Debian Hardware :: Recommend Video Card For Dual Head

May 20, 2010

Can any recommend a PCIe video card for my AMD64 box?Looking for one which basically has a good working driver:

- can do dual head using DVI and VGA output.
- open source preferably, I've used the nvidia proprietary one before, was fine but kernel upgrades became a pain.
- passive heatsink so it's silent, doesn't need to be a fast card since my other two were both onboard graphics.
- driver can do KMS for nifty high res console.
- most typical features work, so Mplayer plays nicely and can scale to full screen etc. (xv output +/- accelerated decoding)
- even a bit of light 3D for openarena or compiz would be nice.
- don't mind buying second hand if they aren't available new

I've had a Nvidia 7050 on board which was ok, fast enough, but upgrading with the proprietary driver became painful, and that motherboard is dying a flaky death.
- The nouveau driver looked promising, but wasn't really in Debian at that stage. But I did once accidently boot a high res console while testing a brand new kernel (2.6.31 I think) and was blown away Currently got an ATI RS880 [Radeon HD 4200] on board which is fine, 2D is fast enough, but the open source driver isn't finished yet. It can't do dual head (horrible distortion and crashes), can't suspend to ram (freezes), Xvideo and any form of 3D acceleration are missing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Video Display When Using Dual Head / Get That?

Jun 19, 2010

I just installed lucid on my laptop with a second screen. Unfortunately, I cannot display any video. Neither on the laptop screen nor on the second external screen. In contrast, rebooting without attaching the external screen allows me to display videos again.
I never experienced this kind of behavior with Ubuntu 9.10.
Graphic card: Intel 945
Let me know if you need further information.

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Debian Hardware :: GMA 4500MHD - Ability For Dual Head Monitor Setup - Limitation On Virtual Desktop For Older Gma Cards

Jan 30, 2010

I want to buy a laptop with gma 4500hd WHAT I WANT IS

1. 2D AND 3D full support eg compiz, full functional kde4+effects (not to be slow)
2. full hd support
3. oss driver
4. ability for dual head monitor setup

searching in google find out that as fa as it concern the dual head setup there is a limitation on virtual desktop for older gma cards

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General :: Dual Head Config. On Debian 5.0.7, "default" Is The Only Listed Output?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm trying to configure Debian to have a spanning desktop with two monitors. One is VGA, and the other is Display Port. They are both with the video hardware on the motherboard, an Intel 4 Series Chipset Graphics Controller. This is the output I get when I do a query on xrandr:

Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1600 x 1200, maximum 1600 x 1200
default connected 1600x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm


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Slackware :: Video Settings On Dual-dvi Out Card

Feb 2, 2011

Finally replaced my incredibly antiquated Ti 4200 with a GeForce 9600 GT, but I'm having a few problems. The main one would be that I can't see anything when I drop to terminal (the monitor shuts off)- I could when I had a spare svga monitor hooked up through an adapter, but now I'm using dual DVI monitors. Do not have an svga cable to spare at the moment. The second seems to be a doublethink problem- a good while back when this computer was a fresh install, I could have sworn I had the option for the resolution 1680x1024- this is an *essential* resolution for twinview, because my second monitor is 1280x1024, and setting this widescreen to 5:4 is just... wrong.Simple restart solved the terminal issue (I hotplugged the monitors). Resolution thing is still a standing issue. I have a 1050 capable monitor, but the display portion is an inch shorter than the widescreen.

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General :: Cheap Video Card For Dual Monitors?

Feb 25, 2010

I am looking to build a new desktop. What is the lowest end video card that will fits the following:

Supports 2 monitors at 1920x1200 or 1600x1200
Works with Linux.

3d performance isn't much of an issue, since I don't play computer games. I use the computer mostly for programming, which is why I like having the large resolution, so I don't have to scroll around so much.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Looking For Dual HDMI Video Card

Jan 11, 2010

I currently use "MSI Radeon HD 3650 Graphics Card - ATi Radeon HD 3650 750MHz - 512MB GDDR3 SDRAM - PCI Express" that have no HDMI and some problems with Ubuntu. Due to the Ubuntu compatibility problems I decided to ask you guys for recommendations before upgrading to a new video card.The only "demand" is that the card must have dual HDMI outputs, one for the monitor and one for the TV.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Two Monitors - Dual Video Card Setup?

