CentOS 5 :: Setup Impossible With LVM Partition?

Nov 2, 2010

I've a problem with my installation of CentOs 5.5

I want resize my LVM Partition, but is not possible with Gparted in CentOs or Live CD. When resize my partition of my setup ?

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Setup From Partition That Is Formatted During Setup

May 5, 2009

Here is a thought experiment:

1. Copy vmlinuz and initrd.img from isolinux subdir into /boot
2. Adjust grub.conf to boot to that kernel
3. Reboot to setup
4. Format /boot (actually '/' ) during "fresh install"
5. Proceed with the installation-over-network

I see two possible outcomes:

1. The setup fails to reformat the drive, because it is "in use" by boot kernel

2. The partition is not "in use" and the installation succeeds

Why? Old cluster with broken CD-drives, lacking USB, and no separate /boot partition.

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Debian :: Impossible To Resize Windows Partition ?

May 1, 2011

I am trying to install Debian for my best friend by resizing his Windows partition so that I can install Debian on a separate partition. But, I get this message when I try to resize Windows: "for some unknown reason impossible to resize this partition. Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for details." I do not know how to check virtual console 4 for details and besides I won't be able to interpret it. I also tried defraging the Windows hard drive several times and using several livecds with GParted to try to resize. They all failed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Cannot Detect Or Create Partition For Partition

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to install windows 7 on my harddive, I am running ubuntu 10.04 and have windows 7 on DVD.I was until recently also using uberstudent, which I deleted (100 gigs) to make space for windows.However once I get to the windows start up I get a message: setup cannot detect or create a partition for this partition. (not word for word).

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CentOS 5 :: Mistakenly Setup RAID 0 Array On / Instead Of RAID1 During Setup - Convert Without Loss?

Dec 15, 2010

So I didn't notice when I setup my CentOS 5.5 server that I left / as RAID 0 on md1. All the rest are RAID 1. Is there a way I can modify the array to RAID 1 without a risk of data loss? I'm glad I caught this before I setup any other services. I've only setup smb so far...

[root@ftpserver ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1 16G 3.0G 13G 20% /


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Install Getting This Message:"setup Was Unable To Create A New Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"?

Apr 8, 2010

i tried installing windows 7 on a partition on my laptop but i'm getting this message:"setup was unable to create a new partition or locate an existing system partition "i tried googling and found that it has something to do with the number of partitions:my hard disk layout right now:

p1 ext4 21gb /home
p2 ntfs 64gb
p3 ext3 18gb ubuntu installation


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CentOS 5 :: Setup The Centos Directory Server Without An Internet Connection?

Apr 20, 2010

Is there any way to setup the Centos Directory Server without an internet connection?? i tried using the command: yum install centos-ds

but this just tries to connect to the internet to to download the packages. Is there a site where i can find the package so that i can copy it to my server and install it or is there some other way to do this?

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CentOS 5 :: Getting "setup: Command Not Found" Error But Setup Is Installed

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to use the set application to configure Apache. I'm getting a "setup: command not found" error when I type in "setup" at the command line.

However when I try to install setup with yum, it tells me that setup is already installed.

I'm logged in as root. CentOS 5.5.

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CentOS 5 :: Partition Editor Creates Bad Partition Numbers In Text Install

Mar 3, 2009

Trying to install Centos 5.2.i386 from DVD in text install (I'm assuming I need to do text install as I'm setting up raid arrays)

I have 4x150Gb raptors where I want the following layout:

/dev/sda1 100Mb (for /boot in raid 1, 4 disks)
/dev/sda2 1000Mb (for swap, raid 0, 4 disks)
/dev/sda3 4000Mb (for /, raid 5, 4 disks)


In the last attempt I did, sdb,sdc and sdd all had the correct ordering of partitions, but sda looked like above, which means I would need to assemble by boot array partition array as /dev/md0 = /dev/sda3, /dev/sdb1, dev/sdc1, dev/sdd1

Why is the partition numbering moving around as I create them?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Centos 5.5 With VNC Works When Setup But Not After?

Jul 11, 2010

followed the wiki page which tells you how to configure vnc, i got this working under root, then created a sybase account and also got this working as well, but anytime i shutdown the server for the day and attempt to use VNC the next day, it doesnt work. I get the error unable to connect to host: connection refused (10061)

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Server :: Unable To Setup A NIS Server Setup On CentOS System

Jan 19, 2010

We are trying to set up a NIS server on a CentOS system. We need to have a NIS server which can provide NIS authentication to a couple of clients. We are practically new to all this stuff.

