CentOS 5 :: Install Xmgrace And Qtiplot For Scientific Plotting?

Feb 11, 2010

how to install xmgrace and qtiplot for scientific plotting.

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General :: Plotting Software Should Use For Plotting ASCII Data In Ubuntu?

Mar 29, 2011

I want to plot a two-column ASCII data. The first column is X and the second one is Y.What is the appropriate software in Ubuntu for doing such a thing?

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Ubuntu :: Install QtiPlot In Lucid?

May 26, 2011

trying to install a more recent version of QtiPlot in lucid (10.04)? I need an update of QtiPlot because the one available on lucid by default ( is unable to open some origin files I have, and the newer version are (I've tested under a virtual machine with Natty installed).

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Server :: Dell R310 System - Scientific More Stable Than CentOS

May 25, 2011

I am setting up a Dell R310 server system with a raid controller. Has anyone installed either of these OS on this server. Is Scientific Linux more stable than centOS these days.

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Red Hat :: Scientific Linux Install DVD Fails To Boot / No Matter What Options Are Passed

Feb 18, 2010

I hope I'm posting in the right forum for this (since Scientific Linux is based on RHEL)...I downloaded the Scientific Linux 5.4 "Boron" Install DVD's, and I can't get the DVD to boot. It gets to the point where it tries to initialize SMP (I have a Core 2 Quad Q8200 processor), and it just crashes and reboots my computer. I've tried disabling ACPI, APIC and APM using the noacpi, no apic, and apm=off options, one at a time, and all 3 at once (since the problem seems to be with APIC, because it fails to initialize on all 4 of the processor cores)...does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, or how I can fix this? I really want to run Scientific Linux, but I can't since it crashes.

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OpenSUSE :: Qtiplot: Error While Loading Shared Libraries

Oct 8, 2010

qtiplot: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu :: Scilab5.2.2 Graph Plotting In 9.10?

May 2, 2010

I am using Scilab5.2.2 in ubuntu9.10. Whenever I try to plot a graph, Scilab closes.

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General :: Graph Plotting With Scilab5.2.2 In Ubuntu?

May 1, 2010

I installed scilab-5.2.2 in ubuntu 9.10. whenever I try to plot a graph scilab closes.

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Software :: Xmgrace - Changing The Size Of The Canvas?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm having issues changing the canvas size. I'd like to overlay two graphs and hence I wish to extend the canvas and shift one graph up and the other down and perform an overlay. Everytime I attempt to change the canvas size I run into issues with the canvas not being able to extended to twice the height. I am changing the dpi values. Anyone know a smart way of doing this? I am changing through the print setup options.

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Software :: How To Plot Fewer Error Bars In Xmgrace

Oct 28, 2010

How do I plot error bars for say, every 100th point, instead of for every single point? At the moment my plot looks like a thick band instead of a thin curve, since every point has an error bar attached to it.

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OpenSUSE :: Xmgrace - Symbol List In The Font Tool Menu Some Symbols Does Not Work

May 22, 2009

I have installed opensuse 11.1 in my pc and I also install the xmgrace package. However, in the xmgrace some the Symbol list in the font tool menu some symbols does not work! for example the symbols: Eur,infinity, sum, partial derivative, not equal, plus or minus, etc...

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't Login To Scientific?

Dec 18, 2010

I Installed the 2 disks, but I didn't run into a spot where to place a user name, and when it's time to login, I have a password, but no user name, so I can't login, login fails. And I doubt installing the 2 disks again is going to help this problem go away. How does one login to SL after the install?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: No Network On Scientific

Mar 5, 2011

Just installed Scientific Linux 6 KDE. Does anyone know how to get it to connect to wired ethernet network?i know there is nothing wrong with hardware; i get a working network/internet connection with live systems such as knoppix, aptosid etc.

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Red Hat :: Installing LibreOffice On Scientific 6.0?

May 8, 2011

AMD 64-bit quad core
Scientific Linux 6.0
Gnome 2.28

I have been trying to install openoffice, or libreoffice, and it's just an awful chore.

I tried using the gui tool. When I searched for libreoffice, I got nothing. When I searched for openoffice, I got a disorganized mess of separate apps, most of which seemed to have nothing to do with any office.

I got openoffice writer installed, then openoffice calc, but calc does not work.

So I downloaded libreoffice, and I am trying to go though the manual chore of getting it installed. But, the old openoffice is conflicting, and uninstalling open office is no easy task.

