Debian Installation :: Install From External HD?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a complete set of the Debian 5.0.4 DVD ISOs in an NTFS partition on a drive in an external case with a USB connector. Can I boot the Debian installer on DVD 1 and then plug in the external drive and tell it to extract the files from the ISOs there? Or should the eternal drive be connected and running when installer boots?

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Installation :: Debian Install To External Drive

Jul 9, 2010

I have the Debian Lenny 5-0-5 DVD's but they are not live bootable. They come with a setup.exe file which copies over the kernel images to boot from windows. Thing is that at the moment I am running the Ubuntu distro of Debian and cannot use the setup to do it. Can anyone tell me how to boot this disk in ubuntu itself?

Also does the debian installer allow you to choose which disk it installs to?(I am talking about the thing in the ubuntu installer that allows you to partition disks and define your own mount points before the install)

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Debian Installation :: Install System To Internal HDD From External?

Apr 8, 2010

How can I install linux using an external hard drive? ANy help would be greatly appreciated. I dont have any CD's or anything and this is my only option.

SO how can I install linux FROM my external HDD ONTO my internal HDD?

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Debian Installation :: Computer Hangs After Install On External Hard Drive With Flashing

Apr 4, 2016

I have spend way too much time on this and it still fails. I installed the debian 8.3.0 AMD64 CD1 iso image on an empty external USB 1TB Western digital My passport Ultra. I use the graphical install method and the installation process of Debian appears to go fine, except it informs me at one point I am missing some nonfree firmware for something with wifi, but that shouldn't relate to this.

*FYI I put GRUB on the external hdd, sdb in this case.
*windows 7 is on the internal hard drive and I excluded it from the boot sequence
* using laptop lenovo t410

I reboot my computer and it hangs with a flashing - in the upper right corner. Never even gets to GRUB. For awhile I thought I might have partitioned something wrong, but I am now convinced that isn't likely. I tried countless number of different partition configs. Separate /boot partition and I also tried using guided partitioning.

I mounted the partitions of the external hard drive using another OS and GRUB appears to be there. So it is there.

I know some Western digital hard drives have added priopertary firmware crap, so I tried installing on a external Seagate drive and it still hangs. I tried installing linux mint on the Western Digital drive and it works fine!

BIOS settings fine. USB settings fine. I tried booting via the boot menu and moving the USB HDD to the top of the list.

I also tried installing with Debian Live on a USB, but that actually has more problems for some reason. I can never get passed the partitioning phase because it fails to create /boot or /swap partitions saying something about how they are still in use and another thing about how the partition table hasn't been updated in the kernal yet.

It seems I might be having this same issue, not sure: [URL] ...

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Debian :: Cannot Boot Windows After External Install?

Mar 12, 2011

I cannot boot windows after I installed Debian to my external hd.When I turn on my PC, GRUB prompts me to boot either Debian or Windows. It says that windows is in the right place (sda0) but if I go to boot it, I get a message that says: "Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information."

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Debian :: Get To Install On External USB 1.5TB Seagate HDD Drive?

Jan 20, 2011

Alright, im completely new to linux. I am somewhat knowledgeable with computers in general. My programming instructor for school told us that it would be in our best interest of the course to grab a linux distro and install it on our computers. (Don't ask me why, i dont know)ANYWAY, i am trying to get debian to install on my external USB 1.5TB Seagate HDD Drive. After learning a lot about Murphy's Law, i had to fix my MBR for windows (the windows installation is located on my internal SATA 1.5TB Seagate Drive) because GRUB wouldnt boot to windows unless i had my external plugged in.

So, the natural solution to me was to fix the MBR, unplug the internal, then re-install on my external, it worked. Well to my surprise, this cloud i was on... wasn't cloud 9. NOW, Debian will boot if i have the external plugged in and windows will boot if i have the internal plugged in. The Problem is, when i have both plugged in and my external set as the boot drive i get this weird error and it will not let me boot linux.Now, i have searched for a fix.. But the ones i have tried so far haven't worked or i wasn't sure how to use those fixes(because im new).The error went as follows:/bin/sh can't access tty; job control mode offthen i get a initramfs command line. (I think thats proper terminology)The temporary fix i have going right now is i have my computer open and the SATA cable unplugged so i can boot to Debian.

