CentOS 5 :: Samba Lockup External HDD?

Oct 28, 2010

I am running Centos 5.5 on a IBM Think Centre. I am using it for File sharing Samba and one moment it would be working find then the external 1TB HDD would lockup and I would have to reformat it in order for it to work. I don't really have and other information but that is basicallly what happen even if i manually go to the Centos server it would not allow and thing to be created.

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CentOS 5 :: Lockup At Gnome Login

Dec 16, 2010

Running 5.5 64bit. Same machine has been running since release of 5.0. Normally the machine runs the nvidia driver from elrepo but I switched back to vesa (thinking the Nvidia driver was the problem, no go). Machine starts up normally and everything is fine until when the login screen should appear. Instead of the normal login screen I have a black screen with the mouse swirly going round and round(which normally occurs for a second or so). This all started when I went out for dinner. When I came back and wiggled the mouse all I got was the swirly. Rebooted, same thing. I can switch to a tty and log in normally. xorg log looks clean. Both drives are accessible via cli (/home is on a separate drive).

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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba-3.0.33 - Cannot Change Computer Names In A Samba Domain?

Oct 8, 2009

I have to rename a group of machines in my little samba domain (tbd backend) but there is an ugly bug that makes this impossible. have set 'rename user script' variable corectly, also checked all configurations.When i change computer name in my windows box, it shows an error saying something like "Error calling remote procedure"Looking on server side, username for the machine gets correctly changed in /usr/passwd, and also in samba database.But samba log says:

[2009/10/08 11:10:32, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(42)
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 11052 (3.0.33-3.7.el5_3.1)


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Fedora Servers :: Samba Share On External USB Drive?

May 29, 2009

I have a server which currently has a samba share for a printer and my home directory. Both have been working fine for a while now. I have a drobo (which is like a little USB RAID machine) connect via USB to the linux box. While trying to share it via samba I get weird messages from my windows machine (see screenshot). I have tried to share multiple folders on this drobo and no luck, all the same result.

I also tried a symbolic link, no good.

Here is a screen shot
Here is my smb.conf file:
path = /home/savona
read only = no


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Configuration - How To Share USB External HDD

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to share a USB external Hdrive from my ubuntu install to my windows systems (win 7 and 1 win xp) Everything seams to be working.. as in I can see the computer in "network" from windows explorer.... The problem is no matter what I do I can not seam to browse onto it or even type in direct share locations....

EG: //Zbox/HDMedia

or just browse through the Zbox computer icon that appears in my "Network" window in explorer. I have "sudo chmod 0777 /media/HDMovies"I can see it in the win7 Network window.. I assume it is some setting for security...I am on a home network and not very security conscious. I just want it to work.

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CentOS 5 :: Update Samba At Least To Samba 3.0.37?

Jun 7, 2010

I had installed Centos 5.4 , then upgraded to 5.5 hoping that new version has samba 3.5.x. However the updated Centos 64-bit 5.5 also has Samba 3.0.33-3.28.el5.

How can I update samba at least to Samba 3.0.37 ? The reason is, there seems to be security concerns on samba website, and I wish, at least update to latest 3.0.x .

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Fedora Networking :: Sharing An External Hard Drive Using Samba?

Aug 9, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 5 days ago after using debian-based distros for a few years, and until now I've had the habit of sharing many files (mostly multimedia) on my home network, except since I'm the only one using Linux, I have to do it using Samba.In Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Linux Mint, this worked like a charm.

Two things have changed this week: I switched to Fedora 15 like I said before, and I bought a new USB external HDD. I previously used a 500 GB Western Digital, and changed for a 1.5 TB SAMSUNG which is linked to my station via USB. The drive works well and I cp'd the 450 gigs of the ancient drive within the new one without a problem.

Ever since I managed to set up fedora and GNOME 3 as I would like it, I've been trying to setup the network sharing via Samba, and that's a genuine 4-day long headache now.Thing is, yesterday, it worked. After setting everything right, creating an automount of the external HDD in a maybe-too-much permissive folder, allowing Samba through the firewall, getting to know that buddy called SELinux I had never met before and which I struggled to tame ; after setting everything up, it worked seamlessly, I streamed music from the Windows PCs of my network and began watching a film.

