Ubuntu :: Wacom Tablet - Way To Install And Get Working

Apr 29, 2010

I have a wacom pen and touch tablet and am running 10.4 what is the easy way to install and get it working?

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Hardware :: Wacom Bamboo Tablet Not Working

Feb 16, 2011

It's a CTH-460. I downloaded the driver from the linuxwacom project and followed the instructions.

It doesn't work yet but lights turn on, and the pointer follow the displacement (no writing is possible). I have tested also in Windows Machine and it works perfectly well.

My machine is an ASUS VX2S and the distro is Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Wacom Tablet Cursor Skips

Mar 6, 2010

My Wacom tablet's cursor skips around the screen and makes it impossible to use. Is there a way to use wacom-tools (wacomcpl) to fix this? Or, is there any known way to fix this?

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Hardware :: Setting Up Wacom Tablet With Ubuntu 9.04?

Feb 10, 2010

I am attempting to set up a wacom bamboo tablet with ubuntu 9.04 (latest version for netbooks).

I have followed howto advice however i have failed to produce the wacom.ko from the downloaded driver. The driver from the Linux wacom project is "linuxwacom-0.8.4-4.tar.bz2"

There appears to be a problem when i use ./configure --enable-wacom thereafter make and install fail to produce the required files. Below is the message when configuring the file.

*** Unable to guess kernel source directory
*** Looked at /lib/modules/, /lib/modules/,
*** /usr/src/linux, /usr/src/linux-, and


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Ubuntu :: Can't Configure Wacom Tablet In Xorg.conf

Feb 4, 2010

I have a wacom graphire3 tablet and two monitors. The tablet is workin properly with out of the box drivers.

As well as the dual monitors configured as twinview through Nvidia X server. But the tablet is mapped for the two screens, then I searched the forums for a proper configuration and it it tells me to edit the xorg.conf file for twinview horizontal but, it don't make any difference. I've "sudo gedit" edited the xorg.conf and nothing happens. Nothing, the tablet is working properly, the system is stable and it's still mapped for two screens.

What can I do? The xorg.conf also isn't listing all my hardware, I can't see the confs for my mouse. I'm on karmic koala.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 64-bit And Wacom Bamboo Tablet?

Apr 9, 2011

as a kind of luxory item I am thinking of adding a bamboo to my PC. Before putting action behind this, I wonder how much of a hazzle this brings about. Has anybody of you experience with 11.4 in this field? If a hazzle: Can anybody be bothered to compile the driver and provide it as a 1-click on the build service - or even in the official repositories? Would there be full functionality actually after all? BTW, I am aware of the wacom SF-site.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Data Stream From Wacom Bamboo Tablet?

Jun 6, 2010

I have recently purchased a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch tablet and have got it working with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) by following this post: [URL].

I am now trying to trap the actual data coming from the bamboo as I write with the pen and found some threads suggesting that if I do an xxd one of /dev/ttyS[0-4] I should be able to see output. However when I do a "sudo xxd /dev/ttyS0" the xxd command finishes straight away.

If I run the command "xxd /dev/input/mouse1" I can the data coming from the mouse movement so I am expecting to be able to see the same sort of thing coming from the wacom bamboo pen. Both the bamboo and the mouse are USB connected.

Does anyone know if the stream of data coming form the wacom bamboo should go to /dev/ttyS[0-4] or should I be looking elsewhere?

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Ubuntu :: Messing With Xorg.conf - Trying To Get My Wacom Tablet To Work

Aug 12, 2010

I was messing with xorg.conf trying to get my wacom tablet to work. I restarted and it brings be everytime to a terminal. I can log in but that is about it. When I type startx it says xorg.conf is messed up bad. I already tried:


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Fedora Hardware :: Wacom Bamboo Tablet Not Recognized ?

Feb 10, 2010

I have recently bought a Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet, and just as recently installed Fedora 12 KDE for its supposed "excellent tablet support".

