Debian Installation :: Can't Boot Anymore

Dec 11, 2010

I can't boot into my debian anymore, and I have no idea what is causing this Here is the output of dmesg in the attachement.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Win7 Not Being Able To Boot Anymore

Apr 29, 2011

So we install Windows 7 home premium. Then in goes the Ubuntu Disk. Ubuntu seems to think that the windows 7 partition is one big lump of unallocated space. Tried multiple re-installs of Windows 7, all concluding the same. A bit of googling told me that it has something to do with partition tables or something. I even tried to use Gdisk to delete Gpt from the windows disk, which - as I have absolutely no idea what any of it means, - resulted in me screwing up the entire Win7 partition hence win7 not being able to boot anymore.

i've seen on the internet include a lot of technical garble which I don't understand. I've been using Linux for a while, but as far as partitioning and dual booting is concerned, it's always gone smoothly for me up until now

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Debian :: System Doesn't Boot Anymore - Grub Rescue

Feb 18, 2012

My system doesn't boot anymore, when I turn on the laptop, instead of the normal grub screen, i get the following:

"error: file not found
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue> _"

I tried also to make a bootable usb w/ unetbootin but all the distros failed to load w/ a syslinux boot error message so I really need to fix the existing debian installation to get access to my files i need for the university, it's debian stable (6.0.4) on hp mini 210 ....

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 LTS AMD64 - Upgrade To 2.6.32-33 Doesn't Boot Anymore

Jul 18, 2011

This morning I switched my machine and the Update Manager prompted me to upgrade.So, as usual I did it. After upgrade it asked me to restart. Since then id didn't boot anymore. Now I have blank screen with a blinking cursor ... immediately after the BIOS screen, so it looks that no OS is loaded.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error "Could Not Download The Upgrades" On Update - Can't Boot To XP Anymore

May 17, 2010

In running Update Manager in 10.04 I get the following error message; Could not download the upgrades The upgrade is now aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far are kept. Failed to fetch Size mismatch Also, I can't boot to XP anymore.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into 10.10 Anymore?

Feb 4, 2011

Having enjoyed Ubuntu 10.10 for about a week parallel to Win7, I can't boot it anymore. I suppose it's because of the following: on win7 I have the Acronis Disk Director Suite (version 10.0). The Acronis OS Selector comes with it. So I thought it might be a good idea installing it before I install linux to be able to switch between the OS's afterwards. Then having ubuntu installed I ran windows and uninstalled the OS selector as I saw that ubuntu has it's own bootloader and the Acronis one didn't even run. I restarted my Laptop and win7 started automatically. No bootloader anymore. So I installed the Acronis OS Selector again and it can't even find linux (It was able to find both OS's before...) even though it shows the linux-partition (I ran the predefined installation where ubuntu partitions on its own) is still installed. So Ubuntu is still on there I just can't run it.

Where did my Ubuntu bootloader go??? (I NEED Ubuntu cuz Windows7 doesn't support my soundcard...)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Cannot Boot Anymore Suddenly

Jan 30, 2011

Got a boot problem on a sony vaio with ubuntu 10.04. All was working fine, and now, suddenly, it can't boot anymore....

Sometime, I get
Error : hd0,2 Out of disk
Most of the time, I get
udevd[87]: worker [94] unexpectedly returned with status 0x100
udevd[87]: worker [94] failed while handling '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2'
udevd[87]: worker [97] unexpectedly returned with status 0x100
udevd[87]: worker [97] failed while handling '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5'
ALERT! /dev/disk/by_uuid/fc478e75-0c7e-4dec-abf1-a2c4b8fd2b87 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!
Busybox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in-shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

It looks like there is no disk in the machine. Yesterday, there was one... So I boot with a liveCD. and have a look with fdisk:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -lu
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x598c9b19 .....

With disk utility, I can find my swap partition 4Gb, my system partition (Ext4, 20Gb), and 476Gb of freespace.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 Won't Boot Anymore On G5?

Feb 23, 2011

10.04 was working quite well on my Imac G5 with Yaboot for few weeks.

I tried to boot macOSX which failed and returned to Ubuntu which was stioll booting OK as I did not touch the linux part of the yaboot conf.

But Now It won't boot anymore :

- It seems to boot OK till X launching.

- then I get a Black Screen and None of My PC Keyboard shortcuts can get to another tty.

My Next try is to get a PPC LIveCD and try to see if Yaboot.conf is OK.

