Ubuntu :: Unable To Use FS-cache In PXE-booted Environment - Nfsmount: Bad Option 'fsc'

Jan 28, 2011

I've installed a diskless Ubuntu system with the latest 64-bit Maverick kernel, by following the instructions found here:


However, the clients are not diskless and I want to take advantage of this by using a local cache of the nfs-mounted filesystem. I'm using fs-cache and the cachefilesd package for this purpose. Of course I want to cache the whole root file system and in order for that to work, the filesystem must be mounted with the "fsc" mount option.

Hence, in my fstab I have the following entry:

/dev/nfs/ nfsfsc1 1

However, I can easily verify that the fsc mount option is not being used when mounting the root system:


# cat /proc/fs/nfsfs/volumes
v3 81102339 801 0:17 562aac732e56f8ac no

If I mount an nfs share manually after booting then it will use the fsc flag without any problems. However, I'd rather not try to remount the root file system, even if that might work.I also learned that there's a special kernel option called "rootflags" that specifies the mount options for the root file system, so I tested modifying the kernel boot parameters as follows:


append root=/dev/nfs rootflags=fsc initrd=ubuntu-boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-24-generic nfsroot= ip=dhcp rw

However, the root file system is still mounted without the fsc option.What do I need to do to enable the fsc mount option so that fs-cache will work?

Update: According to the manpage for initramfs-tools, you should be able to specify the NFS mount options as a kernel parameter using NFSSERVER:NFSPATH:NFSOPTS, but I suspect this is not correct -- when I test it only works if I use the format NFSSERVER:NFSPATH,NFSOPTS. Perhaps the manpage needs to be updated?

The following manpage for NFS does not list fsc as one of the options [URL], the following does:[URL] this because it's two different versions? When I try to use the fsc option, I get the following error:


nfsmount: bad option 'fsc'

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Software :: Mplayer Cache Option Reduces Performance

Mar 11, 2010

I needed a larger cache because I have some videos stored on another samba server and it's laggy. I set options: cache=20000, cache-min=10 , and that helped to play those videos smoothly, but that caused all 1280x720 mp4 files stored on my local drive to lag and A/V desync with mplayer message: **** Your system is too SLOW to play this! ****

I tried cache values from 1000 to 80000, and they lag in any case. But without the option "cache" these videos play well. Now I commented "cache" in config.



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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Drivers - Wifi Card Is Unable To Search For Wireless Networks When Booted

Sep 10, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu for netbooks on my four year old laptop and of course the wifi card is unable to search for wireless networks when I'm booted into Ubuntu. I do have the driver software on a recovery disk. Would installing it in Ubuntu fix my problems?

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Ubuntu Installation :: SQUASHFS Error: Unable To Read Fragment Cache Block

Apr 5, 2010

I'm trying to install Kubuntu on an old Windows system. I am getting tons of errors such as:

I/O error
SQUASHFS error:unable to read page, block XXXXXX
SQUASHFS error: unable to read fragment cache block

It then reports that it's loading ACPI modules and starting the ACPI services, starting the system log daemon, doing Wacom setup, starting kernel log daemon.....and then it reads sb_bread failed reading block umptysquat.I have a feeling that this hard drive is toast. I can't get it to install Windoze or Linux. I can't even get a prompt so I can do a low-level format. Unfortunately, I'm not super savvy with Linux and don't know what to do next.

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Fedora :: Error: Caching Enabled But No Local Cache Of //var/cache/yum/updates-newkey

Sep 24, 2009

I don't understand this error nor do I know how to solve the issue that is causing the error. Anyone care to comment?


Error: Caching enabled but no local cache of //var/cache/yum/updates-newkey/filelists.sqlite.bz2 from updates-newkey

I know JohnVV. "Install a supported version of Fedora, like Fedora 11". This is on a box that has all 11 releases of Fedora installed. It's a toy and I like to play around with it.

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Software :: Redirecting APT Cache - Can Redirect Cache Of Apt To A Specified Folder Either On Command Line Or Via A Config Setting?

