Ubuntu :: 9.10 Unresponsive To Network Requests Every Couple Days?

Jan 7, 2010

I upgraded to Mythbuntu 9.10 from 8.10 and things went fairly well. No major problems during the upgrade. The system is just a mythbackend server. The only things that access it are for myth and for the smb mounts for mythtv. Every couple days, the system stops responding to network traffic. No myth connection, no smb, no pings even. All I have to do is wiggle the mouse on the system and everything comes back up instantly. I noticed that after it comes back up, the time is off by hours.

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Ubuntu Servers :: TimeMachine Failed Since A Couple Of Days?

Jul 29, 2010

My macbook is backed up using timemachine on a samba drive. I used this hack for months [URL]his tuto is based on Netatalk, but works perfectly with Samba (or used to), as described in many others blogs.A couple of days ago, I had a strange message from timemachine, like the backup should be reconstructed to improve the security. The sparsebundle has been deleted, and timemachine try to create a new one now. This step failsI tried to create manually a new sparsebundle, using the tuto. It does not work.I have a backup of the sparsebundle ... I can navigate into it ("enter timemachine"), but I cannot backup anymore.

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SUSE :: PC Crashing Randomly Once Every Couple Of Days / Software To Test Ram?

Apr 27, 2010

My Suse 11 computer has been crashing; randomly once every couple
of days. This computer mostly sits unattended downloading torrents,
except when I'm browsing torrent sites or moving files.

Typically, the mouse, keyboard and screen freezes, though some
processes may (or may not) still be running in the background.

It seems to crash more often when there is intensive harddrive
usage. A fiend tested the hard drives. And the drives formatted
and OS reinstalled without fixing it.

1) What software can I use to test the ram?

2) I know my powersupply is marginal (and consumption highest
using the harddrives), could low voltage cause this?

3) What else should I look for/test.

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Fedora :: X Freezes After Boot - Unresponsive Shortly Before Or After Login For A Couple Of Minutes

Apr 15, 2010

So my Dell latitude E6400 running fedora 12 ( is usually connected to a big screen (1920x1200).

Now each time I boot, X becomes unresponsive shortly before or after login for a couple of minutes, and then goes back to normal. This happens both with and without connection to the big screen.

The error messages associated to this seem to be like this, my /var/log/Xorg.0.log is cluttered with them :


I normally start my computer in the morning, walk off for some tea, and come back when X is functioning, but when I'm in a hurry it's pretty, or very, annoying ... drinking tea / coffee to wait for a computer to start is something people did in the 90s, it shouldn't be default behaviour in 2010 ...

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Server :: Apache Stops Responding To HTTP Requests Every Few Days?

Dec 28, 2010

I've had a VPS running Ubuntu 9.10 x64 server, hosting 3 websites of mine for a few months now. This problem has been happening for a while. Every once in a while, probably every 2 or 3 days, I'll wake up in the morning, and apache won't be responding, no web pages will load. /etc/init.d/apache2 status, reports that apache is functioning properly. Every time I simply have to restart the daemon and things run fine for another few days.

I thought maybe it was a memory issue, so I lowered the MaxClients in the prefork module from 50 to 30 a few days ago, but the same thing is still happening. My VPS has 512MB of ram, burstable to 1GB, and according to Virtuozzo, there was only one night of high traffic where I even came close to that soft limit. I've checked my syslog, and there's absolutely nothing in there about apache. I've checked apache's error.log as well, and there's nothing in there that would indicate a problem either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Disconnects Every Couple Of Seconds?

Jun 7, 2010

Basically upon logging network manager will connect to my network, and most of the time it will only last 20 seconds or so before it disconnects and tries to reconnects, this tends to go on for quite a while. Logging off and logging on over and over worked once, for this post I opened pages between the 15 seconds that i was connected and after 20 minutes it has remained connected (every time it stays connected for longer than 5 minutes it will never disconnect again) I followed the HOWTO thread so forgive me if most of this information is useless

1 ) Machine Brand and Model (Laptop): Asus 52jr is the model number

2 ) Wireless Brand, Model and Wireless Chipset:

03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)is what I found from running lspci

3 ) check interface:


wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 1c:4b:d6:5c:61:8b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::1e4b:d6ff:fe5c:618b/64 Scope:Link


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get A Couple Of Machine On The Network Such As Mint, Debian Lenny Or Ubuntu?

Jun 17, 2010

I have installed a Clearos box (believe this is based on redhat/centos)in our office as this is an easy setup to try and replace a windows box. We can add our windows pc so it as it acts like a domain controller.I would like to get a couple of Linux machine on the network such as Mint, Debian Lenny or ubuntu. The problem here is I need to find a way of getting these pc to as such login to the domain so they authenticating with the clearos box to login. Is there an easy way of doing this.

