Networking :: Trying To Launch A C-server Using Xinetd

Jun 26, 2011

I have a small stats program that I am using to get some sys stats. I am trying to launch this program on a particular port, using the xinetd system deamon. Here is what I am doing ...


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Server :: /etc/xinetd.conf Vs /etc/xinetd.d

Apr 24, 2009

I installed Subversion and xinetd and added Subversion as a service to xinetd.conf as instructed at

I restarted the xinetd service using /sbin/service. however, Subversion does not end up being listed in /etc/xinetd.d nor does it seem to be running and occupying the port altogether.

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Networking :: Launch A Webpage With Vsftpd Ftp Server?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm kinda new to all of this so I believe there's a simple solution for what I need I just don't know how it's done.

So I've configured a vsftpd, ftp server and enabled the anonymous user, therefore when I do


a directory like view is displayed in my web browser, corresponding to /srv/ftp where the files for the anonymous account are kept. Now I've made a little web page and I've copied it there, and can be executed running main.html so the address to access the web page would be


My problem is that I don't want anybody to have the possibility to see the directory like display so I'm wondering if when someone does can't this be redirected so it will do instead?, making the display of files and directories impossible from the

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Server :: Run /usr/bin/foo Through Xinetd ?

Apr 28, 2009

If i run /usr/bin/foo through xinetd and have /etc/xinetd.d/foo conf file something like:

1 service foo
2 {
3 port = 3691
4 socket_type = stream
5 protocol = tcp
6 wait = no
7 user = www-data
8 server = /usr/bin/foo
9 server_args = -x
10 }

Is /usr/bin/foo supposed to be listed in the list of all processes on that machine (ps aux)? i added the conf file, bouced xinetd daemon via /sbin/service, yet foo does not seem to be running. the xinetd doc online seems pretty incomplete.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Configure SNMP Server Using XINETD?

Jan 26, 2011

I am trying to configure SNMP server using xinetd on red hat. I am using non-standard port for it. My connection to server fails. I see the following log messages in /var/log:

Jan 26 17:23:31 [userid] xinetd[15023]: START: my-snmp pid=15047 from=
Jan 26 17:23:31 [userid] xinetd[15023]: EXIT: my-snmp status=1 pid=15047 duration=0(sec)
Jan 26 17:23:32 [userid] xinetd[15023]: START: my-snmp pid=15050 from=
Jan 26 17:23:32 [userid] xinetd[15023]: EXIT: my-snmp status=1 pid=15050 duration=0(sec)

can anybody help to point out what is wrong in my config?


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Server :: VNC Over Xinetd Doesn't Starts Vncserver

Nov 26, 2010

in Debian Lenny, using TightVNC 1.3.9 I can setup a VNC server manually by using

vncserver -query localhost -once -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 :1

But then, as I have read is a better option, I use xinetd with the following configuration:

service vnc-1024x768x16
protocol = tcp
socket_type = stream
wait = no


In fact, I was considering that the problem was with xinetd, but I have other services setted up with it (telnet & ftp for example) and I can use them correctly.

So now I'm lost with this, what else am I not considering with VNC service through xinetd? Where can I find logs or useful information to get a clue about this problems?

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CentOS 5 Server :: No Xinetd Installed By Default?

Jul 18, 2009

yesterday I installed my first CentOS system. Before I was always using Debian for my servers. When I configured my vsftpd I was just wondering how to setup xinetd or inetd for listening on ports and starting vsftpd. I found /etc/xinetd.d. But there is no xinetd installed by default. Why? Shall I start all my services in standalone mode? What is the concept of CentOS in this issue?

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General :: Xinetd Server Configuration - Infinite Loop?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a java server console program that I have configured xinetd to start when connection comes in on a given port and then the program runs in an infinite loop receiving inputstream from telephone exchanges. The thing is, when a new chunk of stream comes from the exchange xinetd forks a new process each time. I tried setting the wait parameter to yes and restarted the deamon, but no success. How can I stop this behavior and have the deamon just direct the stream to the process already running? Am I missing something in my config or is it just incorrect?

