Debian Configuration :: Grub Does Not Detect Vista?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to dual boot my system. MS Vista and Debian lenny 5.05. Installed Vista first, need vista for voice recognition software. Installed Lenny second but grub does not see Vista. Installed NTFS-g3 so I can read and write to /dev/sdc1 where my vista is. But grub still does not detect it. Installed grub2 and upgraded from legacy but still grub2 does not see the vista partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mis-detect Vista When Installing Grub?

Jul 6, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Studio on my PC, dual-booting it with Vista. Once the installation had finished, and I had rebooted, Grub showed the two Vista options:

Windows Vista (loader)
Windows Recovery Environment (loader)

When I load up "Windows Vista (loader)" it opens my Acer eRecovery Management, but when I load "Windows Recovery Environment (loader)" it opens what looks like a normal version of Vista. Is it possible that on installation, Grub accidentally swapped the two around, or have I probably mucked up my computer?

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze No Detect Ethernet Card

Aug 17, 2010

i install devian squeeze with the netinstall iso, all work fine except for the auto-detect of my ethernet card.i have a mother asrock p4i45gv with an onboard ethernet card realtek rtl8139/810x family fast ethernet NIC.i try everithing, the ifconfig shows only lo, but ifconfig -a shows a eth0 any ideas?

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Debian Configuration :: Wheezy - Detect Printer On One WiFi Network But Not Other

Sep 21, 2015

I use a 'wifi hotspot' provided by my mobile (android) phone for internet/email and to connect to my wifi capable HP p1102w printer. Installation and use of the printer worked perfectly until I bought a new phone, again android with 'wifi hotspot' capability. The wifi connection on my new phone works fine for internet and email but it totally fails to detect my printer.

I have tried to detect and connect to the printer using system-config-printer and using the HP utility hp-setup. Both fail to detect the printer on the 'new' wifi network.

The old network connection which detects the printer as expected gives the following output:

Code: Select allpat@debian:~$ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 6c:3b:e5:91:ec:0c 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

[Code] ....

The new (problematic) network connection which fails to detect the printer gives the following output:

Code: Select allpat@debian:~$ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 6c:3b:e5:91:ec:0c 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

[Code] ....

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Debian Configuration :: Cannot Detect Newish Hardware After Compiling Kernel 4.5

Apr 2, 2016

I am not able to use the touchpad, etc. on my laptop because the hardware is not supported until kernel 4.5. (This was confirmed by installing fedora-rawhide with 4.5: all the hardware problems were cleared up.) So I tried to compile a 4.5 kernel and install that in a testing version of Debian, but the hardware is still not working.

What I tried: copied the kernel boot config from the testing installation to the directory where the kernel was to be compiled, in order to keep the configuration of the current system. After compiling the kernel the first time I thought that perhaps the issue was that the right options for the new i2c-based hardware had not been selected in menuconfig and were not the default in the kernel config, so I compiled the kernel again, selecting the necessary hardware to be installed (and not as a module). But after the second (and third) kernel compiles the hardware still does not function (appears not to exist).

This is the first few times I've tried to compile a kernel, so I may be missing something obvious. After the second compile, I was wondering how to tell if the right kernel was in use, but grub only saw one 4.5 kernel (besides the original one) and I don't know where to look to see if the kernel has the different --revision=xyz it was assigned when running fakeroot make-kpkg. I was also wondering if it is possible to add the missing hardware by compiling the modules separately and adding them as boot options.

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Debian Configuration :: Network Manager Dooesnt Detect Modem?

Jul 5, 2011

Its my liillte headache with my hsdpa modem. using wvdial i can connect to the net huawei e220l but NetworkManager is a different story. # lsusb | fgrep HuaweiBus 001 Device 010: ID 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E220 HSDPA Modem / E270 HSDPA/HSUPA Modemi',m ok with wvdial and its gui wrapper(gnome-ppp) .i just would like it to be functional since my noob bro

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Debian :: Make Grub Detect Windows When Attach The 2nd Hard Drive?

May 12, 2010

I installed Debian on a old hard drive (quantum 5gb) and ran with it for a couple of days.. BUT all my data (including windows) is on my other hard drive.. so my question is What do I have to do to make grub detect windows and linux when I attach the 2-nd hard drive?

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Debian :: Squeeze Grub Doesn't Detect Windows Partition On Install?

Sep 7, 2010

I've installed Lenny with no problem, but I tried switching to Squeeze, and grub for some reason didn't pick up on the Windows partition this time - it just shows the two Linux options (debian and debian single-user). I check the menu.lst file (which I've edited under Lenny with no issues), but for some reason it doesn't exist at all in this install. Is it in a different location with Squeeze maybe?

why grub didn't pick up on my Windows install?