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Ubuntu Security :: Does Tor Browser Use Dns Requests From The Tor Network

Mar 1, 2011

Ok i think Tor has some way of making the dns queries anonymous by default. I did the DNS nameserver spoofablity test here at [URL] and the results i got showed about 30 different dns servers. Normally when i carry out this test on my standard isp connection or the vpn i use i just get one dns servers settings consistently.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Explode In Couple Of Months From All Backed Up Addresses?

Jul 21, 2010

The default installation of 11.3 has ipv6 enabled.When accessing a site using any browser, there was a considerable delay before the page would appear.I disabled ipv6 and things are normal.Is my computer going to explode in a couple of months from all the backed up addresses? Seriously, Is there something wrong with my setup?Why would ip6 be enabled by default if it slows things way down?There are just so many things I don't know.

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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive Menu Items In Network Manager Applet

Feb 1, 2011

I've noticed an issue since the last 10.10 update with the network manager applet. When I first start gnome, the network manager works fine. However after some length of time or trigger that I don't fully understand yet, it ceases to function any more. None of the menu items respond. The issue does not seem to be with the actual networking system as I can connect to the internet, ssh, etc fine. I can restart the applet like so:

killall nm-applet
/etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart

But it will eventually return. Is anyone else having this issue? I am running 10.10 on an Asus ul30a with Gnome

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CentOS 5 :: Can Treason Uncloaked Cause Unresponsive Network

Apr 15, 2010

I've seen these Treason uncloaked warnings numerous times in dmesg on several of our web servers for the past I don't know how many years. I've always thought them to be harmless since the line always ends in repaired and nothing bad ever happened. However, twice now this week with two different servers these Treason uncloaked occurrences have closed communication through one network card.

I have a set of 4 dell blades each with 4 nics running CentOS 5.4 kernel version 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 x86_64. eth0 and eth2 are bonded (bond0) in active-standby mode, eth0 active. eth1 and eth3 are bonded (bond1) in active-standby mode, eth1 active. bond0 connects to a 192.168.1 network and receives web traffic while bond1 lies on a 10.1.1 network and talks to our database server network. Tomcat and apache are used to serve our web application. Each time on both servers bond1 lost communication to anything on the 10.1.1 network and anything on that network couldn't ping it.

Now I realize that there was a kernel update since that version that was running at the time this happened and a full system update was performed just today on all the servers. I guess my question is how could that have affected the bond1 device when the Treason originated on bond0, if indeed it was Treason uncloaked that did it?

TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9527/443 shrinks window 28125186:28141158. Repaired.

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Networking :: TCP Crawler Network Not Working After Many TCP Requests?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a crawler on my VPS VMWare Server (also tried it on my dedicated server). After many requests about 200.000/6h my network is gone. I use lynx to get any website outside of local network and any site is not responding - also tried to obtain IP address instead of host name - no results. I can get every local site. For example when I am on I can obtain a page which is placed on but obtaining is not possible.I tried many things such as changing TCP timeouts to less, restarting virtual machine and no results. After few hours - 4-5 hours I get network working. It is not working as fast as it should but it is ok.

I am wondering where is the problem. Have I got to configure linux? Am I missing something? Maybe some router stack is blocking my ip? (Other crawlers put on same VPS are working properly, but after 6 hours they also crashes)I also notices that I can get like 30.000 web sites per hour (some with errors, some with no response, some with timeout surely) but this number decreases hour by hour and finally reaches zero.Can you help me and suggest where may ba a problem?My system: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server, 1GHz, 512 MB RAM, 5 MB/s.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Move Files After N Days?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a script that moves files after 60 days from the FTP folder over to a trash folder which is not accessible by the FTP. From there I can delete the files whenever the drive get's full. That works fine so far.
The only thing that bothers me is that files moved to ".Trash" are not in any folder structure anymore (one big directory with the deleted files in it).

When I do a "ls -la" on the array {} I see the file names including the folders. I'm not sure if the find command or the mv command forgets about the directories.

This is the script: bash -c 'date;find /Volumes/data1/test/ -mtime +60 -type f -exec mv {} /Volumes/data1/.Trash/ ;;date' >> ~/mylog

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OpenSUSE Network :: Server Rejects Client Requests?