Jan 9, 2010

I just got another video card from a friend and I wanted to see if I could get it to display a second screen. I have two monitors, both VGA CRT monitors. The first video card is a Geforce 8400gs pci-e and the card given to me is a Geforce FX 5500 pci. I could get them both to work separately under low graphics mode when I go into the bios and switch the video adapter from pci-e to pci, but not together. What to do to make both cards work in harmony?

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Hardware :: Dual Screen Boot - Changing Video Card Settings

Mar 17, 2009

I have 2 screens connected to my nVidia 8400GS and would like to change my video card settings so that the system boot shows in the Digital screen and not in the Analog one.

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General :: Dual GPU Video Card Switches DVI Ports During Boot Up Sequence

Apr 23, 2011

I have an image generator (IG) running 64-bit Ubuntu Linux, GNOME & the SAGE application all running through an NVIDIA Quadra FX4500-X2 (dual GPU). Had to install a new FX4700-X2 (and the latest drivers) because 4500's are unavailable. The computer works fine except but I cannot watch the whole boot up sequence on the same DVI port anymore.On the 4500, all video came out the lower DVI port of the GPU with the PCI-X connector (let's call that the "a" GPU). But on the 4700 card, the screens you see during boot are divvied up between the lower DVI port of each GPU. The POST screen through Ubuntu splash screen comes out the "b" GPU while the "a" GPU is blank. The SAGE Initialization page and SAGE Desktop comes out the "a" GPU while the "b" GPU is blank.

I logged in as root and looked for a GNOME menu allowing me to force all video through the same GPU & DVI port, but couldn't find anything remotely close. Any suggestions on where I can look? Technically this IG is working, but I want to fix this to avoid future wild goose chases. The system uses 52 of these IG's.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dual Monitor Video Card - NVidia Quadro FX 580?

Nov 24, 2010

I have repeatedly installed CentOS 5.5 64-bit on a Dell T3500 with an nVidia Quadro FX 580, in an attempt to get dual monitor support to work to no avail. Everything works fine when just one monitor is plugged in and I do not try to enable or plug in a second monitor. I have installed the Dell DKMS, and the Dell recommended drivers (from Dell site) on one installation, I installed the nVidia drivers (from nVidia site) on another, and have tried with what CentOS loads by default on another. The results are the same every time: When I reboot as directed I get a black screen. I can recover by hard shutdown and unplugging one of the monitors, but that doesn't solve my problem. Has anyone had a similar experience, or have any helpful guidance? I am not very Linux savvy. This is for multiple machines in a corporate environment.

Information for general problems.

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 x86_64 x86_64
== END uname -rmi ==
== BEGIN rpm -q centos-release ==
== END rpm -q centos-release ==


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Hardware :: Recommend A PCI Wireless N Card?

Jul 2, 2011

For as long as I've used Linux I've had trouble getting my wireless connection to work properly. I've tried about 4 different cards and now I'm using D-Link DWL G510 which even says Linux supported on the box. It installed right out of the box and when I have a connection it is fast enough; not as fast as the other computers, laptops, tablets or phones but reasonably fast.

The connection is however unstable and I often have no connection at all. It very strange actually because as time goes it seems to get more unstable, both since boot-up and since fresh install. I'm tired of this and since we got a new router which support wireless N I can just as well get a new card. Can you recommend any? It needs to be able to handle WPA-encryption.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Recommend A USB 2.0 PCI Card?

May 9, 2010

I'm using the latest Centos on an older IBM server which only has USB1.1 ports, it works great and is very reliable. I would really like to add a USB2.0 card to the system. Can anyone recommend a reliable PCI card which will work with Centos, preferably one which does not require any special drivers to be loaded.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual-head Under 11.3 With Radeon?

