CentOS 5 :: Can Treason Uncloaked Cause Unresponsive Network

Apr 15, 2010

I've seen these Treason uncloaked warnings numerous times in dmesg on several of our web servers for the past I don't know how many years. I've always thought them to be harmless since the line always ends in repaired and nothing bad ever happened. However, twice now this week with two different servers these Treason uncloaked occurrences have closed communication through one network card.

I have a set of 4 dell blades each with 4 nics running CentOS 5.4 kernel version 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 x86_64. eth0 and eth2 are bonded (bond0) in active-standby mode, eth0 active. eth1 and eth3 are bonded (bond1) in active-standby mode, eth1 active. bond0 connects to a 192.168.1 network and receives web traffic while bond1 lies on a 10.1.1 network and talks to our database server network. Tomcat and apache are used to serve our web application. Each time on both servers bond1 lost communication to anything on the 10.1.1 network and anything on that network couldn't ping it.

Now I realize that there was a kernel update since that version that was running at the time this happened and a full system update was performed just today on all the servers. I guess my question is how could that have affected the bond1 device when the Treason originated on bond0, if indeed it was Treason uncloaked that did it?

TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9527/443 shrinks window 28125186:28141158. Repaired.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Unresponsive To Network Requests Every Couple Days?

Jan 7, 2010

I upgraded to Mythbuntu 9.10 from 8.10 and things went fairly well. No major problems during the upgrade. The system is just a mythbackend server. The only things that access it are for myth and for the smb mounts for mythtv. Every couple days, the system stops responding to network traffic. No myth connection, no smb, no pings even. All I have to do is wiggle the mouse on the system and everything comes back up instantly. I noticed that after it comes back up, the time is off by hours.

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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive Menu Items In Network Manager Applet

Feb 1, 2011

I've noticed an issue since the last 10.10 update with the network manager applet. When I first start gnome, the network manager works fine. However after some length of time or trigger that I don't fully understand yet, it ceases to function any more. None of the menu items respond. The issue does not seem to be with the actual networking system as I can connect to the internet, ssh, etc fine. I can restart the applet like so:

killall nm-applet
/etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart

But it will eventually return. Is anyone else having this issue? I am running 10.10 on an Asus ul30a with Gnome

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Why Is Eth0 Unresponsive Until "save Changed Settings"

Nov 19, 2010

Whenever I boot up CentOS 5,eth0 provides no connection to the internet . Deactivating and reactivating it does nothing. However, when I go to edit its settings and change nothing, then save and reactivate, connectivity is established.Why can't I get connectivity at startup?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure Server1 To Have A Different Hostname On The Standard Network Than On The Virtual Network?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a server that is on both a standard network and a virtual network, as follows: server1 attached to standard network server1 acting as Dom0 with two linux DomU guests (under Xen) I only have one network card. How do I configure server1 to have a different hostname on the standard network than on the virtual network? Here are the relevant network configuration files for server1:



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CentOS 5 Networking :: Setup A Network To Network VPN Tunnel Between Our Main Office And A Temporary Location?

Aug 12, 2009

I am attempting to setup a network to network VPN tunnel between our main office and a temporary location. This location need full VPN access back to the main office's network.Anyhow we have spent about 3 solid days attempting to make this work without any great success. Here is our network scheme for these two devices.

Network A (Main Office) (OpenBSD using isakmpd)
External IP: (obviously not the real IP)[code].....

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Cannot Get CentOS 5 And Agere Et131x Network Card To Work?

May 1, 2009

I just have CentOS installed and cannot get the Agere et131x network card to work.I have tried the following:Reboot the computer and still did not see the network hardware.



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CentOS 5 Networking :: CentOS 5.3 And Atheros AR928x - Wireless Network?

May 12, 2009

I have installed CentOS 5.3, and updated with yum update. I have kernel 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5xen.

I can't get my wirelss network to work, I have AR928X wireles network adapter.

Do I need to install a newer kernel and install ath9k or can I just downlad a driver without updating the kernel?

I'm new to CetOS and Linux so I hope someone kan give me a step by step guide to what I can do!

