Debian :: How To Get BIOS To Run Memtest

Apr 29, 2011

I am having problems installing linux on an old PC with the hard drive shredded, old CD drive, old 1 GB RAM card. I want to make sure the problem is not that the memory is partially bad.I recall that there should be some way to get the BIOS to test the memory overnight, but couldn't find this mentioned in the books I checked or in my notes. I believe that the motherboard is made by ASUS, if that helps. When I power on and hit the delete key, I do get some BIOS options, but memtest is not mentioned.

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Ubuntu :: Can Only Boot To Memtest

Feb 1, 2011

Downloaded ok and the terminal did it's unpacking and updating thing, then it said I needed to reboot.So I did, and now I can only boot into memtest.I've had this before and the solution was to hold shift down at boot to force grub to appear, then pick a kernel and set it as default in startupmanager once ubuntu had loaded.

But no dice this time, I've tried holding the shift key down (using USB and ps2 keyboards) but I cant make grub appear - straight to memtest every time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Boot Into Memtest?

Jan 9, 2010

I did updates that came up automatically, and now when it rebooted, I can't go in to anything except memtest. I held shift to see the menu and it still only showed those. I can't loose my data so reinstalling isn't an option for me. Right now I'm using the CD to boot to this. I can see my data on my HDD and its there, but I don't know what to do in order to make it boot to the OS partition (Just switched from Windows 3 days ago).

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Ubuntu :: Boot's Directly Into Memtest

Nov 8, 2010

Shut down as normal last night, no major changed yet after booting this morning my computer went straight into memtest86+. After finishing, and i rebooted, it did it again. So, i held shift to get into the grub.

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General :: Why MemTest Repeating Single Test

Jun 20, 2010

Bought computer 11 months ago, immediately there were problems. What would happen is, when I logged in after a long period of shut down, the system would BSOD. Then I would restart and everything would be fine, until the next time I shut down for a long time (8ish hours) and got back on. I sent the laptop in (a couple times) and they eventually replaced the RAM and the BSODs went away. This is all on Windows 7 (well started on Vista, switched to Windows 7).

I recently set up a dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I'm experiencing crashes on Ubuntu (the whole system just freezes, can't operate mouse, keyboard, or anything) and the behavior is similar. When I log on after a long period of shut down, the system will crash, but if I restart (actually I have to wait 10 minutes before I restart, if I restart immediately it will crash again) then it is fine, until the next period of long shutdown.

So I'm thinking it's bad RAM, so I downloaded Memtest and am testing each of my sticks (they are each 2GB) individually in the same connector thing (don't know what it is called, whatever the sticks attach to). The test for the first one passed with flying colors. However, the second one is having problems. On test #2, the memtest repeats itself, continuously looping through 0-32767 errors on the right side.

My laptop is an Asus G50VT
The 2 most interesting lines...
Highest Error Address: 000fffffffc - 4095.9 MB // does this make sense? 4095.9 MB on a 2GB stick?
Test 2: 32767 // the 32767 loops back around to 0 and repeats

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Ubuntu :: Changing Grub2 To Not Show Memtest

Jan 9, 2010

according to this [URL] I issue this command sudo chmod -x 20_memtest86+ when I do that I get this error chmod: cannot access `20_memtest86+': No such file or directory I know it is something simple but, I don't get it.

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Ubuntu :: Log File That Can Be Saved To Hhd With Memtest Results

Mar 23, 2011

I am running memtest due to memory issues, I am wondering if their is a log file that can be saved to the hhd with the memtest results, I am running memtest from the grub menu.I am running ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded From 10.10 To 11.04 - Boots To Memtest ESC Not Working?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a machine that was running 10.10 and I updated it to 11.04 and now when I reboot I am taken directly into memtest. Any attempt to hit esc during boot is ignored and no matter what I just go into memtest. Here is /etc/default/grub from my boot drive


ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/c8e24038-87b7-4a9a-87e0-11de250e3f4b$ cat /etc/default/grub
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.


