I have tried to mount Sda on my laptop HP dv6 and I have got this problem [root@cpe-74-71-125-175 ~]# /dev/sda1 /mymount/win ntfs-3g rw,umask=0000,defaults 0 0 bash: /dev/sda1: Permission denied
I'm trying to run a backup using CPIO to an LTO2 tape in an HP Ultrium 460 drive using the following:find / -path /proc -prune -o -print | cpio -o -H crc --block-size=128 > /dev/st0Each time I get the error:-bash: /dev/st0: Permission deniedThis is regardless of whether I sudo the two sides of the command or not. I have used dd if=/dev/st0 of=/tmp/test.file ibs=128k count=1 to verify the blocksize (and since I was a little confused about block-size in cpio I also tried --block-size=256)
i have a big question about nfsv4, 2 mahine , 1 client 1 serverclient mount -t nfs4 nfs:/ /mnt/nfscd /mnt/nfs/1touch: cannot touch `123': Permission deniedmount -lnfs:/ on /mnt/nfs type nfs4rw,addr= is my configclient & servervi /etc/hosts192.168.1.5 nfs nfs.test.com192.168.1.6 node1 node1.test.com
I tried to execute the following command: $ ./eval_online_wiki.ml -db_user aa -db_pass bb -db_name cc It returned as follows: bash: ./eval_online_wiki.ml: Permission denied What does this mean? How to solve the problem? Actually, I was following a README, and it says "$ ./eval_online_wiki -db_user <username> -db_pass <pwd> -db_name <db_name>"
trouble when I log in the fedora as a normal user(not root) today. When I fill the username and the password press enter key. Then pop up a little window locate at topleft corner. And have one line message : "/usr/bin/xterm : Could not exec /bin/bash : Permission Denied"hen I log in as root, it's ok. And when I open shell and type "su username" then the console print "su: /bin/bash: Permission denied"I have checked the perms of "/bin/bash" , it's 755. And I have tried all things which suggested from articles searched through Google. like change / or /root and other directory's permissions but failed
[root@mail tmp]# ./PE1650_RAID_FRMW_LX_R168387.BIN-bash: ./PE1650_RAID_FRMW_LX_R168387.BIN: Permission deniedalso get it when trying to run[root@mail tmp]# ./ESM_FRMW_LX_A37_R117418.BIN-bash: ./ESM_FRMW_LX_A37_R117418.BIN: Permission denied
I've been using Digikam and it's a huge blow to my system memory. Even after quitting I still feel my computer to be slightly slower. I tried running the commands from [URL] but I get this instead
Firstly, i'm NEW to Linux and my very first time with DSL. I'm installing this on an older Dell Latitude laptop.
I just finally got the DSL installed on my HDD successfully and then I added feh to start and run at start up, then I rebooted and now i'm getting this error: No, directory, logging in with HOME=/ -bash: cd: /home/dsl: Permission denied
I have tried reading numerous websites but none explains to the level whereby I can understand. I even tried rebooting from the CD, but could not figure out how/what to do next?
The question is, can someone explain how I can use the DSL CD to try to correct this error. More importantly, can you explain in layman terms so that I can actually put it good use.
Also, some additional questions I have....when you download a file where does it save to?
I'm in trouble when I log in the fedora as a normal user(not root) today. When I fill the username and the password press enter key. Then pop up a little window locate at top left corner. And have one line message : "/usr/bin/xterm : Could not exec /bin/bash : Permission Denied" Then I log in as root, it's ok. And when I open shell and type "su username" then the console print "su: /bin/bash: Permission denied" I have checked the perms of "/bin/bash" , it's 755. And I have tried all things which suggested from articles searched through Google. like change / or /root and other directory's permissions but failed.
I have tried changing permissions and I have looked for a solution, but the error still exists.In fact it gives me a different error every time I log in.
Could not chdir to home directory /home/rb27: Permission denied
here is a snippet of what I get when I use the command ls -al:
I am writing a bash script to run everyday and output results to a file. When the same results are produced i want to overwrite the line from the previous day. (Or remove and add). So if the script finds a variable in a line. i want it to output the results to that line . sed -i did not work for me; sed: couldn't open temporary file ./sedTvOCEg: Permission denied
I just set up a storage server with NFS sharing. Everything work fine but, when trying to mount the remote partition on my ws, this is the issue: /usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Permission denied /usr/sbin/start-statd: line 8: /sbin/rpc.statd: Success mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking. mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
I tried so to mount it locally : mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting localhost:/var/ftp/pub /mnt I don't think it depends because of the permiss of the directory, and anyway it's 1777.
When trying to mount samba share off of domain member server sysimage in Windows receive error "There are currently no logon servers available to service this logon request". When trying to mount.cifs from PDC to samba share on sysimage receive error "mount error(13): Permission denied".