Dec 27, 2010

Background:I have a small PC104 running opensuse 11.1. I'm writing a small client/server application for debugging purposes using mono and WCF. All the client does is make a request for information every 100ms.Problem:After about 20 requests the server quits responding to the client. Even if the client is running on the same machine. I've run the exact code on another laptop running opensuse as well as a laptop running windows and everything works great. Hopefully that closes the option that it is a code, mono, or opensuse flaw.Is there a kernel option or a network option that anyone knows about that might cause this sort of behavior?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Block HTTP Requests From Other Computers?

May 30, 2011

My computer shares an internet connection using an ADSL router.There are other three machines.I have set up a Apache server for learning purpose and I want it to be inaccessible from anywhere else including the PCs in the network.When I enter my ip-address assigned in the network ( from other computer,I get my ppages and I dont want that.

How can I block HTTP requests from other computers?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Bootpd+xinetd Setup - Server Is Not Responding To Requests?

Jan 6, 2010

I have installed bootpd-dd2 and enabled and configured it with xinetd. 1. Made sure that their is a bootptab file and it is configured. 2. Tested the bootpd is working by runing the command /usr/sbin/bootptest cmdbfs .3. tail -f the /var/log/messages and saw the requests from the test.4. rebooted a machine that is configured to pxe boot.there is no messages by bootpd when a request is made.request is picked up by network monitor on a seperate computer on the proper udp port

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Ubuntu :: Cvs How Read A Couple On The Web?

Oct 17, 2010

I've installed the latest cvs for ubuntu 10/04 and read a couple of how to on the web. I have environment set for CVSROOT, EDIT and CVSEDIT. It made me a ~/cvs/CVSROOT and I ran" cvs import mon Ian_C START" in my ~/cstuff directory and that has created ~/cvs/mon with my main.c file. These tutorials do not tell me which main.c file I should edit or how to edit. Should I edit ~/cvs/mon/main.c or ~/cstuff/main.c, should I just gedit it then do a few cvs commands to generate the diffs or whatever?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Couple Of Games Through Wine?

Oct 18, 2010

i recently decided to try and run a couple of games through wine, however trying to install two of them through wine, after putting in the second cd in the installer, the system will not recognise/mount the cd at all in the filesystem. it will instantly recognise the cd after i quit the installer for both of the games, so i guess that running the wine setup is interfering with ubuntu's ability to read or mount a cd. since it has happened on two separate occasions and has worked on windows, there must be something happening on my system that is preventing it. so my question is has anybody else experienced this or think that they know what might be causing the problems?

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Ubuntu :: User Management On A Couple Machines (uid And Gid)?

Jan 29, 2010

In a small network (with <5 PCs) what is the best way to manage users and groups? When I create a new user, Ubuntu automatically assigned a UID unless I specify otherwise. If I were to mount shared drives between PCs (or between a client machine and a server) I'm wondering how it handles different UIDs/GIDs associated with files (usernames almost always match across system but UIDs/GIDs do not)? Or is the best solution to just assign matching UID and GID on every machine when they are created? Or is this just magically handled via the matching usernames? I know there are heavier options but this has come up a number of times in small setups 2-5 machines at most.

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Ubuntu :: Software To Backup Couple Of Machines To NAS?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm looking for advice on a good backup solution. I have a couple Ubuntu machines running at home, and I'd like them to backup to a NAS, which supports CIFS and NFS. Rsync might work, but I don't want to have to write a script myself, or figure out how to accomplish a staggered history of backups. The default "simple backup" sbackup doesn't work for me. I've not been able to unroll those gigantic .tgz files it makes. The restore GUI doesn't seem to work at all; it claims it can't find any backups.

My confidence is shot. I tried Back in Time. I set the GUI control panel to backup every day. It didn't back up every day. Maybe I'm getting it wrong. But, my confidence is shot. I looked at Amanda and Bacula. Both seem to require that your backup server run special software; I don't want to hack into my NAS to do that. Both also seem to require 10 hours of study to figure out just how to install them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Freeze After Couple Of Minutes

Aug 26, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a AMD processor with a nvidia graphic card in dual boot with windows xp. First the live-cd was already freezing after a couple of minutes so I had to install Ubuntu with the alternate cd. Now it freezes whatever I do after 2 or 3 minutes. I had exactly the same problem with the 6.04 version but I had only to remove powernowd from /etc/init.d/ to make it perfectly working. But unfortunately this file seems not to be there in this version.

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Ubuntu :: Missing A Couple Of Menu Items?

Nov 30, 2010

Not sure what precipitated this but Administration and Preferences are missing from the System menu. how to get them back? I have to go through the Gnome menu to get to System, not sure how it got removed from the panel.

