CentOS 5 :: Is There Configuration File For Console?

Mar 21, 2009

I wonder if there is a file containing configuration parameters of linux console.Currently I have to manually config console parameters every time.

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Upload Configuration File

Jun 28, 2010

I'm configuring a new public mail server running Centos 5.5 and Sendmail 8.13.8. I would like that the sendmail configuration is correct. The server will handle many domains using Virtualmin. Everyone can send mail only if authenticated, which I already tested.

How can I upload configuration file? I receive an error if try to upload a zip file.

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CentOS 5 :: X-Window For CentOS 5.1 \ Work With Console Only In Text Mode?

Dec 17, 2009

I`m looking for a a X-Window in CentOS. At the moment I work with console only in text mode

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Debian Configuration :: Default Colours In Console (no X)

Feb 13, 2011

I know that in an xterminal I can redefine the default colour with something like
URxvt.color1: rgb:cc/00/00
URxvt.color9: rgb:ef/29/29
Is it possible to do something similar in the Linux (framebuffer) console?

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Debian Configuration :: Change Resolution Of Console (tty)?

May 6, 2011

The resolution is OK in grub menu but after something is setting to higher value. How can i set it back to 640x480?

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Debian Configuration :: Image In Console Background (no X)?

Aug 24, 2011

I would like to put an image in the background of my console (tty) like done by Gentoo or Suse : I found several tracks to follow, but I would like to have your advice on the best way to do that for Debian.

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Software :: Console / Bash Configuration In Debian?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm trying Debian again just for fun after using Slackware for years. When I "su -" on Konsole in Debian I get this for my prompt:
darksaurian@darkswamp:~$ su -
darkswamp is my hostname that I made up when I installed. On Slackware I'm used to it saying:
or something like that.
I'm starting Konsole the same way on both:
konsole -e $SHELL -l
I kind of wish it still said "root" just because I'm used to it.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Keyboard Layout On Console?

Apr 9, 2010

I know there are many threads regarding this topic.I probably read most of them. At installation time I told Debian to use German keyboard layout (since I am from Germany). Now I want to switch it to American keyboard layout. In X this was no problem. But in the tty consoles I cant get it changed. It does not matter to me if it is system wide or user wide because I am the only user. (system wide would be a little bit more preferrable because it would affect the super user too, I think).I tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data
and selecting my desired layout. This changes the Layout to American until reboot

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Debian Configuration :: Xorg Affects Console Resolution?

Nov 2, 2010

I've been scouring the internet for an answer to this problem. I am using Squeeze and have properly configured Grub2 to set my console screen resolution to 1024x768x32 (as per updating /etc/default/grub to contain 'GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x32' and updating /etc/grub.d/00_header to contain 'set gfxpayload=keep') and everything works wonderfully. My resolution is set as it should be. However upon installing Xorg (aptitude install xorg ratpoison), my console resolution gets changed to what appears to be 1280x1024.

I thought that this was due to xrandr, however when I issue:

# xrandr -s 1024x768

only the X resolution is changed. When I then CTRL-ALT-F1 back to the console, the resolution is still at 1280x1024 (I am aware that xrandr only affects X, but I assumed that because my console resolution was correct before installing X there might have been some correlation).

I would like for my console resolution to stay at 1024x768 as per Grub2's configuration and for X's resolution to be at 1280x1024.

PS I also noticed that prior to installing Xorg, my CPU boots up without any screen blanking (only for a second or so). However, after installing Xorg, during the boot process the screen does blank briefly. It is at that time that the resolution gets changed to the 1280x1024 setting.

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Debian Configuration :: Console Only Version Wifi Setup?

