CentOS 5 Hardware :: Triple Boot Setup - IRQ Conflict

May 22, 2009

Basically I have a triple boot setup on a mac pro tower. Windows /osx /centos 5.3 everything was great until I tried setting up my Wacom. I did get it setup but in the process revealed a problem I was having that I didn't notice until this point. Mind you my system boots perfectly everything runs perfectly except I believe my DVDrom and rear usb ports are trying to share the same IRQ and from what it looks like they don't want to play nice with each other. Eventually CentOS kills the IRQ thus killing both devices. Everything works fine on the windows and mac osx side. I have tried unplugging and replugging the DVDROM, I wanted to try another ide channel but the motherboard only has one. I have changed the device from auto to master to slave. When the DVDROM is removed i have no IRQ errors in my dmesg. I forgot to add that adding IRQpoll to my grub boot pretty much destroys the system.... hard lock within 20 seconds of loging in. In CentOS, is there anyway that I can force the DVDROM to it's own IRQ?

[<ffffffff8000d346>] (ide_intr+0x0/0x1df)
[<ffffffff801e65ca>] (usb_hcd_irq+0x0/0x55)
Disabling IRQ #98
hda: lost interrupt
ide-cd: cmd 0x3 timed out
hda: lost interrupt
hda: request sense failure: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: request sense failure: error=0x54 { AbortedCommand LastFailedSense=0x05 }

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Ubuntu :: HDD Partition Setup For Triple Boot?

Nov 1, 2010

I've looked everywhere for a satisfactory answer, to no avail. I wish to triple boot xp/98/ubuntu 10.10. Is this an appropriate HDD setup? (it looks like this in partition magic pro srever 8.05)

*:SYSTEM........ NTFS......... primary ..........(for xp)
C:WIN98......... fat32 .........primary,active (for win98 )
*:UBUNTU....... LinuxExt3 ...Primary ..........(for Maverick Meerkat)
.........* Extended
............. *:SWAPSPACE2.... Linux swap .....logical
. ...........D: DATA................. fat32............. logical (for all things backup)

There is nothing on any of the drives at this point. (I am submitting this on a crappy 233mhz win95 laptop)

Here's the information i've gathered so far... Install in the following order: 98, XP, Ubuntu XP's drive label MUST be "SYSTEM" (I think?) Installing multiple os's is easy (i've read) if you hide unused partitions during install (ie. if installing XP, hide C:WIN98 and *:UBUNTU partitions) but i can only do this with FAT formats, and if i do that, the dirve letter changes, which is a problem (i suppose i could manually hide/unhide, and set active the partition I want at every boot-up....(Damn))

And here's a couple more questions SHOULD I make everything fat32? do they have to be primary to boot? ('98 on an inactive partition won't load) Once they are all installed... where do i put grub? Do i put it in first? Also, I deleted my dell utility partition to do this, is that a problem? (LOL, I have NO idea what I'm doing...Fck)

Like i said, finding information about the partition setup (logical/primary) is damn near impossible. Even if it's just a "Ya that'll do for a setup"

I'm gonna keep experimenting, since there's no longer anything to lose on my HDD, and i'll report back any improvements I come across

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CentOS 5 :: Clone Triple Boot HD?

May 6, 2009

just started a new gig and trying to push CentOS out as part of a triple boot option on our mac intels. i have done some google'ing but haven't come up with much. this would make the whole process 10X easier.

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Setup From Partition That Is Formatted During Setup

May 5, 2009

Here is a thought experiment:

1. Copy vmlinuz and initrd.img from isolinux subdir into /boot
2. Adjust grub.conf to boot to that kernel
3. Reboot to setup
4. Format /boot (actually '/' ) during "fresh install"
5. Proceed with the installation-over-network

I see two possible outcomes:

1. The setup fails to reformat the drive, because it is "in use" by boot kernel

2. The partition is not "in use" and the installation succeeds

Why? Old cluster with broken CD-drives, lacking USB, and no separate /boot partition.

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Hardware :: How To Do Triple Or Quad VGA Setup

Feb 8, 2011

I have a few 1U servers with one on-board VGA and one PCI slot (will install a dual vga card). I'd like to use three monitors at the same time to have a triple setup.I need to display 3 different websites from on system. My question is if Linux (fedora 14) will support three monitors? I found some old school dual vga pci cards for like $7.99-LOL.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Hosts File And Resolv.conf Conflict CentOS 5.5?

