Debian :: Administrative Tasks Fail To Start

Sep 4, 2010

Over the past few days, I've noticed that administrative tasks sometimes fail to start. I'm asked to enter the administrative password, "Granting rights" appears in the bottom panel for a few seconds, but then disappears. I'm using Debian Lenny. This is only an intermittent problem, and if a task does fail to start, it will start on the next attempt. Tasks which have failed to start are:

*Launching Synaptic form the System menu.
*Launching a root terminal from the Applications menu.
*Launching Nautilus with root privileges from a terminal using gksu.

After coming across the following post, I thought maybe it was an issue with kernel 2.6.32-bpo.5-686, because I'd recently upgraded to that kernel too, but I'm advised that that isn't so.It was suggested that something else from backports might be causing the problem.

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General :: Automating Administrative Tasks In Fedora 10

Jan 10, 2011

I am a student at DeVry University, newly introduced to Fedora and Linux in general, and have a project whereby, we have been asked to consider some administrative tasks that we could automate via a script.I was wondering if there were any thoughts or directives from the community on what admin tasks you guys find to be of inestimable use in automating via a Linux script.

I am new to the Linux commands but have done a wee bit of programming before in C++ and others.I have also done basic DOS batch files before.

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Ubuntu :: Using SSH From Mobile Phone To Manage Administrative Tasks?

May 23, 2010

I find myself using SSH from my mobile phone to manage administrative tasks when I'm away--completing updates and the like, things that can be done during normal usage but sap my RAM and CPU to the point of frustration, given the hardware I've got to work with. It's convenient, I can do what I wish (without the benefit of an X session) while I'm at work. The issue I run into is the fact that my auth.log is littered with items like this:

May 16 12:53:17 BETA sshd[18941]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
May 16 12:53:19 BETA sshd[18941]: Failed password for invalid user lala from port 41787 ssh2
May 16 12:53:25 BETA sshd[18943]: Invalid user master from

Which tells me that some inconspicuous person and/or botnet keeps trying to get into my system. This is generally annoying; at this point, my system isn't used for anything particularly critical; however, the fact that only failures or questionable successes--such as those from my mobile, the IP and Host of which can vary a fair bit (and the host resolution almost always fails, based on the way the IP/Host advertisement is presented to an external host is established--it's essentially manufactured)--doesn't tell me who/what has figured it out. I've done what I can to tamp down SSH access to the system, root is blocked via SSH (a moot item, since root isn't allowed locally), I've limited only my own username as allowed to connect via SSH...all it would take, though, is an alphanumeric dictionary that hits the right combination to get a password prompt, and to be able to brute-force it from there.

Overall, I know there's few, if any ways, to prevent someone attempting to get into my system via SSH; what additional steps can I take to minimize the possibility that I might end up compromised?

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Ubuntu Security :: Don't Require Password For Administrative Tasks?

Jun 22, 2011

The title says it all. Is there a way to just click ok to administrative tasks instead of having to enter my password every time? Sort of like Windows 7's UAC.I'm using ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I don't want to log in as root

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Ubuntu :: Administrative Tools Fail To Load?

May 9, 2010

I found a similar problem. The poster used a similar title "Administrative tools fail to open - karmic" I also have karmic and four tools fail to load; Ubuntu Software Center, Hardware Drivers, System Testing, and Update Manger. Synaptic and System Monitor run. I ran update-manager and software-manger and was told module pygtk does not exist. I ran "sudo apt-get install pygtk" and it said that did not exist as a package. The terminal update and upgrade also work.

me@me-laptop:~$ update-manager
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 26, in <module>
import pygtk
ImportError: No module named pygtk
me@me-laptop:~$ software-center


Would the best solution be to reinstall the OS from fresh downloads as at least the Hardware Drivers tool works with the live USB?

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General :: Security - Let Any User Perform Administrative Tasks On A System Irrespective Of His / Her Privileges On That Particular System?

Sep 26, 2010

I often get responses from people who first say: "Are you sure? You want your network to be exposed to the outside world?" I am not experimenting on a Production Server of NASA or any Security Concern Department. Friends, there is no harm in experimenting on your personal computer or on a test computer which is isolated from the production environment. Look at hackers! What do they do? If they don't know how security is breached then how would they come up with security measures?