I went to the gui tool, and uninstalled the openoffice apps. But I when I try to install the desktop-integration RPMs, I keep getting a long series errors like this:


file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.png from install of libreoffice3.3-redhat-menus-3.3-202.noarch conflicts with file from package openoffice.org-core-1:3.2.1-19.6.el6_0.5.x86_64
file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.template.png from install of libreoffice3.3-redhat-menus-


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Red Hat :: Installing Gnumeric In Scientific 5.5?

Nov 1, 2010

which repo do I have to enable to get Gnumeric in SL 5.5...?

I am aware that one should be very careful about the configuration files of Yum... in order not to b0rk the system...

And some repos can be conflicting with others...

And building this from source hits with a lot of unmet dependencies..

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Fedora :: GSL For Scientific Calculations Configuration

Feb 26, 2010

Install GSL for scientific calculations. When you try to. / Configure appears Permishn denaynd. As I understand it because I have a file system in properties has Read-Only flag. An attempt to change it to read and write an error - saying that this can not be done. All this is done under Root. But nothing came of it, and very much need to put this library.

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Ubuntu :: Installing GNU Scientific Library 1.14?

Sep 3, 2010

how do i install GSL 1.14? i have downloaded the tar file from [URL] and it is now sitting in my Download folder. i do not really understand the instructions in the 'install' text file that came with it.

i tried the synaptic package manager, but the version in there is not updated.

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General :: How To Work In Scientific Environment

Apr 27, 2011

I am new user for linux. i need to know, how to work in scientific linux environment.

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Fedora :: Scientific Data Analysis And Visualization

Aug 28, 2011

Fedora 15 uses scidavis (Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization) taken from Fedora 14. If you try to build the native rpm package, an error occurs in building the documentation. A 1-line sed in the spec file solves the problem:

#fix spurious-executable-perm
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} ;
#fix docbook to adapt different versions of fedora
sed -i "s/VER-REL/`rpm -q docbook-dtds|sed "s/^[^0-9]*//;s/.noarch//;
s/./\./g"`/" manual/docbook-en/index.docbook
# ---> sed line to fix Fedora15 building:
sed -i -e 's/xsl-stylesheets-1.75.2/xsl-stylesheets-1.76.1/' manual/scidavis_html.xsl
#fix default path for fitPlugins
sed -i "s/usr/lib/%{name}/plugins\%{_libdir}/%{name}/pluginsg"
sed -i -e 's/Qt;Science;Physics;Math;Graphics;/Education;Science;DataVisualization;Qt/' %{name}/%{name}.desktop

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Xorg.conf Causing On Scientific 5.5?

Apr 5, 2011

I am new to RHEL. I am using a Thinkpad W510 and SL 5.5. I am trying to get everything working smoothly on my system.I am having issues with the gpu drivers and the touchpad, both of which seem to be traced back to xorg.conf.I can set the proper resolution using nvidia-settings, but it resets to 800x600 on restart no matter what I do. I have used the gui to save, I have tried nvidia-xconfig, and I have tried to just editing the xorg myself, but it always goes back.I am having even worse problems with the trackpad. I downloaded and installed the synaptics package, but nothing I do changes the trackpad settings. Mouse properties has no trackpad info in it.

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General :: Can't Compile ALSA With USB - Support In Scientific OS

Mar 11, 2010

A friendly "HELLO WORLD!" from my side first I've got a problem compiling the current ALSA-Drivers ( for my Scientific Linux name -a inux comp_854 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 20 00:57:09 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

./configure --with-cards=emu20k1,usb-audio --with-sequencer=yes

works fine but the make output bitches with


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Software :: Scientific 5.5 - Chemsketch Type Of Program.

Jul 24, 2010

I just found out about this distro using search on these forums and it kind of excited me because I am a chemistry student. I was wondering if anyone has used it and if so does it have any Chemsketch equivalent programs included with it ?

If not (or even if it does) do you have any suggestions of programs that are the same as (on a ease of use/quick to pick up scale) or better than for simple/quick organic and inorganic modeling/reaction modeling ?

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Red Hat :: Difficulty Installing Java Runtime On Scientific 6.0?

May 7, 2011

AMD 64-bit quad core Scientific Linux 6.0 Firefox 3.6 Firefox is complaining that I need a java plugin. Apparently, it has to be installed manually. I managed to download jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and saved it on my desktop. Then a ran jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and it created a directory on my desktop called jre-6.0_25. Within the directory there the following subdirectories: bin, javaws, lib, man, and plugin.