Apr 11, 2011

I am running an application that requires use of my /etc/hosts file. In it, I have my machine name and its LAN ip address. The program creates a service on a specific port, then attempts to connect to it based on the host name. So my hosts file has to be correct.I added the nameservers to resolv.conf and now my application will not run. My guess is that the computer is checking the name servers first, timing out then checking the hosts file.Is there a way I can tell the system to check the hosts file first, then DNS. I thought it should behave that way by default, but it does not appear to.

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CentOS 5 :: Error Installing Mod_ssl On Centos 5.7. A Package Conflict

Sep 23, 2011

Error installing mod_ssl on centos 5.7. Do not install the mod_ssl module says there is a package conflict, some way to fix it?. is a 64-bit


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Debian Multimedia :: Triple Monitor Setup On Wheezy

Apr 29, 2015

I have some very strange issues with my tripple monitor setup on debian wheezy. I have acer aspire V3 laptop with i915 Intel (Intel® HD Graphics 4000) as part of i3 and nvidia GT 740M which I never managed to get working with or without optimus to any degree whatsoever. What I want is a reliably working triple monitro setup. I have 2 additional DELL u2412m monitors which I did manage to get to work on few occasions by more or less randomly turning stuff on and off via lxrand and KDE systemsettings (so I do knwo for a fact that tripple monitor setup works). Arandr doesn't work, and executing xrandr from cmd doesn't work. I can relatively easily get the 2 monitors to mirror each other, but to get them to work separately is extremy difficult. It's always the same error but the well known crt. For example:

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1200 --pos 3840x0 --rotate normal
xrandr: Configure crtc 2 failed

xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1200 --rotate normal --right-of LVDS1
xrandr: Configure crtc 2 failed

When it did work I copied arandrs script in hopes it would work, but it doesn't. Obviously, here is the issue that the crtc can not be configured so if somoen could tell me why and how to get the damn thign to use a specific crtc it would be awesome. Also, I noticed that when I hit "identify monitors" in KDE systemtools, it would say VGA HDMI for both VGA and HDMI outputs.

Here is xrandr output from when it worked:

Code: Select allScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 5760 x 1200, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS1 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (0x46) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm
        Identifier: 0x42
        Timestamp:  143521
        Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
        Gamma:      1.0:1.0:1.0
        Brightness: 1.0

[Code] ......

Here is now:

Code: Select allScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3840 x 1200, maximum 8192 x 8192
LVDS1 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (0x46) normal (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm
        Identifier: 0x42
        Timestamp:  5817108
        Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
        Gamma:      1.0:1.0:1.0
        Brightness: 1.0

[Code] ....

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Hardware :: Some NVidia 8400s - Triple Monitors Setup?

Jan 21, 2010

I have been trying my little heart out to get triple monitors setup but I just cant seem to do it. So I have decided that I will quit out on my current video cards and pick up a few new ones and see where this takes me. The cost effective ones seemed to be some 8400s, one would be a PCI-express and one would be on the normal PCI but both are the same GPU. So with this setup would X be able to run all 3 screens with composting so I can run compiz and stuff. And have it one extended x session not 3 separate ones? Specifically I was looking at [URL].

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Fedora Hardware :: Triple-screen Setup With HD4870 + 8600GT?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a working two-monitor setup with an ATI HD4870 (Samsung 23" @ 1920x1080 and 20" @ 1600x900).I also have an nVidia 8600GT plugged into the secondary PCI-Express port that I use with a third monitor (17" @ 1280x1024) within Windows 7.I want this third monitor running in Linux as well. I have already tried installing the kmod-nvidia driver, but that screwed up my xorg.conf every boot, so I've reverted back to my old setup.What I'd ideally need is all three screens in a "big desktop" setup. My current xorg.conf is:


[craig@galileo ~]$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0


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CentOS 5 Networking :: IP Address Conflict Log?

Dec 4, 2009

I was particulary suprised to have nothing in my logs regarding an IP address conflict in Linux compared to the windows and its popup !Did I miss something in the logs ? Or is there someting to configure to have it ?Otherwise can I do something to have the date in the dmesg log file ?Here my story about this problem :My linux machine was monitored by Nagios so i've seen some Up/down/up/down phenomene when I came to work this morning. I tried to figured out what's wrong browsing the logs (messages & dmesg & mail/root)... but nothing usefull so far...Then I hearded that a collegue booted a old Windows machine the day before. I checked this machine and there was the classic windows popup regarding a IP address conflict! So that was the problem, the Windows machine have the same IP than de Linux box.I was particulary suprised to have nothing in my logs regarding an IP address conflict in Linux compared to the windows and its popup !Did I miss something in the logs ? Or is there someting to configure to have it ?Otherwise can I do something to have the date in the dmesg log file ?Linux : CentOS 5.4 64bitsWindows : Windows server 2003 32 bits

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Adaptec 1430sa Centos Do Not Boot After Initial Setup "grub"?

