Setup LAN For Gaming Between Laptop And 2 Windows Laptops?

Sep 22, 2010

I've got a long road trip day after tomorrow, and thankfully, I'm not driving. I own 3 working laptops which I'm bringing with me, along with 2 brothers who enjoy starcraft (1). I've never setup a LAN before, how would I do it? My laptop's dual booting slack and lucid, the other two are vista/karmic and standalone 7. All 3 have cards capable of wireless G and Ethernet ports.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Host Computer To Accept Display From Laptops In A Group Of Laptops?

Oct 2, 2010

How do I setup a host computer to accept display from laptops in a group of laptops?

I have a group of people each set to manage a specific task. I have a projector in the middle of the room hooked up to a computer. How can each user push their screens to the host computer? All computers are on a lan

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Stops On Two Laptops - Works On Windows Laptop

Jul 8, 2011

I have two ubuntu 11.04 laptops that today stopped working with my home wifi, but my windows laptop works fine. These same ubuntu laptops connect fine to iPhone wifi hotspot.

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Fedora :: 15: Missing Windows For Wireless Setup On A Laptop?

Aug 1, 2011

I have installed Fedora 15 on a Acer Aspire one computer laptop. I have some missing windows for Network settings windows.First issue:When setting wep or wpa or wapa2 there is no windows to type in the passphase and key so the laptop can connect to the wireless netgear wireless router.Second issue:Once a password is typed in the one line access there is no way one can reset what has been typed in. Gassp! Check this can highlite wireless and options does not light up. When one highlite wired options lightup and you can click on the tab 801.11something like that for wireless but this is for the wired not for wireless.....I know because I have tried it and had to reinstall fedora software because I could not remove the password and user name

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Hardware :: Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver - Crossfire - For Windows

Sep 14, 2010

My 5 year old daughter is having a great time singing to the karaoke game I've put onto my Ubuntu HTPC system. However the USB microphone is having a hard time!

I was wondering if it would be possible to use an "Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver (Crossfire) For Windows" in Ubuntu with the cordless mic I already have for my Xbox 360? I guess it'll be a driver issue as always. However, I also note that MS don't mention the receiver works specifically with the microphone, they only mention the control pad and steering wheel, so I could be going down a blind alley anyway.

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Fedora Networking :: Setup A LAN With An FC14 Laptop - FC15 PC And A Windows Machine Running XP?

Jun 27, 2011

Trying to set up a LAN with an FC14 laptop, FC15 PC and a Windows machine running XP. I have SAMBA installed on both FC machines, but neither of them can see shares on each other or the XP machine. I can ping between all of them. The Windows machine sees all of the SAMBA shares.

When I attempt to Connect to Server under Places on the FC15 PC, I do not have a Windows share option to choose from as I do on the laptop, suggesting smbclient isn't configured correctly on that machine. SMB, NMB and WINBIND are installed and activated on startup on both FC machines. Although I have the Windows share option on the FC14 laptop, it will only connect with the IP address.

Firewalls and SELinux on both machines are disabled. Here are some configuration details:

rpm -qa | grep samba


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Ubuntu :: Connecting 10.4 And Windows 7 Laptops?

Nov 5, 2010

I actually have two problems (which may be related). I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a old Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo La1703 and Windows 7 on a new Dell Inspiron 1545. I only have one broadband internet dongle, so I would like to share the connection (preferably via wireless ad hoc connection, but lan would work too). The dongle is run with a program that comes with it and works fine in both Windows and Ubuntu (except that the Network Manager in Ubuntu doesn't realise that there is an internet connection).

Yesterday morning I managed ONCE to make a wireless ad hoc connection and was able to use the dongle connected on the Windows machine from the Ubuntu one (using WEP security). Since I wasn't able to reproduce this I tried with a Ethernet cable. I plugged it in and and was surfing smoothly the whole evening.

This morning I couldn't connect the computers any more. Neither with nor without cable. When the cable is plugged in the Ubuntu machine recognises a connection, but fails to connect. The windows machine just says "Unidentified Network". I don't know what I did to make the connection disappear or why my laptops refuse to communicate like friends any more. I've been trying the whole day to make them kiss and make up, but they are really stubborn.

