Debian :: How To Upgrade To KDE 4.4

Feb 14, 2010

Is this easy? How do I do it within Lenny?

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Debian :: Upgrade Debian Stable Kernel From Squeeze Version?

May 26, 2010

I've just install debian squeeze version, or the testing one, but I am not really happy with it. Is not listening me all the time. If I install the debian stable I don't have internet connection. Is it possible to update the kernel somehow using the testing version?

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Debian Configuration :: Upgrade The Installed Packages From The Site?

Jul 22, 2010

I have just installed Debian Lenny and was trying to upgrade the installed packages from the site. when i asked synaptic to add the downloaded packages the would not appear, but when i checked the .xsessions file there are entries saying that the packages were being ingnored because they were either different versions, the MD5 did not match or even "can't find pkg". i have to use the local library to download the packages because i dont have an internet connection at home.


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Debian :: Upgrade To Libreoffice 5

Nov 20, 2015

I'm running Debian 8..How do you upgrade Libreoffice to version 5?

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Debian :: Uable To Run Upgrade ?

Apr 13, 2010

Debian 5.0 32bit

On running "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"

I encountered following problem;


The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

Leave the following dependencies unresolved:

Because of; The following packages are BROKEN:

The following NEW packages will be installed:

I was unable to upgrade the packages.

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Debian :: How To Upgrade MySQL From 5.0.51 To 5.1

Aug 23, 2010

I have 5.0.51 on my development box, which just happens to be the one release not supported by my CMS software. I have messed with a few attempts to upgrade, but I don't know what I'm doing in that regard. Fortunately I have a virtual machine for testing.

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Debian :: Slow Su Since 6.0 Upgrade?

Apr 24, 2011

This is my first post here. Since upgrading to Squeeze from Lenny, I've noticed that authentication is quite a bit slower when running the command "su -" and sometimes "sudo" as well. Is anyone else having this issue?

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Debian :: How To Upgrade To Wheezy

May 20, 2011

I got "stuck" with stable up to now and want to upgrade to Wheezy. But, although I've done this before, I'm having a dependency problem I wanted to ask about before breaking my system somehow. This is the /etc/apt/sources.list, ready for Wheezy:


So, I regularly use aptitude as my package manager. After updating the database with aptitude update, trying aptitude full-upgrade gives me a huge of conflicts.


But, if I use apt-get dist-upgrade, I get no conflicts. if I dist-upgrade with apt-get, will that affect my daily usage of aptitude (which I prefer)? I know APT is a single database and apt-get and aptitude are just different interfaces, but I guess differences might rise when marking packages as automatically or manually installed.

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Debian :: GPG Error After Upgrade?

Jul 5, 2011

Last weekend, i upgraded debian from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2, i notice that apt was upgraded, but the gpg keys remained unchanged.However, after i upgrade, when i do "aptitude update" i get errors such as

[... usual hit and other stuff ...]
W: GPG error: squeeze Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG AED4B06F473041FA Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (6.0/squeeze) <>


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Debian :: Apt-get Upgrade Errors

Jul 29, 2010

During my upgrade I had errors. 3 times the same list of errors.

Once they followed:

Once they followed:

Once they followed:

The errors are:

Should I try to do something about it? My computer seems to be functioning normally.

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Debian :: Upgrade From Lenny 5.0 To 5.0.8?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Lenny 5.0 and would like to upgrade to 5.0.8 or the latest upgrade for Lenny. I don't know if it would be easier to download the 5.0.8 version or just upgrade the 5.0. Frank

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Debian :: How I Upgrade To Stable 6.0.1 / 6.0.2

Jul 7, 2011

I currently have squeeze installed and was wondering how I upgrade to stable 6.0.1, 6.0.2 etc.Would I be correct in doing apt-get update then apt-get upgrade?

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Debian :: How Well Does Upgrade Work

Aug 10, 2011

I'm evaluating Debian for use as my main system (on my laptop). Currently I'm using arch linux, and am pretty satified except the need for too much manual configuration. What I'm looking for a system, which is similar to arch in that, but is more automated when it comes to configurations:

- can be build from a minimal base, with only the software that is needed, sort of "tailored" to my own needs; the system will therefore be relatively lightweight, with no unnecessary things consuming resources)

- does not require fiddling to much in configurations (I agree that some degree is necessary, due to the tailoring)

- handles well upgrades (this is where arch looks really promising, due to the rolling release, even with the disadvantage of loosing some of the stability)

One of the things I did not like about arch was the feeling to have a system which is built from several pieces that don't quite fit together. I guess that it is a consequence of the fact that some things are not configured right, or configured at all.

