Ubuntu :: Turn Off Gdm When Ubuntu Boots A Desktop System?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to find out how to configure upstart.Specifically, I'm trying to turn off gdm when ubuntu boots a desktop system.I have already seen and read various posts on this topic, including this post:Which I will summarize as follows:1) Use init.d style config tools (eg. rcconf) to turn off gdm.his does not work.2) Remove /etc/init/gdmThis works.

However, there must be some kind of configuration tool for this, which I simply cannot find.How can you configure upstart?If there is indeed, no configuration tool, then why on earth has ubuntu swapped to using this un-configurable start up system?This discussion is also being taken to the upstart dev mailing list directly, but I'm hoping someone here and simply point out what I'm doing wrong...

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Boots But Hangs At Desktop

Jul 18, 2010

I upgraded OpenSUSE 11.2 to 11.3 today using Zyyper on my laptop. Everything went fine with no errors whatsoever. At the end, a message was displayed at the terminal asking me if I want to see the notifications. I pressed "Y" and the system hanged there and then. I had to do a hard reboot. After reboot the system booted fine but hanged at the desktop with no response from the keyboard, mouse, touchpad, etc. The situation's same after many reboots. System boots fine but hangs at the desktop. Screen resolution changed to 800x600.Only power button works! I use it to log off and then do a reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Boots To Frozen Desktop?

Jan 20, 2010

Preface: I'm a relative neophyte when it comes to Linux anything. I was running Hardy in an attempt to learn. I recently decided to upgrade to Karmic. I liked the look of "Mint 8" (AKA Karmic).I've been running Mint nicely for about a week after a fresh install. Then.... something went spastic...

I went logged in as root and changed file permissions for my "/" folders. The change was simply making group "root" able to read and write files. Than was it. It carried out the change smoothly.

When I hit "Logout" from root, to return to my user account, the screen went white. Stuff flickered when I hit keys. I ended up having to hard boot to get it moving.

Now when I boot, Grub works, it boots to my desktop, graphics display appropriately, but NO mouse and NO keyboard. Dead system. Only thing I can do is hard boot.

I tried the recovery from Grub, no change. I have no idea where to begin. I go back and reinstall it again (3rd time). Sure glad I've kept my old W2K, or I'd be screwed.

PS - I booted the live Hardy CD to look at files. When partitions are mounted no files in "/" or "/home" can be seen.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Desktop Boots To Server Login Prompt?

Apr 10, 2011

After updating my system to kernel 2.6.35-28 via the update manager my system now boots to a sever tty terminal and asks to log in. Once I log in and type start x at the prompt the system will load the sign in screen and all is well. I downloaded a boot info script from here

This produces a results text on the desktop


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Ubuntu Servers :: Boots Goes To Screen Similar To Desktop And Then Blank

Feb 5, 2010

I might want to try and put a gui on my ubuntu server installation went fine however now I'm staring at a blank screen. ubuntu boots goes to screen similar to desktop (loading with the mouse cursor) and then blank... occationaly it'll load a partial username box but more offten than not it loads a completly blank screen and the caps lock and scroll lock lights on the keyboard are both blinking consistantly...

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Ubuntu :: Turn Desktop Into A Server?

Jan 18, 2011

How do I turn My 8.04 Ubuntu Hardy Desktop into a Hardy Server when the distro support expires in April 2011?

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Ubuntu :: Turn On Remote Desktop Via Ssh

Mar 11, 2011

I have an AppleTV running a version of Ubuntu on a usb drive. I want to be able to use my iPhone as a wireless keyboard and mouse but the apps require that I turn on remote desktop in ubuntu.problem is, I use it for xbmc (crystalbuntu) and since the AppleTV only has 1 usb port, I cant plug a usb keyboard or mouse in as the flash drive with the OS on it is in the usb port.I can ssh into the AppleTV and run terminal commands. Is there a terminal command to turn on remote desktop so I can use the iphone keyboard app?

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Ubuntu :: System Directly Boots In Win 7

Aug 14, 2011

I installed ubuntu inside windows, thing were going good, till windows got affected with virus, so had to reinstall it, now boots directly in windows 7. I have a 500 GB HDD with two equal partitions,
C: drive has windows
D: drive has ubuntu
I tried the boot-repair, didn't work, instead it corrupted windows boot, which got fixed using startup recovery but I want ubuntu back...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boots With No Desktop?

Mar 26, 2010

sometimes it starts but after login (auto login) my wallpaper appears but there in no desktop (taskbar, icons, menu!) and i can't do anything!sometimes if i reboot it goes well sometime not!first time i install openSUSE, i tried to install my VGA driver (Nvidia 9400) but it fails and then i can't boot anymore so i removed and installed openSUSE again!i thinks there is something about graphic and specially Desktop Effects! i don't want to turn it off because it's very nice

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Logging By Desktop Couch?

