Ubuntu :: Uninstall But 10.04 Has Been A Total Nightmare?

May 19, 2010

I have 10.04 installed full install on my computer Have been using ubuntu since 8.10 i want to take 10.04 off and reinstall windows7 how do i go about it ,i don't want to uninstall but 10.04 has been a total nightmare for me, programs that ran on 9/10 now no longer work on 10.04

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OpenSUSE Install :: Total Uninstall To Start Again?

Feb 5, 2011

For various reasons I want to completely uninstall Suse 11.3, including the stuff in GRUB, and start again,without upsetting my other distro which is also in the GRUB options. This so I can do a fresh clean inatall when I'm ready.I know I could just reformat the relevant partitions, but I guess that doesn't deal with the GRUB issue?

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Ubuntu :: Grub-pc Update Nightmare For The Inexperienced?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS, which I installed just over a month ago, from the 10.04.1 maintenance release livecd. This is a brand new PC and I'm not dual booting.

I've just done an update via the "update manager" and following the security and normal package updates, I'm greeted with the following message to do with grub-pc (and I believe grub-common is also being updated).


I'm not sure why I'm getting this message, as I've yet to change anything to do with grub and the only alterations I've made so far, are adding some of my favorite applications, changing the theme, wallpaper, added codecs, fonts, Etc..... Definitely nothing to do with any configuration files.

I'm a little reluctant to proceed without a little advice, as the last time I encountered something similar, I encountered a nightmare getting my system to boot again. The other reason for asking for advice, is so that other newbies encountering this might be able to find an answer to this issue.

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Debian :: Wine Nightmare / How Can I Install It Safely?

May 21, 2010

I have Debian Lenny with a couple of libraries from backports. I go to install Wine from the package manager and it says such and such a dependency is needed but that the backports version is installed, I use force version to choose right version then it says the same for every other file so it`s going round in circles.

Some libraries, libasound and similar, are installed from backports but it seems wine wants the older version. How can I install wine without this endless loop and without breaking anything, please?

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Fedora :: Little Nightmare And Remove Or Disable Pulseaudio?

Jan 3, 2010

I posted a topic earlier, mostly about my wireless, but the sound problem I mentioned having on Ubuntu seems to have followed me to Fedora. From the information I've gathered, it appears to be due to Pulseaudio. Basically, I'm not very adept with Linux info outside the ordinary terminal commands for yum, sudo, yast, etc and I need to be able to either completely remove pulseaudio or disable it entirely somehow. From my experience on Ubuntu, just muting or disabling sound won't fix a thing... This problem doesn't seem to exist for me on Windows (though it would take a lot more than this to make me bother with that again), so I'm guessing it isn't anything too critical to fix (like a hardware problem or whatever else).

solve this little nightmare and remove or disable pulseaudio? Between the two sounds (a sort of buzzing for no real reason and a slight popping when some sound effects happen), I'm in a pretty annoying position.

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Fedora :: Nvidia Cuda 3D Kernel Nightmare?

Aug 14, 2011

I've been trying to get the Nvidia drivers from the nvidia site installed by running-devdriver_4.0_linux_64_270.41.19.run

I have a GeForce 210 PCI Express DDR3 graphics card. I've recently screwed an old version of fedora trying to do this and ended wiping it and installing Fedora 15. I managed to get the standard setup working nice with dual screen support and Tux Kart working smoothly which has never happened before with ATI cards.

The reason i've tried to get an NVIDIA card working is so that i can try to do some development with CUDA. To do this i need to get the proprietary driver working. To get the install program working correctly i've edited the kernel options in grub.conf to stop nouveau driver which seemed to work. The next step i got onto was the need for the kernel source which i've installed. The program can't find this, even with a load of Symbolic links giving-

all pointing to-

After following the steps of dozens of guides, i now cannot run games that need 3d support and i'm no further in getting the proprietary drivers working. Coding in CUDA is a distant dream after weeks of faff in my spare time to go 2 steps back and one forward...

Does anybody know how to do all this? If anybody could help me i'd be very grateful. I've never had decent graphics support in linux. Everytime i've tried it's ended in a horrible mess!

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Ubuntu :: Ralink Wirless RTL8188CUS LAN Dongle Nightmare - Doesn't Acknowledge It's Existence

Jan 28, 2011

I am appealing to the minds far greater than mine.. I have been using this forum with resounding success without having to post for some time, and I am more than impressed with what you can resolve by simply trawling through the archives, on this occasion however, I'm stumped.

