Applications :: Is There Equalizer That Works For All Ubuntu Sounds

Jan 1, 2010

is there a equalizer that works for all ubuntu sounds? after looking around it seems that equalizers are pretty rare in ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Alsa Based Software Multi-band Graphic Audio Frequency Equalizer That Works With 11.x?

May 15, 2010

Does anyone know of an alsa based software multi-band (10 or more) graphic audio frequency equalizer that works with Suse 11.x? To be clear, I don't mean an equalizer within an audio or video player. One that can be used with any sound application, that works between the output of the player and the output plugs on a motherboard or sound card.

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Ubuntu :: Sounds Works In Headphones Not Inbuilt Speakers

Jun 4, 2011

I've been running wubi for about 2 weeks now, and am completely new to all this. Everything was running fine, until yesterday when I restarted my laptop and the sound died. It had been working fine before, but now no sound comes out of the inbuilt speakers. However, the sound works perfectly through my headphones. Am running 11.04 on an Inspiron 1525, I don't know what other information you need, so if you ask me I'll try and find it. Also the sound works fine in Windows.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Get The Sound To Work - No Web Sounds - No CD Sounds

Sep 1, 2011

I have a HP laptop model HP G72 Notebook PC, Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 350 @2.27GHz & the Sound devices are Intel(R) Display Audio & Realtek High Definition Audio.

This machine came loaded with Windows7 & I have successfully dual booted it with Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.3.

The problem I am having is that I cannot get the sound to work at all in Ubuntu. No opening sounds or anything else that I have tried. No Web sounds, no CD sounds... All sounds work fine on the Windows side, but nothing I have tried so far seem to work with Ubuntu & I have tried many options from many threads.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: None Of Notification Sounds Work / Skype, Firefox, And Wine Still Give Sounds?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been using opensuse for about a week.(although I'm not completely a linux noob) I've been slowly moving more of the stuff I do on windows over to suse. I thought my sound was working fine until I decided to get mp3s running on amarok. I followed a bunch of guides which didn't work. While I was messing around with stuff I noticed a startup noise. I just assumed it didn't have a startup noise. At some point I broke all of my sound except running wine, so I reinstalled.

Now that I've noticed, none of my notification sounds work. Stuff like skype, firefox, and wine still give me sounds.

(If anyone could point me in the direction of a good place to get mp3s working on amarok would be nice as well.)

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Ubuntu :: Printer Works With Few Applications Only?

Feb 11, 2011

I am on Ubuntu 10.10 on Thinkpad T61p

Recently installed my office printer with the drivers provided by them(office people)

The problem is that it works fine but only with few selected applications

Adobe Reader works fine Foxit reader fails Document viewer and image viewer prints the page but doesn't fit them inside the margins and they are either cut on the edges or look ugly

Printing from browsers doesn't work either. I always have to do 'print to file' in pdf format

Then pray rigorously that the pdf print is nice and then print using Adobe reader

where to start debugging from ?

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Ubuntu :: Is There Sound Mixer That Works With OSS Applications As Well?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm trying to configure PulseAudio using the official guide and can't get past the first step where it tells me to input pulseaudio -nC.

1. How can I get into the PA console/daemon to use the official guide
2.If I can't get PA setup correctly, is there an ALSA sound mixer I can use to modify sound levels for various running applications.
2B. Is there a sound mixer that works with OSS applications as well? Most apps these days are ALSA, but some older ones (like Wolfenstein Enemy Territory) use OSS.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Applications Works Only With Manual Login

Nov 23, 2010

Has anyone ran into a problem running Startup Applications from automatic login? I have checked to see that it is not loading in fail-safe mode, and if i disable the automatic login it works fine. The file it is loading is located in my home directory and being executed as
"sh /home/myusername/"

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Applications :: Qemu Works - How To Go Widescreen

Sep 20, 2009

Qemu works normally for me, but the available resolutions do not include a widescreen option. Is there a work around or a command line parameter I can add to enable widescreen resolutions?

Host System: Ubuntu 9.04
Guest System: Windows XP

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Applications :: Version Of Msexchange That Also Works With Sms

Jan 29, 2011

I am studying how to use Linux now on some websites and playing with an older desktop. I am anxious to give it a try! I am looking for an Linux program to help me with the following situation:

I send emails from my office computer, my dormitory computer, my home computer, my android phone and my symbian phone. Right now I use webmail but i want to be able to compose the emails in an offline mode and then send them at a later time. Now, I use thunderbird on my home computer to download all of the emails from my webmail account.