Just googled to find some ideas about installing ypserv and ypbind and portmapper. We did all that and also started them successfully. But now the clients are not able to join to the NIS domain . The error log states "YP_DOMAIN NOT BOUND".

I guess we have not entered the /etc/yp.conf, /etc/hosts files properly. Please let us know the detailed steps to setup a NIS server .

Also, please let us know what entries should go into the different /etc/<file_names>? What is meant by HOSTNAME in the /etc/hosts file?

Is there any other files which need to be changed? Are we missing any steps?

Also to add-on, while executing the ypinit command we faced the following error:

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. localhost.localdomain is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please cont inue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>. next host to add: localhost.localdomain next host to add:

The current list of NIS servers looks like this:

Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

Error running Makefile.

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Ubuntu :: What Is The Default Partition Setup

May 18, 2010

What is the default partition setup that the ubuntu installer uses? Ie which directories get their own partitions (If I remember correctly by default it doesn't just throw everything onto one partition, assuming you're installing onto a fresh hard drive).

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Installation :: Dual CentOS - Windows 7 Boot - Had To Delete CentOS Partition And No Grub Menu

Sep 19, 2010

3 partitions (in order): Windows 7, CentOS and shared data partition.

I need to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (c:windowswinsxs seems to be something not easily remedied).

GParted didn't work in moving things around (bad sector) so I wiped out its partition (# 2 out of 3) and I was able to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition (I can reinstall CentOS easily and not much work lost).

Except ... no more grub menu (unsurprising). This incantation does allow me to boot into Windows 7.

Is there any way of rebuilding the grub menu short of reinstalling CentOS (5.5)?

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CentOS 5 :: Resizing CentOS Boot Partition, Dual-booting?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a laptop that came with Windows Vista (64-bit) installed. I created a new partition and installed XP (also 64-bit) alongside it.Last night I shrunk my XP partition and created another new partition and installed Linux (CentOS 64-bit) on it. I made an error in judgment and didn't allocate enough space, so I need about 10 more gigs for the Linux partition. It boots up and runs, but I need about 10 more gigs of storage for the files I want to keep on the partition (and yes, they have to be on the partition, I definitely need to know how to do this, not a workaround)I went into Vista and shrunk the XP partition by 10 gigs, so now I have 10 gigs of free, non-partitioned space.

As it stands, when I start up the computer I get the GRUB boot loader. I can boot my Linux install or choose "Other" and be taken to the Vista boot loader. From there I can choose XP or Vista to boot.So, my question is... what is the best way to append the 10 gigs of free space to the Linux partition? Is this something I should do inside of Linux? I have the option to do it in Vista, but the partition shows up as "healthy" but without a file system type.I just don't want to screw up the boot loader, partitions or anything else.This isn't my area of expertise, so if anyone could give me a good suggestion or solid answer

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Ubuntu :: Manually Setup Partition During Install?

Mar 10, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 9.1 on a 320 gig hard drive.
I have manually created a 45 gig partition. When I try to install ubuntu from the cd,,,
I can not install it.

How do I have to setup the 45 gigs to install Ubuntu on it? Swap partition? EXT2?

Please give me a step by step?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recommend As A Partition Setup?

Apr 10, 2010

I am a newbee and am not too sure, but anyway, here it goes. What would you recommend as a partition setup for a laptop with 1gb ram and 160gb hdd? Please note, the setup needs to be able to keep all documents, settings and programs on updates and whatnot.

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Ubuntu :: HDD Partition Setup For Triple Boot?