I have a desktop upstairs in my home running 10.10, I have a Ralink Wirless LAN dongle RTL8188CUS with a mini CD with all the drivers etc. Now, when I physically install the dongle Ubuntu does not firstly even acknowledge it's existence, so, I unpack the CD Lynx dir and there seems to be no way to install it? I can't see a code to run in terminal to install.. nothing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Dongle Makefile Nightmare - Don't See The Driver File In The Folder Contents

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to get my new Wireless USB dongle to work with Xubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. I've extracted the .rar file that was on the drivers CD that came with the dongle. According to the ReadMe....

The Model Name is: RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver Driver Name: rt2870.o/rt2870.ko Hardware: Ralink 802.1n Wireless LAN Card Description: This is a linux device driver for Ralink RT2870 USB ABGN WLAN Card. My issues:

1. I do not see the driver file anywhere in the folder contents... I suppose that I have to "build" it.
2. In the makefile the chipset is default set to "CHIPSET = 3070" & the folder that holds all the extracted files is named 2008_1128_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0 so I'm confused as to whether this dongle has a 2870 or 3070 chipset inside. Does it matter?
3. Sorry, I'm a bit of a n00bster when it comes to all this, but I'm having some problems with the build instructions. It reads:


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Uninstall Firefox Nor Can Uninstall Chromium

Jun 19, 2011

I cannot uninstall Firefox, nor can I uninstall Chromium; one always stays if the other is uninstalled. For example, if I remove Firefox, Chromium will appear in its place and vice versa. This has got to be one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen on Ubuntu! So, how can I uninstall both web browsers?

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Ubuntu :: Files In /var/log Which Total 398 GB

Oct 31, 2010

What could be the cause of this?


I've deleted all the syslogs now, since it prevents me from using the system properly, and it seemed to keep expanding every time I freed space.

After deleting syslog entries:


Daemon.log seems to suggest it's an NTFS issue, as it's filled with copies of this entry(with different dates and times).


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Ubuntu Installation :: Total Meltdown While Upgrading To 8.10?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a toshiba A135 laptop that has been running an old old version of Ubuntu, mainly because I didn't have it set up to receive automatic updates. I decided to upgrade it (to version 8.10), and in the middle of the upgrade, it froze. I had no choice but to reboot the computer. Once I did, it would no longer boot. I tried booting in recovery mode and "fix" the broken packages, and that didn't fix it. When I boot the computer it prompts me to enter my username and password, and then it sits at the blank pink screen forever and doesn't advance on into the desktop.

The next thing I tried was booting from an ubuntu 9.10 disk in hopes that once I was inside the computer, I could at least back up some files that I didn't want to loose on an external hard drive - especially if I was going to end up having to reinstall.

I am able to get to the alternative boot source screen and select boot from cd. Then I select "trial run of ubuntu 9.10 and it just sits at a black screen with the cursor flashing forever. Now I'm at a loss. I would like to be able to at the very least get into my computer and save some files to my external drive but I can't seem to able to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Keep Running Total Of Data Up/downloaded?

Apr 1, 2010

Sometimes I connect to the internet via a "wired" connection (interface usb0), sometimes via a dial-up connection (ppp0).

Stupid annoying arbitrary data transfer limits imposed by ISP make me want to keep a running total of data uploaded and downloaded, so I can keep an eye on this and hopefully avoid using up my allowance. program that will keep this running total for me, across all interfaces? Or maybe someone has a script that can do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 Total Failure?

May 27, 2010

I ran the upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 yesterday and it's now a mess. Is there something I can do to refloat this ship?

The file download stage seemed to be working OK: I was watching it when it only had three minutes left to go. I went away and came back a few minutes later and the screen had gone black. OK I thought, this must be all part of the plan, so I went away and came back over an hour later: still nothing. I decided, perhaps foolishly, to press the power button and boot it up.

Eek! Now I get the following errors:

mounting none on dev failed: no such device

chroot:cannot execute /etc/apparmor/initramfs: no such file or directory

Then the message Ubuntu 10.04 LTS cruncher tty1 and a login prompt. I can log in OK but don't know what to do next to recover the situation.

Rather alarmingly there is some activity on the system: lots of messages beginning with a number like [22.71309.

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Ubuntu :: TOTAL Wipe Of Hard Drive

Jun 1, 2010

I want to wipe the drive to the bios before shipment back to factory. I tried Daricks nuke but it wouldnt burn to usb with the usual programs. What program will TOTALLY nuke my hard drive and work with netbootin or other UBU program..?

