Ubuntu :: Close The Unresponsive Programs?

Feb 23, 2010

when my PC hangs my terminal do not open and it is not possible to go to System->Administration->System Monitor and close the unresponsive programs. Is there any way to close the unresponsive programs?

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Ubuntu :: Programs Crash Whenever Close The Last Window?

Sep 21, 2010

I've recently installed ubuntu, and right away from a fresh install programs would crash whenever I closed the last window. It doesn't give me any error messages, so I don't know what the problem is , just poof the programs is gone and I have to launch it again. This happens in almost every program, I've used except rtythmbox. it's not a big deal for the small programs that load instantly, but for firefox or openoffice it's big pain in the neck.

my hardware:
Motherboard: INTEL LGA775 DDR-3 PCI-e X16 SATA MBOARD
Intel Core 2 Quad Processors: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 2.5Ghz 4MB
Hard Drive: 1TB 1000GB 7200Rpm SATA HARD DRIVE
VIDEO CARD ADAPTERS: Ati Radeon Hd4850 1gb Dual Dvi Video

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Ubuntu :: Wine - All Programs Close When Shut Down One

Dec 18, 2009

I'm having some trouble getting all my wines programs to work together. When I change workspace or minimize dvd decrypter it disappears but is still running in the background, this is fixed by running it in an emulated desktop but I would like to have it working without the emulated desktop. When I have dvd decrypter in an emulated desktop and autogk running if I close dvd decrypter it closes all wine apps. I think wine shuts down everything when its emulated desktop is closed.

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Ubuntu :: Programs Close Randomly - Result Been Crashing Most

Feb 17, 2010

I've never seen this before, but for the past few days whatever I'm working on has had a tendency to close out with no warning. Just in the last two days evince, empathy, and eclipse have closed randomly. Since I use eclipse constantly and as a result it's been crashing the most I went ahead and started it from the command line. Here's the output I get when eclipse closes:


it appears to have something to do with the "decorator," but disabling compiz all together doesn't fix it. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit. The issue seems to have started shortly after installing a triple-core processor - but I'm not sure that's related.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Is 100% Unresponsive?

Jan 29, 2011

I installed the Unity Desktop Env. to play around with it on my wubi installation of Ubuntu 10.10. I have the log in screen disabled as well as the grub menu so it launches right into Ubuntu. I logged out and logged back in under Unity and could move the mouse but nothing would happen. I have gnome-panels disabled as well so alt f2 wont work even in my gnome DE. By disabling the log in screen and the grub menu have I painted myself into a corner so to speak and made this installation completely unrecoverable?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installer Becomes Unresponsive

Mar 25, 2010

I have installed and run Ubuntu on my iMac, now I would like to try Kubuntu but the installer hangs every time inbetween step 1 setting language and step 2 choosing time zone. Sometimes it's while the system clock is being set, sometimes after. It's just the installer that is locked up, I can still move the cursor but because the installer is fullscreen I cannot get out of it, at least not that I know of.

I have made two different desktop CDs from two different ISOs and both gave the same exact behaviour. I think I prefer Kubuntu to Ubuntu but I haven't really been able to give it a try.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Unresponsive Terminal ?

Apr 4, 2010

For some strange reason my gnome-terminal has become really slow and unresponsive.If I type anything on the terminal I have to wait a few seconds before anything appears on the terminal.Memory or cpu is not the problem. Currently I am using only about 20% of my CPU:s and 15% of my RAM..Booting didn't help.Lucky this doesnt happen in openoffice, firefox or gedit. (which I need most)and I am running 9.10, which has last been updated about a week ago.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Koala 9.10 Unresponsive UI?

Apr 21, 2010

On Dell Inspiron 9200, with or without accelerator for NVIDEA graphics. P.S. I would like to give 9.10 a chance. have gedit and browser open (browser with the forum message being edited), then do the following:

1.This example demonstrates one problem (unresponsive single click) Use the System-->Preferences-->Mouse

Click repeatedly on the light bulb at 1 second interval ---> result: often the light does not turn on. Result: it appears that the click event does not complete. I have noticed that a mouse-out will cause the click to complete (specifically as in 2. and 3 after a brief moment (hopefully before the drag and drop icon appears).