Nov 1, 2010

I've looked everywhere for a satisfactory answer, to no avail. I wish to triple boot xp/98/ubuntu 10.10. Is this an appropriate HDD setup? (it looks like this in partition magic pro srever 8.05)

*:SYSTEM........ NTFS......... primary ..........(for xp)
C:WIN98......... fat32 .........primary,active (for win98 )
*:UBUNTU....... LinuxExt3 ...Primary ..........(for Maverick Meerkat)
.........* Extended
............. *:SWAPSPACE2.... Linux swap .....logical
. ...........D: DATA................. fat32............. logical (for all things backup)

There is nothing on any of the drives at this point. (I am submitting this on a crappy 233mhz win95 laptop)

Here's the information i've gathered so far... Install in the following order: 98, XP, Ubuntu XP's drive label MUST be "SYSTEM" (I think?) Installing multiple os's is easy (i've read) if you hide unused partitions during install (ie. if installing XP, hide C:WIN98 and *:UBUNTU partitions) but i can only do this with FAT formats, and if i do that, the dirve letter changes, which is a problem (i suppose i could manually hide/unhide, and set active the partition I want at every boot-up....(Damn))

And here's a couple more questions SHOULD I make everything fat32? do they have to be primary to boot? ('98 on an inactive partition won't load) Once they are all installed... where do i put grub? Do i put it in first? Also, I deleted my dell utility partition to do this, is that a problem? (LOL, I have NO idea what I'm doing...Fck)

Like i said, finding information about the partition setup (logical/primary) is damn near impossible. Even if it's just a "Ya that'll do for a setup"

I'm gonna keep experimenting, since there's no longer anything to lose on my HDD, and i'll report back any improvements I come across

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Ubuntu :: Optimal Partition Setup For MultiOS?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm thinking about installing Arch soon, but I was wondering what the optimal partition setup would be. Bhalash on #ubuntu recomended:

boot as sda1
swap as sda2
personal data (not config) as sda3 **
the extended partition as sda4 which would include

This would not be a home folder, it would just be for person files like pictures or music. The OS's would have their own /home which would contain symlinks to this partition. Does anyone see anything wrong with this setup or have a better idea?

Currently on my setup:
sda1 is a broken ubuntu 10.10
sda2 is extended
sda5 is swap for broken install
sda6 is my working install
sda7 is swap for working install

So keep in mind how easy it would be to move the partitions around in your response. I haven't found a way to move something out of extended without frying the data.

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Ubuntu :: Impossible To See Videos W/Firefox?

Mar 29, 2010

I can't see any video on Flickr (but I see ..... videos...)My browser is Firefox 1.0 / Namoroka version 3.6.3preI updated the Flashplayer with no results.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Impossible To Get Online

Jul 11, 2010

After installing 10.04 netbook remix on my acer aspire one, I have experienced all sorts of trouble. I can't get online, not with the wireless network, or with a usb-cable directly from the router. When I try to install the hardware drivers i get a message: there are no hardware drivers installed or something like that. There are no other OS on the harddrive, just 10.04 netbook remix. Another problem is the startup. Sometimes it boots right away, other times I've have to restart/reboot. 3-4 times before it works. How comes? Is there any way to download the missing packages/firmware to a usb-stick and then install it on the the netbook?

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Debian :: Impossible To Connect With Adsl

Apr 21, 2010

i've installed debian lenny 5.0.4 in my hp laptop,using an officiel cd , i've installed ppp, pppoe, pppoeconf to configure an adsl connection (the dhcp is automatically configured on eth0)the trouble is : that ifconfig works fine, but when i want to connect it is impossible , this is my interfaces file:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Adaptec 1430sa Centos Do Not Boot After Initial Setup "grub"?

Nov 15, 2010

I am busy to do some tests using the Adaptec 1430sa hardware raid controler .I started the setup by generating the raid 1 aray and it worked ok .I did the regular setup of Cent Os 5.5 64 bits all worked ok but the system do not boot .When I start the box it enter the minimal grub screen .I tried to install a first time on the MBR like suggested and how it need to be done for soft raid setup .nd I tried to install it on the first cluster from the boot sequence like possible on second choice

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Setup For Xp Dual Boot?

Aug 4, 2010

I have created 5 partitions:2 GB ext320 GB ext310 GB ext320 GB ntfs400 GB ntfsI have already installed XP on 20GB ntfs. Will dual boot work if I use the 3 ext3 partitions to install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Installs Of 10.10 With The Same Partition Setup?