Jan 5, 2011

I was laughing about klackenfus's post with the ancient RH install, and then work has me dig up an old server that has been out of use for some time. It has some proprietary binaries installed that intentionally tries to hide files to prevent copying (and we are no longer paying for support or have install binaries), so a clean install is not preferable.

Basically it has been out of commission for so long, that the apt-get upgrade DL is larger than the /var partition (apt caches to /var/cache/apt/archives).

I can upgrade the bigger packages manually until I get under the threshold, but then I learn nothing new. So I'm curious if I can redirect the cache of apt to a specified folder either on the command line or via a config setting?

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Server :: Squid Cache System - Make It Cache All Files Like .exe .mp3 .avi

Mar 6, 2011

I installed squid cache on my ubuntu server 10.10 and it is work fine but i want to know how to make it cache all files like .exe .mp3 .avi ....etc. and the other thing i want to know is how to make my client take the files from the cache in the full speed. since am using mikrotik system to use pppoe for clients and i match it with my ubuntu squid

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General :: Difference Between Hardware Cache And Slab Cache?

Nov 22, 2010

I am reading slab allocator, it defines slab cache, i am quite confuse is it same as hardware cache?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login - After Installin Kde Desktop Environment

Aug 15, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10(gnome desktop environment),in my laptop..everythin was workin well for the past two months...recently,i added kde plasma desktop environment,via ubuntu software centre..now,when i try to log into ubuntu,there is an error message stating "gnome power manager have not been installed correctly.please contact your system administrator",on the topmost right edge of the screen...i tried various commands like,

But,nothing has solved my problem..many suggested that it may be due to low drive space..but i cant use the mv commands too..really,i'm so helpless and its been three days,after usin my laptop..

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Debian :: Unable To Change Environment Variables

Dec 17, 2015

I installed debian 8 on a usb drive using this guide. I used a debian 8.2 64-bit image with mate. It has all worked as I wanted it to. However recently I needed to change the PATH variable, and create another environment variable. I have not been able to do neither. What I have tryed (from google):

1. adding "export PATH=$PATH:/xxxx/" to etc/profile or to /home/user/.profile
2. adding ":/xxxx/" to a point in /etc/profile where the PATH variable is set
3. creating a script in /etc/profile.d which run "export PATH=$PATH:/xxxx/"

(where xxxx is the the location i want to add)

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Fedora :: Script Unable To Set Environment Variables

Nov 24, 2010

I've never done much scripting myself and I'm quite unused to the bash as well, but anyway, Here's my problem.

I've a script which is supposed to set some environment variables, using export. However, if I check those variables using echo, they appear not to be set (they are empty). If I set the same variables manually, everything is fine, of course, but I don't want to set them each time manually.

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Ubuntu :: Kept Getting "gtk-update-icon-cache: The Generated Cache Was Invalid" Fault

Feb 17, 2010

i was looking for a way to stop my menus taking a few seconds to load my icons when i first open them and found a few guides suggesting using the gtk-upate-icon-cache command, but with the any colour you like icon theme i'm using (stored in my home folder .icons directory) i kept getting a "gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid." fault i used the inbuilt facility in the acyl script to copy the icons to the usr/share/icons directory and tried the command again, this time using sudo gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/ACYL_Icon_Theme_0.8.1/ but i still get the same error. i tried with several of the custom icon themes i've installed and only 1 of the first 7 or 8 i tried successfully created the cache.

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General :: Unable To Use Sendmail Utility In UNIX Environment

Jun 28, 2010

In order to use the sendmail utility, I created a text file as xxx.txt with the following entries:

Subject:This is the subject

Then from the command line I ran the following command :

/usr/lib/sendmail -t -i << EOM
Then something like > came as a return where I wrote `cat xxx.txt`

Then again something as > appeared where I put EOM and then the command prompt retuned back. However, I failed to receive any mail.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Enable Firefox Option

Dec 30, 2010

In firefox, I try to check the box in Edit → Preferences → Advanced → General which says 'submit crash report', but everytime I close this and open it again it remains unchecked. Why is that so?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Sleep/Hibernation Option Correctly With 10.04?