Jul 16, 2010

I've just performed a fresh installation of openSUSE 11.3. System specs include GA-MA790X-DS4, PhenomII X4 940 AM2+, Sapphire RadeonHD 3670, two monitors. What I'm trying to accomplish is to set up my KDE desktop to (as it did under 11.2) use a multi-desktop multi-output non-cloned setup, so that I can use my two monitors side by side and maximize windows in either one respectively, etc.

So here I am with my newly installed system. Obviously I can't use fglrx, as it doesn't yet support the 2.6.34 kernel, so amdcccle is right out. SaX2, I notice, is gone. I have tried using KDE's built-in configuration tools, but the dual-head setup doesn't persist between logins. Strangely, windows that were open on the second monitor do vanish off-screen, but the monitors return to their overlapped positions so it's useless. Monitor 2 doesn't even retain its resolution setting. As one does, I decided I'd manually edit the X configuration file. SHOCK HORROR! No xorg.conf So what I'm driving at is this: How oh how do I configure my to remember that it has two, quite different, monitors under openSUSE 11.3 ? Sorry if this post is hard to follow, I got very little sleep while trying to sort out the myriad problems I caused myself in upgrading.

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Hardware :: Dual Head Graphics Cards

Jun 14, 2011

I'm building another desktop. This is not a gaming system (though some video does cross my path), it's primary focus is as an application development platform. The thing is based on a SuperMicro two CPU motherboard with a couple intel multi-cores, 16GB RAM, a hardware RAID, and CentOS 5.6 (64bit). To this mix I would like to add a solid dual-head graphics card. Something that will support a couple HP LP2465 monitors (not new but functioning well). Speed of rendering is not my biggest concern, stability and "real estate" (the monitors are 1920x1200 and I want all of it).

I've looked a little at the Matrox items and started researching nVidia, but would like to hear opinions from those "in the know".The motherboard, though a solid performer, may have just made this trip unnecessary. It has a quirk that I hadn't considered before. It has several PCI-X slots (64-bit @ 133MHz) but only one "PCI-Express 1 (x8) on a (x16) slot". Does that seem a little strange to anyone else? Not that there is just one PCI-E but that it will fit a x16 board but will only support x8 connections...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Recommend A WIFI PCI Card For Desktop?

Sep 8, 2010

Im looking for a pci wifi card for my media pc, I would prefer wired, but we are moving soon , so i dont want to take the time to run a wire through the house. Im looking for one that will work out of the box with Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Connect Remotely To A Dual-head KDE 4.6 Desktop

Jun 22, 2011

In this particular example I am using NoMachine's NX, although the behaviour also occurs when running VNC for instance. I'd like to connect from my laptop (1 physical screen), to my desktop at work (2 physical screen) via NX. It all works but the following problem occurs: When I connect with my laptop to my desktop I (almost) always am connected to the 2nd physical screen, whereas all windows appear on this first screen. I can interact with my desktop, use the task manager etc, see which windows are running, but any application I start, starts on the first screen (which I cannot see) and for the life of me I cannot move them from screen1 to screen2 without dragging them (which obviously is impossible since I only see screen2).The obvious workaround is: *before* you connect disable the second screen via the display manager but for me this is a non-pratical work around because it requires a lot of actions before heading home. how I can connect from a single-head desktop to a dual-head desktop without crippeling my desktop experience?

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General :: Switching Between Monitors In Dual-head Setup

Feb 16, 2011

I'm using gnome in a dual-head setup with individual desktops. Is there any way to "jump" to another monitor using the keyboard only? Now the only method I know is to move the mouse pointer to the another screen and click on something there. Can I do something like that without using the mouse?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Head Setup - Multiple Conky

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying out conky for the first time and rather enjoying it. I have a small frustration though. I have a dual head setup and would like to have identical conky's showing on both monitors. I have tried creating two .conkyrc's (.conkyrc1 & .conkyrc2) and then using:-

$ conky -c config1
$ conky -c config2
to launch them, this results in only one of the two conky's displaying. I did at first think that maybe they were on top of eachother, but one conkyrc is set bottom_left, the other bottom_right so they should not be right??