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CentOS 5 Networking :: CentOS Does Not Acknowlege Hawking RT-73 USB Network Card?

Aug 25, 2010

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit, to CentOS 5.5 64-bit and my RT-73 USB network card doesn't seem to want to function. It always worked fine in Ubuntu by default (plug and play). Is there some setting I need to make to get this working?Even BT-3 (which is quite old) recognizes the RT-73.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Is 100% Unresponsive?

Jan 29, 2011

I installed the Unity Desktop Env. to play around with it on my wubi installation of Ubuntu 10.10. I have the log in screen disabled as well as the grub menu so it launches right into Ubuntu. I logged out and logged back in under Unity and could move the mouse but nothing would happen. I have gnome-panels disabled as well so alt f2 wont work even in my gnome DE. By disabling the log in screen and the grub menu have I painted myself into a corner so to speak and made this installation completely unrecoverable?

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Fedora :: 13 Becomes Unresponsive When Too Many Applications Running?

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Fedora 13 64bit on Dell Vostro full 4GB RAM system with default Gnome GUI.

This is very annoying problem that I don't how to fix except by rebooting the whole PC.

When I have too many applications running ( like browser windows), the system start acting sluggish. The fist symptoms appear in Eclipse IDE which becomes so terrible it just becomes frozen for sometime one whole minute after I try to edit something in the editor. Then Firefox seems like it has crashed. Google Chrome becomes very unresponsive as well. All GUI applications including File manager becomes unresponsive.
When I check System Monitor, the CPU is still around 20% and memory is at 80% but the system seems getting fried up. This progressively becomes worse until I soft reboot it or if I dont do it evetually the whole system is fried, no response to any keyboard key or mouse and I have to hit the hardware turn off button.

I regularly yum update the system but this makes no difference.

Please don't tell not to run too many applications because I need those for my work. I thought Linux is well designed Operating System but I am very disappointed so far.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Becomes Unresponsive Just After Login

May 27, 2011

The problem is sometimes my PC becomes unresponsive right after I login.

>> The HDD led keeps glowing

>> Difficulty in moving the mouse pointer

The I do CTRL+ALT+F<fn1-6> & finally CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot ........the reboot process takes a long time too.

After I reboot everything becomes normal again.

This doesn't happen on every login.

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Ubuntu :: Close The Unresponsive Programs?

Feb 23, 2010

when my PC hangs my terminal do not open and it is not possible to go to System->Administration->System Monitor and close the unresponsive programs. Is there any way to close the unresponsive programs?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installer Becomes Unresponsive

Mar 25, 2010

I have installed and run Ubuntu on my iMac, now I would like to try Kubuntu but the installer hangs every time inbetween step 1 setting language and step 2 choosing time zone. Sometimes it's while the system clock is being set, sometimes after. It's just the installer that is locked up, I can still move the cursor but because the installer is fullscreen I cannot get out of it, at least not that I know of.

I have made two different desktop CDs from two different ISOs and both gave the same exact behaviour. I think I prefer Kubuntu to Ubuntu but I haven't really been able to give it a try.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Unresponsive Terminal ?

Apr 4, 2010

For some strange reason my gnome-terminal has become really slow and unresponsive.If I type anything on the terminal I have to wait a few seconds before anything appears on the terminal.Memory or cpu is not the problem. Currently I am using only about 20% of my CPU:s and 15% of my RAM..Booting didn't help.Lucky this doesnt happen in openoffice, firefox or gedit. (which I need most)and I am running 9.10, which has last been updated about a week ago.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Koala 9.10 Unresponsive UI?

Apr 21, 2010

On Dell Inspiron 9200, with or without accelerator for NVIDEA graphics. P.S. I would like to give 9.10 a chance. have gedit and browser open (browser with the forum message being edited), then do the following:

1.This example demonstrates one problem (unresponsive single click) Use the System-->Preferences-->Mouse

Click repeatedly on the light bulb at 1 second interval ---> result: often the light does not turn on. Result: it appears that the click event does not complete. I have noticed that a mouse-out will cause the click to complete (specifically as in 2. and 3 after a brief moment (hopefully before the drag and drop icon appears).

