Debian Configuration :: Changing Console Keyboard Layout?

Sep 8, 2011

I just installed Debian 6 and need to change the console keyboard layout (I am not running any sort of gui).I installed 'console-data' and ran:# dpkg-reconfigure console-dataThis assigns my Apple keyboard keys perfectly but it won't survive a reboot, which is really important for entering passwords

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Keyboard Layout On Console?

Apr 9, 2010

I know there are many threads regarding this topic.I probably read most of them. At installation time I told Debian to use German keyboard layout (since I am from Germany). Now I want to switch it to American keyboard layout. In X this was no problem. But in the tty consoles I cant get it changed. It does not matter to me if it is system wide or user wide because I am the only user. (system wide would be a little bit more preferrable because it would affect the super user too, I think).I tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data
and selecting my desired layout. This changes the Layout to American until reboot

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Debian :: Console Keyboard Layout Not Set On Boot?

Jul 13, 2010

I have console only on my machine and I have two problems with it:

1) I can't find how to enable programmer dvorak keyboard layout.

2) All the console settings don't stay after reboot, I have to do dpkg-reconfigure console-setup again. But after I do that I loose russian layout that I normally can switch to with Alt+Shift.

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Debian :: Unreadable Characters In Console Mode And In Keyboard Layout?

Oct 10, 2010

I'm getting a weird charset problem in a chroot'ed system that I kexec'ed into. It is especially noticeable in ncurses programs like aptitude, but it also noticeable in vim. [URL] My locales are configured to en_US.UTF-8, I have choosen my keyboard layout with kbd-config while in the chroot before kexec'ing into it, I've passed the bootkbd= parameter to the kexec'ed kernel, and my TERM variable is set to "linux". I can't try xterm because this chroot system doesn't has X.

EDIT: I just noticed that the keyboard layout I selected is not working properly. All keys work fine except the ones that are specific to my country. Instead of ç I get a weird symbol.

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Debian Configuration :: Change To Norwegian Keyboard Layout

Oct 24, 2015

When I installed Debuntu i picked US as my country, and now when i try to change region/language/keyboard-layout to norwegian, Debuntu only suggests english. How can i install the Norwegian language pack to debuntu?

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Debian Configuration :: LIVE -> Customize Keyboard Layout?

Feb 3, 2011

I've Lenny and I've created a customized LIVE USB image with Swiss German keyboard layout using these commands:# lh config -b usb-hdd --bootappend-live "locales=de_CH.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=ch" --packages-list xfce

# lh_build An binary.img was successfully created, but if I boot from this image, then I still have default US keyboard under xfce.

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard Layout Used At Boot For Encrypted Filesystem?

Jun 28, 2011

how can I set the keyboard layout used by Debian to enter the password of my encrypted filesystem?

After my recent "aptitude upgrade", I have not been able to mount my encrypted filesystem anymore. I have discovered that the keyboard layout used to enter the password has changed. Problem is that with such layout I can't enter some of the characters composing the password. The encrypted filesystem looks intact, since I have been able to mount it and backup my files by means of a live CD. That means that I can edit any system file, if needed.

Every technique I have found to change layout cannot be employed in this case, since they rely on the system being up and running. I've tried editing /etc/default/keyboard, but that does not work.

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Ubuntu :: Switching Keyboard Layout In Console Only?

Feb 7, 2010

I am logging into an Ubuntu 8.04 machine using ssh, so I use a console. The keyboard layout is US-standard, obvioulsy. However, I would like to use french-canadian keyboard layout. And I don't know at all how to switch it in console. Give me Gnome or KDE, and we're done. But this is console only. I guess it has to do with the loadkeys command. Ok. I retrieved from the web a file Maybe ubuntu requires a different kind of file? Using "locate" I get nothing, except the file I have downloaded. Any package I should demand to be installed? (if yes, what do I do once they are in?) I tried using both the .gz and uncompressed files.


Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console


loadkeys -u
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console


They tell us about some program, console-data, using root privileges. Intriguing, but I am only a user, and do not have any root privileges. The system admin. has never used another keyboard layout, and knows even less than I on this matter. I tried similar stuff on my openSUSE at home, on a newly created experimental account, and I am equally unable to change within the console the keyboard layout (similar error messages).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change Console Keyboard Layout?

May 15, 2011

If I switch using CTRL-ALT-F1 to the console, then I have other keyboard layout than under Gnome Desktop. Howto change console keyboard layout?