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Ubuntu :: System Total Freeze / Get That To Work Again?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu 10.10 system. After installing the OS it worked fine. But after one or two restarts it totally freezes i mean NO Ctrl+Alt+Bckspc , NO Ctrl+Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+Del works for me. I have the same problem with Ubuntu 10.04 , 9.10 also. ( Only Ubuntu version 9.04 Works fine for me ). But i want to make use the latest one. code...

After Ubuntu fails some time it crush the GRUB loader, so that i can't boot windows either. Any buddy tell me why this happen to me?

I've try to install Linux Mint 10 also but it freezes while installing..!!

Now I loaded the openSUSE 11.4 milestone 3. It works fine for now but i can't connect to internet , it asks for "linux-atm-lib" . i don't know how to do that .

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Ubuntu :: Blank Dvds Cause Total Freeze

Jan 6, 2010

Im running 9.1 64bit and whenever i put in a blank dvd it freezes about the time the auto play would pop up. used to work on the 32bit version i had before...? it works fine if i put a reg cd/dvd in. it causes total lock up too, have to restart manually.

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Ubuntu :: System Restart After Total Shutdown Command?

May 18, 2010

am starting to get this figured out. finally got the wifi working on a HP touchsmart tx2 laptop and once i give ubuntu a total system shutdown command this system restarts, is this normal or do i need to fix something?

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Ubuntu :: When Login In KDE It Will Show Total Dark Screen

Jun 22, 2010

i have upgrade ubunto 9 to 10.04 so that in log in section there is a KDE session appears. when i log on in KDE then it will came a new KDE screen with drive icon and setting icon also desktop icon.. unfortunately i click on there and these desktop screen disappear.. so how to do for come back KDE in right position.Now when i login in KDE it will show total dark screen.

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Ubuntu :: 9 Or 10 On Compaq Mini 311: Total Freezeing After Installation?

Sep 13, 2010

I have got a lap top (Compaq Mini 311), I tried to install Ubuntu 10.04, but after installing it I found only a black screen with a blinking whithe bar, and the keyboard does not work anymore.Looking across the net, I found this page , where is written that I have to install the previous version, do some operation and then upgrade it. Well, also with Ubuntu 9.10 and Ubuntu 9.04 I have got the same problem: total freezeing of the computer after the installation.

So, I tried to install ubuntu with wubi, as a virtual machine, but the problem is exactly the same.Somethimes, it may happen that Ubuntu loads, but it happens about in 1/50 cases.I installed it many times, everytime erasing the partition, but actually I have a boot menu with about 6 or 7 linux (not working), and windows, loading windows I can choose between win and ubuntu, if I choose ubuntu, I have 5 options: 4 are not-working-linux, and one of them is windows. If I choose windows, I come back to the previous menu: a loop on grub was done, but I don't know how.

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Ubuntu :: Back-up Installed Packages For Total Reformat?

Oct 29, 2010

I just installed the 32 bit version of Ubuntu 10.10 and though I like it an all, I'd like to put the 64 bit edition in in order to use all four gigs of RAM I have installed... To my knowledge, 32 bit computers should be able to handle 4GB RAM but I guess my address but is too small.

In any case, I'm developing a Ren'Py game and for both it and GIMP and a few other apps I could really use that extra gig.

Quick cut: I would like to back up the programs I've got installed so I can re-install them on the 64 bit version. Most of the things I've installed I've gotten from the Software Center, but for the things I've had to type into the terminal to install, well I haven't logged them anywhere so I'd have to dig up on Google again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Sign-in Causes Total Freeze: 10.10

Nov 9, 2010

I installed 10.10 this morning from the live CD. Everything working perfectly whilst at home, but now I'm on the move I'm having troubles.At my parents' house trying to connect to their wifi. Wifi is on, their network is detected, I can go in and enter the WAP key and I get the strobing wifi icon in the top panel as though it's signing in, but after about 4 seconds I get a black screen and everything freezes. All that remains on the screen is the mouse pointer in its last position and a non-flashing cursor in the top left.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Total Noob Re Terminal Window?

Jun 29, 2011

Sorry about this but I'm trying to find out why ubuntu wi-fi isn't working now on my laptop (it was last night). I am following a tutorial that says to start..Open a terminal window (such as gnome-terminal), and enter the following command:

nm-tool Umm..how do I open a teminal window? I know how to run a DOS prompt in Windows but no idea how to find "gnome-terminal" or run a command in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Partition - Never Uses More Than About 20-25% Of The Total RAM Even If Have Several Applications Running

Jul 7, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 on a computer with 2GB RAM. It seems that it never uses more than about 20-25% of the total RAM even if I have several applications running.