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General :: Kernel Does Not Boot Anymore

Apr 6, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10. Since a few days my I cannot boot anymore with the newest kernel (2.6.31-20.31). Instead I get a menu with a menu that lets me boot in recovery mode or boot from previous kernels (2.6.31-19).

In recovery mode for it hangs at: Waiting for root file system. It boots just fine with kernel except that apache and cups have to be reinstalled after every reboot. Everthing else seems to work without any problem.

Is there a way to do a system recovery, like in Win XP, going back to a system state from before the problems started?

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Will Not Boot Anymore?

Feb 11, 2010

My Ubuntu 9.10 will not load anymore after installing the updates from the Update Manager. I get the message after restarting under the heading: [1.469482] Kernel panic- not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,2). I am very surprised that this will happen especially after installing the security updates from the Update Manager. Is there a way I can still save my Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Server Does Not Boot Anymore?

Oct 6, 2010

My server with Opensuse 11.1 doesn't boot anymore.This afternoon I've installed imagemagick over yast. After that the server still works for a couple of minutes. Then it stops working (I'm not sure if it's because of the installation). so I had to reboot it.But it never came up again.It doesn't boot anymore.I get the boot menu and can make my choice. But it doesn't matter what I choose (standard or failsagfe) the only message I get is:

Booting 'Failsafe -- openSUSE 11.1 -'
root (hd0,0)


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Ubuntu :: Windows Doesn't Boot Anymore / What To Do?

May 18, 2010

I have dual boot Windows XP pro SP3 / Ubuntu 9.04 and I only use the Windows to download torrents because the download speed on Ubuntu is terrible...
But by accident I pressed the power button when I was downloading in Windows and since then Windows won't boot anymore. Is this a Windows problem or is it maybe that it srewed up my grub? Because I can still select Windows in the grub menu but it stops at "Starting up".

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Anymore, Filesystem Seems Corrupted?

Jan 2, 2011

I've searched the internet all over, but somehow I didn't find a solution (I REALLY hope there is one :/). Of course I might have missed something, I found a lot of similar, but not quite identical problems.Today, when I tried to start up my system I was quite shocked, as my Ubuntu 10.10 didn't boot. The error I got was "No init found. Try passing init=bootarg".I didn't have any problems booting Windows XP, which I had installed alongside Ubuntu, so I burned a Live CD and tried to find out what was the matter.

As it appears, my Linux partition (/dev/sda5) is broken. I can't access it via Nautilus, as I always get a "A job is pending on /dev/sda5" error. Mounting it via terminal doesn't seem to work either.When trying to check the filesystem, either in Disk Utility or in GParted, I instantly get an error that the "device is busy" and (again) that "a job is pending".I tried to set a boot flag on /dev/sda5 (it wasn't there before), but this didn't help neither with accessing the partition from the Live CD norI tried to run the boot info script I found somewhere in a forum post, but it is just hanging itself up as soon as it starts checking /dev/sda5.

And "sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sda5" just gives me a "/dev/sda5 is apparently in use by the system" error.By the way I did all these steps just byollowing advices in other threads, so I do not necessarily understand what I did there.e .. is there a way I can get my files back? I would really, really hate having lost all that since my last backup is 3-4 months old (yeah, yeah, I know) and I have some quite rtant data on that filesystem.While there seems to be a big problem in that NOTHING seems to be working, GParted still recognizes the partition and how much of the disk space is in use .. so not everything can be lost - or am I wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Save Data When Cannot Boot Anymore?

May 27, 2011

I can not boot into ubuntu anymore, I have a kernel problem. Is it possible to save the stored data? Maybe with a livecd? I am really tired to solve the kernel problem I will only save my data and then I will install ubuntu again.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Windows Anymore Because Of 'keys'?

Aug 4, 2011

I need to use bluetooth, but for some yet unknown reason I don't seem to be able to switch on the bluetooth-card (it should be as simple as to press the Fn+F6 buttons on the keyboard to switch it on though and then the bluetooth indicator should light up, which is not happening, but I don't know if this is because of (X)ubuntu) and Ubuntu says it can't find the bluetooth card. That's not what I wanted to discuss now, but I think some history is always welcome when trying to do fault-finding I thought I maybe might be able to do it from Win7 . So after months of not having booted Win7 I thought to give it a try, but I get stuck right after the grub boot-screen. All I get is a blinking cursor for minutes and there's no HD activity. Then I booted Xubuntu again and it needed to do some check, which I passed and Xubuntu started as normal. This check was done by "Keys". I don't really know what this Keys is, but since a couple of days I always get this word below the word Xubuntu in the boot-splash-screen. This is only after I installed WinFF or DVD::RIP. There was some error during install telling me that it needed something with 'keys', so I entered the command quoted, something was installed and then the rest of the installation went okay. I've been looking in the bash_history files (user and root) but I can't find the command which I entered to install this keys-thing anymore, which is of course strange on itself.