SUMMARY OF HARDWARE SPECS:1.5 TB INTERNAL HDD (SATA)2 INTERNAL DVD BURNERS3 GIGs of RAM2.8ghz AMD Athlon x2 (I think its 2.EXTERNAL 1.5TB HDDDEBIAN VERSION:I believe its Debian 507 by looking at the download link ... etinst.iso

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Debian :: Cannot Create And Install Application Which Uses External .txt File

Feb 13, 2011

I am writing little first-step-applications for my N900 (Maemo Linux). Everything worked fine till now. I already have own applications for the device, but non of them uses an external data file.

Now I am trying to create an application for my N900 which uses an external .txt file. The package is created successfully, the application is installed successfully, however the binary does not see the .txt (maybe it is not in the package?).

I am using MADDE Developer 0.6.72 to create the project skeleton. I am using Qt creator for create the code. After once the code is created successfully then I am running the following commands in MADDE Developer 0.6.72 for the updated skeleton folder created above.

I writed the following lines into MADDE developer:

//create project sceleton
MADDE-0.6.72 ~/madde
- $ mad pscreate -t qt_simple skeleton
Skeleton skeleton, type=qtprog created


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Debian Installation :: Doesn't Boot On External HDD

Feb 23, 2016

In my pc I have Ubuntu and Windows while Debian on external HDD, and when boot from usb opens a black screen. Have done a boot-repair test and the result is this: URL... (there isn't MBR in sdb) now I need to istall manually it. What are the commands?

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Debian Installation :: External HDD Mounting Failing?

Apr 2, 2011

I just installed Debian Squeeze onto my desktop and when i try to access it I get a dialog displaying:Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:Error opening '/dev/sdb1': Permission deniedFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Permission deniedPlease check '/dev/sdb1' and the ntfs-3g binary permissions,and the mounting user ID. More explanation is provided at[URL]

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Debian Installation :: Linux Not Booting From USB External SSD Drive

Sep 14, 2014

Debian not booting from USB external SSD drive. Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae been installed on new SSD, attached to Windows 7 laptop. When I select "USB storage" in Windows boot order menu and try to boot, Linux not booting, every time loading Windows. Is it ever possible to boot linux with such setup?

[URL] .....

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Debian Installation :: Won't Boot From External Hard Drive

Sep 18, 2015

I have got a 1TB USB hard drive, which I partitioned to be 500GB NTFS and on the other half I installed Debian 8.1.0. During graphical install I selected to install the bootloader not to the MBR but also to the external drive. After completing the installation I wanted to boot into Debian, but it just started Windows, which is installed on my internal. Even after choosing the USB drive in the boot menu, Windows booted. I later installed the bootloader to my internal, then I could boot into both Debian and Windows, but only if my hard drive was plugged in.

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Boot From External Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2016

I have a 2TB external Hard drive that nonetheless is being used for booting Debian off of. I have downloaded the "debian-8.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso" and have extracted it to my external hard drive. The letter assigned to this drive is "I". When I shut it down and enter the boot settings, it asks me for a name and a path for a new boot option. I have tried many different paths including:

Code: Select allI:setup.exe

I renamed the original Debian download (debian-8.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso) to "debian" so I didn't have to type the long file name into the path. When I type in "I:debian.iso" as the path and restart it pops up with a grub prompt, in my mind that tells me that some part of the debian.iso file is corrupted.

Dual Core i5-3317U, 1.7 GHz, Turbo boosted
1TB Internal Memory
64-bit OS and processor
Windows 8.1 Default OS

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Debian Installation :: Recognize Or Mount External Hard Drives

Feb 10, 2011

I just switched to Debian 6 from Mepis 8.5. When Debian loads, it doesn't recognize or mount my external hard drives.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install To External HD To Become Internal HD

Jan 31, 2010

I have an older laptop with a broken CD drive so I cannot boot the CD Drive with my ubuntu image. The laptop does not support booting from a USB drive either.So what I did was take the HD out of the laptop and using a USB enclosure plugged it in to my Win7 desktop. Then I booted from my Ubuntu CD and had Ubuntu install on the USB Drive. Took the USB drive off, and put it back in the laptop. It seems to work except it looks like it was installed with my desktop hardware. Also, every time it boots it starts at a recovery screen asking if for several boot options (including win7 which does not exist on the laptop!).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without External Media