If my question reads... "How to let any user perform Administrative Tasks on a Linux System irrespective of his/her privileges on that particular system?" then I would not get the right answers in the first place. They will say... "You are letting everyone destroy your system... are you sure you want to do that?" My question is: Why should we restrict ourselves from experimenting even if it sounds weird to other people?

I give you an example where it is desirable to let an unprivileged user perform certain tasks. You want to know if there are any employees in your office who are storing videos in their home directory and filling up the disk space to a great amount. You have a department called "Command Center or Data Center Operations or Help Desk" call it whatever you would, whose work is to monitor such activities, and you create an account "monitor" for them to monitor such activities but they are not able to do them:


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Debian :: Administrative Priviledges In GNOME

Feb 25, 2010

I have a feeling this may be a bit of a stupid question as it seems like one that must have a very basic answer so for that I apologise but I have yet to come across or work out the solution. The problem I have is that I cannot do anything that requires administrator priviledges from within GNOME without doing it directly from a Terminal using the su command. The reason being is that GNOME will not allow me to log in as 'root' from the normal login screen. So therefore I cannot do something as simple as edit a text file that is not in /home/'my username' as I do not have the required permissions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Auto Run Tasks On System Start With Rc.local Not Working / Fix It?

Mar 30, 2011

I am currently running a VPS with Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have been trying for a few days now to get some programs to run when the system starts, but with no luck. I am trying to use rc.local to do this, there is an:
/etc/init.d/rc.local - (Was already on the system, I have not edited this)
/etc/rc.local -

If i run the /etc/rc.local script manually all the programs start fine, and if i run /etc/init.d/rc.local start, all the programs start fine. But for some reason they just don't seem to be starting when the system boots.

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Applications :: HAL And DBUS Fail To Start

Jan 21, 2010

I don't know if this is the right place to post this but here goes anyway.

ASUS Pro50n Laptop
Distro: Arch Linux
WM/DE: Gnome

I've recently installed Arch linux with the gnome desktop environment, and everything is working fine apart from HAL and DBUS. I'm not sure why this problem is happening and I have no idea about any settings for HAL and DBUS all I know is what it says in the wiki.

The problem I have is that HAL and DBUS fail to start. I have tried /etc/rc.d/hal start and get the message BUSY.. then FAIL. I have tried /etc/rc.d/dbus start and get exactly the same. I have tried restart and that also fails. *EDIT* I have just tried /etc/rc.d/dbus start again without changing a thing and dbus has started successfully but HAL still fails.

The further problem, which I think is related to HAL not starting... possibly... Is that I can't watch DVD's / anything in the DVD drive. I can see it in Places >Computer as "CD/DVD Drive: 3_MEN_IN_ANOTHER_BOAT" but when I click to load it or if I open Totem and try and load it all I get is the error: Unable to mount location: Not Authorized. Is this related to HAL or is this a completely different issue?

*EDIT* fixed the HAL problem, reinstalled xf86-input-evdev package and it seemed to fix the problem. However I am still having a problem with watching DVD's

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General :: Crontab Fail To Start?

Jun 22, 2010

I type this 10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /root/

my log file
Jun 23 10:10:01 localhost crond[7702]: (root) CMD (/root/
Jun 23 10:20:01 localhost crond[12022]: (root) CMD (/root/
Jun 23 10:30:01 localhost crond[14610]: (root) CMD (/root/
Jun 23 10:40:01 localhost crond[18676]: (root) CMD (/root/
Jun 23 10:50:01 localhost crond[22402]: (root) CMD (/root/
Jun 23 11:01:01 localhost crond[29476]: (root) CMD (run-parts/etc/cron.hourly)

but my application doesnt run at all. my script is in perl language

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General :: DHCPD Service Fail To Start

Mar 14, 2010

My dhcpd service get failed every time when I try to start it
1) Actually I have a lan connection which has a static ip network and the pc to which is using the dhcpd has a ip address
2) And I have a internet connection wirelessly which has a network
Now I want to problem ip address in the network of

Here below is the configuration file of dhcp server:
# dhcpd.conf
# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd
# option definitions common to all supported networks...
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
# Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally.
#ddns-update-style none; .....