Now I've got the idea (I'm not sure though) that I can't boot Windows because of this keys thing, but I have no clue how to get rid of it. Or could there be other problems causing Windows not to boot?

I really hope someone can help me getting back in Windows again, because losing the Windows partition really is not fun, even though I hardly use it. I can enter the Windows partition from Linux with a file manager though, so it's not vanished. Just wish to be able to boot Win7 when I need it.

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Fedora :: Can't Boot Windows Anymore - Grub Only Lists

Jul 25, 2010

I'm using a dual boot system with Fedora and Windows XP. Until a few days ago i could boot in Windows or Linux choosing the option during boot. I have updated Fedora with common updates these days and now i can't boot in Windows anymore, because there are no entry for it anymore to the boot menu.

The graphical boot configuration tool (i'm using Gnome) only lists three different kernel for Fedora but any entry for a Windows partition. Here is how my disk appears:

I'd like to know why this occur and, mostly, which is the most easy way to restore the dual boot

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Anymore From Any Of Hard Disks

Jul 18, 2011

i have got a very strange boot problem. But first: I have openSUSE 11.4 with kde installed. I have the amd64 dual core cpu and 2 hard disks. I was able to boot from both of those disks (on the second disk I have openSUSE 11.2 in case something goes wrong with the first disk). Then I decided to install openSUSE 11.4 from DVD to a usb key (just like I would to a hard disk). I succeeded. I did not involve any partition of the hard disks in this install. But now I can not boot anymore from any of my both hard disks although bios finds them it did before. After bios I get the following message: Loading stage 1.5 error 21.

Error 21 means: Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system But I am still able to boot from usb key. I have even modified the menu.lst from the usb key to boot openSUSE 11.4 from the first hard disk. This works fine. I have also tried to install grub again on my first hard disk with grub.install.unsupported and with yast2. But installation stops with an error message like "hard disk not found by bios".

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 10.04 - Killed Grub - Can't Boot Pc Anymore

May 24, 2010

I had just finished upgrading my system to 10.04 and it restarted my pc and now i can't boot my pc anymore All i have is this at the beginning


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Ubuntu :: Boot Screen Doesn't Appear Anymore / Show That?

May 7, 2011

I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and I like it a lot. However, there's a graphical error which started to happen after the very first bootup. The startup screen (the purple one with the 5 dots that appear) isn't showing anymore. It is replaced by some console technical guff scrolling down my screen (which isn't a problem, because Ubuntu itself works fine, but it just looks a bit rough). Again, on shutdown, it displays some amalgamated mix of more technical jargon, and a terribly lo-res version of the shutdown screen.
Is there any way I can fix this?

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General :: Multi-booting, Can't Boot Windows 7 Anymore?

Aug 2, 2011

I have Linux Mint and Windows 7 installed on my laptop, and recently tried tinkering with EasyBCD, to use the Windows multi-boot loader instead of grub. Well, that didn't work out too well, because I ended up with the Windows boot loader with two options, Windows 7 and Linux Mint, however the Linux Mint entry just redirected me to grub, which wasn't what I intended.

I tried to put things the way they were, with grub as the only boot loader, and figured I'd do so by setting EasyBCD to skip the multi boot screen and going straight to the Linux Mint entry, which corresponds to grub.Well, now when I boot, I get the grub screen, but if I select the Windows 7 entry, it just redirects me back to grub, so I can't access Windows 7 right now. What can I do to fix this? Can I edit the Windows boot loader from within Linux?

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Red Hat :: 5.3 Hang At INIT - Unable To Boot System Anymore

May 23, 2010

After a kernel update action, it seems that I'm unable to boot a system anymore. First off, after installing the kernel, and trying to shutdown to boot to the new kernel, the system replied with INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel. Kernel update was performed from to the following versions 2.6.18-128.el5.img -> 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.img . The system is a VMWare virtual machine. When trying to reboot, the system passes GRUB, starts initializing and after loading the dm it stops for a few seconds at the message Waiting for new devices, show the following message:

Setting up new root fs no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults. After this and a few other messages, it displays : INIT: version 2.85 booting INIT - No more processes left in this runlevel INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast : disabled for 5 minutes And then it just hangs. This is the output of my inittab:


The system boots into failsafe, but still shows the errors mentioned.