Jun 23, 2010

Desktop couchdb builds up a pair of log files in:~/.cache/desktop-couchdb.log.1~/.cache/desktop-couchdb.stdout.1It appears they then get rotated to *.2 and *.3 before disappearing.In my case, having uninstalled Ubuntu One, I think the desktop couch DB is only there supporting Gwibber. Both log files seem to be HTTP access logs - referring to HEAD and GET - not much value really.If the machine is up for several days, these logs get quite large. I think they were up to a combined 700MB after 12 days uptime before I rebooted today.There's a settings file /etc/couchdb/local.ini but the log level therein only seems to affect the log under /var/log/couchdb.Anyone know how to stop this logging under ~/.cache?

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Ubuntu :: Turn The Desktop Effects Permanently On?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using Kwin desktop effects. I turn on some desktop effects and it worksbut after I reboot my PC, the desktop effects does not turn on automatically.I always need to turn it on again. I always resume the compositing every restart.Also, I can't find all the effects in kwin. I can only adjust the basic effects (the first tab) but when I tried to go to the all effects tab (the second tab) it is empty.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Computer Boots Into Text Mode After Nvidia Drivers Installed

Jan 12, 2011

After installing ubuntu 64 bit, I installed all my updates and installed the current nvidia driver for my 9800 GTX+ from the additional drivers page. After restarting my computer, ubuntu boots into text mode. I used google and found out a couple of commands like:

After i hit control+alt+f7 it hangs on checking battery state with NO ok to the right of it. after running sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia -current and restarting the computer, the boot hangs on the ubuntu screen everytime.

My specs are:
Core i7 860
4 GB of ram
Nvidia 9800 GTX+

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Ubuntu :: System Boots Then Screen Freezes / Fix It?

Mar 16, 2010

Don't know if this is a coincidence, but the other day we had a power cut and my laptop went off. When I tried to reboot it got to the ubuntu start up screen, but when it tries to get to the "desk top" screen it all goes blue and black flashes. I have XP and Vista on the same machine and these both start up ok

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Fedora :: GDB Update Boots Into A Stationary Desktop?

Feb 16, 2011

I have 64-bit Fedora 14 with the latest kernel. A short while ago a yum update of gdb, ssl and ssl 64-bit suddenly and automatically turns my desktop into a stationary screen with just a Fedora logo, not even a whirling orb inside the F-logo. I reboot a few times but I cannot go beyond this desktop to log in.I realized because F14 won't boot, this thread should be in Installation Help so would you mind moving it for me?Questions for all members:How do I get into "rescue mode" (a) from FC13 in an adjacent partition? or (b) from a Fedora14 Live CD?Is grub.conf messed up? If so, how do I fix it? don't really know exactly what went wrong so I threw just a few questions out for folks to look at

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General :: Why Does Video Shut Off When Desktop Boots

Aug 4, 2010

When i try to launch a live cd (any of them) I get an "out of range" logo on my monitor. I am aware this means my resolution is not right. Why it's not right is beyond me, isn't this supposed to auto detect these problems and adjust accordingly? I figured installing debian may fix the issue, so i did. Come to find out this garbage linux can't even read a sata drive! So I put in my ide HDD and it installs fine, now I have this dumb video problem. Funny as how windows is supposed to be a crappy os in comparison to linux and yet it doesn't seem to give me any problems. So now that you have a first hand perspective of my frustration, what I can do to get this os working on my computer? I just want to be able to see it, so I can play with it and learn to use it. Is that so hard.

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Ubuntu :: Turn On Remote Desktop Via Command Line?

Oct 4, 2010

I have to access my laptop and transfer files but the screen is broken. The only protocol that I know for certain that's on that machine is rdp. Since the screen is broken I can't test anything else.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From 9.10 To 10.04 - System No Longer Boots

Feb 10, 2010

After upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 my System no longer boots. I had a Dual-Boot System. On Boot I get - "error : the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found grub rescue> (prompt):
If I run 'insmode /boot/grub/normal.mod' (I get the same error)
If I run 'insmode /boot/grub/ext2.mod' (I get 'The symbol 'grub_xasprinf' not found)
If I run ls /boot (The Kernel File Names look Ok)

If I run in Rescue Mode it Reports (The installer could not find any partitions, so you will not be able to mount a root file system. This may be caused by the Kernel failing to detect your hard disk drive or failing to read the partition table, or the disk may be unpartitioned. If you wish, you may investigate this from a shell in the installer environment.) I ran the recommended reporting script and got the following output:-

= Boot Info Summary: =
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #4 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb
=> Syslinux is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdd <<< This is my USB Flashdrive .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Ruby App When System Boots Up?

Feb 12, 2010

how do I start a ruby on rails application when my Ubuntu server starts up/is rebooted? I start the application by cd-ing into the ruby application's root directory(the application I'm using is Bibapp) and execute the command;


sudo rake bibapp:start

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Ubuntu :: Fail To Mount Disk Right After System Boots?