Feb 8, 2010

I was recently given an old laptop that runs Windows XP. Obviously, I want to put Ubuntu on it instead. However, the laptop is so old that it does not have a working USB connection; nor does it have a CD tray. I am aware of using Wubi to install an Ubuntu system within Windows, but I was wondering if there were any ways to install a clean Ubuntu system right onto the hard drive, without Windows being required. Or, perhaps, does Wubi have some feature to allow full-drive installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Not Seeing External HDD In Install Wizard

Feb 10, 2010

I have looked around on the forums for this but not been able to see a similar problem. Basically Ubuntu Live CD will see the external HDD to access and see files and folders but when on the install section, where you can choose the drive to install to, the only drive listed is the internal one. This is a Dell inspiron 5100 laptop and I have installed ubuntu 9.10 onto two different pen drives that are 8gb in size but the HDD will not be listed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On External USB Drive

May 23, 2010

A while ago I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot on my Windows XP machine. It worked ok, but I quickly realised that I had neither the hard drive space or RAM to really run a dual-boot machine properly. So, I tried to uninstall Ubuntu and return to XP. Unfortunately, I discovered that uninstalling is not that straightforward and I've ended up with a theoretical dual-boot but with the HD repartitioned so that Ubuntu takes up the smallest amount of space possible. Because of this, when the machine boots, I still get a GRUB boot screen where I have to manually select XP to continue with the boot. (Ubuntu is still the default boot OS - I don't know how to change this!)

I've now decided to install Ubuntu again but this time on an external USB hard drive. In my head (and this could be wrong) this will give me the option to run the machine with Ubuntu if the external HD is connected or run XP if it is not.I've seen several tutorials about how to do this, but none seem to address the situation where GRUB is the boot loader already. Some tutorials tell me to disconnect the internal HD before attempting to install Ubuntu on the external. Do I really need to do this? Another alternative I've heard of is to download a LIVE cd to the external drive and then run the OS from that instead of performing a full install. Any thoughts?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without External Media?

Jun 10, 2011

I don't have any CD's, my USB stick is missing and I don't want to have a WUBI-retarded system. I saw something about a 'frugal install' but can I move from it to an actual install, and how?

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Fedora Installation :: F11-install From External DVD Using Boot.img CD Fails?

Jul 24, 2009

I have sevral older machines that cannot boot from usb. Until now I have installed fedora using the provided boot.iso on a CD and an external USB dvd drive with the full install DVD.

With Fedora 11, this fails. It gets as far as "finding storage devices" and fails, telling me that an unhandled exception has occured. It offers to save the details, but freezes looking for a suitable location. I have no such problems with the same DVD/external rw drive on systems that can boot directly from usb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 9.10 To External USB HDD NTFS Partition

Jan 9, 2010

I am currently downloading Ubuntu from a torrent at: [URL]. The file will be Ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso at 689Mb. I have a dial-up connection so the download is taking a long time to complete. I understand this to be a disk image file. I am using Windows XP v5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090804-1435 : Service Pack 3) as the operating system on my Emachine. This computer supports booting from a USB drive in the BIOS. I also have a DVD/CD +R+W drive to burn a disk image to if needed.

In short I want to install Ubuntu on a bootable partition of a NTFS external USB hard drive.
The external hard drive is a Western Digital 320Gb USB 2.0 that came formatted as NTFS.
I plan to use "EASEUS Partition Master 4.1.1 Home Edition" to create a ~40Gb NTFS partition on this drive for the Ubuntu install and any future Linux applications that I will acquire. The larger partition will be used for Windows backup storage and as a portable drive with a number of portable windows applications.

1) Should I use another file system other than NTFS? FAT? FAT32? Something Linux?
2) What steps are required to install Ubuntu on the partition?

In addition I would like to try to run Ubuntu inside a "shell" inside Windows XP from time to time. I have software (VMware player v3.0.0-197124) that I think can accomplish this. I have the following security and utility programs running:
WinPatrol (real-time)
SpyWare Terminator (scheduled scans)
WinMem Optimizer (real-time)
ThreatFire (real-time)
PC Tools FireWall Plus (real-time)
Avast Antivirus (real-time)

3) Are any of these programs known to interfere with the installation of Ubuntu or with Ubuntu running in a shell?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install To An ESATA External Drive?

Mar 19, 2010

If I wanted to install Ubuntu to an external eSATA drive, how would I do that and not screw up the GRUB install on my primary internal drive? I'm guessing I would want to tell that eSATA installation to install its GRUB to the first partition on that drive rather than on my primary internal, but then.... how would I get there from the GRUB on my primary drive?I guess my problem is that the eSATA drive is not always powered up, and I'm not sure what GRUB (on the primary internal drive) would do if there was an entry pointing to a drive that wasn't there (because it's not turned on)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Way To Install From External USB Hard Drive?