May 2, 2010

Have been using Ubuntu 9.10 since past 2 months and had similar power and screen saver options as I do now after upgrading to 10.04. ( "sleep" after 1 h, "lock screen" after 10 min, "hibernate" when "close lid" on a Dell 600m laptop)

With Karmic, Never had issues with closing the lid while the laptop was sleeping. Three times in a row noticed that if the lid is closed while laptop is in sleep mode, opening the lid results in a blank screen, HDD and CD drive spins, fan turns on. No response to keyboard and/or mouse. Pressing the power key: no response.

The only solution is to shut-down by holding the power key down for a few seconds and reboot. Cant imagine why there would be a problem, but wondering if there are others who also see the same thing and if there is fix to this. Right now, have disabled sleep and will see if problem shows up.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot After Online Update Option?

Dec 17, 2010

I've installed opensuse 11.3 on my computer (well actually Ive done it twice, once with full DVD image and once with network install). Everything was OK until Ive made update (yast/software/online update <-- BTW kupdate applet isn't working, just update bar appear and stuck on 0%). i haven't installed any additional packages, only the defaults (KDE desktop). after update only fail safe option is working (booting normally and looks like normal desktop, no visual differences between normal and fail safe booting, if there should been any). When I've tried to find solution for this problem, very ofter answers were -> graphic drivers problem (im using ati hd 4670 AGP <-- yea, AGP . well when i start normal boot green screen with lizard logo appear, then screen goes black for a second or two, then the green screen come again, and after another few second screen goes black permanently with working hdd for 30-40 second (hdd led blinking) BTW i have windows7 pro (booting fine) on this machine too, it was installed as first system on hd0,0. opensuse was installed on stand alone PATA disk (secondary EIDE master, ODD on slave). how to gather info which u all need to get this problem more detailed. PS> sorry for my English, its not my native language.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 From Scratch (fresh Install) - Unable To Change The Default Option Of Grub Using The Keyboard

Jun 9, 2010

I have installed 10.04 from scratch (fresh install) and I am unable to change the default option of grub using the keyboard. while booting

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Software :: Unable To Copy Files From CentOS To Pendrive - System Is Getting Hanged Leaving No Option Then To Reboot

Sep 23, 2009

I am using CentOS 5.3. output of "uname -a" Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-92.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jun 10 18:49:47 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

My kernal version is kernel-2.6.18-92.el5

Whenver i try to copy files from my centos to pendrive ( 2gb, kingston datatraveller) my system is gettin hanged leaving no option then to reboot. i tried from the terminal also, and as a diffrent user also. but same results. sometimes i can copy files of small size. but when i go above 5 mb..system hangs..

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Ubuntu :: Auto Login Option / Can Undo This Option?

Nov 5, 2010

I installed Maverick with auto login. One could undo this by reinstalling I suppose, but is there an easier way to get back to the standard form of login?Hopefully that will cause my default key ring to unlock correctly.

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Ubuntu :: 9.9 Booted Up In Low Resolution?

Feb 21, 2010

Used 9.10 for months without issues Today it booted up in low resolution for some reason ?!?! Played around a bit with display - which now it cant reconise Now only boot up to the black screen with login prompy tried sudo /ect/init.d/gdm start No joy always go into login screen with black background

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Does Not Come Up Once Booted?

Dec 14, 2010

I have ubuntu 8.10 on Dell laptop. I wanted to install samba on it. It asked me about installing a lib. I said yes. and then it wanted to "remove" some packages. I agreed by mistake! and stopped it in the middle of removing. Now when ubuntu boots up, it boots normally: no graphic desktop!!. By crtl+alt+f2 and F7 it switches between graphic and normal. But the desktop does not have anything. Once it boots, it says:kinit: resume from old one /var/.../uuid/. how to know what exactly is deleted? And how to repair it? I tried "sudo apt-get -f install" but it errors that dependencies aren't met

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Ubuntu :: Booted Up And Sound Does Not Work?