Except I had a problem which had nothing to do with Linux: letting the USB drive plugged in on startup prevented the BIOS phase from going well, and my station was stuck on my motherboard splashscreen. To fix this, I had to disable the USB Legacy in my BIOS. Did the trick. Yesterday night, I rebooted like that, and everything was fine.This morning, Fedora wouldn't boot. Since the new BIOS parameters didn't switch the drive on on startup, fstab was trying to mount a drive which wasn't there, and thus crashed, switching to emergency mode.Had to remove the ftsab line concerning the USB drive for Fedora to boot again.

Alrite, that's fixed, I thought ; I just changed the fstab options adding noauto,user, etc. and I thought it would be ok, but it ain't.It's now been 3 hours without me finding any clue as to how to get this working.

IMO, the problem comes from the fact that Samba is missing the right to access the drive. Samba seems to be OK: from the Windows station I can see my Linux station on the network map, I can access it entering the Smbuser I created for this, and the "ext-hdd" dir is present (that's the alias I used in the Samba config files), but when I try to access it, Windows says it can't access it.

I'll try to add as many pieces of information as possible that might be useful:

SELinux config:

[norfen@norfens-station ~]$ getsebool -a | grep samba
samba_create_home_dirs --> on
samba_domain_controller --> on
samba_enable_home_dirs --> off

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't See External HD Shared With SAMBA Form Certain Devices?

Aug 17, 2011

Just tried to be as descriptive as possible in the title. I'm running Opensuse 11.4, KDE 4.6.5 under Tumbleweed repos. I have an external HD with two partitions (Argos & Hercules) mounted in fstab as follows:

/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD5000BEKT-80KA9T0_WD-WXA1A8011853-part5 swap swap defaults 0 0


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CentOS 5 Server :: Installed CentOS 5.3 On A Machine, And Need A Samba Version 3.2 Or Higher?

Jul 8, 2009

I've installed CentOS 5.3 on a machine, and I need a Samba version 3.2 or higher. Since 3.4 is out, I thought I'd grab that. But, "yum list|grep samba" gives me only version 3.0.33. Is there a package of Samba I can grab that will upgrade the 3.0 installation so that I don't have two laying around? If not and I need to compile from source, do you have any suggestions for what arguments I should give configure? I'm not used to Linux coming from the BSD world

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CentOS 5 :: Can External Sun UltraSCSI Ufs Disk Be Mounted On CentOS

Jun 26, 2011

I need to read information from SUN hard disks which are about a decade old. My CentOS 5.6 mount command comes from util-linux 2.13-pre7."mount -t ufs -o ufstype=sun /dev/sdb2 /New" reports "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ufs'", though its man page describes such settings.How could I read an external UltraSCSI hard disk (yes: high pitch noise and only 9 GB capacity) on a current CentOS? Is that possible at all?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: GPU Lockup After Upgrade From 11 To 12

Nov 19, 2009

I just upgraded from F11 to F12 and get this error:

[drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0 GPU lockup - switching to software fbcon

With Ctl-F2 I can switch to console and login, so the system is running.

"ps -ef | grep Xsession" shows constant changing pid for Xsession, so I guess Xsession is continuously being restarted for some reason.

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Fedora :: KVM/libvirtd Lockup Back In 13?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm not sure if this helps and I'm not sure how to tell anyone what I found, but was a problem in Fedora 10 and 11 were VM's running in KVM would lockup due to (disk or network) IO activity. The problem silently vanished as soon as I installed Fedora 12 as my VM. I upgraded my VM to Fedora 13 and the problem re-surfaced. Oddly, no other distributions seem to have this problem any more judging from Google. My configuration:Host = x86_64, 4 cores, Fedora 11VM = i686, 2 virtual cores, Fedora 10, 11, or 13 (Fedora 12 works)What worked for me was using only one core in my VM. Things have been stable for a few days now

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - CPU#0 Stuck For 61s?

Apr 30, 2010

I recently installed 10.4 on my laptop and I love it, so I wanted to install it on my desktop. It's a somewhat older computer, AMD3000+ nForce 2, 1.5 gigs of Ram and a Radeon x1650. Whenever I try to start the Live CD I get the error soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s and it doesn't continue.

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Ubuntu :: Application Lockup In OpenOffice?