Jan 23, 2011

I installed the base of Debian (only CD 1) without the desktop environment, so it is console only; also I am dual booting with Windows 7 x64 on this Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop... I have also successfully mounted my usb flash drive and CD drive; the one thing I am finding rather hectic is finding a way to connect to my wireless network with a "WPA2 Personal" Security and "TKIP/AES" Encryption with a Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card... I doubt that the drivers are actually installed, and Idk how to install them.Google searches on this yield confusing results, so I need help. So far, the most useful help I have found is the link posted here: http://en.community.dell.com/support-fo ... 29916.aspx but I have no idea on how to install that, if it is even what I need.

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Debian Configuration :: Root Password In Console Not Working?

Sep 4, 2011

Reinstalled Debian Squeeze (64bit/gnome) on my Notebook using Netinstall. Everything worked like always but in the setup instead of typing in a root password as asked to i just pressed enter (in the hope of not having to type in a pw in the console later, just having to press enter then)

When i needed rootpw to install some software (using SoftwareDownloader) the normal loginpw seemed to work, but not in the console.
ari@HP625:~$ su -
su: Authentication failure


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Debian Configuration :: Changing Console Keyboard Layout?

Sep 8, 2011

I just installed Debian 6 and need to change the console keyboard layout (I am not running any sort of gui).I installed 'console-data' and ran:# dpkg-reconfigure console-dataThis assigns my Apple keyboard keys perfectly but it won't survive a reboot, which is really important for entering passwords

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Debian Configuration :: Console Dims On Booting And Stays Dark

Oct 25, 2015

Since moving my debian server over to a Gigabyte H97N-WIFI motherboard the console dims on booting and generally stays dark. Strangely the screen the brightens up if I go to an emergency shell, but if the boot runs successfully I don't see the resulting login prompts. Also, during the boot process the messages to the console are too dark to see.

I've tried the i915.invert_brightness=1 fix mentioned here [URL].... but that seems to have no effect. I'm assuming that this has something to do with moving to intel graphics as my previous hardware had a radeon graphics card and didn't display this problem.

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Debian Configuration :: Blank Console Screen With 2.6.32-trunk-amd64?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm always getting a blank console screen after booting a 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 kernel in squeeze. I still can read the line "Loading, please wait ..." in the display for a second - then it's completely black until X windows is starting. When I try switching from the X console to another virtual console (by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 e. g.), the complete system freezes. I have to hard reboot then.When I boot the previous 2.6.32-3-amd64 kernel instead, everything is fine as expected, though.There's a line "GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768x16@60" in /etc/default/grub as well as a line "set gfxpayload=keep" in /etc/grub.d/00_header. So the problem might be framebuffer related in any way. Any ideas what could be tried?The system is a Latitude E6500 with a Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller

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Debian Configuration :: Going From Full-screen Console To Gnome Desktop?

Jan 13, 2011

This only started after the recent updates which included a lot of sysv stuff in Squeeze. I'm not talking the Gnome or Xwindows consoles, I'm talking the full-on type you get when you do the CTL-ALT-F2 type of console. before those updates, I had no trouble. Now I can't get back into the gui by pressing CTL-ALT-F7 as usual. All i get is just a black screen. I do have the nvidia proprietary driver installed using DKMS, and I am running the latest (I think) liquorix kernel.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't See System Start And Stop Message From Console After Install

Sep 26, 2015

After install debian 8, I can't see system start and stop message from console ... How can I enable system message from console in debain 8?

debian 7 output
root@demo:~# service apache2 restart
[ ok ] Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .

debian 8 output
root@demo:~# service apache2 restart
root@demo:~# <=============================== No message (start or stop)

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Grub2 Made Console Font Green

Apr 1, 2010

After an update on squeeze about a week or two ago, my console font turned green. I'm not exactly sure of the timing, because I switch between lenny and squeeze, and some time passed between the update and the reboot in squeeze.

During the update, I was asked if I wanted to keep my altered /etc/grub.d/00_header or take the package maintainer's version. I took the PM's version, knowing I'd lose my edit (set gfxpayload=1024x768x16). When I add that line to the new 00_header, run update-grub and reboot, the console font is the size I want, but it's a dull green. Reminds me of my first computer. How do I get it back to white and keep the 1024x768 resolution?