2. Click on any icon, submit button, close, etc. takes many tries.

3. Click on any icon, panel button, link, etc. if you linger a moment a floating icon (a drag and drop hand).

4. Scrollbar button and action follow the mouse outside of the scrollbar. The scrollbar sticks - difficult to make scrollbar stop following the mouse.

5. Example, have two visible windows (for example gedit and the browser) From gedit move to browser by click on browser. ---> result takes forever to recognise the focus and click and go to the broser.

6. Unresponsive UI. In browser highlight text in textarea (with difficulty) then chose Copy (slow UI), from this window click on desktop's Applications (takes many clicks to open), from Accessories click on gedit (slow or takes more than one try), paste (speed of paste OK).


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Unresponsive, Can't Reinstall?

Jun 16, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, and most things appear to be fine. However, after a day or two of inactivity (apart from remotely logging in for SSH), the computer goes into a state where the screen is blank and it is unresponsive (and no longer allows access by SSH, FTP, or SVN server access). I have to reboot the computer to use it again, which I can't always do when I'm traveling. I inquired about this previously -but I'm convinced the solution may be more complicated than suggested because I don't have compiz turned on and the computer's power management is already set so that it's never supposed to sleep. I tried to install 10.04 fresh from a Live CD, but it freezes where it asks me how I want to use my partitions so I can't even reinstall

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Ubuntu :: Interface Unresponsive After Update?

Jul 8, 2010

After an update (and a restart), everything has become extremely sluggish to respond to my mouse and keyboard. It takes around 6 seconds to change a tab in Firefox, even changing windows will take 2 seconds before the new window will respond to typing (anything I type in the meantime simply doesn't appear).

Here is Synaptic's history from yesterday, I was wondering if any of the version numbers look off to somebody, or if somebody knows which is the offending package:

Commit Log for Wed Jul 7 17:20:30 2010


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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive System Due To Beam.smp?

Sep 29, 2010

From time to time my system will practically lock up. During these times there is near constant hard disk access, and applications will quit responding for 10-30 seconds at a time.Looking in the processes of System monitor it appears that beam.smp is the culprit, during these times it is using 80-95% cpu and between 2 and 3.5GB or RAM (I have 4GB total).It appears to be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...ng/+bug/458453I am using Ubuntu 10.04, 64-bit. I am also relatively current on my updates (I think the last updates I did were about three days ago).Judging from the comments, though it looks as if it was fixed back in May.I don't know if it matters, but the only thing I use evolution for it its integration to gnome-pilot to sync my old Palm m130.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Unresponsive For 20 Seconds Every Day

Nov 7, 2010

Almost every day, for around 15-20 seconds, my computer becomes unresponsive, while the hard disk makes a strange periodic sound (period ~2 seconds, half of it the sound suggests very intense disk activity, the other half - normal disk activity), and the hard disk LED stays on (not flashing, just on). I ran manually all scripts in the /etc/cron.* folders. Only the mlocate script seemed to cause higher than normal disk activity (but still low enough to not cause problems). I still disabled it, but the problem persists.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freezes Up / Randomly Becomes Unresponsive

Dec 16, 2010

Two fresh installs of maverick meerkat on my laptop. Both times, problems started immediately. Playing media files, web browsing with a few tabs, or running bittorrnet freezes my humble system.

At some point or another during a lockup, the active programs running use up all of my CPU and a sizable chunk of RAM. Then after a few minutes, it stops and goes back to running normally for a bit. There seems to be no common element that sparks this behavior. Anything I do causes my computer to freeze for 2 minutes. It seems to be a common issue as well, and I've been unable to resolve this substantial problem. Is there some bugfix I am missing?

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Ubuntu :: Several Office Files That Are Unresponsive?

Dec 28, 2010

I have several Office files that are unresponsive, how do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Has Stopped And Is Unresponsive

Mar 7, 2011

I'm writing this from the OS running off the live CD for 10.10. I'm installing this to a Dell 1501 over 2 Ghtz processor, 1.5 MB ram. I have gone through several dialogue windows and the last one is the password page. I have filled that out and below that there is the back button and foward button. The back button I could and have tried pushing. The forward button is gray and unresponsive. Under that is a progress bar. This bar has stopped. immeadiately above this, there is a text that says "Ready when you are..."