Mar 27, 2010

I just received Ubuntu 9.10 desktop edition in the mail this morning. I ran the CD "live" in my HP Pavilion TX2510us Laptop. The laptop has no hard drive due to it failing in the past, So I have installed Ubuntu on a 1 TB external Hard disk. While Running the CD "Live", before installing it, The sound was working. But now that it is installed and booted up it does not work. I did a few searches and came across a few command lines that may help you guys figure out what is wrong. As Follows:

shannon@shannon-laptop:~$ aplay -l
List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1


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OpenSUSE Install :: Should There Be Option To Download ISO Option For CD Installation

Jul 18, 2010

when I go to download 11.3 I am presented with the installation medium for a DVD installation with a button that says download DVD. Should there be an option to download an ISO option for a CD installation on this page along with the DVD version? Some of our older machines can only read CD's with a max size of 500+ megs.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Kickstart Option To Remove Encryption Option?

May 25, 2010

We do use kickstart configuration file to customize the CentOS installation. In the partitioning screen, I do see a check box for encryption (encrypting the disk blocks).

I want to remove this checkbox in my kickstart configuration file. What is the option to use to get rid of this checkbox.

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Fedora :: Unable To Reset Using Either The Reset Option In Gnome Shell Or The Command Using A Terminal?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm unable to reset using either the reset option in gnome shell or the command using a terminal. When I select it the shell exits and displays the graphic "exploding" and then it just sits there. Shutdown works fine; just no reset. Any ideas? I've installed from the DVD. I booted the live CD and it resets just fine so I know it's no my hardware

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Programming :: Unable To Use The "-s" Option For Lam Mpi Which Is Used For Loading The Program

Feb 22, 2011

I am using Lam mpi. The problem I am facing is that, I am not able to use the "-s" option for lam mpi which is used for loading the program from a particular node and then using the nodes in the cluster to execute the program.

Now I have to copy instance of the executable to every node for the program to run in the cluster. Is there anyway to load the program from a particular node and then use the cluster nodes in its execution without manually copying the executable to each and every node in the cluster

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Ubuntu :: Removing 10.04 Dual Booted Partition?

May 30, 2010

Well the title says it all.I dual booted Ubuntu 10.04 with windows 7 just for an experiment.It was fun while it lasted but my 3d programs dont like it. So all the threads I found are about people that did it wrong but I dont want to get that far. So it is a fresh start. How to I remove ubuntu 10.04 and Grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Booted Once Then After Updates Will Not Boot?

Jun 14, 2010

Ive poked around the forums a bit and cant see anything that addresses this. I have a new install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Netbook remix on an Acer Aspire one. (From a couple of hours ago.) It was able to boot all the way up once. Now after a restart it hangs after selecting Ubuntu from the GRUB menu. If I launch using Recovery mode it gets to a line 2.302026 ata4: Dummy and then hangs. I can boot with the live CD and access the partition that ubuntu is on. I can also boot into windows 7 starter (Blech) from the grub menu. (It is a relatives netbookThey want to try Ubuntu but keep W7 intact.)

I am at a loss of what to do, I would like to simply re-install it again to replace whatever did not get setup right, but I think it will just make a new partition and get really messy.

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Ubuntu :: When Booted Up Laptop / Top Menu Bar Has Been Reversed

Sep 6, 2010

When I booted up my laptop this morning my top menu bar has been reversed. IE the "Applications, Places, System" links are all on the right hand side of the bar and the "Shutdown, IM, Wlan, etc" buttons on all on the left hand side.Excuse my noobness, but how do I go about correcting this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount And Share When Booted?

Mar 15, 2011

in a nutshell im trying to share 2 HDD's in same machine with several windows machines1. auto login so no welcome screen.2. auto mount the drives3. share the drives with/without password 1 is fine, i did resolve issue 2 with "storage device manager" but no matter what i do i cant get it to load correctly as i cant remove the option "mount file system in read only mode" so i cant create/move/delete anything. i did also change the owner for when it mounts off root to my user, but still no avail.and i can share the drives using ubuntu, but i also have samba.not important

Code:also another 2 Q's for after i have sorted this, i need ubuntu to shut down when i simplypress the off button as this will have no mouse, keyboard or TFT attached.so then i can simply press the on button and within a min or so i can just connect to my 'network drives' and then also to enable a remote desktop viewer, i did try the inbuilt 1 but couldnt connect with my win 7 machines

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