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Slackware :: Get Rid Of Unicode Console Fonts And Keyboard Layout?

Nov 23, 2010

I use Slackware 13.1. So far I chose during the installation of the system lat2a-16.psfu.gz font and my applications worked well in console mode. Now the same applications with the same font display gridded rectangles instead of some diacritical characters. In /etc/rc.d/rc.font I have standard setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz command:



setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz

In /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap I have standard loadkeys command:



if [ -x /usr/bin/loadkeys ]; then /usr/bin/loadkeys; fi

Standard setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz command reports for some reason loading of the Unicode mapping table:

# setfont -v lat2a-16.psfu.gz


Loading 256-char 8x16 font from file /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat2a-16.psfu.gz
Loading Unicode mapping table...


I examined /etc/rc.d directory but I didn�t find the setting switching the console to the Unicode mode. The same with env and set commands outputs. I tried to overwrite Slackware 13.1 /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/lat2a-16.psfu.gz with lat2a-16.psfu.gz file provided in kbd packages from Slackware 12.2 and 11.0 but the results were the same. I suppose the problem is caused by improper handling of the system settings by the kernel but I�m not can I get rid of Unicode console font and keyboard layout and come back to ISO-8859-2 font and keyboard?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Layout Keep Changing?

May 9, 2010

my keyboard layout keep changing from windows to windows. When I am using my French keyboard, I set the keyboard to English and it doesn't make the change for all the open windows, despite having selected the "separate layout for each windows" unselected.Plus if I am in firefox with a French layout go to another windows and come back to the firefox windows, the layout is back to GBR.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Keyboard Layout In CLI ?

Sep 3, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server running on a VM. I'm accessing this system mainly remotely, and usually with a console connection. I export the output of some applications (like Skype, Google Chrome etc.) to my Windows desktop, where I run Xming as my X server. Everything works pretty neat, but... I can't change the keyboard layout, because the applications are running on the remote machine. So is there a way to change the keyboard layout in CLI?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot After Changing Keyboard Layout

Jul 8, 2010

When I installed Ubuntu on my laptop I selected English US (dead keys) as my keyboard layout, but a couple of days ago I decided to change it to English US (dead keys ALTGR) so I just went to the keyboard settings and added the layout, then deleted the old one "English US (dead keys)", logged out and selected the new one "English US (dead keys ALTGR)", logged back in and then restarted, and now I can't boot into Ubuntu, all I get is Grub but when I enter to Ubuntu I get a black screen and the Caps Lock light blinking.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Keyboard Layout On Server?

Jul 9, 2011

I decided to give Linux another chance and installed Ubuntu Server. During the setup, I was asked about my keyboard layout in a rather cumbersome way. I remember answering a number of questions and even having to type a few keys so that Ubuntu could guess the layout, rather than just letting me select "Swedish". But that's okay; Ubuntu guessed right and suggested me to use to Swedish layout.

After setup I was still left with some standard US layout. This deserves ranting about. I may have expected to run into some show-stopper this time too, but I never expected it to be something as fundamental as getting the keyboard layout right! Anyway, I googled and found the same suggested answer in many places:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup I ran it a few times now (selecting UTF-8 and Latin1 mostly), but it makes no difference. There is no setting for keyboard layout there, so I don't see why it would work. Are all server admins expected to get a US keyboard or what?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Keyboard Layout Or Defining New Hotkeys?

Dec 21, 2010

I use Persian language on my system and I really need two things:1. To define a custom layout for my keyboard. I am used to a layout that is not available in Ubuntu. Can I do that? (For example I need the system to enter a ****پ character instead of when I hit the backslash key)2. Defining a custom hotkey. I used a hotkey program in windows so I could enter no-space breaks with shift+space. Can I define that in Ubuntu

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General :: Changing Non-printing Keys In Keyboard Layout

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to write a new keyboard layout. I'm testing using Debian Squeeze and Kubuntu 11.04, both with KDE. It is important to solve this issue with a keyboard layout as opposed to playing with xmodmap or scancodes and keycodes because I need to leave other keyboard layouts intact and usable. For the time being the new layout is called Noah, implemented as a variant of US English. If this is done more easily by making whole new layout that is not a variant of another then I am willing to go that route.

