Ubuntu :: Widows 7 Crashes After Installing 10.04?

Jun 23, 2010

i just installed ubuntu 10.04 in my windows 7 s/m.(Dual boot) ubuntu got installed without any problem.But now when i try to boot to windows,s/m get crashed on the way..i could just see the windows logo,but by then,blue screen crash occurs..

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Top Bar Looking Like Widows 95?

Jun 11, 2011

I recently started using Ubuntu 11.04, and everything had the ambient theme. After a couple hours of use though, the bar at the top of the screen looked like something from windows 95.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Run Widows Or Its Applications In 14?

Apr 21, 2011

now i want to run widows or its applications in my fedora14. i heard about vmwere&wine,
but dont know which one would be better choice. or is there any other applications that is better than these...?

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General :: Can't Mount (access) Widows Drives From Ubuntu 9

Dec 1, 2009

am facing trouble in accessing my windows file system from within ubuntu OS.. i had this problem with a fedora distro before,, and it wasn't solve till i've installed ubuntu and still facing it here,,i have some of my friends who installed ubuntu from inside the windows.. they are not having this problem.. they can navigate through the both file systems under linux and windows.. but i've installed it "from out windows vista OS".when i attempt to double click on windows drives it says something like : "cant mount the drive.".. really confused..

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Ubuntu :: Can Mount The Partition On Which Widows Is Currently Installed In Dual Boot

Mar 9, 2010

Can i mount the partition on which windows is currently installed in (dual boot, win and ubuntu) and navigate through its folders and take files, eg. pics, songs... to place on my ubuntu desktop. Just wondering, im trying to get others used to linux enviroment and want to start transfering things wihtout making it too drastic for them. The process that i described above doesn't have to be exactly like that, but basically anything that gets me similar results.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Deploy Widows XP And Xubuntu Dual Boot?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a Dual Boot system set up that i need to be able to deploy to a dozen identical computers in a lab envrionment. from a linux server. In order to do this i will need to be able to clone the MBR, Partition Table, and all the data.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Libre Crashes After Installing 11.4?

May 2, 2011

After 11.4 update, Libre 3.3 crashes upon opening every time.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Driver Not Installing - Computer Crashes

Feb 22, 2010

I am using an HP dv6 series laptop. The wireless works fine in Ubuntu 9.10 (must install the Broadcom STA wireless driver). When I try to use Kubuntu 9.10 my computer crashes when I try to install the driver. Is there any particular reason why it works in one and not the other?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: KDE Crashes After Installing ATI Drivers?

Oct 17, 2010

As you can see from a thread`s title,my graphical environment KDE has gone after the following simple steps in "Installing ATI drivers" thread of Advanced FAQ. After rebooting, it shows me only console,which asks login and password. how can I bring things back and actually install ATI driver..?

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Ubuntu :: After Installing Fglrx, Kde4-window-decorator Crashes When Run Compiz?

Sep 24, 2010

I was using the open source ATI drivers and KDE's compositing worked, so I hadn't installed compiz. I wanted to try fglrx because I thought a) I might be able to get temperature readings, and b) it might stop Kubuntu from making my computer incredibly hot (in Windows 7 it stays cool). So I installed fglrx by enabling it in the restricted hardware drivers thing, and things worked, but compositing was disabled and no matter what I did I couldn't enable it. So I installed compiz. When I run compiz, I get the following output:

toby@tensile:~$ compiz --replace
Starting kde4-window-decorator


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OpenSUSE Install :: XenVM Crashes When Installing WinXP On 11.2?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to use Xen tools to run multiple operating systems on my machine. The problem is that when I try to install Windows (32) XP (using "hvm" build) it crashes ! It crashes after it starts copying some files (immediately after formatting) at 18%/20%). I can't see the cause of this such a crash, I know it's a crash because I told it to restart on case. Here is my configuration file:




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Software :: After Installing Rhythmbox Plugins - Rhythm Box Crashes?

Jul 15, 2010

I am having some trouble with RhythmBox. It runs fine until I install the package (Synaptics) Rhythmbox plugins 0.12.8-0. After I install this package and then open RhythmBox, the applications opens for a few seconds and then closes (terminates).Configuration is Ubuntu Lucid, 64 bit OS

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CentOS 5 :: Install Crashes When Formatting Or Installing Packages?

May 15, 2009

Hardware:2x Intel Xeon E5520 @ 2.26 Intel Server Board S5520UR LSI 8888ELP raid controller
Anyone gotten CentOS 5 to install on this hardware? The installer boots and partitions the drive, but either crashes during formatting of the partitions or during package installation with a kernel panic.