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General :: Laptops Battery Life On Compared To Windows?

Jul 6, 2011

i recently purchased my second laptop, primarily for linux. When i chose it, my main concern was battery life. Just to make a side note. When i say battery life, i mean how long the computer takes until the battery goes flat. Not how many years/ect it takes till the battery will no longer hold charge.

My new computer claims to be able to get 10 hours. Although it's a bit off, i get a satisfying little bit over 6 hours, from full charge. This is running Windows 7. I couldn't wait to put Linux on my new computer, i have, but it just isn't satisfying because i only get about 4 hours while running linux, tried three different distros, and all roughly the same.

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General :: Linking Ubuntu To Windows 7 Computer - Both Are Laptops

May 12, 2011

can i link my linux (dedicated) to my windows 7 computer - b0th are laptops.

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General :: 15.4 Inch Laptops Tend To Be Slightly Cheaper Than 14-inch Laptops?

Feb 8, 2010

15.4 inch laptops tend to be slightly cheaper than 14-inch laptops? Supply and demand? and if you do not mind answering another question, what's your perspective on uncle Larry eating Sun?

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General :: Glitchy Gaming And Low FPS

Apr 27, 2011

Ok first my setup

AMD Phenom 2 955 3.2
4GB DDR3 G.Skill Gaming Ram
HIS ATi 5770 GFX
Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 tested 32 bit
Latest wine compiled with the needed patchs

All 3D Games under wine run at a very low fps even with the lowest graphics settings, this includes starcraft 2, league of legends, css, etc. using the latest ATi driver and 11.2 and the "tested" additional drivers ubuntu auto installs and yes i followed all the guides to improve performance under wine in all my games and all the custom patchs

Even native games such as Trine, cop lag spikes, and choppyness

Now this does not happen under windows, so i know my card and computer are healthy as can be, there new parts. in windows, in the same games, i get up to 200 fps +

The only conclusion i can come to is an incompatability with ubuntu and the latest ati drivers but i cant find anyone who can confirm this or that has a similiar setup and the same problems

I also see people with better or lower ati cards, some with the same, running these exact games in linux on high graphics with no lag

Now, abit of a turn around is, Trine and native games ran smooth as can be in Fedora 14, i cant remember what drivers i used, i followed there yum guide, but it ran extremely well and with no glitching in the exact same spots were i would glitch heavily in ubuntu

Tho i was unable to test wine games because i couldnt figure out how to compile wine in fedora with a patch i need to run my specific games, in ubuntu it was easy using sudo and apt-get

the only response i got from the ubuntu forums was "get an nvidia card"

I realise wine isnt perfect, but, fact is. other people have these games running fine on similiar cards and setups I dont know if there using different drivers.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Freezes When Gaming?

May 8, 2010

I got a problem with ubuntu and it is when I try to play games everything works alright but suddenly I get a random freeze, my entire screen freezes and I have to reboot in most cases, sometimes it turns to normal after a while. I had this problem in 9.10 and I got nvidia GTX 275. I dualboot with windows.

It could be my fans that are not working as the computer temperature gets up to 43 C or something when I game, however I've not seen how hot it is when it freezes.

Oh and I use 10.04, had the same bug in 9.10

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Fedora :: Turn Servers Into A Gaming Computer?

Jul 7, 2009

I just bought my first server and was hoping to turn it into a gaming computer.

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Ubuntu :: Gaming With Wine And Dual Monitor?

May 3, 2010

when i run an application full screen in wine then it spans both of my monitors, whereas i just want it on 1 monitor. I thought an easy solution to this would be to simply run the program in windowed mode instead of full screen. However, when in windowed mode the mouse cursor leaves the window, which isn't advantageous to gaming.

how to keep the mouse cursor in the wine window? Or does anyone know how to make full screen only use one monitor?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Up A Java Gaming Server?

Sep 18, 2010

I intend to develop a game using Java. I will need a dedicated server for running the server side code for clients to connect to.

For ease of development I was hoping to use an old PC sat next to my desktop to run as a server.