Well, I have yet to see any of that. Unless the fact that I'm using KDE affects this (and I'm staying KDE, no more GNOME for me!), I see no reason why my tablet should not work. It was working fine in Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit (though the last time I started up in Windows it said it didn't recognize the device).

None of the applications that I've heard implemented in Fedora to support tablets were installed, but then again they're all probably GNOME apps, am I right? Still, my tablet should at least act as a mouse? I checked KPackageManager, and it said that the latest linuxwacom driver was installed. So why isn't anything working?

It seems as if everything - all this talk about tablet support in F12 - is just for GNOME. About the only thing working with my tablet as I type this is the status light, which indicates it being recognized as a USB device, and it flashes like it should when I tap the surface with the pen, but it seems as if there's nothing to receive the input. I even installed the latest GIMP, and when I checked Input Devices, nothing relating to the tablet was even there! At least on Windows it showed the Pen and the non-existent eraser, though neither worked properly, but it seems as if Fedora 12 doesn't even know it's there!

I shouldn't have to change anything in xorg.conf, because I thought that linuxwacom did it for you?

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Fedora :: Tablet / Wacom Note Writing Program?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm looking for a decent program to take notes on my Lenovo tablet laptop. What's your favorite?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Wacom Bamboo Tablet Users On 11.3?

Jul 17, 2010

I decided to write here because I was wondering if there are any Wacom Bamboo (MTE-450) tablet users who experience any resume problems with their tablets on 11.3. I experience this issue on 11.2 - tablet was not working after resume from suspending to RAM - I had to replug it in order to make it work. Now when I upgraded to 11.3, the issue was still there.

Finally, I was able to "workaround" the issue by doing the following (found on some Ubuntu groups):

echo 'SUSPEND_MODULES="wacom"' | sudo tee /etc/pm/config.d/50wacom

I am wondering if that happens to anyone else and if it still the case for a freshly installed 11.3.

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Fedora Hardware :: 13 - Xorg.conf And Wacom Tablet Tuning

May 31, 2010

I've just installed Fedora 13 and I have a question. How do I tune my tablet? I've tried to set threshold and aspect in xorg.conf just like in Fedora 11, but it doesn't work in the current release.

Here's a part of my xorg.conf:

I also tried 'xsetwacom' command, but I get errors.

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Hardware :: Wacom Tablet -- External USB Versus Built-in OEM Serial

Jul 24, 2010

There has been a lot of effort invested in getting external USB connected anything to work well during the connect then disconnect processing. It seems that there are troubles with OEM serial digitizers like those built-in for a tablet-PC. The built-in OEM devices do not have the same sort of connection events to trigger device creation and configuration.

Does anyone know how to make all of the find-hardware then create configuration processing visible? While I find several postings that describe "... edit xorg.conf ..." but then those edits don't want to work with the recent evolution in Xorg and X11-server configuration that deprecates (abandons?) xorg.conf. Does anyone understand what is going on with Xorg and X11-config to help me get my tablet working? Has anyone used an external USB tablet, then adapted those configuration details to get an OEM tablet working? I know that every tablet is different, but if the external device connect-creates-config process works best, it seems there might be value here.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setup A Wacom Tablet With Multi-Monitors In Maverick And Natty?

Dec 30, 2010

along with Aiptek, Hanwang, N-trig, Waltop, & WizardPen (Ace Cad, KYE Systems, UC-LOGIC) Tablets Last updated: July 24, 2011 Preliminaries

1) You must have X server 1.8 or up (Maverick has 1.9).


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Wacom Tablet CTH-461 Gestures And Mouse Sensitivity With The Finger Touch Is Too Sensitive

Mar 7, 2011

i have a minor problem with the wacom tablet CTH-461. the gestures and mouse sensitivity with the finger touch is too sensitive... i mean that the mouse is moving really fast and you have to be very careful when you are pinching / zooming with your fingers... and second question. where i have to submit this "bug" bcs the 11.04 is still alpha and i want the tablet to be in final release as much as possible supported.