2. Click on any icon, submit button, close, etc. takes many tries.

3. Click on any icon, panel button, link, etc. if you linger a moment a floating icon (a drag and drop hand).

4. Scrollbar button and action follow the mouse outside of the scrollbar. The scrollbar sticks - difficult to make scrollbar stop following the mouse.

5. Example, have two visible windows (for example gedit and the browser) From gedit move to browser by click on browser. ---> result takes forever to recognise the focus and click and go to the broser.

6. Unresponsive UI. In browser highlight text in textarea (with difficulty) then chose Copy (slow UI), from this window click on desktop's Applications (takes many clicks to open), from Accessories click on gedit (slow or takes more than one try), paste (speed of paste OK).


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Unresponsive, Can't Reinstall?

Jun 16, 2010

I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, and most things appear to be fine. However, after a day or two of inactivity (apart from remotely logging in for SSH), the computer goes into a state where the screen is blank and it is unresponsive (and no longer allows access by SSH, FTP, or SVN server access). I have to reboot the computer to use it again, which I can't always do when I'm traveling. I inquired about this previously -but I'm convinced the solution may be more complicated than suggested because I don't have compiz turned on and the computer's power management is already set so that it's never supposed to sleep. I tried to install 10.04 fresh from a Live CD, but it freezes where it asks me how I want to use my partitions so I can't even reinstall

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Ubuntu :: Interface Unresponsive After Update?

Jul 8, 2010

After an update (and a restart), everything has become extremely sluggish to respond to my mouse and keyboard. It takes around 6 seconds to change a tab in Firefox, even changing windows will take 2 seconds before the new window will respond to typing (anything I type in the meantime simply doesn't appear).

Here is Synaptic's history from yesterday, I was wondering if any of the version numbers look off to somebody, or if somebody knows which is the offending package:

Commit Log for Wed Jul 7 17:20:30 2010


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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive System Due To Beam.smp?

Sep 29, 2010

From time to time my system will practically lock up. During these times there is near constant hard disk access, and applications will quit responding for 10-30 seconds at a time.Looking in the processes of System monitor it appears that beam.smp is the culprit, during these times it is using 80-95% cpu and between 2 and 3.5GB or RAM (I have 4GB total).It appears to be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...ng/+bug/458453I am using Ubuntu 10.04, 64-bit. I am also relatively current on my updates (I think the last updates I did were about three days ago).Judging from the comments, though it looks as if it was fixed back in May.I don't know if it matters, but the only thing I use evolution for it its integration to gnome-pilot to sync my old Palm m130.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Unresponsive For 20 Seconds Every Day

Nov 7, 2010

Almost every day, for around 15-20 seconds, my computer becomes unresponsive, while the hard disk makes a strange periodic sound (period ~2 seconds, half of it the sound suggests very intense disk activity, the other half - normal disk activity), and the hard disk LED stays on (not flashing, just on). I ran manually all scripts in the /etc/cron.* folders. Only the mlocate script seemed to cause higher than normal disk activity (but still low enough to not cause problems). I still disabled it, but the problem persists.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freezes Up / Randomly Becomes Unresponsive

Dec 16, 2010

Two fresh installs of maverick meerkat on my laptop. Both times, problems started immediately. Playing media files, web browsing with a few tabs, or running bittorrnet freezes my humble system.

At some point or another during a lockup, the active programs running use up all of my CPU and a sizable chunk of RAM. Then after a few minutes, it stops and goes back to running normally for a bit. There seems to be no common element that sparks this behavior. Anything I do causes my computer to freeze for 2 minutes. It seems to be a common issue as well, and I've been unable to resolve this substantial problem. Is there some bugfix I am missing?

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Ubuntu :: Several Office Files That Are Unresponsive?