My config is as follow:
instances = 60
log_type = SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success = HOST PID
log_on_failure = HOST
cps = 50 10
includedir /etc/xinetd.d

And then my actual config,
service aos_larmar
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = yes
instances = 256
server = /home/gunnl/java/
port = 5204
disable = no

My server OS is, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 7)

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Server :: Configure Fakemail To Startup As Xinetd Service?

Feb 2, 2010

I found a way to capture emails sent from my Drupal installation, and Fakemail seems simple enough. I can follow the tutorial. Since the application Fakemail needs to be running to capture the outgoing emails, it seems like a good candidate for xinetd, yes? I've found a simple config tutorial describing starting the service and what the parameters are for the service-specific configuration files. This got me this far,


# default: on
# description: This is a script to start the Sandbox app "fakemail"
service fakemail


But the service is not starting up. Will someone help me with this config file? Or, recommend another application which uses a similar configuration like Sendmail so I can copy this The Fakemail application/service is started from command line like so,

# --host=localhost --port=10025 --path=[path_to_email_textfile]

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Server :: Configure Fakemail To Start Up As Xinetd Service?

Aug 3, 2011

I found a way to capture emails sent from my Drupal installation, and Fakemail seems simple enough.

I can follow the tutorial. Since the application Fakemail needs to be running to capture the outgoing emails, it seems like a good candidate for xinetd, yes?

I've found a simple config tutorial describing starting the service and what the parameters are for the service-specific configuration files. This got me this far,

# default: on
# description: This is a script to start the Sandbox app "fakemail"
service fakemail


But the service is not starting up.

Or, recommend another application which uses a similar configuration like Sendmail so I can copy this

The Fakemail application/service is started from command line like so,
# --host=localhost --port=10025 --path=[path_to_email_textfile]

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Server :: Set Time Limit For A Service Managed By Xinetd?

Aug 13, 2010

Is there a way to limit the time an instance of a service can run? For example, I want to limit all telnet sessions to 30 mins. Users will be automatically logged out after 30 mins.

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General :: To Xinetd Or Not To Xinetd ?

Jul 21, 2009

I've been reading the RUTE Linux book and they recommend the use of xinetd to run services. However, this book is already a bit outdated, and I was wondering whether this still applies to today's circumstances?

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Fedora Networking :: Cant Find Services Xinetd & Others?

Aug 15, 2009

i am working with fedora 9 i need to turn on services such as telnet,ftp,dns,nfs,dhcp etc. but the problem is i dont even find xinetd based service when i am giving this command

#chkconfig --list|more
nd some command is not working for me as well like


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OpenSUSE Network :: Bootpd+xinetd Setup - Server Is Not Responding To Requests?

Jan 6, 2010

I have installed bootpd-dd2 and enabled and configured it with xinetd. 1. Made sure that their is a bootptab file and it is configured. 2. Tested the bootpd is working by runing the command /usr/sbin/bootptest cmdbfs .3. tail -f the /var/log/messages and saw the requests from the test.4. rebooted a machine that is configured to pxe boot.there is no messages by bootpd when a request is made.request is picked up by network monitor on a seperate computer on the proper udp port

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Networking :: Xinetd To Fork New Instances Of Foo So Multiple Clients Can Connect To It

Aug 3, 2010

Suppose I have a server, foo, that runs on port 5555. I can make one connection to it at a time on that port. I want xinetd to fork new instances of foo so multiple clients can connect to it.

Here's a configuration entry:

1) How does xinetd fork a new instance of foo when a previous instance is already listening on port 5555? Wouldn't the new process fail to launch because port 5555 is already in use by the previous process?

2) Suppose five clients connect simultaneously, and xinetd forks five instances of foo. When the clients disconnect, does xinetd leave all five instances running?