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Fedora Hardware :: Wacom Drivers And Kernel Updated - Tablet Hanging

Nov 30, 2009

I upgraded to Fedora 12 right after release, everything was working fine until update on previous weekend. Looks like it updated Wacom drivers and kernel. Now what I have. I hotplug my tablet in USB, and everything seems fine, I can position a cursor and press buttons, but after I press some button it hangs (LEDs on tablet are responding) I must remove Stylus from proximity in order to make it respond again (while stylus is away LED on tablet switches off for a fraction of second).

If I move mouse during tablet hanging, applications barely respond and if they are it is like mouse button is pressed (selecting text). I tried wacdump, and it's reporting everything's fine (X,Y, Tilt, Pressure everything shows up). I couldn't find evidence that wacom driver is controlling it, but I assume if wacdump is reporting then it is. I have:

I didn't touch xorg.conf in sense of tablet, but it worked for me in F11 and until now. I'm trying to make least manual configurations possible. Through exploring /proc/bus/usb/devices and kernel messages I confirmed that wacom drives is handling the tablet. And I noticed that in X's log

(II) config/hal: Adding input device Wacom Intuos3 9x12
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: always reports core events
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12 device is /dev/input/event8
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12 (Wacom Intuos3 9x12) is not a pad
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12 is in absolute mode
(**) WACOM: suppress value is 2
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: reading USB link
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: threshold = 61
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: max x = 60960
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: max y = 45720
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: max z = 1023
(**) Option "BaudRate" "9600"
(**) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: serial speed 9600
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Wacom Intuos3 9x12" (type: Wacom Stylus)
(EE) Wacom Intuos3 9x12: Top/Bottom area overlaps with another devices.
(EE) Couldn't init device "Wacom Intuos3 9x12"
(II) UnloadModule: "wacom"
(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (1)

I've encountered quite similar error in openSUSE when was configuring tablet manually in xorg.conf. As I can see problem is with "pad" device, which I disabled in openSUSE in order to make X running. So why is it not working?

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Fedora Hardware :: Scroll And Middle Click Via Wacom Bamboo Tablet

Jun 17, 2011

I recently purchased a Wacom Bamboo Pen Only (CTL-460). It's a great device and in Fedora 15 (x86_64) it worked out-of-the-box like a charm!

I don't miss the rubber or the extra keys on the tablet. But I'm having quite some trouble, using the pen as a mouse replacement in all day use. The following is with respect to usage outside GIMP and Inkscape (i.e. Firefox, Nautilus etc). What I would really like to have, is:

+ scrolling by pressing the "first button" and simply _moving_ the pen. Just like with my Thinkpad-Trackpoint: Here I press the middle key and can then scroll just by controlling the Trackpoint. Would already be cool, if I could scroll by pressing the "first button" and touching the tablet. A short tap while pressing the "first button" should still be a "middle click"!


Found a solution for "jamming at the edge of the screen". Just resized the "area" a bit (smaller) with xsetwacom...

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Fedora Installation :: Use Wacom Tablet With Fedora 10?

Mar 22, 2009

im trying to use my wacom tablet with fedora 10. I have looked around the net trying to find a simple way to install the driver but it is all rather technical would some one be able to give me a basic how to it would be great

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Ubuntu :: Wacom Intuos 4 With 10.04 Not Working Properly?

Jul 16, 2010

I've sifted through the forums, tried various how-to's and still am unable to get my intuos 4 working properly in Ubuntu 10.04x64. It's recognized as a device, and the driver seems to be loaded however I don't see anything when I type in "wacomcpl". Furthermore, when I move the pen, it reacts but as soon as I push down on that pad (as a mouse click), it freezes the cursor. When I push down again or push a button it will free the cursor until I release a button. Then it freezes again.

I'm currently using xorg.conf for my configuration.