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Ubuntu :: OS Became Unresponsive - No Init Found

Apr 27, 2011

I've been using ubuntu for around 4 months now and have never had a problem until recently. My OS became unresponsive all of a sudden and all I could do was force shutdown my laptop by holding the power button. When I turned it back on, I was given the
"No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" error.
I have looked around online and most solutions point towards a live cd, which I don't have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unresponsive After Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04?

May 9, 2011

I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04:

Switching between windows has a noticeable delay.

This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely. It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action.

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Ubuntu :: Closing Down GUI Makes Box Unresponsive?

May 20, 2011

Long-time Unix/Linux user, just got a new Xubuntu box set up to be a fileserver using SAMBA. I've noticed that every 8 minutes or so, the fileserver will disconnect any user currently accessing any files. My first instinct is to unload the GUI and tackle it from the terminal command line. However, every time I try to close out Xubuntu using "sudo init 1" I get taken to the Xubuntu splash screen and the box will no longer respond to any commands. I can post any relevant information requested about the system, build, and version.

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General :: Installation Fail-cd Rom Now Unresponsive?

Mar 2, 2011

I had/have a dual boot Win7, Ubuntu machine and wanted to replace Ubuntu with Fedora 14. I booted from the Fedora cd and was going through the settings when the install froze (I think it was after clicking Next from the partition settings screen) and I had to do a cold shut down of the computer.

The computer now takes a long time to get to the Grub loader (timing out while looking for the cd rom I believe is what is happening) though it seems to boot fine. The problem is that the Windows OS now does not recognize the cd rom, or rather, it is present in the device manager, but will not respond via the OS (cannot be accessed via command line nor gui) nor from pushing the "Open" button on the hardware itself. It seems as if the device has been locked at some lower level.

Any idea how to 'unlock' the device? I can't boot from the cd anymore (the bios recognizes the presence of the device, but that is it) and I don't know how else to rectify the situation. I haven't tried booting to ubuntu yet (as I don't think anything was actually changed while attempting the Fedora install) but I am new enough to linux as to not know what to do if I could boot to it.

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Debian :: How To Remove Packages From Unresponsive System

Apr 23, 2015

Since I'm running Sid. Let's assume package foo has been upgraded via apt-get dist-upgrade, and it causes a serious bug so that Sid is never able to fully start up, and is not even able to get me to the console to remove the package.

(Reword: let's assume that I upgraded the system despite apt-listbug warning me that foo had serious issues.)

Is it possible for me to remove the package and get back in? Everything I've seen online assumes that I could at least access console--but this hypothetical bug doesn't allow that.

If it were in Arch, I would just boot from the live dist, arch-chroot into the / directory, and try to remove foo via pacman. But Debian doesn't offer a live disk past Stable, so I suspect that this wouldn't work with a Wheezy disk?

Am I asking for an impossible situation, or can a troublesome package be removed from an unresponsive Sid?

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Fedora Installation :: KB And Mouse Unresponsive @ Login

Jul 4, 2010

When I boot fedora off a live cd i can edit some boot options just fine with my mouse & Keyboard, but when I get to the login screen I cannot use them at all.

Now a year back I had same problem with Ubuntu. I had to enter some command can't remember if it was acpi nolapic noapic or whatever. I'd like to know what to type into my boot options to fix this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Just Keyboard Unresponsive After Screensaver Is Unlocked

May 28, 2010

Problem: When my screen saver kicks in after idle timeout and I get back to my desktop the keyboard is unresponsive in already opened applications with text fields. This happens with and without the password required after screen saver is engaged. This doesn't happen all the time and seems to be transient. It happens at least once a day, but not often.

Workaround: The mouse is still usable, so I open a terminal and hit a few keystrokes. The keyboard is now responsive and I can go back to typing in the open applications that I previously had open prior to the screen saver being engaged.

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