Aug 2, 2010

There is a bad bug in OpenOffice that keeps giving me a hard lock. I can not even shut down the program, I need to force a reboot. I can make it happen repetitively. Anytime I am working on a presentation in OpenOffice Impress an am working with sound files this happens. If I am moving the sound file icon around on the slide it randomly locks up the file I have open. Another way is resizing the icon and it will also lock it up.

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Ubuntu :: Lockup When Moving Files?

Dec 17, 2010

After updating to 10.10, I started getting hard freezes on a regular (read: every 10 min.during use) basis. A bit of diagnosis showed me that it was only a problem during periods of intensive I/O activity (moving files, downloading, etc.).A bug report started with:BUG: soft lockup - CUP#0 stuck for 61s! [kswapd0:26]I reinstalled 9.04, and was able to successfully copy 15gb from one drive to another. I upgraded to 9.10, and copied it back.Upgraded to 10.04 and copied it again. 10.10, it copied a few mb and froze.

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Ubuntu :: Soft Lockup - Cannot Boot At All

Jul 30, 2011

I cannot boot into Ubuntu at all. I have two kernels installed, 2.6.35-28 and 2.6.35-30. The first thing that happened today was that I wasn't able to boot into the latter. I was shown the (in)famous "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s". At this point I could still boot into the 2.6.35-28 kernel. But after shutting down and starting again an hour later, I got the same message when trying to boot into 2.6.35-28. I have tried leaving out the boot options "splash" and "quiet" on both kernels and also adding in "noapic". No combination helps. Needless to say, booting into recovery mode doesn't work either. Up until today, I have been able to boot into both kernels with no problems.

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Slackware :: How To Trace Sporadic Lockup

Mar 23, 2010

Slackware 12.2.0,,ibm thinkpad a21m, current patches, xfce 4.6 laptop runs continuously uptime 261 days once till power outage it was running, opened the lid, couldnt get any response from xfce, tried to ssh but couldnt, checked logs after reboot, couldnt see anything weird, message log set a mark a few minutes before i powered down and rebooted is there anything else i can check for possible lock up?

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Slackware :: Lockup On -current On Laptop

Jun 8, 2011

I've been running a Dell Latitude D600 laptop on -current for a couple of months. After the last kernel update, I needed to switch to the non-SMP huge kernel due to lack of pae instructions.Since then, I've seen 2 complete lockups. They've both happened when it was sitting idle, and in both cases, Xfce is gone, and the console is spewing kernel messages faster than I can possibly read.

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CentOS 5 :: Add External HD To Updatedb?

Mar 21, 2009

I have been trying to find a solution for my problem but I can't find it.

Does anyone know how I can add my external HD (USB 400GB) to the "updatedb" so I can find files in my hard drive? code...

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Debian Installation :: Soft Lockup / CPU Stuck

Aug 18, 2015

i'm trying to Debian 8.1.0 on my notebook Acer Travelmate 2200. Currently i have very outdated version of Linux Mint. It works fine but I prefer keeping system updated. Only way to get updated system now is install new one, and here i have a problem. After CD/ISO booting, installation looking for a mountd devices, etc. then i got statement that CPU stuck for x sec. The same statement appears every 20sec. I was trying it on other linux distr's they give the same error. I didn't overclocked my notebook, his temp is ok. I'm working on it few hours each day, it didn't overheat. Someone told me thats bug of 2.6.x kernel but I'm trying install new system with 3.16.x.

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OpenSUSE :: Intermittent Lockup / System Freeze With 11.3?

Jul 19, 2010

I've just installed OpenSuse 11.3 on my two Sony Vaio VPCF11Z1E machines (which have a Geforce GT 330M graphics card).Both machines appear to setup correctly and behave normally, but at seemingly random intervals (of the order of magnitude of 15-30 minutes) the whole system locks up for no readily apparent reason. I can still move the mouse pointer around the screen, but I cannot click on anything, and the whole keyboard is unresponsive (including any reasonable ctrl-alt-xxx which might normally help). The only way to get out of this seems to be to press and hold the power button to shut the whole machine off (which is not ideal!)