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Networking :: Modify Ftpd Source Code To Work With Xinetd?

Sep 23, 2010

I read that xinetd listens on the service port and passes incoming traffic to the service (ftpd) via stdin. However, the ftpd source code reads its input from a socket not from stdin.

Am I to conclude that in order to be managed by xinetd, the source code for ftpd (or telnetd etc..) must be modified or recompiled to take its input from stdin??

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CentOS 5 Server :: LDAP Client - Nss_ldap: - Authenticate SSH And Sudo And Not Services Like Httpd - Nrpe - Xinetd

Aug 9, 2011

When ever I have an issue with our LDAP server (which I was able to fix) we see the following errors in /var/log/messages and it causes problems with our services running on that box, e.g. httpd, nrpe, xinetd, etc. Aug 8 17:44:42 hostname httpd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://serveraddress/: Can't contact LDAP server Aug 8 17:44:42 hostname httpd: nss_ldap: reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 64 seconds)... I am only wanting to authenticate SSH and Sudo and not services like httpd, nrpe, xinetd etc.

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Ubuntu :: Mldonkey-server Could Not Launch?

May 21, 2010

I found my mldonkey-server curiously could not launch after rebooting To confirm my suspicion, after the following command:

root@Mldonkey:~# /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server start
Starting MLDonkey: mlnet.
I run
root@Mldonkey:~# telnet localhost 4000
Trying ::1...


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Server :: CentOS VPS Looking To Launch Firefox?

Jun 4, 2011

So I recently got a VPS from hostgator and am now looking to get xwindows or xorg installed so that I can launch firefox from my VPS, the issue is that I don't want to install a complete desktop environment. Is there a way to accomplish this? I have enabled X11 forwarding in ssh and in the putty session, but continue to receive errors about displays.

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Server :: Can Launch Java Webapp From Rc.local

Jun 30, 2009

I am trying to launch a java web application automatically when the server starts from rc.local. Logged in as root with a console I can call the jar directly "java -jar /apps/web/fitapp.jar &" everything starts no problems. Once I add the same command to rc.local and reboot the webapp fails to start. Re-directing the output shows "Unable to access jarfile fitapp.jar". I've tried setting java environment variables (using in the rc.local, and in root's profile (bash), but that error persists.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Flashpolicytwistd Does Not Launch After Upgrading To Server 10.04

May 28, 2010

I was running Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS and using flashpolicytwistd from Google Code to support flash-based telnet on two websites. After upgrading to 10.04 flashpolicytwistd no longer starts.

If I do the following to manually start flashpolicytwistd:


I get this response:


If I then immediately do the following:


I get this response:


I also cannot locate the process with ps -e, nor can I confirm that it is listening on its assigned port (default is 843, I changed it to 4005).

No errors show up in the logs. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no change.

This problem has been confirmed on the Google Code issues page for this program on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: [url]

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Ubuntu Networking :: PXE Boot Will Not Launch

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to get a PXE boot going, and all is fine, however the ethernet card will not come up. The kernel modules are installed, and I can see them in the boot log, however it gets stuck on

eth0: no link during initialization ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready

During disk boot, this also happens twice, and finally on try 3 link comes up.

FWIW r8169 chipset

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Ubuntu :: Make A Script That Specifies How Much Ram To Launch Minecraft Server

Dec 25, 2010

I want to make a script that specifies how much ram to launch minecraft server with, so far I have:Code:read $ra
java -Xmx$raM -Xms$raM -jar minecraft_server.jar noguibut I knowthat that won't work because there is the M at the end of the variable $ra, is there a way I could make this work? I believe that the M at the end is required to specify the measurement unit.

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General :: Busybox/Initramfs Prevents Launch Of Ubuntu Server 8.04.3?