PDC is ClearOS 5.2 named "dc0" Samba file server is CentOS 5.5 x86_64 named "sysimage" dc0 Samba version is samba - 3.5.5-1.1.v5.i386 sysimage Samba version is samba-3.0.33-3.29.el5_5.1.x86_64
dc0 is configured correctly to my knowledge, windows machines can join domain, domain users can log into windows machines, user directories are mapped properly, logon scripts run properly. sysimage ldap authentication is set up as shown in "Procedure 7.1.
I cant install Ubuntu 11.04 , on my Emachines laptop. On my Windows 7, When I boot up my USB/CD/card, it says: Ubuntu failed to mount dev/loop0 , something like that everytime, no matter what I do. And when I try wubi it says permission denied, .log filed saved. I've also mounted it using clonedrive, nothing works.
Mount a Windows share where my user account has admin privileges. All permissions granted to the share on the windows pc side.Mount statement is as follows:sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=johndoe //winname/directoryname /mnt/tmp/Share mounts ok but does not let me create or write to an existing file. When I select Properties on the directory it says that permissions are unknown on the share looking at it from Ubuntu.
I have created a new file system (fuse) which works fine and is mounted in the local host. I want to be able to mount it from another host. I added it to /ect/exports: /mnt/ltfs *(rw,sync) And restarted nfs. Then from my client host I type:
mount -t nfs myHostName:/mnt/ltfs /mnt/data1
Where /mnt/ltfs is on my local host and /mnt/data1 is on the client host. Note that this is a "FUSE" file system so here is it's local "mount" output: ltfs on /mnt/ltfs type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,default_permissions,allow_other) Note thet this is of type "ltfs" but I am told that it should work like its a nfs. ltfs uses fuse under the covers.
I'm trying to setup a network boot server and I'm having an issue with tftp. In the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file, I added the "-v" (verbose) option to the server arg line so that i could figure out what was happening. When i looked at the /var/log/messages log file, it let me know that permission was denied to /tftpboot/nbi_img.
So, in short, my problem is that tftp isn't working because it doesn't have permission to /tftpboot/nbi_img. I can't figure out why. I stumbled upon a site where the user figured out a temporary fix to this issue and what he did was disabled the xinetd service and typed the following command:/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -l -v -v -s /tftpboot/nbi_imgWhen I do this as well, it works! but only until I restart and then I have to do that again. Is there a way to be able to fix that for good?
I have my DNS configure in 2 zones. 1 internal, and the other external. DNS is chrooted under /var/named/chroot amd has been operating without any problems for well over 2 years now. I have recently run cross the problem shown in the subject line. When I try to freeze the internal dehnert.com zone with the following command...rndc freeze dehnert.com IN internal
I get the error...
I have been running the command as root, and with iptables turned off, so there is no firewall to restricting access. (the system sits behind a firewall) I have been searching the forums all over, but I havent run across what might be causing me to have root denied access. If anyone has seen any problem like this, please point me in the right direction so I can iron this out.
I am trying to wade through the semanage jungle to get permissions for a tftp client. I followed the HowTos [URL] but I get the following at the client:
tftp> status Connected to Mode: netascii Verbose: off Tracing: off Rexmt-interval: 5 seconds, Max-timeout: 25 seconds tftp> get hello.o4 tftp: hello.o4: Permission denied
I finally figured out that the firewall directives shown at the end of the HowTo refer to semanage although the options are stated incorrectly according to the man page for semanage. I did insure that the file hello.o4 in /tftpboot has read permission for everybody.
I want to install Codendi softwr to my Centos 5.3.But can not execute the installation script gives an error permission denied./etc/fstab file does not contain a path that holds my CDROM drive.
I have 3rd party software that I need to install. It is called VNMRJ. It is packed as one .tar. I extracted the .tar to the desktop (under root) and want to start the installation. However, during the installation process, all .tar files included the the package (sub directories) can't be extracted by the installation routine. For every .tar I get the error
tar: /root/Desktop/vnmrj21b_inova_01106/code/common/com.tar: Cannot open: Permission denied Installation of VNMR failed tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now DONE: 112 KB
I've got a 250gig removable drive mounted on my Lucid 10.04. I'm having a problem deleting files. It starts by saying "Cannot move file to trash. Do you want to delete immediately". So I click Delete. Then I get "Error removing file: Input/output error"...and my files stay. This is the last grasp Windows has on my household :/ This is on my media machine and I'm converting it this weekend...but I'm trying to backup some stuff on this drive which is still on the old Windows partitioning and formatting. I just need to delete some larger files to make room for my new backups
I have a cgi script that tries to get the IP address of a domain. the Domain is defined in Bind, yet it can not resolve it. I put the domain in the host file and it then gives a Error: unable to create socket - Permission denied
I figure I have to do some code changes to the script but here I would like an explaination as to the error I am getting.