I am booting now from a 10.10 USB stick and I can access my boot drive so if I need to change stuff I can.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Finds No Kernels / Only Memtest

Jul 31, 2011

I ran grub-customiser to set default kernel, and saw the GFX mode setting, thinking "Hey, my monitor is native at 1440x900! I'll use that!" ...Didn't think about how the GFX card isn't initialized at that point, so my res is limited to 640x480... So the first problem was a system hang at the grub menu, with "Input Not Supported" displayed on the monitor.I changed the GFX mode back, and ran update-grub, and with a grin on my face, I rebooted. The grin went away fast, when I saw that none of the kernels showed in the grub menu, and I have only the two memtest entries. It appears that, while all the files are still intact, grub is not seeing the kernels. I had an idle partition of about 13 GB on hand, so after trying all sorts of things, I did a clean install on the little 13 GB partition. Still no dice, after doing an apt-get purge grub etc etc etc on my main Ubuntu partition, to make sure that the new grub was running. I still have only memtest, even though I can open the /boot directory and see the kernel files. I tried going into the grub command line and starting manually, but tab-complete does not suggest any of the kernel files, and tells me that the files do not exist, if I type in their full names.

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Software :: Grub Sometimes Adds Memtest Lines?

Apr 1, 2011

Using Ubuntu 10.10 and Win XP - dual drives booted by GNU Grub version 1.98 +20100804-5ubuntu 3 Every now and then, a "Memory Test (memtest 86+)" and a "Memory Test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" line are added to my Grub startup screen. This causes Grub to start-up a different line than I have set to default. (Ubuntu vs. Windows, etc.)

1. How do I edit the start-up Grub to remove the "memtest" lines?

2. How do I prevent this from occurring?

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Debian :: Changes BIOS-time 'as Systemtime'

Sep 1, 2011

I just installed Debian6-squeezie and upgraded to wheeny, that went fine for itself But now i discover that Debian INSIST in changing my BIOSCLOCKI realy dont like that. Its MY computer and I dicide MY SELF if i 'follow' winter versus summer time commercial brain-f#ck.

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Debian :: Flash Bios Of Old Computer

Apr 5, 2016

I want to be able to access an old pc at home from any computer but I don't want to leave the computer on all the time (I won't use it regularly and I don't believe in wasting energy just cause I can). I've heard that some bioses have wake-on-LAN but I have no other machine on the LAN that will be left on (apparently it's impossible to wake a computer from off the LAN???) so my solution is to buy a raspberry pi (perhaps there is something cheaper/better??) and leave that on that I can ssh to from anywhere and then wake my pc from there. Unfortunately my bios doesn't have a wake-on-lan function and so I'm hoping that I can update my bios to a version that has a wake-on-lan option (perhaps there is a better way?).

oli@deb-serv:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 (jessie)

[Code] ....

So I've started to try and find a new bios to update. I think I need one of these: [URL]

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General :: Make A Bootable USB Flash Drive That Can Run Memtest?

May 25, 2010

It seems that the canonical instructions for making a bootable USB flash drive that runs memtest are at:


However, after following them to a T, I boot up the new machine and get:

"could not find kernel image: linux"

Do I need to set up a lilo.conf first?

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Ubuntu :: GRUB4DOS - Menu Entry To Run Memtest Does Not Work

Jan 30, 2010

I just finished an install with 4 OS's. DOS, XP, WIN7, and UBUNTU. They work fine no with problems. However, the menu entry to run memtest does not work, However on my other system it works. The failing system is an i7 and the working one is a Core Duo. Both have a lot of ram. The Ubuntu os was copied with GPARTED. So it is identical.The menu.lst was a copy/paste job and then the HDxx's modified as needed. Please take a look and tell me where I went wrong.menulst.txt

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Software :: Grub Doesn't Recognize Memtest Entry

Feb 16, 2011

after new entry regarding memtest tool, grub doesn't see it.

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Debian Hardware :: Boot GPT Partition From BIOS (non-EFI)

Jul 7, 2014

I have been running Jessie on an EFI motherboard for a while, booting just fine from a GPT formatted partition on my 3TB hard drive.

I had to re-purpose that PC, and put the hard drive into a different system that uses a BIOS instead of EFI.

Now when trying to boot, I get a text at the top of the screen that says:Code: Select allGRUB it finds GRUB, but nothing ever happens. <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL> resets the system.

parted 2.3 says:Code: Select all 1      1049kB  3001GB  3001GB  ext4               boot
 2      3001GB  3001GB  32.5MB                     bios_grub, legacy_boot(I set the legacy_boot flag trying to fix this problem, but that flags the partition, not the MBR)

Is my problem that the "bios_grub" partition is at the end of the disk instead of the beginning?

I have read that newer versions of parted allow you to toggle the "pmbr_boot" flag directly in the MBR by using the command "disk_toggle pmbr_boot" or "disk_set pmbr_boot", but parted 2.3 apparently doesn't support this.

The pmbr_boot flag in the MBR seems more likely to be the problem than the partition at the end of the disk.