First off, I am trying to move the Caps Lock key to the current location of the "B" Key. This is my code (the unshown parts of the files have not been touched):


The problem is that this configuration is also affecting the US English layout. When I press "B" the keyboard gives a B _and_ a Caps Lock! So typing I get output like this: "keybOARD". How do I restrict the B key to being Caps Lock only in the Noah layout?

Here is the homepage of the Noah layout: [url]

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OpenSUSE :: Keyboard Layout Changing Randomly - GNOME In Slovak Language

Jan 30, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 with default GNOME desktop and i'm facing issues with keyboard layouts, which are changing randomly. Problem is that i have GNOME in Slovak language and therefore has openSUSE set durring installation my keyboard layout to 'Slovak' but i always change it to 'Slovak QWERTY' which suits me better.
Problem is that randomly system adds back to my layouts which are 'Slovak QWERTY' and 'USA' also original 'Slovak' layout which was previously removed.

I must always manually remove this third layout and it's very frustrating. Many times on fresh system boot it's anyway back and so on and on... Where may lie the problem? Why is GNOME not respecting my settings? In Ubuntu i never have these basic issues. Are there on system boot some specific SUSE triggers which are overwriting my configuration?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Layout Changes Configuration Every Time?

May 10, 2011

I am having troubles with my keyboard layout. I am from Argentina and I use the spanish layout in my keyboard. The thing is that after a short time without writing (for example when watching a video) it changes the layout to the United States keyboard.Also, when I boot ubuntu, the keyboard layout is afghan (AR, the first layout). and I have to change it to the spanish one every time.

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Ubuntu :: Adding Spanish Language Keyboard Layout Disables Alt_R On USA Layout?

May 29, 2010

Running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, GNOME 2.3Keyboard Preferences utilityAdding any Spanish language keyboard layout makes my Alt_R not work in ANY layout! I see that it changes Alt_R to "Iso_L..." for all/both layouts, including USA layout. When I click "Reset to Defaults" it's fine again, USA layout shows Alt_R again. I've tried all the variants of the Latin American layout and the Spain layout and they all do the same thing.What is "ISO_L..." and what's going on?i DESPERATELY need my Alt_R to work!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keyboard Layout Constantly Resets To Another Layout In OSUSE 11.3?

Aug 9, 2010

I have installed opensuse 11.3 a couple of weeks ago in 2 computers and both suffer of the same problem.In my asus laptop, i have a german keyboard. It is correctly recogniced as german keyboard by ev-dev, i guess. (ev-dev managed). But i need to write some spanisch symbols too, like accents (ᠩ ? 񬠷hich in a normal linux, they do work. For some reason, after rebooting, or after some time of having it running, the keyboard layout resets to an invalid setup, here accents get not over the letter (?a ?e ?i ?o ?u), so i have to select my layout again in the gnome control center.

With my other computermore or less the same.Its a desktop PC with an spanisch keyboard. But i thinck i picked German keyboard during installation and now it starts always with german with some sort of 5 secs delay when setting it. I have to pick spanisch and i always delete the german layout, but after some time having it running, it resets to the previusly deleted german layout.

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Fedora :: Gnome Keyboard Layout Set To USA Default Layout After Upgrade From 11 To 12

Dec 2, 2009

having problems with my keyboard layout since upgrade from F11 to F12. When I reboot and login into gnome I have to switch back to my layout as it has been set to USA default layout.

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Debian :: Can't Scroll Up/down In Debian Installer (even After Changed Keyboard Layout)

Dec 1, 2010

when I finally wanted to install Debian to my hardrive. Somehow, how to copy it to USB drive and make it boot-able. Installation process started without problems, but it failed on step called (something like) "Find files in CD-ROM" - what was expectable, since I used USB drive. So I wanted to unmount "/cdrom" and mount my USB drive there instead. I moved to another terminal, and searched for right device. "ls /dev" does not help, since I can't scroll to see other devices. Also kernel messages - can't scroll. Tried to change keyboard layout, still didn't work. I also can't use less, because there is no apt-get installed. Another problem is, that after trying to mount only viewable device (/dev/sda1), mount failed bacause I gave there invalid argument, or directory didn't exist. (Note that I created directory in /mnt/... or /media/... first). So I am asking - how can I remap keyboard to use those page up/down keys?

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Debian :: Password Keyboard Layout In Chroot

Sep 18, 2015

I tried to install Debian on my MyBook Live NAS following this [URL] ..... I was as happy as a sandboy when the SSH login finally was reachable after the process which went through without any errors or problems. But thats not the end - my password is not accepted and so i can't login.