Dec 28, 2010

I have several Office files that are unresponsive, how do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Has Stopped And Is Unresponsive

Mar 7, 2011

I'm writing this from the OS running off the live CD for 10.10. I'm installing this to a Dell 1501 over 2 Ghtz processor, 1.5 MB ram. I have gone through several dialogue windows and the last one is the password page. I have filled that out and below that there is the back button and foward button. The back button I could and have tried pushing. The forward button is gray and unresponsive. Under that is a progress bar. This bar has stopped. immeadiately above this, there is a text that says "Ready when you are..."

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Ubuntu :: OS Became Unresponsive - No Init Found

Apr 27, 2011

I've been using ubuntu for around 4 months now and have never had a problem until recently. My OS became unresponsive all of a sudden and all I could do was force shutdown my laptop by holding the power button. When I turned it back on, I was given the
"No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" error.
I have looked around online and most solutions point towards a live cd, which I don't have.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unresponsive After Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04?

May 9, 2011

I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04:

Switching between windows has a noticeable delay.

This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely. It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action.

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Ubuntu :: Closing Down GUI Makes Box Unresponsive?

May 20, 2011

Long-time Unix/Linux user, just got a new Xubuntu box set up to be a fileserver using SAMBA. I've noticed that every 8 minutes or so, the fileserver will disconnect any user currently accessing any files. My first instinct is to unload the GUI and tackle it from the terminal command line. However, every time I try to close out Xubuntu using "sudo init 1" I get taken to the Xubuntu splash screen and the box will no longer respond to any commands. I can post any relevant information requested about the system, build, and version.

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Ubuntu :: Just Keyboard Unresponsive After Screensaver Is Unlocked

May 28, 2010

Problem: When my screen saver kicks in after idle timeout and I get back to my desktop the keyboard is unresponsive in already opened applications with text fields. This happens with and without the password required after screen saver is engaged. This doesn't happen all the time and seems to be transient. It happens at least once a day, but not often.

Workaround: The mouse is still usable, so I open a terminal and hit a few keystrokes. The keyboard is now responsive and I can go back to typing in the open applications that I previously had open prior to the screen saver being engaged.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid LTS Unresponsive When Left Unattended?

Jun 10, 2010

I recently upgraded from 8.04 (Hardy) to 10.04 (Lucid). I usually leave my Linux box running as an SSH server (setting on never sleep) while traveling so I can access files, and so on, but since upgrading, I am no longer able to connect via SSH, and upon my return the fan suggests the computer is still running (not sleeping), but the screen is dark and keyboard/mouse cues will not "wake it up".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Is Partially Unresponsive?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a remote server which has been working perfectly for about 1 year. It is in a secure location and used for serving a local web-app, and we remote administer it through an OpenVPN tunnel, and previously a Hamachi tunnel.It has in the last few days become partially unresponsive. What I mean is that I can ping it fine through the VPN, and I can SSH into the box, but when I try to run some commands, it seems to freeze partway through, and I get the output interrupted and a blinking cursor. I have also tried to access the web-app through the VPN and while the page header in the browser changes to the correct page name, the actual page does not load.A reboot does not seem to have cleared the problem, although I cannot be certain at this moment that the reboot command actually completed, or froze partway through

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird CPU Hog And Unresponsive After Upgrade / Troubleshoot This?

Oct 12, 2010

Ever since I upgraded to 10.10 (via update, not from scratch), Thunderbird suddenly ramps up CPU usage within the 10 seconds of being started. No add-ons are enabled. Anyone have this problem or can help me troubleshoot?

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Ubuntu :: Get Unresponsive Mouse Clicking/scrolling Ever?

Oct 18, 2010

I dont know why this is happening to me. Maybe it's because I have so many things running, but its mainly just browsers and stuff that hardly require cpu usage. Sometimes (and its getting worse now) when i try to highlight the text on a web page, it wont work, the mouse pointer will be the arrow instead of the "I" like symbol which signifies the possibility for text highlighting. Then after a little while it will become the "I" symbol so I can highlight the text. It will switch on and off like that and make it really hard for me to do things.