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Server :: NFS Service Start Fail - No Such Device

Dec 23, 2010

rhev-h starting NFS service why occur under issue message?
[root@RHEV ~]# /etc/init.d/nfs start
Starting NFS services: exportfs: can't open /var/lib/nfs/rmtab for reading [OK]
Starting NFS daemon: [FAILED]
[root@RHEV ~]# tail /var/log/messages
2010-12-23T09:32:20.507146+00:00 RHEV exportfs[7834]: can't open /var/lib/nfs/rmtab for reading
2010-12-23T09:32:20.562458+00:00 RHEV modprobe: WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.3.1.el5/kernel/fs/exportfs/exportfs.ko': No such file or directory
2010-12-23T09:32:20.562508+00:00 RHEV modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting nfsd (/lib/modules/2.6.18-194.3.1.el5/kernel/fs/nfsd/nfsd.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
2010-12-23T09:32:20.563344+00:00 RHEV nfsd[7838]: nfssvc: No such device

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Software :: Freeradius Fail To Start Because Of Ssl Error

Mar 7, 2010

I have installed freeradius from repositories in both Debian and Ubuntu. I have built from source with 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' on both the official freeradius source code and the source provided by apt-src in both Debian and Ubuntu. On a normal install via aptitude there is no ssl-support, I understand this is because of license issues. Otherwise is works, but is of course useless in a wifi-auth setup. On a install from source code, after editing debian/rules and debian/control as recommended different places on the net, freeradius fail to start because of ssl error. Same on install via source code downloaded directly from [URL]... Anyone have a working ssl-enabled freeradius server running Debian or the likes?

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Debian :: How Many Tasks (both Completed And Pending) Could Crontab Hold/handle

Aug 17, 2010

As I have developed a part of my project based on crontab and now one of my team member has raised a question based on performance and load/stress, I would like to know the following limits of crontab.I assume each line in crontab file is a task; and also crontab would hold completed and pending tasks.1. How many tasks (both completed and pending) could crontab hold/handle?2. Will crontab run as expected if there are 100s of completed and less than 100 pending task?

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Debian :: Moving Tasks Between Process Groups (cgroup/cpuset)?

Feb 4, 2011

ive played around with cpusets and now have some processes that cant be moved to the main group /dev/cgroup/tasks. echo pidinquestion >/dev/cgroup/tasks results in:

bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument. how can i move these tasks? or remove the process group alltogether, rm -r is not working. permission denied?

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Debian :: Apache2 Timeout - Server Idles On About 80~ish Tasks Constantly

Apr 12, 2010

Im running a Debian 2.6.26-2-amd64 webserver with apache2 only on a Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz that has 2GB of ram in it. I installed htop a few days ago and have been looking on it for a few days now. the server idles on about 80~ish tasks constantly with arond 20 apache tasks/connections to it all the time and the cpu usages of the 2 cores at about 1% each. but asoon as more apache2 connections/task get started and the servers tasks reach 120-140~ Apache2 timesout if you try to go to the webpage i host on the server. when it's back down to around 80~tasks you can reach the webpage once again. why is this ? what's causing this to happen ?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Services Fail To Start Continuously

Aug 22, 2010

I have installed fedora 13 , 86_64. and was working fine until now. The problem was that JEXEC service Froze while booting. So I removed it /etc/init.d. The next time when I booted ATD service Froze, so I removed it by the same way. Next it was the turn of CROND followed by KSM , KSMTUNED. Then came ABRT-DAEMON which I had to type a #yum erase abrt* command. Finally it came to the turn of SM-CLIENT. I don't know where it is or what it is. Didn't find quality posts on the internet. What the heck should I do and I dont want to do a reinstall.

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OpenSUSE Install :: DomU (paravirt ) On LVM Fail To Start

May 19, 2010

I am trying to install opensuse 11.2 as DomU on a Host running also opensuse 11.2. When I use a file as destination everything goes well and the installation finishes with success. But when i install the DomU on an LV (Logical volume) with Yast, once the installation finished and the DomU restarts, I get the Error "Boot Loader didn't return any data"

I mounted the LV and I verified the presence of /boot/vmlinuz-xen, /boot/inirtd-xen, menu/lst etc ....


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Ubuntu :: Python Based Programs Fail To Start?

Oct 30, 2010

since it started i cannot launch software-center, vlc, emesene... they all stopped working... i checked the logs of synaptic to see if i removed a python package and i didn't. i tried selecting all python packages for reinstall, and it didn't help! i really don't want to reinstall ubuntu.

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General :: HTTPD Service Fail To Start In RHEL6

Jun 7, 2011

I configured httpd.conf. With ip, port 80 and specified the document path correctly. But service httpd restart shows httpd stop fail, httpd start fail.

