Fedora :: Philips PWC Kernel Webcam Driver Not Working Correctly
Mar 7, 2011
The Fedora 14 (and 13) pwc Philips Webcam Driver.is only supporting 160x120 resolution (and nothing higher such as 640x480). Also not supporting some other things correctly, I suspect.I say so having tested multiple web camera software and either they don't work (because they have no setting for low res) or they do work if settable to low res., but not for any higher res.I also have a working setpwc tool which shows the driver does not support framerate resetting.I have a Toucam and Toucam Pro - same for both.Also these units worked fine under Fedora 11, and under earlier versions even Red Hat 4.But I usually got the latest pwc from Saillaird.org and compiled it to get full support but there are no more current sources there anymore, and the older ones don't compile.But as I am saying under F11 it was fully correct, now under F13 and 14 it is broken.
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Jul 25, 2010
I need to bring an old philips usb webcam back to life using the PWC and PWCX drivers on a 2.4 kernel.. I found the PWC driver but the PWCX drivers.. can't find them anywhere they used to be available for download on the webcam nemosoft.. but it seems like they are no longer there anyone have this old driver laying around? File name should be something like pwcx-8.4.tar.gz.I googled it but little luck so far..
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Mar 21, 2010
Have got Skype running in 64bit SUSE 11.2 but whenever my Philips SPC 900NC Webcam starts Skype crashes. Do I need a driver for the webcam or is it something else causing the problem.
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Aug 24, 2010
I am trying to get the graphics working correctly on an old HP Compac d220 mt machine that has an Intel 82845G Graphics Controller.
The latest driver I can find is: Intel(R) Graphics Driver - Linux*[IntelGraphics_060704.tar.gz] dated 12/17/2004 Version 20041217 When I started to install this driver I got a message that said that it was compatible with kernel version 2.4.(+ numbers I don't remember) So I stopped the installation. My question is what will / could happen if I go ahead and try to complete the driver install? Will I hose the entire system? I am fiddling with the kernel if I continue to install the driver.
IF it does break, would it be possible to undo the driver install using the text based root console with networking via the recovery option or will that too be inoperable if I hose the system. Should it break and I can get to the recovery option and open a terminal. How would i uninstall it? I am just getting reacquainted with Linux again after 20 years. I am not using the advanced package management tool to install the driver. The driver has it's own installation script. (have not looked to see if it has an uninstall script in the file list) I won't be able apt-get remove or dpkg purge anything.
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Dec 20, 2010
I have done a new install of Fedora 14 but the RTL8191 wirless card is not being recognised. Realtek have provided the driver source but the make operation is failing because (I think) Fedora 14 isn't provided with the kernel source to enable it to complete successfully.
Basically (in easy to understand steps): how do I download correctly the Kernel source to enable the driver make operation to proceed?
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Jul 9, 2010
I have a Philips webcam I would like to get to work with a proper driver on Ubuntu 10.04. It will work under a generic driver on programs such as Skype, but as soon as I try to use it for web cam sites such as BlogTV, it will say "Webcam required on this site."I have seen similar posts on this and other websites, pointing towards SPCA, but everything I have tried has not worked.When trying SPCA, I tried to do install on the terminal and all that would happen is terminal would respond with: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded."Is there an easier method I am missing here, or is there something am I doing wrong?
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Aug 14, 2010
how to find out what driver my webcam is using and where its located the webcam it self works but goes from normal to dark after a minute of use and would like to fix it
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May 1, 2010
The microdia driver although notprovided by the manufacturer or ubuntu was available online and supported upto 9.10...but not instead of supporting it natively the support has been completely removed...i am able to compile the driver but it doesnt get inserteda complaint was also made on the launchpad bugs section and the ubuntu brainstorm page also but no action seems to have taken.....
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Aug 27, 2010
I am pretty concerned with my build-in webcam. The problem is, that it does not work properly and I guess that the driver crashes my interrups to access it. The result is, that my system is damn slow, almost unusable. In previous issues of Fedora, I was able to un-install the gspca driver and the system worked fine again. Now, I cannot find this driver - so where is it gone?