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Red Hat :: Very Slow Terminal Commands In RHEL-5.4 / Scientific

Apr 8, 2010

I have a new installation of Scientific Linux, which is basically RHEL/CentOS 5.4.

Everything works fine with it, its nice to see KDE3.5 again BUT

certain commands in cli (console, konsole, xterm whatever) take an age to run. The worst offender is vim, which takes about 20 seconds to open fstab for example. Even mkdir takes about 10 seconds to run.

I am used to these type of operations being almost instantaneous, so there is obviously something wrong here, but I can't imagine what.

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A Cluster For Scientific Computing?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to set up a cluster for scientific computing (mainly statistical stuff with R). I have a few conceptual questions. First, is there a difference between a Beowulf cluster and a cluster that has single-system image ("SSI," e.g. using openSSI or LinuxPMI)? If so, what's the difference? Second, if there is a difference between Beowulf and SSI, which one is better for scientific computing? Third, does using Eucalyptus make sense for scientific computing or is this more suitable for IO-oriented operations such as web service or databases

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General :: Cramfsck: Superblock Magic Not Found (Scientific)?

Jan 2, 2010

I have come across a problem on my Scientific Linux, I have searched the forum but couldn't find what I am looking for, so I decided to post my question here.well, here what I did: under the Terminal I got Cramfs-1.1.tar.gz installed, and then i used the "make" command to build the cramfsck and mkcramfs and it was all successful.so now I have an image I called it "backup.img", and I tried following command:./cramfsck -x ./output backup.imgbut unfortunetly I got the following message:./cramfsck: superblock magic not foundSo I kept on thinking what is this Superblock magic thingy? I did a google search but I kind of got lost and didn't end up finding anything useful, but I am just thinking it could be some kind of package which I need to install? I tried the following command:apt-get install magicbut it seems there is not such package exists with that name.

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Hardware :: Scientific 6 Not Picking Up C-media 8738 Chips

Jun 4, 2011

when I mean not picking up, I mean its detected on the system but not alsa/pulseaudio. The card is found under lspci Code: 05:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10) 05:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10) [slimg00dy@localhost ~]$ I'm using:


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General :: How To Configure Network(internet) In Scientific System

Apr 3, 2010

I am using both suse linux and scientific linux 4.6. my ether net card is RTL8111/8168B PCI Gigait.In suse i can configure internet and its working fine.

1. How to configure network in scientific linux 4.6 ? which driver should i install ? i don't find any driver corresponding to to this Ethernet card.

2.how to configure epiphany web browser in suse 11.0 ? it is not working.

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Fedora :: Logger Pro - Retrieve Data From Scientific Calculators / Instruments?

Oct 5, 2010

(Logger pro is an app to retrieve data from scientific calculators/ instruments) I've always wanted to ask this question so here it goes... Has anyone gotten Logger pro (Linux beta) to work w/ Fedora? I have tried alien the two .deb packages to .rpm's so it becomes installable.. The installation seems fine, But the app doesn't run (I think it was like segmentation fault or something... I don't remember) anyways.. this is not absolutely important. I'm just wondering if this may be a problem w/ my install.

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General :: Conflicting /usr & /etc Files While Installing Fedora 15 And Scientific Linux 6.1

Aug 9, 2011

Until some time ago I had a dual Windows 7 and Fedora operating system, then I completely moved to Fedora. Recently I have become interested in Scientific Linux and wanted to install it besides my Fedora. I took a back up of all my data and formatted my HDD for a clean install of both of them. This is what I did:

First I installed Scientific Linux with these partitions (contents of /etc/fstab):


Then I went on to install Fedora 15; I kept the same primary and extended partitions but only changed the names of "/FedoraRoot" to "/" and "/" to "/SLRoot" in the above list while installing Fedora. I also chose the boot directory of Fedora to be /dev/sda1/ which I wanted to be the /boot file for both systems while I had chosen the boot file for Scientific Linux to be "/dev/sda".

Everything went well until the final step of copying the files an error came that some of files that Fedora wanted to install in /usr/share, /usr/lib64, /usr/bin, /etc/system..., /etc/issue..., /etc/redhat-release... and /etc/rpm are already present in the Scientific Linux format and so there is a conflict and it has to terminate!!! I must have made some strange mistakes in the definitions

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