Nov 15, 2010

I am busy to do some tests using the Adaptec 1430sa hardware raid controler .I started the setup by generating the raid 1 aray and it worked ok .I did the regular setup of Cent Os 5.5 64 bits all worked ok but the system do not boot .When I start the box it enter the minimal grub screen .I tried to install a first time on the MBR like suggested and how it need to be done for soft raid setup .nd I tried to install it on the first cluster from the boot sequence like possible on second choice

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Ubuntu Installation :: Triple-Boot / Saying Can't Boot And Takes To A Startup Recovery?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a Computer, It came with Windows 7 64bit on it. I installed Ubuntu through WUBI. I used the Windows Disk Management program to resize my HDD. I shrunk the main drive and created a 20 gig free space. I installed WindowsXP on this 20g space. I had to change from AHCI to ATA. I started my new XP installation. As I should have expected my the screen that let me pick between Windows 7 and Ubuntu was gone, and it just said XP. Well thats cool. I get in XP use bcdeasy and use the install Win7 to mbr. So I restarted. Great I now I have Ubuntu and Win7... but no XP. So i think, okay, ill boot into Ubuntu, use the update grub command and XP will be there, so i do it and restart. No XP, So i try to boot into Win7 and see if i can do something in there.. No luck it says it can't boot and takes me to a startup recovery thing. Which, as Windows recovery things tend to do, doesn't find anything wrong. So I have Ubuntu now, which is great, but I do need Windows.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot From An External Drive / Set Up A Triple Boot?

Jan 4, 2010

does anyone know that if i can boot from an external hard drive with "openSUSE" installed on it?

how about FireWire, will it work?

i'm trying to set up a triple boot for me newly bought iMac.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Got Messed Up On Triple-boot System, Can't Boot Anything?

May 10, 2011

I'm currently on a work trip with my Asus G72GX laptop for non-work use (I'm posting from my work laptop). Yesterday, I accidentally booted into my laptop's recovery partition (from the Grub2 bootloader). Before I realized that that's what was happening, it booted into some kind of recovery program which ended up in an error. I restarted the laptop and couldn't get into the bootloader anymore. Now, the only thing that comes up is an error -- "error: unknown filesystem." Below that, it gives me the "grub rescue>" prompt. Most of the commands that sites list for grub rescue only return "Unknown command". ls works and lists all of my partitions: (hd0), (hd0,msdos, (hd0,msdos7), etc. down to msdos1. When I "ls (hd0,msdos" (etc, etc) it says "error: unknown filesystem."

I then started looking into booting from a Live Ubuntu USB drive. I've tried 11.04 and 10.04 now and they both do the same thing. I put them on an 8GB flash drive (only 1 at any given time) using Universal USB Installer and was able to get to the Ubuntu menu (Run Ubuntu from this USB, Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk, etc.) If I try either "Run Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu", the screen flickers and comes right back to that menu.BTW, my 3 operating systems are: Windows 7 HP 64-bit, Mythbuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Windows XP 32-bit. Laptop hardware: Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53GHz, 6GB RAM, Nvidia 8800 GTX video card.

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CentOS 5 :: KVM With Windows 2008 Guest - ACPI Conflict

Mar 12, 2009

Centos version: 2.6.18-92.el5
Processor:Intel Xeon L5420 Quad-Core
Guest OS:Windows Server 2008 Web

KVM is istalled using these instructions: [URL] When I run qemu-kvm to boot a VM off the Windows Install .iso with the -no-acpi parameter the VM displays the following:

Windows Boot Manager
Windows failed to start...
Status 0xc0000225
Info: Windows failed to load because the firmware (BIOS) is not ACPI compatible

Without the -no-acpi parameter, the Windows Server 2008 guest shows a blue screen with "stop: 0x000000A5" meaning "The ACPI Bios in this system is not fully compliant to the specification." [URL] 386/32bit and x86/64bit versions of CentOs both exhibit the problem. IT WORKS after I compiled and installed the latest versions of the Kernel ( and KVM (84) (Using these instructions: [URL] Following advice [URL] I really don't want to run a custom kernel. I compiled various KVM versions with the 2.6.18 kernel but still get the ACPI problem or compiler errors or "Hypervisor too old: KVM_CAP_USER_MEMORY extension not supported" How to get a Windows Server 2008 guest running in KVM on Centos?