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Apr 22, 2010
I recently had problems with my HP printer in Fedora 12, where as I never had a problem with it in any other distrubution.... For some reason, the HPLIP driver in the repo doesn't work correctly... I don't know why... but I kept getting errors with "error: Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again."
I tried every suggestion I found... which was installing extra dependencies, disabling firewall, disabling SELinux and a whole bunch of other stuff... but nothing worked... THEN finally I decided to use the HPLIP driver from the HP website... it was a .run file... and I executed it, and my printer has worked perfect eversince..... my question is.... has anybody successfully installed their hp printer from the hplip driver in the repo's..??? I don't know why it didn't work for me, and i've seen other fedora users complain of the same thing? maybe theres something wrong with the package? or its not pulling in a needed dependency? I don't know...
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Mar 3, 2010
About two days ago, Yum started complaining about having a corrupt RPM db, so I hit google and looked up the procedures for rebuilding the DB, and I think I broke it more than fixed it. Now, when I issue a
root@BLACKHEARTED ~# yum -y update
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in <module>
yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True)
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Jul 4, 2010
my problem is on installing nvidia driver on fc12 32bit but, first of all, as i understood the pae kernel requires more than 4gb of ram,i have a 2.2 ghz cpu with 2 gb ram,but when i run command:uname -r it answers: [i have fc12 32 bit] when we try to download linux we have a 32bit edition or 64bit edition,do we have an edition which is only for pae? or when we install for example the 32bit edition on a computer with more than 4gb of ram then the kernel automatically will change to be a pae kernel??
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Jun 3, 2010
After upgrading my Sony VAIO from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13 my NFS shares don't seem to be working correctly. First of all, mounting them via /etc/fstab is quite slow now. More importantly, When I transfer files from my laptop client to my NFS share, the owner/group on the client become "nobody". However, on the NFS server, they are both "root". I am using a script containing "cp" commands to perform backups of certain directories, retaining original owner/group info. Since the Fedora 13 upgrade, the script complains with each file that it was unable to preserve the information, and the end of the line always contains "Invalid argument".
As a last resort, I upgraded the 'server' (a 64 bit version) from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13. There has been no improvement.
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Mar 19, 2011
About a month ago, I decided to go deeper in my Linux knowledge. I've been reading a lot and found out that Arch linux would be my learning distro. As I was installing Arch, it was a pain at first but I really learned a lot which I would never ever learn with Mint. Now I decided to take a step further is which "compiling your own kernel".
Everything was smooth in my Arch for a 2 weeks until I decided to compile my own kernel. I currently have a Nvidia GTX 460 1GB card.
BTW, the method I used to install nvidia with 2.6.37 was
pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils
and that worked with all of the .37 kernels (-1 -2 -3 -4) which was download from kernel.org.
When I compiled the .38 (using the same .config of .37), it just boots up to the terminal (not loading gdm). However, I could still login by typing my username and password. So I've checked dmesg of both .37 and .38 and noticed that the Nvidia driver is not loaded in .38.
I tried reinstall it by running pacman and it doesn't do anything. It was thinking of uninstalling nvidia and nvidia-utils but there are so many dependencies conflicts (like screensaver, compiz, etc).
Since, I didn't want to mess up my .37 install, I just grabbed an old HDD and installed from scratch again. This time, I compiled the .38 kernel first (without gui) and then installed nvidia nvidia-utils. It was the same problem.
With this observation, I'm concluding that the nvidia and nvidia-utils from pacman is not compatible with .38.
I've read that I have to wait for nvidia to release a driver that will be compatible with the .38 kernel. Is that true? Does it mean I have to wait for nvidia/nvidia-utils to be updated from pacman? How would I know when it is updated?
I've also read about nouveau, but I guess that is not for me because it doesn't support 3D.
Is there a work around for me to use nvidia/nvidia-utils with .38?
Is nvidia and nvidia-utils proprietary drivers? What is the difference with these two and the one you download directly from nvidia?
First of all, I apologize for the bombardment of questions. As you can tell, I'm so clueless on how nvidia drivers work on linux in general (since it was spoon fed by mint) and I really would love to learn about this is a deeper level. Could someone please explain to me (LAYMANS terms) how nvidia works (and possibly a solution to my issue).