Do I need to find a newer version of parted that supports the pmbr_boot flag for MBR (if so, which version please), or do I need to move the partiton to the beginning of the disk?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgraded Now Grub Boots To Memtest?

Apr 29, 2011

The upgrade finished, did a y to reboot and it boots to memtest, no sign of the grub screen at all.

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Debian :: No Option In BIOS To Disable Hotplugging For Array

Feb 20, 2016

I was using Arch Linux and encountered an issue with dmraid because it thought my array was removable, which it wasn't. Without any answers or being able to revert to an older kernel, I gave up and switched to Debian, which read my array fine. However, today I updated Debian (sid) and got the 4.4.0 kernel, and the same problem came up... Right now, I'm still running 4.3.

According to this link:URL....the problem is clearly because of the kernel, though technically, the kernel isn't wrong. But unlike the people in that link, I don't have an option in my BIOS to disable hotplugging for my array.

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Debian Hardware :: PC Doesn't Boot No More / No BIOS Screen?

Jun 10, 2010

I got a new monitor (a used one), so i hooked up my very old PC. I went to the living-room and checked something. I went back and got a black screen. i did a "cold reboot" (?) and: nothing. Not even the BIOS-messages.

Now i am missing the terms: I replaced the "thing" where the monitor gets plugged (i would say its a PCI-slot, but as the graphics are build-in it doesn't seem to be a graphics-card. I simply don't know. I searched for PCI-slot +monitor and that picture should show it: picture). I rebooted with a live CD and voila: i get a screen. I rebooted into the installed OS and i get a screen. Then it freezes. "Cold reboot" (if it is called that way): again nothing.


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General :: Windows 7 - Order In The Slots Of Memory Modules Matter/ MemTest?

Apr 4, 2011

In a new PC I had constantly BSoD. I tracked it down to bad memory modules and took them back to the shop.Specifically the RAM was Corsair. Anyway they said they will do test on memory to confirm. They did tests and admitted the RAM was faulty and gave me a replacement. At this point: originally I bought 2 kits of 4G RAM. One of the kits turned out bad. They gave me a replacement, it does not seem to be exactly the same, though. In any case, I became causious and as soon as I got them I put them in the PC and run KUbuntu memtest. It started showing thousands of errors! (Again!). I removed the new kit and run the test again. No errors. I swapped the slots I put the memory modules and also no errors. I can not understand now. Is the new RAM kit bad or not? Does the slots I place the kits matter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In Memtest86 - V2.11 - Loading GRUB - Automaticly Goes Into Memtest

Feb 6, 2010

I'm stuck in Memtest86, everytime i boot it gives me an option to go into BIOS, and then it says "Loading GRUB." After that it automaticly goes into memtest, and I've let it finish numerous times without giving me errors. I've installed Linux Mint 8 via Unetbootin, I have a nearly fresh install of windows 7 on my laptop.

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Debian Configuration :: Ext 4 Error At Install And BIOS Compatibility Mode

Jan 13, 2016

So I just recently got an HP pro 1005 all in one PC and tried to install Debian 8.2 on it through a bootable Uefi USB, however, when trying to install, there's always an error like this: "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in LVM VG debian-vg, LV root at /failed."

Also, no matter how many times I completely wipe every partition, there's always this message at the start of the installation saying Windows is already installed as BIOS compatibility mode, and asks me if i still want to install as Uefi, I was wondering if that had anything to do with my error.

I checked the drives health and there wasn't any kind of problems, passed all the tests.

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Debian Hardware :: Sound Card Not Worked After BIOS Update

Feb 16, 2015

I use Debian 7.7 x64 and after BIOS upgrade my sound card not worked . I posted details information here :


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Debian Installation :: Phoenix BIOS Version : V1.3201 Disconcerting - Error 21

Jan 20, 2011

My external USB drive came formatted NTFS. It had a list of compatible OSs on the back of the box.Debian was not listed. I reformatted it during installation never planning to use it for NT. My BIOS just happens to be Phoenix. I have everything up and running fine. I just have to remember not to forget the startup sequence in order to avoid a permanent non-transitory Grub Stage1.5 Error 21. I don't want others to have to clean Grub or start over if it's unnecessary and there is a work around as simple as a startup sequence. Nor am I pointing the finger at Phoenix.