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CentOS 5 :: Dependency Conflict With Latest MySQL And Dovecot

May 8, 2009

Running CentOS 5.3
Recently installed - manually, not with yum, the rpm distribution of the latest MySql (5.1.34) as I needed the latest version, not the one that YUM lists. I am now trying to set up (for the first time) an email server on the same system, and I have been led to believe that postfix and dovecot are the way to go. However when I try to install dovecot I get this:

Matched: dovecot
dovecot.i386 : Dovecot Secure imap server
[root@localhost ROOT]# yum install dovecot.i386
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* extras: mirror.trouble-free.net
* updates: www.gtlib.gatech.edu
* base: pubmirrors.reflected.net
* addons: mirrors.gigenet.com
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package dovecot.i386 0:1.0.7-7.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libmysqlclient.so.15(libmysqlclient_15) for package: dovecot
--> Processing Dependency: libmysqlclient.so.15 for package: dovecot
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mysql.i386 0:5.0.45-7.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Conflict: mysql conflicts MySQL
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
mysql-5.0.45-7.el5.i386 from base has depsolving problems
--> mysql conflicts with MySQL-server-community
Error: mysql conflicts with MySQL-server-community
[root@localhost ROOT]# yum deplist dovecot.i386

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CentOS 5 :: Apahce Document Root Location Conflict

May 21, 2009

I have a VPS (Mosso Cloud Server) that is administered and monitored by Platinum Server Mgmt. I have CentOS 5 and Apache 2.2 installed. I requested that my Document Root be set to /var/[URL] and also a subdomain setup to /var/[URL]. They responded by telling me that it would, "[This would] cause a problem with the permissions and that it will be a permissions conflict if you set them to /var/www/. For security and compatibility purposes, they should be in /home/username/.... It can be put anywhere in there." This is the first time I've been involved with any server administration, but while coding on numerous private vps's before, they had a setup similar to what I was requesting. Am I incorrect in my understanding of the previous situations and the Mgmt company is in fact correct?

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Software :: Triple Boot On Mac?

Jul 20, 2010

how to install Ubuntu 10.04 sixpac live cd released with July 2010 issue of Linux Magazine, on either mac triple boot or thru Virtual box. I already have Windows 7 on bootcamp partition of my macbook pro.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Triple Monitor Setup: X Crashes When Moving To The Second Graphics Card (third Monitor)

Oct 22, 2010

This is a triple-monitor setup with two video cards, where the mouse pointer gets "stuck" if it tries to cross from one video card to the next one. It worked correctly in openSUSE 11.2 and doesn't work in openSUSE 11.3 with the same xorg.conf. This is a 64-bit openSUSE 11.3 with xorg 7.5-11.3 (the openSUSE prepackaged version). I've already tried NVidia drivers 256.53-16.1 (the openSUSE NVidia repository version) and 260.19.12 (the latest off of the NVidia website).

This is the same xorg.conf that I used successfully in openSUSE 11.2. I tried a new automatically generated xorg.conf using nvidia-settings and it had the same problem. This forum won't let me upload the relevant files, but here: [URL] is a tar-ball with my xorg.conf, Xorg.*.log, /var/log/messages, and the NVidia debugging output.

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Ubuntu :: Triple Boot 9.10 / XP And Win7?

Jan 19, 2010

I've decided to triple boot on my system, but I want to make sure it's feasible. Here's my set-up: I've got two 500GB hard drives, and a good amount of power to handle the OS's. I want to set-up Ubuntu as my main OS on a single hard drive. Then, I want to put XP and 7 on the second hard drive, side-by-side. Obviously, I would then want a bootloader to display an option at system start to pick either one.

The reason I want all these is for gaming mainly, and Netflix. I've got old games that only work on XP, and some newer games are coming out that I'm sure will run better on Windows 7 (Starcraft 2 is going to be amazing!). I found this documentation: [URL]. It's obviously for dual booting Windows and Ubuntu. My question is, can I triple boot Ubuntu, Windows XP and Windows 7? If so (and I'm positive I can) are there any good resources for the process?

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Ubuntu :: Triple Boot With Opensuse 11.2?

Apr 5, 2010

i'm currently dual booting windows xp and ubuntu with ubuntu installed first. is it possible to triple boot with opensuse 11.2?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Conflict Exacerbated By BIOS Trauma?