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Debian :: Cannot Get Ff To Load Anymore

Jun 23, 2015

I cannot get Ff to load anymore. It had been working perfectly. Nothing happens from icon click.When I try to load from terminal I get the following error message.

(process:1767): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Could not create gnome accelerators directory `/home/bren/.gnome2/accels': Permission denied

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Fedora :: Installed Kmod-nvidia On My F12 - Doesn't Boot Anymore

Dec 7, 2009

I've installed kmod-nvidia on my F12 system and now it doesn't boot anymore. I just receive a black screen with a blinking '_' on top of my screen immediately after i choose F12 in my grub menu. (I have a Nvidia 8800GT.)

I've tried to run the following command after the installation but it didn't work: [url]

mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-nouveau.img

So I didn't blacklist nouveau or anything else. I just foolishly thought it was going to work.

Now I can't boot my system anymore. Is there any way to solve the problem? Or can I remove kmod-nvidia using a live cd? How?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Evrgreen Zypper Up And Server Don't Boot Anymore?

Jun 3, 2011

I use evergreen for 11.1 on a hosted server. I just did a "zypper up" and I can't boot anymore!I still have access to the server through a recovery system a bit like the openSUSE rescue. But my main mail server in on this machine, so I don't have anymore access to the evergreen mailing list (of course I can subscribe from gmail of else, but i try first here).

I can reinstall from my hosting provider, but I just missed the point that this reinstall is not from 11.1 but to 11.4, and that mean I have to reconfigure most of my service, and this takes there a way I can reinstall original 11.1 base? may I stop the evergreen repo, do zypper up and be undergraded?important notice: this server use a provider kernel and lilo, not the evergreen kernel. I now have a 2.6.38 kernel next time I will try simply issuing "lilo".

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Debian :: Gvim Does Not Work Anymore

Feb 21, 2011

After upgrading Squeeze, Gvim and Vim seems to be broken. So I went back to 7.2 by compiling from source. However I am failing to compile the gui version under Debian. I tried the configure options, apt-get build-dep vim etc but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know a straight way to make it work? Or even a way to find the previous version of vim gtk?

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Debian :: Cannot Start Windows Anymore

Jul 2, 2011

I habe installed the following operating systems:

- windows xp
- debian squeeze

I can not start windows any more. But debian still works. I would like to backup some windows-files. debian-programm which can save and burn windows-files on a cd?

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Debian :: Cannot Login In Ebay Anymore

Dec 7, 2010

sorry, I don´t know abt systemsoftware at all. My neighbour that installed the pc here,
has moved away abt a year ago. I cannot login in ebay anymore. I can get the lists, but as I need to login, for buying of checking my messages, it starts connecting, but than ´hangs´ and does not come any further. I found a tip, to upgrade the browser, but HOW ?

I mostly use iceweasel, but chrome and conquerer do the same

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Debian Configuration :: Cannot SSH Tunnel Anymore

Oct 25, 2015

Unfortunately I have followed a misleading guide to set ssh and scp in order not to supply password everytime and...I messed up my ssh/scp settings as it does not work anymore.Well, in my attempt:

I moved to
Code: Select allcd ~/.ssh
then I created a rsa key
Code: Select allssh-keygen -t rsa

without giving any passphrase.Then

Code: Select allcat >> authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys

Then I tried tunnelling didn't work. So, ok, I tried to recover previous settings erasing all the items in the folder ~/ .ssh/. After I tried copying a file with the "usual" command that used to work before (i.e. scp file user-id@server) and...I've found out it does not work anymore!

I get this error message:
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

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Debian Configuration :: 8.0 Jessie Can't Log In With SSH Anymore

Jan 11, 2016

I installed Debian Jessie on my Hummingbaord. I use it with apache, owncloud and minidlna but after some days i rebooted the system and then i can't log in with SSH anymore.

The message I get:

Access denied
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

And this again and again, although I enter the right password. If I login directly on the Hummingboard all works normally...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And 11.3 Doesn't Work Anymore

Sep 20, 2010

My dual boot Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.3 doesnt work anymore, i have to keep repairing the OS i want to use, i fix one and that breaks the other, how can i fix this so both work

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