I have downloaded the 32 bit server platform (all the CPU will allow on this machine) and put it on a USB stick and can run it and it all works ok. When I get midway through the installation I get to a screen that asks me to 'Choose software to install', I was just wondering if there were some choices that I should make here. For instance I will be using MySQL, Java etc...

I am persisting on with an installation for the moment but I will be able to reinstall everything again if necessary.

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General :: LAN Gaming Distro Based On Arch?

Jan 13, 2011

i'm looking for people that play LAN games under linux that would also be interested in producing an easy to use gaming distro that pre-scripts the installation of many popular wine-compatible windows games (plus those games that are cross-platform) all with the click of the mouse, my thoughts are


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Ubuntu Servers :: Running A Gaming Server With Clouds?

Feb 14, 2010

Will this be a good idea clouding my servers and building a dedicate gaming server provider?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Wireless Gaming Adapter?

Jul 27, 2010

I've searched everything I can think of to find out if this or something similar has already been solved but I didn't find anything, that's not to say it hasn't already been done because I don't understand enough of what I'm using to search properly, if it has then I apologise.

The problem I have is connecting to the internet using Ubuntu 10.4 and my Belkin Wireless G Gaming Adapter, I'll try and give an overview of my setup. PC - BelkinWirelessAdapter - Router.

The PC is connected to Adapter via ethernet, I set up the Adapter through my web browser to connect to my router, it finds the router perfectly but no matter how I set up the IP settings etc... it won't come up saying it is connected to the internet, the connection to the adapter itself seems okay as long as I am only trying to get into the adapter itself which requires a particular IP address, this address can't be used to get online though, so when I change it to what works on every other system I've used nothing happends, nothing happens when I use DHCP either. I'm a complete Linux noob so please make any responses as simple as possible lol

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Fedora :: Went From FC13 To FC14 Now Gaming Graphics Shotty?

Jan 9, 2011

I had been running Fedora core 13. Everything was running fine. Gaming graphics were excellent. 3d acceleration was as well. Did a fresh install of fedora core 14 and now gaming graphics just plain suck. Colours are distorted, textures are shotty, lots of black spots in the distance.I've install mesa experimental drivers with no improvement. also messed with the settings in either game with little to no improvement

Specific games this is happening on are urban terror and nexuiz.Graphics card is Radeon HD 4650

# glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV730 9498) 20090101 TCL DRI2

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General :: Version Of System To Use Main Priority Gaming?

Feb 6, 2011

I dont have eny version or experiance of linux at the moment and im a bit of a neanderthal when it comes to computers. im trying to diside what version of linux to use to reformat my other computer, bearing in mind my main priority is gaming. which version would you think would be best?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: MS Sidewinder Gaming Mouse Configuration

Apr 14, 2009

I am a newbie of Linux who start to use the CentOS from scratch. I installed the 5.3 finial version on my desk computer two days ago (I used the Keyboard during the installation). Unfortunately, Microsoft sidewinder mouse can't be recognized.

1: There is a mouse pointer at the center of the screen, but can't be moved.
2: Nothing about mouse confirmation has been wrote into /etc/X11/xorg...

I have just find some relative topics/threads on the Google. But finally, I am failed to resolve it by following the solution. [URL]

1: What's the EVDEV drive they mentioned?
2: What's the .xbindkeysrc file for? And how to create it in correct way?
3: I cant find the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/, does it because the different base types between two two distribution? Or I have missing anything?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Wake-on-lan With A Laptop?

Jun 8, 2010

I tried to follow this guide on how to setup wake-on-lan with a laptop, but instead of


Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: g
Link detected: yes

I got this:


Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: g
Link detected: no

I must confess I didn't see any setting in the BIOS that directly referred to WoL, but I enabled something and hoped it should be right. Is this the problem? Is there any way to check if the hardware supports WoL other than looking through the BIOS?

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Ubuntu Networking :: AP Setup On Laptop Via MadWifi

Jul 28, 2010

I have successfully created an access point on my Laptop via Madwifi drivers. A second laptop can successfully associate with the created AP. But ping is not possible from both sides.