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Debian Multimedia :: Kde Upgrade To 4.5.x

Nov 27, 2010

Today I had a problem with kde. meanwhile i try to solve it (I was unable ) I saw that I have an old version of KDE. I would pass to the last version (I think 4.5.3. Is it this?) But, for my low capacity I would made it by a packed environment. My question is: Where do i can try a packet that let me upgrade it? (4.5.3 or 4.5.2). Do I have to upgrade my source.list? Or can I upgrade with another command?

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Debian :: Gdm Won't Come Up After Kernel Upgrade?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm running Lenny with the default kernel 2.6.26. I recently got a wireless card supported by the ath9k driver, so I followed the instructions on this site: had me install a 2.6.32 kernel image from lenny-backports. Everything installed fine without errors, but when I rebooted after the install, after the kernel messages scrolled by and the screen would normally switch to the gdm login screen, all I got was a blank screen with some distorted squares. I used Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switched to a shell and everything looked fine, but when I Ctrl-Alt-F7ed back to X, I got another black screen with distorted images. Any idea what could have caused this from the kernel upgrade, and what I can do?Edit:Here is the end of my /var/log/Xorg.0.log after booting:

(EE) fglrx(0): PPLIB: PPLIB is not initialized!.
(EE) fglrx(0): PPLIB: swlPPLibNotifyEventToPPLib() failed!
(EE) fglrx(0): ulEventType = 0000000c, ulEventData = 00000001


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Debian :: No Internet - Upgrade From 5.0 To 5.0.6?

Nov 20, 2010

I have debian lenny on my computer and I want to upgrade it to 5.0.6. The thing here is the computer does not have access to internet - so is it possible for me to download a single .deb file or a couple of .deb files so that the computer can be updated. I tried looking it up on the debian site but could not find anything

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Debian :: Upgrade Netbeans IDE To 6.8?

Jan 30, 2010

Just used synaptic to install Netbeans IDE. I see that it is version 6.01
and the latest version of Netbeans is 6.8.

How do I upgrade my installation ? As there is no option to do so in the package manager?

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Software :: How To Upgrade To Debian Sid

Jan 23, 2011

I'm ready to venture out and install debian sid , well I'd like to install.

I've started out by installing debian squeeze base install.

I've found these threads here, they all have some useful info.





Is there any up-to-date documentation?

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Debian :: Pinning Prior To Upgrade

Sep 9, 2015

I am thinking about upgrading, again, from Wheezy to Jessie. When I had Jessie installed, prior to a crash, I noticed that some of the Gnome games in Jessie are not as esthetically pleasing as they were in Wheezy. Also, some of the games (eg. mines) were slower and seemed to use a lot more CPU resources. So my questions are:

1. If I pin those programs that I want to keep will that also pin the dependencies for those programs?
2. If those dependencies are pinned, how might that impact other programs, in Jessie, that might depend on later packages?
3.If I don't pin those programs that I want to keep is it possible to install those programs from Wheezy after I upgrade to Jessie, without causing issues with Jessie?

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Debian :: Unable To Complete Apt-get Upgrade

Oct 25, 2015

I am attempting to update my system. I ran the following commands,

apt-get clean
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

When I run apt-get upgrade everything appears to be working until I get hit with this,

Code: Select allFetched 480 MB in 6min 53s (1,161 kB/s)
Reading changelogs... Done
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Preconfiguring packages ...


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Debian :: Autoremove After Upgrade To Stretch

Jan 31, 2016

I recently upgraded my Debian box from Jessie to Stretch. After this, apt informed me that I should issue "apt-get autoremove," however the package list to be effected was large and contained some important packages (xorg being just one example). Most of the packages are qt4 related, and I at first assumed qt5 equivalents had replaced them, but seeing network-manager and xorg in the list made me pause.