EDIT: Additional info - I have a netbook that also runs arch. It uses an Intel GMA integrated video chip which I used "xf86-video-intel" from pacman and I believe since it is open source, it works with .38 fine. So does that mean if you use an open source driver, it will work with all other kernels?
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Jun 24, 2011
My DVD-ROM drive seems to have issues under Fedora 15.This is the "normal" spin with GNOME3, all updates have been installed.First off, the drive seems to get "stuck" will not eject any media once inserted.Occaisionally, if I just keep pressing the eject button, the media tray will jump out, but then will immediately pull itself back in without any interaction from me.Second issue: video DVDs do not mount. It does not seem to matter if libdvdcss is installed or not. When a DVD video disc is inserted, the DVD drive completely disappears from Nautilus' Computer window. Once I eject the DVD (after pressing eject 50 times) the drive comes back to the Computer window.The drive is a Plextor DVD-RW PX-755SA connected via SATAI have tried using either regular IDE or AHCI configuration in the BIOS for it, no change either way.The drive works fine under Ubuntu and OpenSUSE, but I like F15 better and would like to get this fixed.
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Sep 15, 2011
Broadcom wifi driver working only with Kernel-default, any way to get it work with desktop-kernel 3.1rc/3.0?
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Mar 11, 2011
I am running the newest Nvidia driver from nvidia.com, version 260.19.44. The built in proprietary Nvidia driver does not work properly.
Recently ubuntu was updated to a newer kernel from Under the driver is working. Under the desktop is not starting, and I can login to a 'console'. After login i try to run startx, and gets some errors. See attached Xorg.0.log.
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Apr 12, 2010
I just installed skype on my F12 yesterday, the webcam I am using is a logitech C200, which has built-in microphone. I got the video working fine but not the microphone. No sound can be recorded.The same microphone works fine on my Windows 7, so at least I can eliminate hardware issue.I have never used microphone on my F12 before
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Dec 21, 2010
I've fedora 14 on my system. My usb camera and avermedia tv tuner card is not working with it. It was working with fedora 13. I reinstalled fedora 14 again, still no result. cheese webcam booth shows black screen..
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Aug 10, 2010
Just installed the LXDE spin of 13 onto my acer aspire netbook. Couldn't make a usb boot stick, finally succeeded with an external card reader and unetbootin. Anyway, GXine isn't working, though it says its configured correctly. I'm very new to fedora and linux in general, played a bit with ubuntu 9.10.
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Oct 30, 2010
What it does is, if you do something to change anything on the screen, for example, highlighting text, or switching from one tab/menu in an application to another. The screen doesn't show the change. The only way to SEE the change is to do something else to the screen, like grabbing and moving the application around, or scrolling the page of a website, etc. If you don't do that, you won't see what's really on the screen, but rather what WAS on the screen.
Another example:
*) say you have an application open with 3 tabs: tab1, tab2, and tab3.
*) Switch from tab1 to tab2 and you see no change on the screen.
*) Switch from tab2 to tab3 and you see tab 2 on the screen, NOT tab 3.
*) Switch from tab3 to tab 2 and you see tab3 on the screen, and NOT tab2.
Or, if you're typing in this box to make a post, and you hit ctrl+a to select all, you see no change. If you click in the box to deselect all, then it looks like you've selected all text still. The only way to see what's currently on the screen is to scroll the text box or page just a bit, or, if you're using an application, then you'd have to move it around on the screen a bit.
As i've said, the nVidia drivers are installed and working, as well as compiz, etc.
[=v=]$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 Northbridge only single slot PCI-e GFX Hydra part (rev 02)
00:02.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RD890 PCI to PCI bridge (PCI express gpp port B)
Also, i did BOTH the dracut thing, and the extra kernel paramter in the grub.conf. So, nouveau is blacklisted. Oddly enough though, i do NOT have this problem when using the nouveau driver...
Also, fwiw, i think that i should mention that i'm not using the "Desktop Settings > Enable Desktop Effects" method, because i always seem to have problems with getting certain features to work, like the background for the cube skydome, etc. How i do it is that i install a package called compiz-manager, and i have it set to run at session start. This makes all of the compiz features work fine. One thing that i've noticed though, is that on my other workstation, i haven't set that up yet, and it seems that is is NOT having the same issue. While compiz-manager was running, i tried to use the "desktop settings" method, and it crapped out and reverted back to the old school desktop. I then tried it again, and it reloaded compiz, and there is no screen update issues now. So it seems that you have to have both of them running in order to get all of the compiz options to work, and not have the screen refresh issue?