I want to be able to compose the email on the email clients installed on the various computing devices yet be able to consolidate not only the emails received but also the sent folders. I think what I am looking for is a Linux version of MSExchange. Is this correct? Can someone recommend one? I also want to be able to consolidate calendaring features and addressbooks as well.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Gtkrc File Works For All Applications But Firefox?

Jan 30, 2011

I use a dark theme in gnome, which of course doesn't display correctly on many websites that force a white background onto text input dialogues (I have to type white or light gray on white) - Because of this, I never use a dark theme for more than a few days before I switch back to light, which really sucks - My workaround for this was going to be changing my Firefox launcher so that a custom GTKRC is used.

It works for all applications except for Firefox.

e.g. if I type into a Terminal:

env GTK2_RC_FILES="/usr/share/themes/Redmond/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" speedcrunch
bash -c 'GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Redmond/gtk-2.0/gtkrc speedcrunch'


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OpenSUSE :: Sound Works Only For Some Types Of Applications?

Mar 9, 2010

I have used it for some times but never went behind basic use to use Internet, save files, write documents with OpenOffice...

I just installed the 11.2 version in 64-bit. I previously used a 11.1 version, and on which sounds worked fine.

I do get the login and logout jingle, and CDs play fine as well.

My problem occurs when I try to watch a video on Internet, so with FlashPlayer, and also when using Skype: I get neither the notification sounds, and a test call tells me I have a problem with the audio device.

When I point my cursor on the "sound" icon on my control board, it tells me the sound is at 0% even though it works for the above-listed tasks.

Here is what my computer has (from "system configuration"), including the last two lines I get when I click the "advanced" option:

HDA VIA VT82xx (VT1708 Analog)
HDA VIA VT82xx (VT1708 Digital)
HDA ATI HDMI, ATI HDMI (HDMI audio output)
HDA VIA VT82xx, VT1708 Digital(IEC958(S/PDIF) Digital audio output)

Everything has this same preset configuration: notifications, video, etc.

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Applications :: Program Works As Root But Fails As User

Jan 21, 2010

I can't get a program (wbar) to run directly from my user account, it fails saying "Image not found -> maybe using a relative path?". But if I run su -c "wbar", it shows up and manages to load the image. I think it has something to do with ImLib2 or whatever loads the image. I checked permissions on and it's world-readable and executable. Can libImlib2.a be causing this problem, set to 644? What else should I be checking?

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Debian :: Either System Sounds Or Other Sounds - Not Both

Feb 11, 2010

lenny gives me either system sounds, or other sounds like flash plugin sounds like videos, cd playback etc., but not both. to hear videos i have to disable system sounds. as soon as i tick enable software sound mixing (esd) in system -> preferences -> sound -> sounds, videos goes. a message saying it could not open the resource as something else is using it comes up when trying to play a cd. sounds like a threading problem in some program. what should i do to get sounds to be equitably shared by all?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Get Sound-test To Play Sounds As Well As Connect To The Sound Device In Vmware And Play Sounds?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to figure out what in the world is going on with my sound in OpenSuSE. I put in a brand new Audigy chipset soundcard and finally got some sound to come out of the speakers. I used the guide here: SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE. to fix the permissions on my sound and am able to get sound-test to play sounds as well as connect to the sound device in my vmware and play sounds. That being said, I have terrible sound quality coming out. There is a lot of static sound like white noise and the volume of the actual sound played is very low compared to the noise. The sounds also distort somewhat.

I have tried the pulse audio change in the tutorial above also and have been searching around google. The only problem that I saw similar was a person who fixed the problem by updating KDE. I don't have KDE, I'm using Afterstep.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For KDE Global Equalizer

May 28, 2010

I would like to have a global equalizer in KDE. I have done a bit of searching and didn't find anything that looked promising. It looks easy with ubuntu since it uses Pulse audio. I actually installed pulse audio and it seems to have somewhat integrated lol but I can't find an equalizer to see if it works.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Exaile V0.3.1.b Equalizer Not Working

Feb 12, 2010

I noticed that Exaile got a recent update, among the 'new' features, I realized the equalizer plugin is back, problem is, it has no effect whatsoever on the sound.