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Debian Configuration :: Get The Windows One Working Again - Grub Configuration

Oct 3, 2010

I was trying to get the Windows one working again. Here's what fdisk -l reads:


I'll change these or do some grub configurations, if anyone knows what ones can work.

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Software :: GRUB2 - Autoprobe "update Grub" Grub Seems To Detect All OS And Generates Grub.cfg

Feb 28, 2011

I have an old BIOS (only 149 GB detected in 160 GB drive). I have installed very few OS as a result - Windows in first 80 GB , 2 distros (20 GB each) in next 40 MB which is within the 149 GB. On issue of "update-grub" grub seems to detect all OS and generates grub.cfg. But on boot , one distro does not appear in the menu.

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Debian Configuration :: Lvm Partition - Warning "Unable To Detect Filesystem"

Dec 21, 2010

/dev/sda 74.53gb. Here are two partitions sda1 243.13mib (33.92 used), flags 'boot', and sda2 74.29gb flags 'lvm'. Filesystem for sda1 is ext2, for sda2 'unknown' and it gives a warning "Unable to detect filesystem". At last shut down I also notices red text that said something about logical volumes and lvm.


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Debian Configuration :: How To Restore My Debian's Grub After Installing Windows 7

Sep 5, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 on my laptop . Now, it directly boot from Windows 7 . I think the MBR overwrote my grub . I have found two methods by google , but still does work .
1: boot from debian install CD, Alt +F2 switch to the console. "grub " "root (hd0,0)" "setup (hd0,0)".
2:boot from CD, mount /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /mnt ; chroot /mnt ; grub-install /dev/sda.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Version Of GRUB / GRUB-legacy To Boot Any Recent Windows 64 Beyond XP (Vista Or 7)

Dec 20, 2010

I've been using Linux for over a decade, so no need to worry about the obvious. I'm positive that I have my partitions/install correct. What has me baffled is that Fedora 14, which uses GRUB 0.97 (GRUB legacy) - boots Windows flawlessly every single time on the same hardware, but Ubuntu's (or the upstream Debian's) GRUB legacy do not - even though they are based on the same upstream code from the GNU Savannah servers.

No matter what I've tried I cannot get the Debian or Ubuntu version of GRUB/GRUB-legacy to boot any recent Windows 64 beyond XP (Vista or 7). All that it does is resets the computer when Windows attempts to boot, without an error. GRUB is notoriously difficult to compile, so before I try to compile code from RedHat's archives - any thoughts,experiences, similar issues - whatever?

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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Debian :: Where To Find The Fw-detect Command ? (for Firmware / Wireless Detect)

Jan 12, 2010

To find the appropriate firmware without knowing the make or brand of your wireless chip, you can use the command:


But apparently debian package do not offer this useful tool, well, certainly for sidux exclusively.

Is there a package of fw-detect eventually?

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Debian Configuration :: Windows 7 Ate Grub

Apr 18, 2011

I recently installed Debian, and its great except hardware config, any way already fixed that, I reinstalled windows 7, and it removed Grub I tried reinstalling it, and reconfiguring it no luck I've booted into Debian using a boot CD.

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Debian Configuration :: Using Grub To Boot From An Iso Image?

May 30, 2010

I have a Knoppix DVD-ROM. I also have its image as k.iso at the second partition of HDD of my laptop. I use the DVD-ROM and write at the boot prompt the cheat code:

knoppix bootfrom=/dev/sda5/k.iso

I also have a folder Knoppix made during bootprompt by using the cheatcode knoppix tohd=/dev/sda5 and I can use the following cheatcode while booting from the DVD-ROM, like knoppix fromhd=/dev/sda5My laptop runs Debian Lenny 5.0.4, installed in the first partition of my HDD.
Can Grub be configured to boot from the Knoppix k.iso image, or the knoppix folder, which I use to use the Knoppix OS, so that I am freed from using the DVD, when I want to use the knoppix system?

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Debian Configuration :: Set Grub For Boot The Archlinux?

Jul 2, 2010

I have Debian Squeeze amd64 and i install into same hdd in free space archlinux sda3 /boot, sda4 /

How set grub from debian for boot the archlinux?

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Debian Configuration :: Grubby Grub Will Not --configure?

Sep 9, 2010

After updating my squeeze laptop today I noticed that grub from a few days back fails to --configure.

The dpkg log says
2010-09-09 18:52:45 startup packages configure
2010-09-09 18:52:45 configure grub-pc 1.98+20100804-4 1.98+20100804-4


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Debian Configuration :: Grub Fails To Load From EFI?