Also, sometimes I cannot scroll down, it wont work when i hold the side bar thing and scroll it down, but after a few seconds it may work. This happens on my browser as well as amarok so far. I hope someone has experienced something like this because its getting frustrating.

UPDATE: Happens on KMess too. I cant type in the convo box sometimes. So I have to minimize and maximize it in order for it to work. Also if I have a browser up in the background while a Kmess convo box is infront, I cant click to the browser when its right there, even though I can click on it in the taskbar, if you know what i mean.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Becomes Unresponsive To Mouse Clicks?

Dec 13, 2010

I'll move around the mouse and see that docky is moving around (computer is not frozen, nautilius desktop environment is unresponsive) how do i fix this without restarting the computer.

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Ubuntu :: How To Kill Unresponsive Terminal Application

Feb 7, 2011

I just ran "mysqld" manually in the terminal, but now I can't quit it and go back to bash. I've tried CTRL+C and typing "reset", but neither do anything. Anything I type is just ignored. I've had this numerous times in the past with various operating systems and in various scenario's, hence why I'm seeking the solution. Is there some universal hotkey to quit the currently running application or something? I guess I'm looking for a way to send SIGQUIT, SIGTERM or possibly even a EOF signal?

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Ubuntu One :: Computer Not Syncing Or U1 Preferences Unresponsive?

Apr 22, 2011

I've followed these instructions:Quote:Setup instructions for Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)Before setting up Ubuntu One, you should ensure your system is up to date. Run Update Manager to install any necessary updates by going to System Administration Update Manager. You may need to restart your system. Once it's up to date, you can begin this setup process.Already have an Ubuntu One accountOpen Ubuntu One Preferences from the "Me" menu (your username in the upper right corner) or from System Preferences Ubuntu OneThe Ubuntu One SSO window will open prompting you to either sign up for an account or login with an existing account.Click on the Already have an existing account? Click here to sign in link at the bottom of the window.

Enter your email address and password. Click the Connect button. A success message should appear. Click the Close button to close the Ubuntu One SSO window. In Ubuntu One Preferences click on the Devices tab and then the Connect button to connect to the service. Use Ubuntu One Preferences to monitor current synchronization activity and manage your Ubuntu One preferences. Review the Ubuntu One features or use our support resources if you have questions. I've gone through it a few times and it always seems to be successful, but I keep getting the same results; all fields in the Ubuntu One Preferences app. say unknown, the field under the window title is blank and next to it, it says unknown, Name, E-mail, and Current plan all say unknown. It also says Synchronization in progress and will seem to say that indefinitely.

I'm getting rather frustrated and don't know why its not working like its supposed to. I can log in to my Ubuntu One account just fine on line but for what ever reason it will not recognize my computer. I really like the idea behind Ubuntu one and I can see how this could be extremely helpful but it proving difficult to get up and running,FWIW I also ran this command: u1sdtool -s which produced the following output:

connection: With User With Network
description: processing queues


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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive At Boot Menu - Language?

Jul 14, 2011

I downloaded xubuntu alternate cd and it boots to menu and language selection comes up, but keyboard is dead or something, can't press anything except power button. I tried regular ubuntu CD before and that didn't even reach the boot menu. Using a laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Suddenly Slow And Unresponsive?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a dell dimension 4600. I just recently installed kubuntu 11.04. It was working fine for about an hour or so, and then it suddenly became slow and unresponsive.

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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive Commands On Flash Videos?

May 15, 2010

I am using Firefox 3.6.3 on Ubuntu 10.04. I am experiencing a weird problem on Flash-based videos. I can see videos normally, but if I want to change volume level of if I try to choose another point of the video, I can't do that.Simply, the video goes on as if I wasn't do anything. I have installed Adobe Flash player plugin.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Other Programs Or Install New Programs

Dec 29, 2009

can open the programs pe-install, but can't open other programs or install new programs

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