dependency Error 'Insuffient Free Space'

Apr 20, 2010

I have Fedora 6 & 10.3. Both DVD's will install the default partitioning (LVM) with either the normal programs or the custom selection. I wish to custom create my own partitions (about6 or7) with EXT3 format. The drive is112Gb. and I am only using about 30Gb. in total, giving approx. 80 Gb free. However after checking for dependencies the error message comes back 'Insuffient free space' every time. This happens on another M/board and/or Drive combination.

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Hardware :: Reduced Disk Space / Use The Total Amount Of Space?

Aug 25, 2009

OS: RHEL AS 5 64-bit

HDD:300 GB Hardware mirror (HP blade bl460c)

While installing OS, in partition window after OS file system structure I've left 277 GB. But after installation it shows Size - 255GB and available disk space is 242 GB.

Isn't it weired? How can I use the total amount of space in Linux? I need the whole 277GB exactly. What should be my workaround?

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Enlarge Space Of Disk Without Re-install Operative System

Dec 5, 2009

I have a server with centos 5, with two hd, i did a fresh installation with cenTOS using the 2 hard disk, now we need enlarge with other hard disk more, can some one explain how to enlarge the space of disk without re-install the operative system?.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Partitioning Without Touching OS?

Jul 3, 2010

i currently have ubuntu server installed, where i host some files. now is it possible to create a new partition on my disk and move the data there, without resintalling the OS?if so, how?

root@kitsch:~# df -T
Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


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Ubuntu Installation :: Partitioning The Disk With Windows?

Mar 13, 2010

When you paratition the disk on windows, it leaves all your documents on it, right?

There, there's 49% left. IF I set Ubuntu to 48% of the disk, would it destroy the files that are on the right 48% of the disk? Or, does it not matter if you defragment

That's not my hard drive deframenting, it's just one I found on the web. It's rather small at 4 GB.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Space Used Doesn't Match What Is Shown In Disk Usage Analyzer?

Feb 26, 2011

Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.

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Ubuntu :: Add Hard Disk Expand Disk Space For /home

May 23, 2010

ran out of space in my /home dir. Have a second hard drive to install and would like to designate it as additional space for /home. I do not want to mount it as a dir inside my home I would like it to simply work as though my /home simply has more space available to it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Partitioning For Dual-boot ?

Jan 10, 2010

I have a new win7 system with a 500GB HD. What is considered the safest way to partition the disk before installing Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning Hard Drive After Using Full Disk?

Jun 22, 2011

create a partition seperate from my home directory out of it. i have a 500 gig hard drive and i wish to create a 70 gig partition on it on install i used entire disk is there any way to make a partition after this for i do not want to reinstall.

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Ubuntu :: Disk Full - Can't Free Any Disk Space

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running mythbuntu 9.04 and am having an issue with disk space.

I try 'rm' various log files but the space I free up lasts less than a minute before the disk reports as being full once more.

df -Th | sort gives:


/dev/sda1 ext3 8.3G 7.9G 0 100% /
/dev/sda6 ext3 138G 125G 6.3G 96% /music
/dev/sda7 xfs 783G 617G 167G 79% /videos
/dev/sdb2 xfs 344G 242G 103G 71% /recordings


There's nothing enormous in /var/log and my trash and the root trash are empty.

why size and used fields are not the same despite 100% usage being reported on sda1..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Minimum Disk Size For Automatic Partitioning?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to create several virtual machines based on a minimal (no GUI) Ubuntu installation. I'm using VirtualBox (on Windows 7), the VMs are being created with 256MB RAM and using the Ubuntu Minimal CD Image [URL]. Because I want 4-5 of these virtual machines I want to use minimal disk space for storage too, which means restricting the virtual hard disk size for each. My first attempt was to limit it to 300MB, but when I got to the partitioning section of the installer it would not allow me to do automatic partitioning and forced me to do manual partitioning, it did moan about the size of the disk.

So I started again with a 1GB virtual hard disk, this time the installer was quite happy to do the automatic partitioning. My question is how small can I make my virtual hard disk without having to do manual partitioning? I don't have a problem with doing the partitioning manually but for easiness I just want to do it automatically and find it strange the acceptable size isn't mentioned anywhere (that I could find).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Hangs Preparing Disk Partitioning

Mar 25, 2011

Just bought a new computer that I will use as server:
Gigabyte 890GPA-UD3H motherboard
AMD Phenon II 1090T
16 Gb RAM
4 x Seagate 2Tb hard disks

I tried to install Ubuntu server 10.04 and 10.10, both 64 bit, having similar results. Also I have tried enabling and disabling the RAID card. On 10.04 installer hangs preparing disk partitioning phase at 43%, on 10.10 hangs at the same stage 45%. Must I download something and apply before that phase?

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Debian :: Installation Freezes During Disk Partitioning?

Apr 5, 2011

This has now happened with 3 computers. I boot the i386 iso on a usb stick and I enter my name fine and create an account with a password, and then after the time is checked, the installation gets halfway through the hard disk bar and then suddenly it freezes. Sorry if i'm a little unspecific, I've forgotten what the name of the process was exactly and I don't want to have to try again if unnecessary.

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General :: MSDOS And GPT Partitioning In 1 Hard Disk?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a BIOS affected by 1024 cylinder limit ,,(Just to explain , the BIOS will recognize only 137GB no matter how big the HDD is (160/250/320/500))This problem doesnt affect the OS in any way --Linux can read the entire disk and so can WIN after SP1 of XP...This problem is only upto the point of MBR handing over boot instructions to Bootloader..In that case LiLo or Grub1 or Grub2 would fail if the kernel of the OS is after the 137GBI want to know if I can mix 2 partitioning schemes..Say use MSDOS partitioning till the limit of say 100 GB and for the rest 60 GB use GPT partitioning and install GRUB2 (as I read only GRUB2 supports GPT cleanly) ...Then , maybe I can do away with options of restricting /boot within 137

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General :: Windows - When Disk Partitioning In Ubuntu, Wrong Informations Were Detected?

Apr 5, 2011

when i check disk partition in ubuntu 9.04

using #fdisk -l.my friend show me like this.i have 4 hard disks, but he didn't.. but only 3.Was there anything wrong? when i installed linux and maked config?(e.g> i have miss on setting disk partition matter) and when see below result, the device sda2, sda5 start same address, end too.is there anything wrong with my disk? i have seperated 4disks.. C:,D:, G:,H:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xe9ffe9ff[code].....

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