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General :: OpenSuSe Fail To Start - No Message Logging

Jan 6, 2011

OpenSuSe fail to start if loading on fail safe following msg appears
blogd: no message logging because/var file system is not accessible
I have run defrag through XP

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OpenSUSE :: Vsftp Dose Not Work In Machine - Fail To Start

May 24, 2011

vsftp dose not work in my machine. I try to restart vsftp by command

Code: sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart but it failed:

Code: Shutting down vsftpd done Starting vsftpd startproc: exit status of parent of /usr/sbin/vsftpd: 1 failed

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OpenSUSE Network :: Named Fail To Start (jail) And Dhcpd

Sep 16, 2010

Just for information in case if it is important to start dhcpd and named: Sep 16 20:26:44 LINUX-SRV named[2417]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Server is unavailable Sep 16 20:26:44 LINUX-SRV named[2417]: nss_ldap: could not search LDAP server - Server is unavailable

Secondly Both config files in /etc/sysconfig set parameters to start in jail root but


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Ubuntu :: Wireless Constantly Fails \ Reboot But It Will Start To Fail Again?

Mar 19, 2010

reason my wireless is constantly failing. the only solution is a reboot but it will start to fail again. I use hp mini 210 ubuntu netbook is a log file

Mar 19 19:37:37 nicky-laptop NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Mar 19 19:37:37 nicky-laptop NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 1 of 5 (


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Software :: Fail To Start Cyrus IMAP - Operation Not Supported

May 18, 2011

I have a problem when trying to start Cyrus IMAP (on Ubuntu server):

#./master &
[1] 1171
[1]+ Exit 1 ./master

I got a message from /var/log/message:

May 18 16:26:44 ldap master[1146]: process started
May 18 16:26:44 ldap master[1146]: unable to setsocketopt(IP_TOS): Operation not supported

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Software :: RAID5 Fail To Start Array After Power Failure

Apr 23, 2010

I am having a RAID5 with a spare(total 4 disk).then the steps which lead me to a problem:

1. i was doing I/O on the array.
2. i pulled out a drive manually. So the spare drive took care of the failed one and started rebuilding. then
3. in the, mean time i pulled out the power plug of my NAS box.
4. After power up i saw my array was not active(by -D command option of mdadm). then
5. i executed: mdadm --assemble --scan /dev/md0 it gave me

I checked into the linux source and found that bd_claim is a function inside fs/block_dev.c and it failing due to which lock_rdev function (calling bd_claim in md.c) is failing and we are not able to start the array.I don't know why my RAID is not live after power on.
Plese help atleast can i save my data?

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CentOS 5 :: Solution Cluster Fail To Start Virtual Services After Upgrade To 5.5?

May 16, 2010

After upgrading Centos 5.4 cluster nodes to 5.5 all virtual services failed to start. All virtual services are marked as 'failed'. The reason: new /usr/share/cluster/ requires 'which', but this is not reflected in rgmanager-2.0.52-6.el5.centos.

Solution: run 'yum -y install which' on all nodes, and reboot cluster. Hope that will save somebody hours of downtime.

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Ubuntu :: How To Have Administrative Privileges

Mar 28, 2010

In System/Administration/Users and Groups, my user account properties-user privilegies, the Administer the system is checked (only Send and receive fax and Use tape drives are unchecked).But when I try to run the KDE partition manager, it warns me that I don't have administrative privilegies, so I will not be able to apply changes.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Run Administrative Commands / What To Do?

Aug 10, 2010

I have root access on this CentOS 5.5 machine but I am unable to run administrative commands such as service and chkconfig because it says the commands are not found.

Do I need to install additional packages or grant myself privileges that I don't have to run these commands?

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Fedora :: Need Administrative Privileges FC14

Jun 18, 2011

I am new to this O/S. I have tried Mint and Ubuntu. There are some problems I would like to work out by myself before I take short-cuts, as if.I have tried to install codecs for my o/s media player and get a reply from computer "xxxx does not have sudoer rights, you will be reported."I tried to get sudoer rights and was told I had to have administrator rights first. To get administrator rights I needed sudoer rights. I decided to come to forums to ask and this is my first post.

Is there a danger in getting administrative rights? If so, I would still rather like to face the danger than not be able to play music. And how do I get real superuser rights? My root account is localhost.localdomain and my login account is XXXX. I would have access to everything rather than have a warning that the administration is receiving reports of my activity. Might anyone have help?

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