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OpenSUSE Network :: KDE 4.5.4 Networkmanager Crashes While Installing Mobile Connection

Dec 20, 2010

I am a long time gentoo-user (~10 years). Just bought this new laptop and don't want to take the time to compile everything. During my search for a nice binary distro, I found the KDE reloaded CD, which I then downloaded. That was because I had a great hassle to find a Distro which supports the latest KDE, I was used by gentoo. Well, I am very impressed: Installation went flawless and the Distro is very up-to-date.

Well, now to one of my problems: I have this mobile internet stick:

ID 12d1:140c Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

which also gets detected as a modem. So far so good. When I now try to set it up, the KDE networmanager just segfaults badly... This is the output from the error report:

Maybe there is a possibility to set it up command line?

Application: KDE-Kontrollmodul (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]
#6 0x00007f60ca29ea7a in ?? () from /usr/lib64/kde4/kcm_networkmanagement.so
#7 0x00007f60ca2981c1 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/kde4/kcm_networkmanagement.so
#8 0x00007f60de2bb87f in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib64/libQtCore.so.4


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Software :: Mapping Linux Users With Widows Users Using Samba

Jul 11, 2009

I work as an system administrator for AIX and Linux servers. We have an FTP server running in Linux which has shared folders to Windows domain using Samba. The new requirement is to map users created to Linux machine to Windows users in such a way that, when a user logins into Windows machine with an ID say "X123" in domain "TEST", his access control to the samba shares should reflect based on the same user ID created in Linux machine.(FYI. Both the Windows and LINUX machines are in same network and domain). Please let me know the step by step procedure to configure Linux machine (smb.conf entries or any new file to be created for user mapping) to identify Windows user Login and provide access restrictions accordingly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.10 Via Wubi Crashes On "recalculating Splines"

Feb 15, 2011

I have tried 2 fresh installs of Ubuntu 10.10 from Wubi. After the initial Windows install I reboot, select Ubuntu, get the countdown (at which point I have to hit ESC for options or it will just hang), then select the 'ACPI Workrounds' option. I get to the purple splash screen with preview slide show and Ubuntu begins finalizing the install. The progress bar goes all he way to the end, reading "recalculating splines", but then my system reboots.

When I chose Ubuntu again I have the standard option and the 'safe mode' option. Neither get me back to the purple splash screen, but instead just hang. Safe mode will begin to load, then hang on [ 1.771083] ata: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps...

I have tried to edit the Grub for both of these options. I tried adding (variously) 'nomodeset', 'noapic', 'nolapic' and have deleted 'quiet splash' [I don't recall every combination of commands I tried, so if there is a specific set please let me know]. No matter what I try here, as soon as I hit CTRL-X, it goes to a screen stating: "Booting command list". It just hangs on this screen and I can not type anything in. I am forced to pull the power cord to reboot.

I am running an older laptop: Toshiba Satellite A135; Intel Celleron Processor and 2 gigs of RAM, Windows Vista Home Basic pre-installed

PS: The only errors I could find in a Google search having to do with "splines" was in relation to Ooo.

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Ubuntu :: U9.10 Crashes For No Reason / Cause Of This?

Feb 11, 2010

Title says it all.Ubuntu 9.10 on HP Pavilion dv4 laptop crashes all the time absolutely for no reason.

Everything is working very fine and suddenly bang ubuntu drops to black screen and cursor blinking on top right corner requiring a reboot to get it back to normal and again happens the same at any random time.

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Ubuntu :: Crashes At Start Up?

May 4, 2010

i've been trying to install ubuntu for 3 days but every time I am getting a new problem first thing when I was booting from my live cd i got the message


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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird 3.0.3 Crashes A Lot In 10.04?

Jun 18, 2010

After upgrading to 10.04, Thunderbird crashes every 20 minutes or so. No mozilla crash reporter pops up... it just dies. No idea why. I filed a bug, but nothing seems to be happening with it. I find it hard to believe I'm the only one experience this level of instability.

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Ubuntu :: KDE Crashes After Upgrade To 10.10?

Oct 19, 2010

I've just upgraded to 10.10 and X crashes after every login to KDE. I am able to use the gnome desktop with no problems.Tried removing the .kde and .kderc directories, and it still crashes.

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Ubuntu :: Sometimes Crashes During Boot?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a weird problem. Sometimes Ubuntu freezes when I'm booting up, sometimes not. I would say 2 out of 3 times it crashes, all other times it goes fine. I alway get past the GRUB bootscreen, then it starts loading. Towards the end or so, all of a sudden all disk activity stops and the screen hangs. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Z, Escape, whatever buttons I press, it doesn't do anything.