Feb 6, 2010

i am using an USB keyboard and mouse. This is awkward because I cannot select which OS to boot from, etc.Also, cannot access BIOS to potentially turn on the legacy USB function. We do not have a ps/2 keyboard, and believe me, I looked. I acquired a usb to ps/2 adaptor: Still no joy. Also, the keyboard doesn't work within the virtual Ubuntu, while it did when connected without the adaptor. Getting my hands on a ps/2 keyboard is not an option. To get into Ubuntu, I had to, within Windows, tell the computer that the Live CD was a bootable drive, so that it would be the first option over Windows, and therefore the automatic selection when I didn't (couldn't) make one.


This leads me into the Ubuntu 9.10 install, where I am told Ubuntu is already on the computer (half of the hard drive, with Windows XP on the 2nd half), and I can either install 9.10 beside it, or replace it. If I choose to replace it, 9.10 takes over the entire 40 GB. Part of the problem is that the partition that Ubuntu is apparently on is /dev/sda1, and Windows XP is /dev/sda2, but within the Palimpsest Disk Utility:

20 GB File System
NTFS File System
Partition 1 (HPFS/NTFS (0x07))
20 GB File Unrecognized
Partition 2 (Linux (0x83))

So I'm worried that if I install 9.10 in /dev/sda1 like it wants me to, I'll be losing XP.

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Debian :: Macbookpro, Triple Boot And Partioning?

Aug 15, 2010

I have a working system with triple boot (Macos, Debian and Windows Xp).I have total 4 partitions, EFI, Macos, Linux Ext3 and Windows Ntfs. At this point I want to split my Windows partition and turn into the new user "Home" partition. I vaguely remember that there might have been some limitations with number of partitions regarding multiple boot schemes. Does anyone have an idea if there would be any problem if I go ahead and split my Windows partition and end up with 5 total partitions on this laptop?

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Fedora Installation :: Triple Boot With Three Drives

Mar 11, 2009

I have a dual boot with vista on disk 0 and ubuntu on disk1. I just installed a disk 2 that I would like to use to try out other distros. Ubuntu is the only linux experience I have had. I'm really not very good at all of this, so my questions before I start loading another distro are:

1. Does Fedora use GRUB as its installer?
2. When I installed ubuntu on disk 1 (sdb1), the install was very simple. I chose sdb1 for the install, it loaded it, and when it was done I simply had the choice of which drive to boot into. Will installing Fedora on disk 2 (sdc1) be just as simple, or will I encounter steps I must take to make it so that I have a choice of which disk/OS to boot into?

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Fedora Installation :: Triple Boot Vista 11 - 64 Bit And 11 - 32 Bit

Oct 2, 2009

I have a windows vista and fedora 11 64 bit dual boot. my diskstructure is as follows:

I have a swap of 6 gb.

I dont want to loose any of my existing OS's.

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Fedora :: Resize Partition For Triple Boot?

Oct 5, 2009

I have Vista and F11 dual booted on my system. I wan't to resize Fedora(I think Vista has already been shrunk as far as It can) and install Debian as a third OS. Fedora takes up all the free space and I am only using a small amount of the partition. I am not sure of the best way to do this. Can I boot the Debian live cd and resize Fedora at the partion step? Or do I need to boot a live F11 cd, repartition and then boot the debian cd? Or is there a better way?

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Fedora Installation :: Triple Boot - Win7 / XP And F12

Jan 27, 2010

I am a linux newbie, I have messed with it some (backtrack) but I don't know a whole lot. I am going to networking security and I am in a linux class now. We are using fedora. On my laptop, I want to triple boot. Right now I have just 1 partition, with windows 7 ultimate x64 installed. I want to triple boot windows 7, windows xp x64, and fedora 12 x64. I am getting ready to format my laptop now with xp installing first. Then I will do windows 7, and then lastly fedora. Do I need to do anything special while installing fedora last? I have a 300gb hard drive, and I plan on having 100 for xp, 150 for 7, and the remainder for fedora.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Triple Boot The System?

May 25, 2010

i am using windows7 and ubuntu 10.04 in my system and dual booting... now i wanna install fedora 13 along with it ans make it triple boot... so can one pls help me in this process as i havent installed fedora before and i wanna be safe and dont want to loose my Grub or windows bootloader in this process

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Triple Boot(OS X, Vista)?

Nov 30, 2009

i'm trying to make my imac capable of triple boot.the software i use are:

mac os x 10.5.8
win vista sp1
linux opensuse 11.2


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