My external USB drive has its own separate DC power supply apparently needing more power than a thumb drive or what it could pull from a USB port. Here's a picture:

Back of the external USB drive
WDBAAH0010HCH-00.jpg (11.33 KiB) Viewed 195 times

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Debian Hardware :: USB Keyboard Not Working (No BIOS Or Grub Menu Selection)

Sep 15, 2014

I have Debian Jessie 8.0 amd-64 installed. It is a dual boot system with Widnows 8.1 alongside. Both the systems work fine with a few glitches coming at times on jessie. But I assume it should get stabilised with time.

Problem is:

The usb keyboard is no longer detected until the GRUB stage crosses.

* This implies I am unable to press F2 to enter into BIOS
* I am unable to chose Windows 8.1 by using arrow key on the keyboard.

When the default system (first in the grub list), in this case Debian is selected after time runs out then the keyboard comes back to life and works properly thereafter.

So far I have tried the possible solution given at [URL] .... but it did not work.

Some Information

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)

$ uname -r

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Debian Installation :: BIOS Settings EUFI Or Legacy - Secure Boot Enabled

Oct 3, 2015

debian 8 64bit

Should bios setting be eufi or legacy?

Should secure boot be enabled?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: System Freeze - Diagnose Hardware - Memtest

Jun 26, 2011

I've been getting some system freezes when running blender on a new system (using about 1/2 my 8GB memory, AMD Phenom II x6 1090T+default AMD CPU cooler, ECS A880LM-M motherboard, Corsair 1333 DDR3, 2x4GB). PS voltages (measured off MOLEX plug) 12.05VDC and 5.2VDC. Tried BIOS resetting defaults. I'm trying to narrow down the problem with the MEMTEST v4.0. It gets through all tests fine until test #7 (block move) and starts throwing a ton of errors, and about 2/3 of the way through that test it says "unexpected interrupt, halting CPU0." All the listings say "28dbbd11" (this varies from run to run, except the 'Stack:' listing seems to count up from that number). I've tried unplugging one memory module and then swapping them as well as their positions. Same result always: block moves throw errors, followed by halting CPU0. To me this suggests the motherboard or the Phenom II. But I don't know how to test these. Can someone give the next step in diagnosis? I did find this link, but I'm not sure how it differentiates between my error and something specific to either the MOBO or CPU:


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Debian :: Embedded BIOS Not Booting / "loading Grub" Takes Ten Minutes And Then Crashes?

Jun 7, 2011

i am working with an old system that uses a BIOS meant for embedded systems. According to my coworkers this thing boot some version of debian about two years ago. currently I have used there old image and a new one I made of the latest Debian stable build. both images fail to get passed grub.

to be clear the BIOS simply replies "loading grub" takes ten minutes and then crashes.

has anyone ever had trouble with grub crashing systems? this problem seems odd since is did boot with this two years ago and i still have that image.

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Debian :: Lenny - Stage 1.5 Grub Loading ... Error 2 Due To The Bios "RAID" Configuration

Aug 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Debian Lenny on my new Dell XPS 8100 Desktop with 2 x 1To SATA HD. (No Windows or any other OS install is present on the system) The Bios allows me to change the SATA mode to either "ATA" or "RAID"

- When SATA mode is set to RAID, the installation goes without issues, but when it comes to load into the system, I've got that Stage 1.5 Grub Loading... Error 2 problem. I assume this is due to the Bios "RAID" configuration. I then switched the SATA mode to "ATA" in the Bios and now I can see the menu that allows me to boot my debian install but that part actually fails too saying "ALERT /dev/sda1 does not exist"

- When SATA mode was set to ATA, I tried to re-install the system but this time my drive was not recognized by the installer: "No common CD ROM drive"

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Debian Hardware :: HDD Not Recognized In BIOS But Recognized Upon Boot

Sep 18, 2014

I have a backup HDD with a different distro for my laptop and i can boot into it via external usb or if swapped into the laptop. This HDD/install in question is debian testing and was working fine, the issue arose suddenly. I was first suspecting a failure of hardware somewhere on the motherboard, but the hdd i was using with an external usb adapter also works when installed into the machine. also, the HDD is recognized once i have booted using the external HDD and distro, but it is not recognized by the bios. so i dunno, my first guess is something became corrupt within the testing install, but i guess its also possible that there is some wrong with the HDD but thats not immediately apparent as all the data is still accessible.

Should also note that the HDD with testing on it is also recognized when connected via the external usb adapter, while booted from alternative distro/HDD.

Also. just tried this, but i can get the testing HDD/disto to boot if connected externally. it was going pretty quick, but there i did catch a line about a corrupt filesystem. any commands to run to see what might be going on?? log files to look at?

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