I removed the "quiet" and "splash" boot options in GRUB so I could see in detail what is loading, but this doesn't make any more sense then before. The lines of text are always a bit different every time it happens so I can't really pinpoint when it goes wrong. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with the output on my screen, I guess the real problem is not displayed.

I also tried booting into recovery mode. Also here this is strange. Sometimes I make it to the recovery screen with the options (resume, clean, netroot, ...), sometimes it crashes before that. When I get the recovery screen I choose "resume", this usually works and then I use "startx" to go into graphical mode. However, at other times, when I choose "resume" it freezes even before I get a login prompt.

So please guys, tell me, what is the problem here? How do I find out where I should start looking. Ubuntu sometimes freezes and when it does it doesn't alway happen at the same place as before. I know only 1 thing for certain, once I'm fully booted I don't have any problems whatsoever, everything seems to work flawlessly.

I am running a dual boot system with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows7/XP. I am running kernel 2.6.35-24 (also tried 2.6.35-23, but no difference). I have an i5 CPU, so 64 bits. If you need any more information, just ask.

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Ubuntu :: When Try To Shut My Pc Down KDE Crashes

May 27, 2011

I am having following problem: Next to everytime, when I try to shut my pc down, KDE crashes, which is pretty annoying, because I like to download stuff over night and therefore I want to shut this pc down automatically. This is obviously not working when kde crashes everytime. I know that kde is not very stable, but is it really that bad? Is this a common issue?

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Ubuntu :: Various Segfaults And/or Crashes ?

Jul 23, 2011

I have some curious errors and crashes since yesterday. Firefox crashes without saying anything or just freezes. Thunderbird also crashed once without any reason, as far as I could discern.

Compiz is another candidate. Either it segfaults and sends me back to the GDM login screen or it crashes in another way, resulting in a flickering window with an unreadable error message (just an empty window with the nautilus icon in the menu bar, background image stays the same, Unity or any other compiz things are gone). I even had some real X segfaults mixed in.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Frequently Crashes / Why Is So - Fix It?

Sep 1, 2011

Anywhere from 2 -> 6 times a day, my computer will freeze up. If any audio was playing, it will repeat the last few seconds over and over again.
I've been dealing with the problem for a couple of months now, with no solutions.

It can happen anytime, but it tends to happen on my screensaver about 50% of the time after I've locked my computer and during the early morning (12am onwards) when I have a full-screen video playing, but it's never done it at night in the same circumstances.

I am confused and just can't figure out the problem.

Computer info:
Mac Mini (2010) 2.4GHz
Dual 24" Monitors @ 1920x1080.
Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Do 0.8.2 Crashes When Using Ping.fm?

Jan 3, 2010

I am using Gnome Do 0.8.2, which I added using the PPA. It is great, although when I summon Do, and type a Ping.fm status, and press enter, Gnome Do crashes with this output:

Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.
System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
Parameter name: element


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Ubuntu :: Conky Crashes With Desktop?

Jan 8, 2010

I have conky on my desktop, and it works most of the time. The only times I've noticed problems are when I do large file transfers from my computer to an external HD.

What happens during large file transfers is that Conky crashes, and then I realize that my desktop is also "dead" (as in, I can't highlight anything. The icon for my external HD is gone, even though it is still mounted and accessible. Right-clicking doesn't do anything either.). I tried Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, but that didn't work either. I can log out and back in to get everything working again, but that's a bit of a pain.

I'm using the GNOME desktop on Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Wubi's - Crashes When Logon ?

Jan 29, 2010

I installed Wubi sucessfully. Whenever I enter Ubuntu, it crashes whenever I run Firefox or connect to Ubuntu Software Center.

So I re-installed Ubuntu. Now it crashes when I logon to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Restart In The Event That It Ever Crashes?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a program running on my server which I want to restart in the event that it ever crashes. Someone suggested "Watchdog" to me, but it appears to me that watchdog restarts the whole system, not the program. I couldn't find much documentation for it. Another suggestion I was given was crontab, except that I don't want to relaunch the program every 60 seconds, as it doesn't run on screen or anything, it forks itself into the background after launching it. Perhaps a bash script that would check to see if the program were running or not, and if it weren't, relaunch it? Not sure how to do that, I've never written bash. In any case, I just want to keep this program running full time.

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Ubuntu :: VLC Crashes When Opening A Movie?

Feb 7, 2010

When starting VLC I get the following message: VLC media player 1.0.2 Goldeneye [0xa18888] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.


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Ubuntu :: Dolphin Crashes When Run As Root?

Feb 13, 2010

Since installing upgrades including KDE4.4 and having to reinstall plasma-desktop, when I launch Dolphin file manager via alt-f2 it always crashes. In the status at the bottom is reads...

" The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly. "

When I run Dolphin as my current logged in user there are no issues.

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