Apr 10, 2010

I got a little problem with Xubuntu here. Every time after I boot the system, I find one of my partitions from fstab not mounted where it's supposed to be. I do mount -a, and it replies: "mount: /dev/sdb6 already mounted or /mnt/data busy". Checking lsof of neither device nor mount point gives me nothing, and checking the output of mount I see device isn't mounted anywhere.

It gets better than this: after some time, device can be mounted just fine, this time is from 11 to 12 minutes. If something is doing anything with my device that takes whole 11 minutes, how come I don't know what it is? How can I mount device on boot? Some more (ir)relevant facts:

1. This partition is the biggest - 376 Gb

2. Here's my fstab line for this device:

3. After the installation, I changed the mount point in fstab, and using /dev/sdb6 instead of UUID is a result of blind experimentation

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Ubuntu :: Crash In Kernel During Boot (but System Boots)?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a custom compiled kernel which seems to work OK. However, during boot, I get:

Apr 27 21:16:14 poni kernel: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95784M) rev 5784100] (PCI Express) MAC address 00:21:70:90:2d:6c
Apr 27 21:16:14 poni kernel: eth0: attached PHY is 5784 (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet)


System continues to boot OK and everything seems to work fine as I expect. I am not sure what the above causes. It looks related to USB, but I am not sure. lsusb gives:

Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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Ubuntu :: System Boots In Command Promt / Solve This?

Nov 17, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.4.1 through wubi and I cant boot in the GUI

I used startx and the screen goes black

I also used sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and it cant find xserver.xorg (used the - phigh one too)

What can I do to solve this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Boots Slow After Upgrade 10.04

Nov 29, 2010

After my upgrade the bootup seems to take a long time.I am dual booting with XP.From the boot menu when I select Ubuntu it takes 35 seconds before I get the login screen.Is this normal?Also, other apps seem to be running slow. Running Win 7 under VMWare Workstation 7.1.

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Ubuntu :: System Boots Into Grub 2 Command Line?

Mar 4, 2011

After installing the 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, I decided to have a new partition and install Windows 7 on it for development purposes. So this is the method I worked with:

Partitioned the hard disk with gparted
Formatted the drive in NTFS
Installed Windows

Booted into Ubuntu 10.10 Live CD and re-installed grub on the MBR Now after restarting the system a grub command line boots up. I was able to boot into ubuntu with the following commands:


find /vmlinuz
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 (or its equivalent)
initrd /initrd

Is there any way how to load up the grub GUI with the options to boot up Ubuntu or Windows 7 respectively?

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Debian :: (Deb)boots To The Terminal Mode - Command - Get To Desktop?

Jul 1, 2010

This is after months of Mint, which is limited. One problem. It (Deb)boots to the terminal mode. uh... call me stupid, but I have no idea how to get to my desktop. Never needed that command once in my life. I can't find the answer anywhere. Typical. The most basic info is always overlooked. Whats the command line to get to the desktop so I can reconfig this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Turn Off PC And Then When Its Turned Back On There Are Items On The Desktop That Were Not There Before?

Oct 20, 2010

I am having this weird problem when I turn off my PC and then when its turned back on there are items on the desktop that were not there before (they had been previously but been moved to another folder).Also partitions that I dont want to mount are suddenly mounted and I have to umount as root. I think I have some problems in my grub2 installation since installing 10.10. I ran the boot info script, and can see that there are problems but I get nervous messing with grub

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General :: Turn Off The 'launcher' Style Desktop On Ubuntu Netbook

Jul 10, 2011

Is there a way to turn off the 'launcher' style desktop on ubuntu netbook remix, that doesn't involve reinstalling?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade System Boots Into A Black Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and after the upgrade

- the system boots,
- the grub menu appears,
- the splash screen comes up and then
- I have a black screen and that's it!

I saw, at the end of the installation process, that the driver for the nVidia video card was removed.

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Ubuntu :: Make Mouse Pointer To Turn-around Desktop After Exiting From One Side?

Jan 23, 2011

There are pretty good graphical features on gnome. But I could not find a nice feature, allowing mouse pointer to turn-around the desktop area. I want the mouse pointer goes to left side of screen when it reaches right side of desktop and vice versa. Or goes to bottom of the desktop area when it reaches top of screen. It makes using mouse and moving around the desktop area using a touchpad easier.

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CentOS 5 :: System Only Boots To Grub?

Mar 5, 2009

after update my CentOS 5.2 geting follow problem:

my System stop by Grub,

i can start my System manually by typing instructs from menu.lst.



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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu Live Usb Boots Up To Ubuntu Text Installer (no Kde Desktop)?

Apr 3, 2011

i am using unetbootin to create a live-usb of this iso: freemed-live-0.1-i386.iso (i think it is based on kubuntu). when i turn on my netbook with the usb plugged in i get about 6 menu items (default, live, live expert, linux, ...) but no matter which i select it takes me to some ubuntu text install where it is asking me to select language and keyboard layout.

is there a way make it boot to the live desktop ?

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