Mar 8, 2011

I have happily been booting debian through grub2 by chain loading it with efi (rEFIt), until today, and now get to begin another learning experience I've been using linux for a while, and kept seeing the guides for splitting up /, /var, /tmp, /usr, and /home, into different partitions, so I did just that when I switched from Ubuntu to Debian (I've realized that this was a little bit pointless because I formated them all as ext4, but at least it acts as a safety for mission critical drives when I overfill /home. I unfortunately didn't give /tmp enough space, and it kept crashing SimpleScan so I decided to use gparted to resize it.

The operation went alright as far as I can tell, and was straight forward because there was some free space behind it so I only had to append the partition. I synced the master boot record through rEFIt as usual, but when I booted the linux partition grub did load, and only a blank screen is presented. I eventually figured out I could use the gparted live cd to boot back into debian, and have been screwing around for a while with grub commands trying to figure out how to allow rEFIt to successfully boot GRUB on its own again. I ran grug-mkconfig to replace my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file and have rebooted but that did not help.

I tried reinstalling grub and grub-common with apt-get, but I didn't purge configuration settings for fear of losing something important. My current focus is on the command grub-install. I think i just need to run this command with the /boot device, like su - root; grub-install /dev/sda1 or some thing like that. wipe out the MBR on /dev/sda1, or screw up what good configuration is left in grub, so I want to make sure that I'm using the right /dev. Currently the gparted output looks like this:

/dev/sda1: fat32 - GPT (gpt from fdisk, gparted shows EFI with the boot flag)
/dev/sda2: hfs+ - MacOSx
/dev/sda3: ext4 - /root


how the gnome live gparted disk would have been able to boot. I have access to a hard drive so I'll probably end up making backup images of as many of the partitions as I can, and then try more drastic bashing around, but if anyone has any suggestions/wisdom they could offer while I'm researching solutions I'd appreciate it. I eventually want to try to axe my osx partition and boot directly from GRUB2-EFI so I figure it is worth the investment in time to get to know grub a little bit more intimately.

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Debian Configuration :: MBR Swapping With Grub (No Backup)

Apr 20, 2011

I've been following grub-common bug #606845 and in coming to a solution for the issue, these guys are using dd as a brute force means of swapping out master boot records or trampling them, if you prefer. (Background: The issue is related to grub and certain xp installations)

An sample snip of code:
dd if=/mbrxp.bin of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
1) Is mbrxp.bin a back-up of the mbr taken before installation of squeeze (or grub in general)?
2) Am I fubar if I didn't make a back-up of the mbr before installing grub?

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Debian Configuration :: In Grub Disk Changed From Hd0 To Hd1?

Apr 26, 2011

We had a server failure this morning because grub was throwing error 15 (file not found). We discovered that the disk had changed names from hd0,0 to hd1,0. Making the appropriate replacements in menu.lst fixed the problem, but I'm still wondering what could have caused the spontaneous name change.

here are some other possibly related tidbits: * the server had been down because of a power loss, but it is behind a UPS so i doubt there is any electrical damage * eth0 also temporarily failed but the system failed over to eth1

My current theory is that when the bios was configuring the hardware the loss of eth0 shuffled around the addresses of the remaining hardware on the pci bus, which somehow caused the hd0/hd1 confusion. The problem is that everything i've read [URL] says that the drive assignment should be based on the way the disk is connected to the motherboard (which in this case didn't change)

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Debian Configuration :: How To Setup Grub For Kfreebsd

May 1, 2011

I installed Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD on the same system. I didn't reinstall grub with kfreebsd, because I figured running grub-mkconfig would modify grub.cfg. But it didn't.It recognized the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD as GNU/Linux (6.0.1):

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
Found Debian GNU/Linux (6.0.1) on /dev/sda3
### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Get Started From Grub Anymore

May 2, 2011

Installed Debian 6 last night after using Ubuntu for close to 3 years. Couldn't believe how wonderful everything was put together and working, with some minor beginning glitches (like nvidea 3D drivers not working) which were to be expected.

But now I'm sitting back in Ubuntu because I can't get Debian started from Grub anymore. The Grub menu is still there and the selections work fine too. I honestly have no idea what caused this. Last thing I was doing in Debian took place in the Software Center where I was installing some GTK+ themes and looking for some general utilities. I did find a Boot Logo/Login changer, at least that's what I think it was, and when I clicked on install ... I received a message that that application was already installed (must have been by default or through synaptic perhaps).

Anyway, as soon as that message cleared out, perhaps 2 or 3 seconds later the screen crashed and everything went black ... I'm assuming that the xerver crashed. Did a CTRL, ALT, DEL which successfully restarted the system. Got back to the grub menu, selected Debian, and got the black screen again with a login for a user, followed by the password request. Knowing next to nothing about Debian I was obviously stuck at that point. Then I tried the recovery console, and exactly the same thing happened.