Feb 4, 2011

I work at a local library. In a few days I am getting 8 new HP g72t laptops. Is there a way to do multiple installs of 10.10 with the same partition setup, installed programs, config settings , etc? I am a volunteer and have set up many ubuntu installs before but always had each machine old and different. Now I would like to automate all the installs somehow.I picked that laptop as linuxcity.com sells them with Ubuntu installed.I got them with windows and plan to remove win 7 and do Ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu Installation :: No HD Recognized To Partition In Disk Setup

Apr 23, 2011

When trying to install Kubuntu 10.04 32-bit (or Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit) it does not show me any hard drive to partition in the 'Disk Setup' (I've clicked all the buttons on that screen to see if I can encourage it!) and will not let me past that point in the installation process (because, obviously, no root file system has been defined). I have done something very bad to my computer. As an aid to selling my computer, I decided to (try to) install Windows 7. I booted into a live Ubuntu CD and used Gparted to reformat my hard drive. After several issues with the Windows boot CD I decided to pull up FastBuild Utility, and did something which included deleting LD and Defining LD again. Didn't make any difference with the Win 7 install. I am now trying to return my computer to a functional state in the sanctuary of Kubuntu 10.04.

Tried installing Win XP which I have installed successfully on another computer. Got an error message: "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" - presumed that was because of something I did with FastBuild Utility (2006). I've tried as many different options in this as I think could make a difference. Booted into DR-DOS and deleted partitions and created a FAT 32 partition. Booting into the live Ubuntu 10.04 CD again and used GParted to create an NTFS Primary Partition taking up all the hard drive. As above and deleting all partitions in GParted. Checking into BIOS and changing the SATA Operation from 'RAID On' to 'RAID Autodetect / ATA' (Now changed back again to the default 'RAID On.').

Loaded Defaults in BIOS - I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 on it since it came out with these settings. At all points I have tried to install Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit, Kubuntu 10.04 32 bit (and Win XP) with no success. In the Kubuntu install, when I get to the Disk Setup part of the installation process it offers me no information whatsoever. My hard drive has all partitions deleted because of my last action in GParted. May need to define a partition. What as? I'm still convinced that my playing in FastBuild Utility (2006) is probably the root cause of this, and so quite likely to be a good place to go to solve this. I think I've set everything as it was, but can't be 100% on that.

My Computer:
Dell Inspiron 1721, AMD Turion x64 dual core, FUJITSU MHW2120BH 120GB HDD.

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Hardware :: RAID 1 - Setup More Than One Partition On Clean Drives?

Feb 24, 2011

I've finally found a couple of useful tutorials on setting up RAID in Linux. However, because this is new ground to me, I have a couple of basic questions which I think the tutorial writers gloss over because of their familiarity with the process. My questions are these:

1. Most tutorials speak about setting up only one partition on clean drives. Can I set up more than one (e.g. / and home) to be mirrored as two partitions?

2. When starting with two identical clean drives, do I need to set up my partitions identically on both drives or is it only the partitions that I want mirrored to the second drive?

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General :: Trying To Configure Grub - Slackware Partition Setup?

Oct 24, 2009

Okay on /dev/sda
sda1 is windows xp
sda2 slackware /boot /system files
sda3 slackware swap
sda5 Centos LVM

Now my question is when I install CentOS grub did not automatically setup the slackware partition and I have to configure it manually. This is my grub.conf file

[root@centos ~]# cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
# root (hd0,4)
# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01
# initrd /initrd-version.img
# boot=/dev/sda
title CentOS (2.6.18-92.el5)
root (hd0,4)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-92.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-92.el5.img
title Slackware root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz-generic-
title Other
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

How should I do the slackware in grub?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.1 : Packman Update Impossible Claiming Key Pb?

Mar 27, 2011

It seems that 11.1 is not supported anymore. Can you confirm that ?I know, i need time to test a new system to replace it.Meanwhile, i try to update the packman packages and it cannot.It says :error: /var/cache/zypp/packages/Packman/.../somethin.rpm : Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD, key ID 1abd1afb

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Impossible To Eject Any Music CD Or DVD

May 24, 2011

Apart from KsCD and CD Player, (both of which are pretty good, but very basic), I have found it impossible to eject any music CD or DVD on any of the following:

Media Kaffeine
MPlayer and

there does not seem to be any button, command or whatever to get the CD or DVD out of the drive, so now find that only way, is to stop player and then to open CD Player and use the eject button there.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrading To Lucid - Shutdown Impossible

Jun 12, 2010

after upgrading to lucid very often a shutdown is impossible if I try to nothing happens. I have to open a terminal and enter "sudo halt". If you just enter "halt" you get "need to be root".

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