Currently booting with grub-legacy and chainloading grub2. If I boot entirely with grub-legacy, and pass vga=791, the console font will be white. It doesn't matter which kernel I use. Currently, I'm running 2.6.32-3-686. Same behavior exists if I use 2.6.30-2-686. If I use 1024x768x8 I get a dull gray instead of dull green.

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Debian Configuration :: Putting Console In Portrait Mode - (Screen Rotated)

Feb 15, 2011

I have my X11 setup configured to rotate 90s counterclockwise for a portrait monitor. But when the system turns on, it's in the framebuffer console which is set to landscape mode. Is there a way to set it so that even the console is rotated in portrait mode? I'd like to do this automatically.

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze X Login Stopped Working - Console Works

Mar 30, 2011

I have been using my system for couple of weeks, and normally update software when the icon is displayed on top bar (gnome). Last couple of days there were updates for X, and I am not sure whether that is the cause of my problem. Once bootup, I get the login screen. When enter the password the login screen keep coming back. there is no error about any password issue, or anything. It keeps prompt me to enter the password.

I could login back the following way.

1. ctrl + alt + F1 , and login with the same username/pwd as for X
2.change to root
3.pkill gdm3
4.exit from root to user privilege
5. startx

The system starts X correctly and no login screen is displayed. I could use the system as usual.

The only thing I did custom to my system was upgrading to the latest kernel (2.6.38) using the source. This was to get support for my hardware, but that was about a month ago. I do not see anything in /var/log (X, demesg etc).

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Backport Kernel 2.6.38 - Only A Console Login Prompt No GUI

May 22, 2011

I installed 2.6.38 from backports. It boots OK, and among the start-up messages it says it has started kdm, but then it offers only a console login prompt, no GUI. I assumed (perhaps optimistically?) that newer kernels would be backward-compatible, and that any dependencies on other software would be enforced by the package mechanisms. Running amd64, Squeeze, KDE.

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Debian Configuration :: Console Font Size Under Squeeze - Grub Screen Is Very Tiny

May 17, 2011

My Squeeze installation has the horrific 80x25 line display, and I cannot stand it. I know it can do better, because the grub screen is very tiny. I ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, but the offerings there aren't much better. I don't know what happened to the good ol' days of grub when all you had to do was pass vga=791 to the kernel to get a decent console size... but it seems they are gone.

I don't really understand this new v2 grub... I don't know why it was necessary to change how it was configured, when it seemed to work so exquisitely. how I would accomplish the functional equivalent of passing vga=791 (1024x768@75hz) to the kernel in grub

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Software :: CentOS 5.3 And MIT KRB5 "Improper Format Of Kerberos Configuration File"?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm trying to learn Kerberos and I'm doing so by following O'Reillys book. Kind of turn-off when things are not functioning properly when one follows instruction. It fails basically at the very beginning - creation of a new realm, when I execute the command:

kdb5_util create -s
I get the error message:

Quote:(null) Improper format of Kerberos configuration file while initializing Kerberos code I'm not finding anything in any log. My configuration files (followed by the book, but tweaked to my environment):



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OpenSUSE :: Errors Trying To Use Zypper (from Console) - GConf Error: Failed To Contact Configuration Server

Jun 30, 2011

i been getting errors when trying to use zypper from the console. This happens in 2 pcs, and errors seem to be the same,One has 11.4 + gnome 2, standar installation (with gnome) from 11.4 DVD. The error i get whenever i run something like zypper install xxxyyy.rpm or zypper update is:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

the other one, 11.4 with gnome 3 (clean install from live dvd):

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See GConf configuration system for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: The connection is closed)