When I try to run them as above terminal shows:-
gregg@burt:~$ conky -c config1
Conky: invalid configuration file 'config1'
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: invalid num arg for top. Must be between 1 and 10.
Conky: forked to background, pid is 7017 .....

${font Sans:size=9:weight=bold}${color grey}NETWORK ${hr 2}$color${font Sans:size=8:weight=bold}
${color grey} DOWNLOAD UPLOAD
${downspeedgraph eth0 30,115 000000 00ff00} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 30,115 000000 ff0000}$color
Processes 8 & 9 do not appear in my conky, just blank space between 7 & 10?? Also, the swap %age displays 'No swap%'?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RHEL 4.2 Dual Head On Intel 945GM?

Nov 2, 2010

I need help to run dual head (extended mode) on top of the followings.

1. RHEL 4.2
2. graphic card in Intel 945GM chipset

Anyone to guide me the driver and the configuration I should use.

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Hardware :: Dual Head Monitors Under Nvidia With A Twist?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an Nvidia card that supports two monitors. Actually I have it setup. The problem I am having is I want to turn one of my monitors sideways so I can read forms easier. I can do this with just one monitor. RandR works fine with that. But it seems that when the system makes the two monitors into one long one it will not allow me to tweak the rotation in RandR.

Is there something I am missing. I deal with a lot of contracts and forms. And when I am reading them I hate scrolling. So I thought this could be an option. I have searched the net for 6 hours now. Maybe I do not know what I should be searching for.

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Software :: Extending The KDE Panel Across A Dual Head Display?

May 9, 2010

Is this possible? I have 2 screens and I'd like to see if I can use the same panel on both sides.

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Hardware :: Card Recommendation For Triple Head?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a GeForce 8400 GS card and I run two monitors. I use Xinerama (don't recall now why but I think XrandR didn't work for me) and nvidia. I would like three monitors now and I see here[URL].... My onboard video is disabled by the mobo if I use a video card [URL]... so it seems I need a new video card.

Should I get another GeForce 8400 GS for $40 from Amazon? I suppose the only other idea would be to get a 3-head card but those seem a lot more expensive.

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Fedora :: Different Multiple Workspace Behavior On Dual Head Machine?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm getting used to gnome3 one thing still bugs me- why when I switch workspaces on my multiple monitor machine does only the primary monitor change to a different workspace? The secondary monitor (my laptop screen) shows all open windows I put on it plus it's not even shown in the workspace list.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Get A Dual Head System To Work: Suse 11.3?

Oct 6, 2010

I have two identical Samsung monitors. One is connected. to my motherboard VGA port (and appears as a Radeon HD 4200).The other is connected to a VGA port on a separate PCI Radeon 9200 PRO board. When I first installed Suse 11.3, I had to go through the nomodeset boot command (otherwise my system froze up on boot) and I only get video on the screen connected to the motherboard. The other monitor light. flashes which means it's not seeing a video signal. And, I do not have an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11.

So I did the following:

I did an Xorg -config which created an file which looked sensible in that it showed both Radeons, and appeared to set up a dual-head system. The only change I made was to change the driver for both controllers from radeon to radeonhd. Then, I copied to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and rebooted. And, nothing is changed. I still need to do nomodeset on boot and I still only get video on the screen connected to the motherboard. I'd attach the xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log files, but it says I can't add attachments to this post. I don't see any major errors in the Xorg.0.log file, but a lot of it is greek to me.

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General :: How To Fullscreen Application Across Both Monitors Of Dual Head Display

Feb 3, 2011

I have two Ubuntu 10.4 machines (and Ubuntu continues to hide more and more xorg.conf config such that I no longer know where to find it). One is a laptop running dual headed - DP1 is the internal screen, and VGA1 is an external monitor; both are running at 1600x900. The other machine is a desktop running both VGA1 and HDMI1 (which is actually a display port with a DVI adapter) at 1600x900. So in both instances my desktop is 3200x900. I run a VNC server on the laptop and connect to it (via SSH tunnel) from the desktop - when I press the full screen hot key, I get a 1600x900 view of the remote machine on one monitor, and half of my local desktop on the other monitor - the "full screen" only expands to fill one local monitor.