Rebooted again, got back into the recovery console, and this time, after adding my user name and password, used CTRL + D which caused a ton of text to appear on the black screen. Near the end of it came a FAILURE message ...

Startpar: service(s) returned failure: gdomap failed:

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Debian Configuration :: Grub Does Not Show Fedora15

Jun 16, 2011

I have just installed and enabled plymouth, and during the process I had to update Grub. Something got messed up and I have the following issues:

1. Grub does not show Fedora15
2. Windows7 loader is listed as Windows Vista loader

I cannot log into Fedora15, though I can log into Windows... Please guide to the proper resolution of the above issue.

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Debian Configuration :: Computer Booting To Wrong Grub

Jun 25, 2015

I recently installed another Linux distro, Kali Linux, alongside my Debian 8 and discovered to my chagrin that my computer boots to Kali's grub rather than to the Debian grub. I had spent some time customizing Debian's grub and would hate to see that effort go to waste. Is there a way I can get my computer to boot to Debian's grub instead? I tried deleting Kali's boot partition with gparted but that did not seem to do anything.

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Debian Configuration :: LILO As A Boot Loader From Grub

Aug 26, 2015

I am thinking about maybe trying "LILO" [URL] ....

For my boot loader, from what I have read it sounds even more tempting.

I am totally sick of GRUB, even though it is what seems to be the most popular,and is what normally is used as the "default" when any linux system is installed, that is what the install ISO's use, but anyway, that is another topic, over the years, "grub failing", has been a problem for me , many times.

I saw this (From LILO to GRUB Howto).

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Debian Configuration :: After Installing GRUB Win 7 Fails To Boot

Nov 26, 2015

I have a ~ 2008 notebook (Compaq CQ60-137EL) on which I had Windows 7 only (it was sold with Windows Vista installed).

Later I installed Debian Jessie 8.2.0 Stable ("Graphical expert install" from DVD), along with GRUB as a boot manager (I chose not to install it on the EFI removable media path).

Since then, if I select Windows 7 on the GRUB boot screen, I see "Starting Windows...", and after few seconds the screen flashes for a moment, and then the PC reboots: I see the bios screen, followed by the GRUB screen again.
What's even more weird about this is the fact it just happens only in like ~50% of the cases. In the other 50%, Win7 starts flawlessy.

I even tried to install Debian first, then Windows 7, then re-install GRUB, but I got the same issue, even with both system freshly installed.

On 6 attempts, 3 times it worked and 3 times it didn't.

On my desktop PC I'm in the same setting, but I don't have this issue. I think it may be related with the fact I have Win7 on a SSD and I installed Debian on a separate HDD, while on my notebook, as you can imagine, there's just one single HDD.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Grub Splash Image?

Nov 27, 2010

I decided to finally change the grub 1.98 splash image today and found a few tutorials on how to do so. They all pretty much said the same thing. Resize an image to 640 x 480, save it as a .tga, stick it in /boot/grub/images/desktop-base. I did so and opened /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme and changed WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/moreblue-orbit-grub.{png,tga}" to WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/56871.{png,tga}". After that I ran update-grub. When it told me the image it found, it said it found desktop-grub. I don't know what I did wrong but it's not finding my image. Like an idiot I forgot to back up the original file but the only thing I changed was that WALLPAPER line, like I said. I had copied that version of the file and pasted it in another document before messing around with different parts of the file to see if I could get it to work. Everything ended in failure so I copied the back up in the other document and simply pasted it over the one I had been tinkering with. However, when I try to update grub I get a syntax error which I didn't before with the exact file I have now. The error reads:

/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme: 65: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "}")

Here's my grub file.

#!/bin/sh -e
. /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
# this allows desktop-base to override our settings


I'm completely lost at this point, both on how to actually change the splash image and why I'm getting a syntax error.

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze: Grub Uses Device Name Instead Of PartID?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm configuring a machine with Debian 6. I booted from the DVD, took the defaults, and it eventually came up with a Gnome desktop. Everything worked as expected.

I then installed gcc, g++, the Debian kernel source, and built a new kernel with preemptive multitasking turned on. It built clean, I ran "make install" and it put the kernel files in /boot. I rebooted and got a kernel panic error, to the effect that it couldn't find the root filesystem.

/boot/grub/grub.cfg shows

"linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686 root=UUID=1890437b-5884-4b83-97cf-62d39f63c872 ro single"

for the original install, but the entry for the new kernel has

"linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30DW-preempt root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet"
/etc/fstab has
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
"UUID=1890437b-5884-4b83-97cf-62d39f63c872 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1"

I've tried changing the grub entry to UUID, but the new kernel still panics. grub-mkconfig and update-grub just rebuild the split UUID=/sda1 grub.cfg. The new kernel still seems to be looking for /dev/sda1 even after changing grub.

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