I dont know if its related, but the one with gnome 3 constantly gives me (what i think is) a kernel panic when i shut down the system, it happens fast and the text on the screen is not "linear" but spread all over the screen, so i cant read the whole message, but it does say something about glib and corruption.This is actually the first time(s) ibe seen a kernel panic ever since i used ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Running On Samsung Q1EX - Working Configuration - Failed To Get Textmode Console

Sep 4, 2010

I needed to load Linux on a Samsung Q1Ex for a project I'm contracting on, and could not for the life of me get anything to run. Turns out that the video card is a chrome relative, and for some reason, almost every distro out there (I usually use debian for this sort of project - ie, no money, but use SLES at my day job) failed to even get to textmode console. Trying several distros, I finally put it out there and used OpenSuse and voila!, vga was working. After that, I got X running, and many hours later had the mouse working. The key to this device is Windows. I ended up parsing through the registry looking for "touch" and found that the software in use on Windows is eGalaxTouch. A quick google brought up their site where I found several Linux drivers. I used the beta mode drivers to get the mouse working. Here is a more detailed breakdown.

Use OpenSuse 11.3 (I used the full blown disc - its is the only distro I could get to boot correctly as the others all used OpenChrome, while OpenSuse seems to use fbdev - note here that installing the unichrome drivers will actually break X and cause you to have to reboot to get away from the mess on the screen). Use eGalaxyTouch drivers. The pdf's included in the download have step-by-step instructions but the big pieces are the setup.sh script and the serio_raw steps (note if you perform a 'hwinfo --bios | more' you can figure out which /dev/input/event* you're using - for me it was event1 and serio4). Note also to choose PS/2 when executing the setup.sh script provided in their download. eGalax_eMPIA Technology Inc. TouchKit Linux Driver Here is my xorg.conf now:

Section "ServerLayout"
InputDevice "EETI" "SendCoreEvents"
Identifier "X.org Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

On the video, just stay with the fbdev and you should be good. So far, I've had KDE, Gnome, TWM all running; and now have my EFL apps running! Woohoo! Next piece of the puzzle is to verify sound, but on the face of it, looks like the system recognized it off the bat. And of course one other note. 11.3 is going to make me a convert!

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Type Parantheses () In Console?

Dec 6, 2009

I have CentOS 5.4 installed within a Virtual machine using VMware 6.5. After my install I found that I couldn't type parentheses by pressing SHIFT+9 or SHIFT+0.

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CentOS 5 :: Error Unexpectedly After Some Configuration For Rsync And Folder Settings - Correct Configuration And Restart GDM

Oct 29, 2010

I am using Centos 5. I got one error unexpectedly after some configuration for rsync and folder settings. The error i am getting is "Serve Authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/gdm but does not exist. Please correct the configuration and restart GDM." after rebooting.

I tried to resolve the issue by setting permission for folder /var/gdm to 755. but the problem is still not resolved.

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Software :: RHGB On CentOS Minimal (Console)?

May 6, 2011

I have installed a CentOS server with no GUI. I am trying to get RHGB work on startup. I did:
yum install rhgb

It installed rhgb and vte. I added 'rhgb' to the line in my /boot/grub/menu.lst :
title CentOS (2.6.18-238.el5)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-238.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ quiet rhgb
initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-238.el5.img

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CentOS 5 :: Start A Xen Domain From Console With Xm Command

Apr 14, 2009

I need to start a xen domain from console with xm command but the 'new' sub command is missing?

[root@sambie xen]# xm new CENTOS-5.3-PDC
Error: Sub Command new not found!

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CentOS 5 Server :: Serial Console Does Not Work?

Apr 16, 2009

I configured the serial consol on centos5 as follows

# dmesg |grep tty
Kernel command line: ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8
serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A[code]......

But I could not consol Centos server from my labtop (win xp) Is there missing or wrong configurations ?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Displaying Error On Console ?

Feb 13, 2010

linux console always displaying the following error, is harddisk problem? it is using 1TB Seagate harddisk.

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