Normally this is exactly what you want when you full screen a web browser, email client, or other application. I'm sure there's some X magic to make it clear what a full screen actually entails, and the vnc client application is just dutifully accepting what it's told. While I would like to keep the normal full screen behavior for regular applications, but when I'm VNCing to another 3200x900 machine, I'd really like full screen to stretch across both local displays. Resizing the window to be "close" isn't quite good enough since I still have local panels at the top and bottom of one display (though I can set them to autohide), plus the VNC client application window border (since it doesn't appear to respect -notitle).

Is there any good way to have X lie to a single application about the "full screen" size? Can I get it to lie to all applications? xrandr --noprimary appears to have no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Head On 2009 Mac Mini (nvidia 9400)?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm looking at the 2009 apple mac mini ([URL]and wondering if anyone has gotten dual head working? I'm putting two 17" or 19" monitors on, so nothing too adventurous. I know that I'll require the "Mini-DisplayPort-to-DVI" to get Dual DVI Adpaters, but I wanted to confirm that dual head would be supported from the start. I'm aware that there are issues with rebooting the device, possibly as a result of the wireless drivers. That doesn't bother me. Dual-head is a requirement I intend installing 9.10 and dual booting macos for firmware updates.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VNC And Dual Head Setup (separate X Screens)?

Jan 2, 2011

I have my computer set up to use separate x screens for both of my monitors and almost everything works perfectly. With this set up I don't have any problem displaying flash in full screen on either monitor like I had with twinview. I have it set up this way so that I can use my TV to display mythtv and still use my computer monitor to browse the web, etc. The only problem is that I use my iphone with hipporemote to give me a wireless keyboard/mouse. When using twinview this was not a problem as it was just one large desktop spread over two monitors.

However, switching to separate x screens seems to have broken the functionality of the vnc server. When using my physical keyboard and mouse I can just move the cursor off the side of monitor 1 to control monitor 2, however, if I'm connected via vnc the cursor gets "trapped" inside the active monitor. I can interact with each screen as expected but if I want to switch the mouse/keyboard focus to the other monitor I have to go to the computer and move the mouse to the desired monitor, which obviously defeats the purpose of using the iphone as a wireless remote.

So my question is this. Is there a way to assign a hotkey combination to switch the focus of keyboard and mouse that the vnc server is controlling? Or could I set the vnc server to only control one of the two x screens?

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CentOS 5 :: Dual Head - Screen - Not Working From Laptop - Stacktrace

Jun 5, 2009

I am running CentOs 5.3 x86_64 on a Dell Latitude E6400 and can't get dual head to work.

My graphics card(s) are Intel Mobile 4 integrated (one in the laptop, one in the docking station)

My displays are two Dell 2208 WFP

I run the "Display settings" GUI and select "Dual head", "Spanning desktops" with the right card & monitor.

When I restart X it fails to start with stack trace in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file (full log attached)


My /etc/X11/xorg.conf is below.

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Fedora Hardware :: Which Card Recommend To Get The Closest 3D Support To Windows Drivers?

Nov 14, 2010

just posted the same question in a thread with no questions allowed. deleted the message and here is the question again: I'm looking into updating my videocard with something more Linux-compatible (read: NVidia
instead of ATI). Is there any kind rule of thumb as to what series of cards is supported best? Atm I'm watching a Geforce 7900 GT on ebay, is that a good choice as far 3D acceleration goes? Which card would you recommend to get the closest 3D support to Windows drivers?

P.S.: I'm going to play games with the card. I use PlayOnLinux, which works for a very high amount of my games, as long as I'd have 3D acceleration. Performance is irrelevant as long as it's higher than a Radeon X850XT.

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