AP on the first Laptop:

ifconfig ath0 netmask broadcast up

Second Laptop:

ifconfig ath1 netmask up
route add default gw

Association works, but ping command is not possible from both sides:


What could be the problem?

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Ubuntu :: Skippy-xd - Setup Lubuntu On An Old Laptop?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to set up Lubuntu on an old laptop, and I decided to install skippy-xd on it, to get expose type effects. That bit worked, hurrah! However, I can't seem to get skippy-xd to start automatically on boot. I always have to start it manually with the run command. Boo. I have tried adding






I have tried adding




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Fedora Installation :: New Hard Drive In Laptop - How To Setup

Apr 7, 2009

I am upgrading my old 40G hard drive to a new 160G one and want to know the best way to set it for use with my system. I currently have a Windows partition which I want to keep & reinstate onto the new drive. Then I want to have another 3 partitions for different distros.

What should I do as a first step when I put the drive in boot off a live CD. I am assuming that I will need to do. If I do a, # grub-install, will this then format the MBR and then create a small partition for /boot. Following that, do I just restore the Windows partition immediately after the /boot partition, and then create new partitions for the distros accordingly.

I would also like to create a seperate swap partition and then install F10. Is there an option in Anaconda to not use LVM (can't remember).

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Fedora :: Setup Graphical Remote Connection To Laptop Via VNC?

Jan 22, 2011

Fresh installation of Fedora 14 x86-64 on Lenovo T510. I'm trying to setup graphical remote connection to this laptop via VNC. I installed vnc-server package and altered /etc/sysconfig/vncservers accordingly:

VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -localhost"

I found Remote Desktop which opens vino-preferences and ticked the check boxes there. I started vnc-server and then I tried to connect to it from the same local host using vncviewer. I got no errors and the window with correct resolution came up. The problem is - that window is black and empty. I tried looking into Fedora docs but I haven't found anything useful there. I tried google and I found about 487693746874363 solutions and different ways of installing and configuring VNC server. I tried a few - none helped.

I wonder if there is a decent and consistent documentation about how to make remote desktop working in Fedora without having a real pain in the ass trying out those gazillion tweaks and tricks from various forums and blogs? After all Fedora 14 comes with that Remove Desktop thing available out of the box. Is it a real working thing or just a marketing Should I uninstall all the preinstalled VNC stuff and follow one of those painful instructions found on the internet from A to Z praying for it to eventually start working after all the magic is done and hours or days are wasted?

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General :: What Is The Best MTA Setup For A Home / Laptop Computer (not Server)?

Sep 21, 2010

What is a good MTA (e.g. Postfix or something else) setup for a home computer behind a NAT, or a laptop that is not always online? I've read a lot of Postfix tutorials on how to set it up this way or that, but they are usually geared towards computers that are servers ie they

have a static IP
have a domain name
are always connected to the same network

My requirements are, I guess: Ability to redirect mail for local users to another server of my choosing. No listening for incoming SMTP connections - outgoing only Ability to route outgoing mail via an external SMTP server with authentication (and perhaps encryption) If not Postfix, I need an MTA which can queue up mails in case it temporarily has no internet connection.

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Networking :: Setup Laptop Running Ubuntu 10.04 Into Router?

Jun 18, 2010

\How can i setup my computer (currently running Ubuntu 10.04 lts) into a router so that other laptop can have a wireless connection to it and be able to access the Internet?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Virtual Web Server On Laptop?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 server as a guest on a Windows 7 host using VirtualBox. I've set the VirtualBox configuration to use a Bridged network connection so that I can access the internet through the Ubuntu guest and to access the Ubuntu apache server through my Windows host.This is all running on my laptop which connects to various routers using dhcp (some ip addresses start with 198. while others start with 10.) What I need is a single static ip address (or hostname/url) to setup my cms (drupal).how I can accomplish this given the varying routers the laptop connects to?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Gaming Experience - Increase Graphics Memory Allocation?

Jun 9, 2011

When I play Bejewelled Blitz on Mozilla firefox or Google Chrome,, it is so painfully slow that it is frustrating, I have all the latest updates from Ubuntu installed including the Adobe flashplayer. Is there some way I can increase the graphics memory allocation?

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