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Ubuntu :: Fan Stops Running After A Couple Hours?

Apr 17, 2011

I am unsure if this is a hardware problem or a linux problem. My machine is only 3 months old so it is not the fan. I didn't have problems until recently, and after the latest kernel update it got worse - having to restart more frequently.

I do not experience the fan turning off in windows. I use thinkfan when I have to but it isn't a very good program for an every day basis. The fact I can force start the fan with thinkfan when it turns off leads me to believe it is a kernel issue.

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Ubuntu :: Couple Of Bugs Since Upgrading To Natty / What To Do?

May 30, 2011

First of all I'd like to say me and my family and friends who ive converted to Ubuntu users have had trouble with natty from the start (needing to mount the drive manually from the terminal after the upgrade being one of the problems) but there are two problems I was curious if anyone else had and fixed. The first problem is an app called "DeVeDe" which is used to convert video files into isos, it appears to work fine until the end when it errors and says I may be out of disk space. My work around is to take the MPG file it converted (which didn't seem to be affected by the error) and convert it using bombono into the ISO. Bombono gives me a similar error if I try to use it from the beginning, so devede does the first half without retiring and bombono does the second half, both program's world perfectly before upgrading to natty and I've tried changing settings and reinistalling but nothing helps. My second problem is with my nvidia drivers, they seem to work fine when I'm using my monitor but when I try to use my 47" LED vision as a monitor it says its detecting it as a CRT and only lets m do 1024x768 as my Max resolution. I know some people will say I should be posting in recede and nvidias forums but thee bugs aren't there fault, as both things world perfect before I upgraded to natty

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Ubuntu :: Burn Across A Couple Of DVD's Is There Any Software That Will Perform Job Automatically

Jan 19, 2010

I thought I would pick your brains I have a large folder (8GB), that I wish to burn across a couple of DVD's is there any software that will perform this job automatically for me ? Braserro does not seem to be up to the job

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loss Of Wireless After A Couple Of Hours

Mar 8, 2010

I have a hp dv3 laptop which dual boots Win7 and Ubuntu 9.1 64 bit. I have no issues with my wireless adapter in Win7, but I lose connection after a couple of hours in Ubuntu. When connection is lost it is not possible to view any wireless signals, the adapter is basically turned off. The only way to restore the connection is to reboot, then Ubuntu will again automatically connect to my WP2 encrypted router. My wireless adapter is a AR928X made by Atheros.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Shutdowns After Idle For A Couple Of Minutes?

Oct 12, 2010

I've Ubuntu Server 10.04 and am just using the terminal, no GUI like Gnome. So far it's working pretty great except for one big thing.

Whenever I go to sleep and there's no activity on my servers (it's not a big site so active users drop to 0 during the night), the server kind of disconnects. The only thing that can bring the site back online is to restart the whole server. I've tried disabling powersaving by using setterm but that changes nothing. Even if I wake up the server by pressing any key or so the site wont go back online!

I've tried just restarting both Apache and MySQL (I'm using LAMP-server btw) but not even that works. But as soon as I turn the power off and on at the server, everythings work like normal for a couple of minutes of inactivity (~5-15 minutes I'd guess) and then it's down again unless someone logs in to the site and is active.

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Ubuntu :: Boot In Windows XP To Run A Couple Of Apps That Don't Run In Wine?

Feb 26, 2011

I got tired of having to boot in Windows XP to run a couple of apps that don't run in Wine. I've heard a bout a virtual machine, virtualbox and all of that. Sorry, I need a crash course. What do I need to download/install? Do I need a WXP live CD or something like that?

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Ubuntu :: Unity Is 100% Unresponsive?

Jan 29, 2011

I installed the Unity Desktop Env. to play around with it on my wubi installation of Ubuntu 10.10. I have the log in screen disabled as well as the grub menu so it launches right into Ubuntu. I logged out and logged back in under Unity and could move the mouse but nothing would happen. I have gnome-panels disabled as well so alt f2 wont work even in my gnome DE. By disabling the log in screen and the grub menu have I painted myself into a corner so to speak and made this installation completely unrecoverable?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Couple Of Samba Shares Not Accessible From Windows?

Jan 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and have 5 shares that I have setup for Samba (assume names of share1, ..., share5). I find that shares(2,3,4) are accessible from my MS Windows system, but the share1 and share5 are listed but Windows gives an error accessing them that I may not have permissions.I have reviewed the sharesve the same owner, group, and permissions.Is this a known Samba bug or configuration issue? I have gone through the smb.conf file multiple times as well as examining the directories and do not see what the issue might be.

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