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OpenSUSE :: LibreOffice Causes Very Severe System Lockup

Jul 2, 2011

I am not sure of which LibreOffice version I am using because I can't open the ****ed program. So here's what's happening: I start LibreOffice, my screen looks unusual (it tiles a section of the screen that is the same size as the LibreOffice window (I think) across both of my monitors) and my system locks up. I am unable to use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Ctrl+Alt+F1-F8, or any other keyboard combination. No mouse click registers and the cursor acts as if the mouse is in one location (if the system locked up with my cursor over a link, the cursor stays like that) BUT the mouse still moves. Also, if I am playing music when it locks up, I can continue to hear the music and the music continues to shuffle through my playlist.

I am able to access my machine normally through ssh and the only way I've been able to fix this is to hold down the power button or pull the power. I have not identified what action causes the system to lock up, the only thing I've noticed is that LibreOffice is open every time this happens (It's happened no matter if Writer or Calc is open). The system almost always locks up upon startup of LibreOffice if the recovery window pops up, otherwise it locks up at some point during my LibreOffice session no matter what. I have not touched LibreOffice on my other machine's openSUSE installation, so I don't know how reproducible the problem is. Let me know if you need any extra information or if there are any diagnostic commands I could run.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Soft Lockup: CPU# Stuck - 11.4

Mar 23, 2011

11.4 Boot Freeze That is there is a BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck message and the boot hangs.The modprobe/migration codes are not identical with the linked thread. I'm stuck with CPU#0 at [modprobe:138] and #1 stuck at [migration1:8]. Generally after 61 or 63s.

This is a zypper dup from latest 11.3.The machine boots with acpi=off, luckily. But I'd like to have it all working.The forum says I can't post attachments; hwinfo output seems a bit copious to quote inline. But I'd be happy to provide any additional info obviously.

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Ubuntu :: Setting EDITOR=emacs Causes Lockup

Jan 12, 2010

I'm putty'd into an Ubuntu server box and have EDITOR=emacs set. However whenever I run crontab -e my shell locks up.

I can use emacs normally by typing emacs from the command line, so I'm not sure what problem is. If I set EDITOR=vi I can run crontab -e and it opens in vi

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Software :: OpenOffice Writer Lockup - Error

Mar 6, 2011

I've just installed Scientific Linux 6 (equivalent to RHEL 6) with OpenOffice.org 3.2.1

If I click on a file to open it with Writer, the program locks up. If I run Writer first and load the file, all seems to be well. But if I launch Writer from the command line, I'm left with the error

The ? are my insertions, replacing invalid codes.

This happens with all text files, new or old. Has anyone else seen this, and is there any solution other than re-installing OpenOffice?

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CentOS 5 :: Samba PAM Authentication ?

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to play with /etc/pam.d/samba on Centos 5.6 (2.6.18-238.19.1.el5) but it seems that Samba is ignoring this file.


And samba authentication is still possible afterwards.

Default samba packages:

The package seems to be compiled with PAM enabled:

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: External USB DVD R/W Unrecognized?

Feb 1, 2010

Since some days ago, my external usb BenQ DVD R/W become unrecognizable by CentOS. It was recognized before.
During those days, I updated software packages, and later reinstall the whole system. I cannot remember the time point that the problem began to happen. Yestoday, my kernel version was still 2.6.18-164.10.1.el5, when I enter single user mode through Quote:(exit gnome) $ init 1

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CentOS 5 :: No External Speakers On Dell 980?

Sep 8, 2011

I have 10 dell 980s with centos 5.5 final on a closed network (I can't connect them to the internet).The internal speaker works but anything plugged into the front or back jack doesn't work.

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Debian Multimedia :: ALSA 1.0.23: System Lockup With E MU 0202

Mar 20, 2011

I have a E-MU 0202 USB soundcard that I want to use as a input for my Debian Squeeze 6.0.1. Stock squeeze (kernel 2.6.32-5-686, version 2.6.32-31) has alsa-driver 1.0.21 as kernel modules and alsa-utils 1.0.23. The E-MU needs 1.0.23+ alsa driver, with 1.0.21 it loads in alsa but is not functional (no input) So I tried to install the 1.0.23 modules with module assistant: m-a update && m-a prepare m-a a-i alsa I left all conf-files (like /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf) standard. When I now connect the E-MU device, my whole system becomes unresponsive (to keyboard/mouse), and I get the following messages in my console: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [modprobe:1292] Also, when I start top before connecting, I can see modprobe process taking 100% for a few minutes before system freezes completely. It did generate an oops once: [URL].... Does anybody here have any ideas how to get this working?

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