In more technical terms here's my question: I chrooted into a newly debootstrapped system and changed the password using simple 'passwd'. Having done that on another machine i could find out that there are no locales/keyboard settings applied. My guess is that in this case the default US(?) settings and the keyboard layout are used.

Not aware of any issue here i entered a password containing special characters like " and ! and @. After investigating further I found out that in the chroot environment my keyboard layout from the host is used, which is bad because i do not know what environment was set in the originally MyBook system. All the action was done via SSH using kitty.

Disassembly would be the last exit which i would like to avoid. What keyboard layouts are used in chroot without locales set AND which one is used in the openssh login prompt? Is there a way to enter the password in a <ALT> + x format?

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Debian Installation :: Custom Keyboard Layout On Jessie

May 23, 2015

I was using a custom layout for my keyboard as I've a UK laptop but still use french accents sometimes. After the update from Wheezy to Jessie my configs disappeared so I have put them back:

- Defining my layout here: /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/gb
- Adding here: /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.xml and here /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml in the gb configItem

Code: Select all       <variant>
            <description>English (UK with french accents)</description>

- Adding the declaration of the layout here /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst and here /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst

Code: Select all  accentsFR       gb: English (UK with french accents)

So everything looks alright, if I go to System Tools -> Preferences -> Settings -> Keyboard -> Input Source my layout is well selected and I can even see the correct layout by clicking on the keyboard icon (cf my snapshot)

Here is the snapshot of the keyboard input source settings: [URL]....

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Debian Multimedia :: General Way To Switch Keyboard Layout?

Nov 22, 2010

What is the general way to switch the keyboard layout?
What works for me currently is the custom Section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/kbd.conf.
However this section must include Option "Device" "/dev/input/by-path/..." which identifies the current keyboard. This works fine for my laptop keyboard.
However when I attach USB keyboard, keyboard switching does not work.
I also found somewhere it should be done via /etc/default/keyboard, but that does not work for me at all.

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Debian Installation :: Choosing A Default Keyboard Layout (simple-cdd)

Jan 27, 2010

i've just built my own debian distro with simple-cdd, based on the latest release of lenny. everything is working fine, except for:

first, i couldn't set a default keyboard layout up in preseed file. i tried all these settings below, but none of them worked:
console-data console-data/keymap/qwerty/layout select US american
console-data console-data/keymap/family select qwerty
console-common console-data/keymap/family select qwerty


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Debian :: Keyboard Layout Switches Accidentaly In Gnome - Lenny

Jan 4, 2010

I use czech QWERTZ keyboard layout, but sometimes it accidentaly switches to (probably) english or US qwerty, so I am unable to write our national characters (which share the keys with numbers on laptop), it writes Y instead of Z etc.

So I am unable to write normal text. I looked in keyboard settings, but it seems to be ok:

layout is "česko with <|> key" - HP Pavilion ZT11xx - this seems to be OK and it worked without problems before this accidental switch.

there is no other layout than the mentioned one and in Layout settings (hope this is correct as I have this in Czech) I unchecked all boxes in Layout switching.

I absolutely have no idea where is the problem. Maybe it is some keybinding but did not find anything which could do this.

I use Debian Lenny with added a11y apps like Orca etc. called Vinux. I tried to ask there, but currently wihout success.

The whole thread is here: [url]

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Change Keyboard Layout In Gnome 3 Classic

Jun 2, 2015

I installed Gnome 3 Classic but I can't change my input Gnome 3 I can but in Classic version I can't. In Gnome 3 I can see it beside the Clock but In Gnome 3 Classic it doesn't exist. How can I enable it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Enable Keyboard Layout Indicator In Gnome 3 Classic?

Jun 4, 2015

How can I enable "Keyboard layout indicator" in Gnome 3 Classic?

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Debian :: Lenny - Changing Console Font Size?

Dec 31, 2010

So I set up that OS I was talking about, everything I need, staying away from the "Startx" command, and it's working very very awesomely except for ONE little problem. The console font size is too big for me, and honestly I don't know how to change that. Coming out of Ubuntu, I'm realizing I don't know as much about config files as I think I do :P

Any way I can change the font size? When I use the GParted live cd, I see a line in the start up that mentions changing the frame buffer to 700 x 48 or something, I'll get specifics soon (computer's not on me) and it makes the font and everything just how I like it.

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