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Debian :: Gtk Upgrade Borked Thunar

Apr 14, 2010

i seem to have encountered a problem with thunar since upgrading gtk2. about once every fortnight i'll do an apt-get update/upgrade. today a lot of gtk2 libs were upgraded. ever since thunar won't recognise mouse clicks to open any folders in the detailed view, and i'm not entirely sure how or if i can roll back the packages with apt. synaptic won't let me force versions. running squeeze 64 bit btw.

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Debian :: Upgrade Qemu And Kvm On Repo?

May 26, 2010

how to upgrade qemu and kvm to version 0.12 on repo?

$ sudo kvm | head -1QEMU PC emulator version 0.9.1 (kvm-72), Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
$ apt-cache show qemu-kvm | grep VersionVersion: 0.12.4+dfsg-1~bpo50+1

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Debian :: Can't Upgrade From Lenny To Squeeze

Sep 15, 2010

I run into a problem when trying to update from lenny to squeeze. Seems that util-linux fails to install due to some error and that this causes xorg as well as udev to fail. If this is the case then it might be a bug in the post-installation script for util-linux..Am I on the right track or is it completely wrong?

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Debian :: How To Upgrade From Lenny To Squeeze?

Sep 25, 2010

I am running a lenny server. So I don't have physical access.How can I upgrade to Squeeze without everything breaking? Also, I want to use "apt-get", not "aptitude".

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Debian :: Lost Sound After Upgrade?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm running 32bit Lenny on an older Dell Dimension 2400 running the 2.6.26 Kernel. This box was mainly used to play movies for my son over the network (most are encoded by me using xvid and lame). One of my kids wanted to use the computer to watch videos on ...... I attempted to install the flashplugin-nonfree from the backports and it kept timing out on downloading the package, so I ran apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade. I rebooted and tried the flashplugin-nonfree again and finally got ..... videos to play but there was no sound. I assumed it was a permission issue, so I switched users and attempted to play some of the movies which I've played before and currently the video plays fine but the audio sounds very ugly. I attempted to play an mp3 using mpg123 from the command line and I get mostly static. You can hear some sound but it's all jumbled and there is a lot of static. I have a creative soundblaster card using the EMU10k1 driver. Everything was working fine before I started mucking with the flashplugin and I'm afraid something I "upgraded" may have caused my issue.

Any suggestions? Is there a way I can remove any sound related drivers etc and attempt to reinstall them? I attempted to run sudo alsaconf but afterwards, it acts like there is no sound card. a reboot resolves that issue as I didn't save any changes, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I've become spoiled by all of the newer distros which detect all of my hardware and everything is configured for me.

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Debian :: Errors After Upgrade To Squeeze

Dec 28, 2010

I just upgraded to Debian Squeeze (from Lenny) and there are several errors occuring.

The first one is that whenever I want to use mplayer it gives me the following output:

Maybe that has to do with faulty drivers, I'm not sure yet.

What's bugging me a little bit more is whenever I start a shell like konsole or xterm it displays the following:

It roughly translates to:

A third problem is when I try to use something like mplayer or java and then try the tab completion I get yet another error.

Which would be:

So I get "bash: _get_comp_words_by_ref: command not found", however it's not like that with all of my applications. Tab completion after the command "vlc" for example works just fine.

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Debian :: Cannot Safe Upgrade In Testing

Mar 11, 2011

After trying to use the safe-upgrade command with aptitude, I receive these errors:
apt (0.8.11) unstable; urgency=low
apt-get install pkg/experimental will now not only switch the candidate of package pkg to the version from the release experimental but also of all dependencies of pkg if the current candidate can't satisfy a versioned dependency.

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Debian :: Lenny To Squeeze Upgrade

Mar 28, 2011

I have a Debian Lenny LAN Gateway machine running shorewall, squid and a source install of ossec in the opt dir. The machine is an Intel Atom based asus hummingbird with no gui. It works well and has been very stable so far. However, i am considering upgrading to Squeeze. Is it feasible to attempt to upgrade this machine, or am i realistically looking at a reinstall and reconfigure with Debian Squeeze over a long weeked?

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Debian :: Update-Manager To Upgrade

May 2, 2011

Before you answer I am just curious about this. I certainly would never do this nor recommend it. However because I have never tried this I was curious if it actually would happen.At the end of Lenny, would it pop up in the update-manager-gnome that a new release "Squeeze" is available? I am just curious.

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