When I try using "xsetwacom", I receive:
Error (2): WacomConfigOpenDevice: No such device

I've tried compiling and replacing wacom.ko but doesn't seem to affect it.

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Ubuntu :: Trust Tablet Tb4200 - Cant Seem To Move Mouse Curser Anymore Unless Touch The Pen On The Tablet

Sep 15, 2010

I m on ubuntu 10.04 and have a Trust tb 4200 tablet.. and having problems with my trust tablet runing on ubuntu.. i pluged in the tablet and to my amaze it started working right away until i pressed the pen on the tablet.. i cant seem to move the mouse curser anymore unless i touch the pen on the tablet. (wich acts as a click) so i thought that i may be missing the drivers.. i checked thes forum and there was a post to install the aptek drivers which i did (but still worked the same) and i found out thet there was no 10-aiptek.fdi (in "/etc/hal/fdi/policy/") so i created one and copied one from a post.. in [url]...3&postcount=50 but still cant move the courser without touching.. its like if it did no diference at all.. i also changed the values in the 10-aiptek.fdi with no changes.. the size of the tablet is just the size of the screen so i am using the full tablet.. and no buttons work...

I think the drivers are not workin.. in the synaptic it shows as intalled...



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Ubuntu :: Pen Tablet - Graphical Tablet Is No Longer Recognized

Apr 30, 2011

Upgraded to 11.04 and my graphical tablet is recognized no longer Any idea how can I set it up? Wizardpen is not working, the ppa on my repository says something about "Natty" instead of "Maverick" (As than before)

If I type lsusb on my terminal then this line appears:


Which is completely false because the Genius MousePen 5x4 Tablet is this one

And I have the Genius Easypen i405, which is this one

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Ubuntu :: Got The WizardPen Tablet Working With 10.10?

Feb 9, 2011

has anyone got their WizardPen based tablets working with Ubuntu 10.10? I have delayed my upgrade as long as possible hoping that the support would come along but no matter what I try the cursor just sticks to the top left corner of the screen.

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Hardware :: Digital Tablet - Show The Pen Strokes Both On The Tablet's Display And On The Computer's Monitor At The Same Time

Mar 13, 2010

I have noticed they sell digital writing tablets that have the ability to show the pen strokes both on the tablet's display and on the computer's monitor at the same time, and I think they are called LCD digital tablets and they serve as both a second computer monitor AND a writing tablet combined in one, such as the Wacom Cintiq, and must be connected both by USB as well as with a VGA/DVI port, and you have the ability to open up a drawing application directly from the tablet such as Paint where you can draw or write on the tablet's display. And you can see what you are writing on the tablet's display. Then you save the results to a JPEG file, for example.

But I do not want a digtal tablet quite as elaborate as that. I am looking for something similar to the credit card terminals used in stores where you can sign your name directly on the display after swiping your credit card, and you can see what you are writing as you write. Then your signature shows up on a paper receipt later. Do they make digital tablets like that for the home user, and if they do, would they have to hook up to the VGA/DVI port on your video card? What are they called and where can I get one?

I've searched several online stores but they do not say if you can see what you are writing on the tablet's display. I already have a Wacom tablet in Linux but you can not see what you are writing on the tablet. I have to keep looking up at my computer's monitor to see what I am writing and proficiency is reduced as a result. And again, I do not want a tablet as elaborate as I described in my first paragraph. I want something simplier, such as the type used at a credit card terminal.

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Hardware :: Get Omnipen OP 906 Pen Tablet (not Tablet Computer) To Work

Apr 22, 2011

I want to get this pen tablet (not tablet computer) to work (for drawing in kolorpaint / krita / gimp etc)

Omnipen OP-906 (ancient mid-90's device). It came with floppy with drivers for Windows 3.11 and old Mac Plugs into ttyS0 (com1. It has "tablet mode" and "mouse mode". It is meant to always start in "tablet mode", but if I give it a small power interruption (take out the AC plug from the wall halfway and quickly plug it back in), it sometimes kicks into "mouse mode". The original driver is supposed to be able to switch the modes