The question is - do I really need to have a swap partition if it is not being used?

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SUSE :: Total System Failure ?

Sep 23, 2010

I was just trying to get used to everything and I noticed something in the task bar that said you have updates that failed to install (or something along those lines). So I opted to install them manually with YAST2 and during the installation some of the files were failing to download, I was unsure what to do with these files (their was a ton of them, I had to actually sit at my pc for over an hour because I couldn't let it go through on it's own due to all the failing downloads and installs) and so I just decided to skip them, everything seemed to be going along normally. Then my computer froze, so I restarted and tried to boot into opensuse and it kept freezing, (I even went to my brothers house to play the xbox with him for a while) and no matter how long I waited for it wouldn't boot into opensuse. I tried the failsafe mode and it just kept coming up with an error (I probably should have written the error down, I wasn't really thinking about that at the time) and after about half a dozen tries, decided to reformat everything all over again.

So with these failing downloads in YAST2, what am I supposed to do with them? If I retry they just keep failing, so the only other options are abort and skip, am I supposed to skip them or is that what caused this to happen in the first place?

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General :: Limit The Total Upload From Pc?

May 19, 2011

I just got in trouble with my internet company because my daily upload is too much.

Is there a way I can limit the total upload from my pc? I'm using Gentoo.

Is there a way to do this in Linux?

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Programming :: How To Get The Total Arguments In Perl

Jan 6, 2010

How can I get the total arguments in perl.To be more specific if I try to execute the command

perl -w myperl.pl ash ok kumar

I should be able to get all the command line arguments.

I know that @ARGV will store only the arguments passed but not the entire arguments.

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Slackware :: Du: Total Does Not Match Detail?

Jan 30, 2011

Kernel:, O.S.: GNU/Linux (Slackware 12.0).du (GNU coreutils) 6.9.Sort of a stupid question, maybe. But can you explain this?

root@foo:~# du -h
8.0K ./.links


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Ubuntu :: Total System Crash After Attempt To Play An MP3 On Lucid?

May 15, 2010

Today while browsing the web and attempting to listen to a mp3 file on the site of a musician, this laptop with Lucid CRASHED badly! It went into a black screen and the only solution was a reboot! I am not a masochist, but I could repeat the crash a couple of times just to verify it.

This is the worst crash that I have seen on GNU/Linux! I expect things to go down in a more controlled way: maybe first the crash of a plug-in, then the crash of a web browser, eventually the crash of a windows manager. But I don't like seeing that playing an mp3 is leading to kernel crash on what is supposed to be a LTS-release!

Any observations of similar behavior or hints on the cause? Is it possible that the crash is related to intel graphics 85x on this system that are now very problematic on Lucid?

By the way, the music file in question is probably not malformed and plays perfectly on Mac and Windows. I am digging into system logs to try to find any record of the problem. For the the record: I've been around Ubuntu since 5.04, on Linux since 2003, on Unix since 1988, and on computers since 1979.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Old Backups Based On Total Size, Not Just Backup Age?

May 24, 2010

I'm looking for a standalone backup manager with the following properties:

1) Easy scheduling.

2) Automatic encryption of backups

3) Ability to remove old backups based on total size, not just backup age. (to avoid overfilling backup media)

4) Since this is going onto a business-critical machine used by a techno-peasant, it needs to have a snazzy, graphical interface for easy monitoring and configuration.

I am sure I *could* write this myself, but I find it hard to believe that there isn't one out there already, and I am lazy. Unfortunately, there are also a very large number of backup programs out there with less than complete descriptions and I am getting tired of installing each in turn to see what it does.Has anyone stumbled across something like what I just described?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Sign In Causes Total System Freeze

Nov 14, 2010

Ubuntu boots fine with wireless turned off via the laptop wireless button on the case, and fine with wireless on but no networks remembered, but as soon as I try to connect to a network, I get the strobing wireless icon in the top panel and then the whole system freezes. It switches to a black screen with a non-flashing terminal cursor in the top left corner of the screen plus a frozen mouse pointer in the last position from when Ubuntu was working. If I force a power-off after this, which I have to, then unless I manually turn off wifi using the laptop button then Ubuntu never boots and I just get a black screen after the BIOS screen. I can connect to the internet via wired connection.

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