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Feb 10, 2010
My webcam was working when I installed Fedora12. But now it doesn't work after about 2 months of playing with this OS. Because of this, I decided to reinstall it's driver.I downloaded it from ATrpms website, but if I try to install it the terminal says"/boot/vmlinuz- is needed by uvc-kmdl-"File needed: /boot/vmlinuz- wanted to be installed: uvc-kmdl-
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Jul 31, 2011
I have a logitech c310 webcam. When I open cheese, I get a blank. Also my wifi adapter stops working - it doesn't show up on lsusb anymore. How do I fix this? How do I get both my wifi adapter and camera to work at the same time and how do I get my webcam to work? The adapter is D-Link DWA-125. Here are the outputs for lsusb:
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Jun 23, 2011
I'm trying to bring my Slackware system back to life as my XP HDD is dying... I've got everything working except for my audio. I got a new motherboard (ASRock P43DE3) and it has a VIA VT1708S as the onboard audio. Is there any way I can get this working without rebuilding the kernel?
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May 13, 2010
i want to compile Moxa (5100) driver in Fedora 12 , kernel <= 2.6.30 but now when i run command i see this error :
ln: creating symbolic link `libssl.so': File exists
make -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/home/AAA/moxa modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
CC [M] /home/AAA/moxa/npreal2.o
/home/AAA/moxa/npreal2.c: In function �npreal_open�:
/home/AAA/moxa/npreal2.c:1000: error: implicit declaration of function �task_session_nr
make[2]: *** [/home/AAA/moxa/npreal2.o] Error 1
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Dec 7, 2009
I have Fedora 12 right now, and I've come to the conclusion that the ATI catalyst drivers version 9.11 aren't going to work at all on that system, so I was going to downgrade to fedora 10 and install 9.8 or so on it. But what I was wondering is if I install Fedora 10 and then upgrade the kernel will that make the ATI drivers not work? Do I need to turn automatic updates off?
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Aug 5, 2011
I've just installed Opensuse 11.3 on m Dell Studio 15, and am having problems getting the wireless card to work. I've installed the proper driver (I think), using ndiswrapper, and have blacklisted the conflicting driver (called ssb) to the 50-blacklist.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/. My problem is that the ssb driver is still appearing as an alternate driver when I use the command ndiswrapper -l in the terminal. Where do I go from here? Am I correct that the ssb driver is not blacklisted correctly?
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a problem with getting the picture to display properly on my HDTV. Using the regular driver (whichever that is) the picture displays flawlessly, but when I'm using the NVIDIA driver it displays really weird. URL...As you can see the top and the right of the picture is missing, and there is a large black bar to the left of it.Since it only does this with the NVIDIA driver I guess the driver is at fault here. The graphics card is a 8400GS and I'm running Xubuntu 10.10. The HDTV has a native resolution of 1366x768, and I've connected to it using HDMI.
I have tried messing around with overscan compensation in nvidia-settings, but it didn't help much.What can I do to fix this?
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Sep 27, 2010
Having just updated various files including the kernel using Package Manager I no longer seem to have the correct version of the Nvidia graphics driver. On previous updates this has been done automatically by the "kmod Nvidia" Metapackage. My last kernel was fc12.i686.PAE and the Nvidia driver for that did get downloaded correctly. Looking on Yumex I cannot see a driver for this latest kernel listed.
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Feb 6, 2011
After a fresh install of Slackware64-current could not get X to start correctly with the nouveau driver. When ever X started display was scrambled. Only kde would partially work with desktop effects enabled, but very slow. Without desktop effects enable kde was also scrambled. After trying several things and googling came up with the following. To get X to work created a nouveau-kms.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d with the following text.
Code: options nouveau noaccel=1 The one draw back to this solution is that Kde will not start with desktop effects enabled. Hopefully this will help someone else with similar problems. Maybe someone else has a better solution. video card: Nvidia Geforce 6150se nForce430
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