Apr 8, 2010

is there a way to install Ubuntu -from- an external hard drive. For example, let's say, you have a complete Ubuntu system with everything (no need to download additional packages/softwrae/etc anymore) , but you can't use remastersys to create an ISO with it because it is way over 10GB in size. Much larger than any DVD you could burn that newly created ISO to.. (besides remastersys is limited to the size of a DVD-r anyways)

Maybe someone has tried this before? Someone has created a dedicated large hard drive that is essentially the same thing as a ubuntu installation usb flash drive, to boot from an then install Ubuntu onto another "new" hard drive? I think it would be nice to have a hard drive (external usb or even better, an internal hdd drive i could hot swap to each new computer I have that I wish to install it onto.. ) And I think it would be so much faster to install from a Sata internal HDD drive than a USB pendrive or a cd/dvd rom, right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Windows Xp On Laptop With External Hdd?

Sep 19, 2010

i use ubuntu a lot but there are somethings that it cant do and i need to use windows for. the thing is that i cant install windows via os cd because it won't consider my usb hdd an official hdd, it says to remove all other portable hds or something before installing so it prevents me from getting windows.are there any other ways to get windows xp and still be able to keep ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install From External Hard Drive

Feb 14, 2011

I have downloaded UBUNTU 10.04 and saved to external hard drive since I have no CD drive in my note book. I want to install it from external hard drive what is the command and how can I install it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Install On Laptop With External Monitor

Feb 15, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu for a while now on my netbook, however I have an older HP dv5 laptop that hasn't been used in a couple of years that I would like to format and install a linux distro on. Problem is that it has a very broken LCD screen and I had been previously using an external monitor with it. I had tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 on it at one point but could not progress very far into the installation due to the external monitor. I had also tried using the non-graphical installer but had little success with it as well.

I had thought of removing the HDD from the laptop and putting it into another of my laptops and installing it that way, but the specs are different between the two laptops and I figured that it would not work properly once the HDD was switched back to the older laptop. Is there any way to use an external monitor to install a newer version of Ubuntu? or perhaps is there another distro that is easily installed using an external monitor? My plan is to eventually remove the broken screen all together and only have the external monitor connected, the broken screen is a bit unsightly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Boot Loader On External USB HDD?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 (32-bit) on my external harddrive, and the boot loader also on my ext.HDDThe problem is, is that the boot loader won't install himself on my HDD. Is it possible to install the boat loader still on my external HDD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Install On External Hard Drive?

Feb 20, 2011

my problem here in not 'how to install ubuntu on an external HDD' but the thing is that after installation,i play around a bit in ubuntu(install on my external HDD). ok,so the external HDD is connected through usb. My problem is ,is it safe to install ubuntu on it? As i am using an external HDD from : Western Digital Element 500GB, so when i shutdown ubuntu ,i hear(from the external HDD) a sound like a sudden stop,for example,when you are playing a movie from it then ,you just unplug it.It not the sound when you make a safe remove,then unplug it. i am worried as it may cause some problem to my external HDD over time. So ,tell me,do you think i can go on with this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install / Boot From External Hard Drive

Jun 9, 2011

I have an external hard drive connected to my iMac. I have installed Ubuntu on unallocated space on my external, the first time I chose to put the bootloader on the external but when I booted up the computer and held the Option key it didn't recognize an OS to boot from.I am currently reinstalling Ubuntu but placing the bootloader on the internal hard drive hoping that the Mac boot menu will recognize an OS to boot from.

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Installation :: Can't Boot From External CD Drive After Ubuntu Remix Install / Sort It?

Nov 11, 2009

I have an Acer netbook that I installed Remix on. Now I can't get the thing to boot from the CD drive which is connected via the USB port. Any suggestions? I set the boot order with the CD drive first and the HD last.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 On External HDD Cannot Boot Vista If External Usb Is Unplugged

Mar 2, 2010

After installing ubuntu 9.10 on external HDD I cannot boot vista if external usb is unplugged(where ubuntu is installed). it says grub loading and after that recover grub ( i think that is what is says ... not certain in this moment ) anyway hope you get my dilemma. If you need more information I'll be glad to provide it.

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