I have kind of a special case, but still VLC equalizer works like a champ. My system is Ubuntu amd64 running alsa after pulseaudio was uninstalled. The reason I uninstalled PA is that my sound card didn't work at all, and I found out it was not supported by PA, but it is supported by ALsa (since Feisty, go figure!), it's an M-Audio 2496.

Can anyone confirm it's a PA thing or not? Do I have to have PA installed to use it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Are A Music Player That Uses The Equalizer

Sep 6, 2010

I use several players, but all of it was no equalizer , while i was using Aimp with wine but there are some problems, when i stop the songs in the play, and run it back , i hear no sound on it , are we life in digital world ? music player without equalizer its like nightmare for me , like going back into the past , it was like seeing my father met my mother at the time of their first date

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: What Each Slider Adjusts On The Equalizer

Jan 10, 2011

what each slider adjusts on the equalizer, say for example in xmms or qmmp? I want to tweak my settings to adjust the sound quality for my speakers. None of the presets come close and I don't have the "ear" for sound to just wing it by randomly sliding the things up and down. Sound quality is passable by default when I plug my mp3 player into them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio After Equalizer Installation

Apr 10, 2011

i got mostly no audio.the sound test within system/ preference/sound works but videos, movie player, sidplay & rhythm box won't play audio.

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Software :: Cannot Use The Equalizer On Amarok 2.2.0

Jan 17, 2010

I cannot use the equalizer on Amarok 2.2.0.Ive installed the Phonon-gstreamer backend and works fine-except the equalizer.When installing the Phonon-Xine backend i can use the equaliser but I lose the sound.Any reason why all this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee 1.6.0: Equalizer Sliders Not Working?

Apr 2, 2010

I installed Banshee 1.6.0. The equalizer presets change the position of the sliders, but I am unable to grab with the mouse any of the sliders individually and set them manually.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Vlc To Startup With The Equalizer Enabled With A Preset?

Oct 19, 2010

how to get vlc to startup with the equalizer enabled with a preset. It works fine but always starts with the eq turned off.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Enabling Pulseaudio Equalizer Garbles Sound

Jan 26, 2010

I installed the pulseaudio equalizer today on my Karmic desktop using the instructions at URL...When I enable the equalizer via the GUI checkbox, my sound instantly becomes garbled. When I disable it the problem disappears, but then I can't use the equalizer, which was the point of the exercise. I found some suggestions about editing /etc/pulse/, but the parameters concerning module-hal-* don't appear in my I also have read through a couple of Audio Troubleshooting guides without finding this particular symptom.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Audio Card VIA VT1708B - Can't Find Equalizer

Aug 12, 2011

i have a problem with my sound card VIA VT1708B. I can't find equalizer and I can't find the option for turnin on for front panel(headphones & mic)

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Find Pulse Audio Equalizer

May 14, 2010

I was looking for the Pulse Audio equalizer in the repos and saw that it wasnt there? All the other Pulse Audio stuff is there but not the Pulse Audio equalizer?

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Software :: Keep Equalizer Setting In VideoLAN Whenever I Restart It?

Jun 25, 2010

Why do I always have to reset the equalizer in VideoLAN everytime I start it. Is there a way to keep the settings whenever I restart it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Equalizer Does Not Work In Totem And MPlayer With XV

Feb 24, 2011

I use nv18 with nouveau. Why equlizer does not work?

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Fedora :: F12 (32bit) Installation - No Sound But Equalizer Moving

Feb 12, 2010

I just installed Fedora12 32bit and I have no sound. I've tried reinstalling and updating PulseAudio, but I don't know if it's just my settings or my drivers or what. (And no, it's not muted).

O/S information:
[Darksun@darksun ~]$ uname -a
Linux darksun #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:41:45 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Hardware Information:
[Darksun@darksun ~]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation C55 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a2)
00:00.6 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.7 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1) .....

Aside from not having sound, my players are acting funny. If I go to load, say, an MP3 into XMMS, it only attempts to play a song for 1 second and then stops. (no sound comes out, but I can see the equalizer moving for a second like its' trying).

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OpenSUSE :: SMplayer - Can't Get Any Of The Video Equalizer Controls To Work

Mar 10, 2010

I can't get any of the video equalizer controls to work. Hue, brightness etc. If I run mplayer the brightness works but not the hue. Xine does better. Brightness, contrast and saturation work but not hue. I installed using the instructions in the multi-media post.

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