Sep 27, 2009

Prior to posting this I entered search arguments, "Busybox," then "initramfs" to attempt to find another user who may have experienced the same thing; if the solution is imbedded in the message threads, I must have missed it. On hand is a Ubuntu Server 8.04.3 installer CD. What works: Installs to a Mac Pro under both Parallels, and then under Fusion both were successful first try.

Install to a newly purchased 2 gig Acer Aspire One seems to have succeeded, but upon launching from Grub, Busybox/initramfs intercepts and halts the launch with an error I don't understand:

Starting up ...
Loading, please wait ...
Check root = bootary cat /proc/cmdline


The new Acer-PC Aspire One was partitioned into four 80 gig partitions using the Paragon software to do the partitioning. XP is on the first, and Ubuntu Server on the next 80 gig partition. Install was "successfully" done from a Lite-On external CD/DVD over USB.

During the install I changed the default name from Ubuntu to something else (probably a bad idea), and I naively entered "/" root to answer the mount question (finding nothing to tell me what to do). Ubuntu required a disk driver choice from a long list - finding no reference or guidance as to what to enter, I naively entered IDE Generic, and it took (I guess it "took").

FWIW the Ubuntu installer didn't require me to indentify the mount entry or the disk driver during installs on my Mac (Fusion/Parallels).I did connect the Internet during the install. I did checkoff/install LAMP during the install from CD. Goal: To use Joomla in a mock server environment.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Script To Launch A 3g Connection?

May 5, 2010

Im just wondering if it is possible to create a script that connects a computer to a 3g network.The computer is to be used by persons that is not very good at computers and that get really scared when forced to use things that are not located on the desktop.What I want to do with this script is to make a shortcut on the desktop so that it is very easy to find.Even better would be if it was possible to make the connection start automatic.Using the Network-managers auto setting isnt really reliable.Is there an foolprof way to do this? Or am I better of going back to Windows XP?

Computerell Mini 10
Modem: Built in 3g modem
ISP: Telia 3g
Location: Sweden
Ubuntu 9.04 (only one with support for "intel" GMA500)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Launch Wireless Connection From The Command Line?

Oct 11, 2010

The title about says it! I have a major problem on my laptop after installing updates. Some of my icons in the top panel are broken. So as a first step I need to reinstall a few things. The first step is to start the wireless connection from the terminal. So would someone please tell what the command is?

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General :: Ssh Not Working Under Xinetd?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to restrict ssh connection using xinetd , so my xinetd configuration files are :



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General :: Xinetd And Trying To Get R-1 To Work ?

Jul 8, 2009

I am really not very experienced with linux and have only just started working off the command line in windows as well.

I know the basics but I am trying to install R-1 and I was having a lot of difficulties and figured out that it was that xinetd was not running.

So I tried to run it service xinetd start and it said unecognized service so then I installed xinetd and there was already a xinetd.d directory with all of the processes i needed with the .conf file but so when i run xinetd -d


My xinetd.conf file looks like this:


# All service files are stored in the /etc/xinetd.d directory
includedir /etc/xinetd.d
# End /etc/xinetd

This is what one of the files in xinetd.d looks like


I need to get xinetd running so that i can finish installing R-1.

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Programming :: Pixelserv With Xinetd ?

Oct 22, 2009 pixelserv is a http-daemon which returns a pixel for every http-request. It was originally written in perl [url], but this is a tad too heavy for a small linux device like a DD-WRT router [url].

I was able to compile it and it runs fine standalone, but I want to run it under xinetd using this configuration-file.


When I do a "wget [url]" from the console of that router it will fail with this in /var/log/messages


It seems it's incompatible with xinetd, but I lack the knowledge and experience to modify this. A whole community will be grateful if someone is able to make this runable under xinetd.

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General :: Remove Xinetd.conf ?

Dec 18, 2010

I have simpe question about xinetd what happen to my system if i remove xinetd.conf what can i do to dont allow anyone delete xinetd.conf.

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