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Hanwang (Hanvon) Artmaster III Tablet Not Working Completely In SUSE 11.4

Aug 28, 2011

the contact between the pencil and the tablet-drawing-surface does not result in activation. The only way get the pen drawing is by pushing the middle button on the tablet (there are a row of buttons in one side of tablet).By drawning in this rather awkward way a lot of unstable behavior is detected (freezing, drop outs etc.). The same problem occurred in ubuntu 10.10 with linux 2.6.37, in 11.4 with 2.6.38 and 2.6.39 it was gone. I believe that the problem might by in the kernel! In openSUSE i have this kernels , and non of them seems to have the solution that makes the Hanwang work well.. Is it some kind of patch that are missing in openSUSE or is something not set up correct?

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Hardware :: Cannot Install Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch CTH 460 In Mint 10

Jul 16, 2011

I did not keep a record of everything I have tried. I used the package manager to apply anything with wacom in its name. I downloaded xf86-input-wacom-0.10.9 but perhaps I put it in the wrong directory.

I took screen shots of some of the things I did (but have no idea how to insert them). I tried ~ git clone git://linuxwacom.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/linuxwacom/xf86-input-wacom and -after trying for some time to figure out if my system is 32 or 64 bit- typed cd xf86-input-wacom and from there typed~ ./autogen.sh --prefix=usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 the text that followed was long-- wish I could use a screenshot! The line autoreconfig: running: aclocal was followed by

The last 3 lines were:

Since then I downloaded the X.OrgX11 driver for wacom tablets and attempted to copy the wacom.fdi file into /etc/hal/fdi/policy but do not have permission. I am so new to Linux that I am reluctant to try to change permissions.

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Ubuntu :: Install 9.10 On A Samsung Q1 Tablet PC?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a Samsung Q1 Tablet PC but it reaches a point when the screen becomes smokey and then after a few seconds gets black, forcing me to abort.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install A Driver For Acer Tablet (using Wine)

Aug 4, 2011

i am trying to install a driver for my acer tablet (using wine), i downloaded the driver with no problem extracted files and when i go to install it say it is preparing installshield then after a few seconds it says preparing to install as it gets about 25% it just quits and closes with no error message or anything. if it finished installing i cant find it and when i try again to install same thing.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Install Trust Tb6300 Drawing Tablet

Apr 16, 2010

OpenSUSE and I recently bought a drawing tablet with pen from Trust (tb6300).

How is this possible to make it work in openSUSE?

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CentOS 5 :: Tablet PC - New Install From DOS Floppy - Kernel Panic Hang

Apr 15, 2009

I recently bought a Toshiba Portege M200 tablet PC and it's caused me no end of grief to load linux on it. I would like to load CentOS 5.x (because my hosting company uses it and I will be able to learn as I run it).

Here are my resources:

I found internet resources to create a boot disk that enables me to see my 8GB Sony USB flash drive via DOS. It works nicely.

I have a laptop drive to USB converter and can access the hard drive directly from my Win XP desktop. I have PowerQuest's Partition Magic Pro (v8.0) and can make Ext2 and Ext3 partitions at will. I have also loaded a program that allows Windows XP to read and write from Ext2 and Ext3. It works well.

I have tried loading boot images from PXE. This option is mostly out because it seems to be a couple levels past my competency (I haven't been able to get it to work).

Given those resources, what's the best way to load either the CentOS live CD... or some other approach?

Since I wrote this, I figured out how to make a boot floppy that can start an external USB CD-ROM/DVD drive. Here are the files on the floppy:

Here's the contents of my config.sys:

Here's the contents of my autoexec.com:

I can boot to the CD and launch linld.com. The problem is that I keep getting a kernal panic message, saying that a memory block could not be addressed. And when I add the following part to the line above: "initrd=d:isolinuxinitrd.img" the install fails and reboots. I have tried to expand the initrd.img and it appears... blank?

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