Ubuntu :: Turn Off Logging By Desktop Couch?

Jun 23, 2010

Desktop couchdb builds up a pair of log files in:~/.cache/desktop-couchdb.log.1~/.cache/desktop-couchdb.stdout.1It appears they then get rotated to *.2 and *.3 before disappearing.In my case, having uninstalled Ubuntu One, I think the desktop couch DB is only there supporting Gwibber. Both log files seem to be HTTP access logs - referring to HEAD and GET - not much value really.If the machine is up for several days, these logs get quite large. I think they were up to a combined 700MB after 12 days uptime before I rebooted today.There's a settings file /etc/couchdb/local.ini but the log level therein only seems to affect the log under /var/log/couchdb.Anyone know how to stop this logging under ~/.cache?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Couch Won't Start?

Nov 19, 2010

I think I messed up some permissions needed to run desktop couch.i follwed the instructions here for restarting, but did not read them carefully, and when the processes were not found, I ran the kill commands as root. Since then, desktop couch will not start. I tried a full purge/reinstall, but still no luck. I filed a bug report here, but I don't think anyone has read it yet. I am guessing running things as root reset some permissions somewhere, but I don't know where.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Turn Up The Level Of Logging That DHCP Server Is Writing To SYSLOG?

Feb 14, 2011

turn up the level of logging that my DHCP Server is writing to SYSLOG?I can't seem to find a syslog.conf file to edit.

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Software :: Postfix - Cache - Logging - Taking Up All Disk Space - Limit / Turn Off?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm working on a few servers running centos and using postfix. I don't know what the exact problem is, but we are having problems with the disk space being maxed out at 100 gigs. What we think the problem is...is that postfix is either caching or logging all the emails we send out. We sent 250k emails (500kb apiece) over the weekend and we were having trouble with that quantity. It seems some of those email were queued up for retry sending...but we didn't have sufficient disk space for that? Something broke - I'm not sure what.

What I want to do is to find and change the config file that has to do with postfix email retrying - possibly limit this (not sure if this will fix my problem). Or, turn off /limit any way that postfix logs/caches emails so that it won't take up all the disk space when queued up for retry... Again, I'm totally lost here (on both what's going on, and how to fix it). I'm not sure what more information is needed to address this problem

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Ubuntu :: User Logging In Using NX Has Nothing On Desktop?

Jul 2, 2010

I am running a remote login server where I have multiple users. I am using No Machine NX for the remote login software. I also used Ubuntu Tweak and did some editing in gconf-editor in order to lockdown the machine. In the end the user has some files on their desktop they can view and one panel with a logoff button. This system has been in place for about 2 years now and running pretty smoothly.

I am not sure if this is an NX problem or Gnome problem. I have just one user, all of a sudden, that has nothing on the desktop and no panel when they login. The system was set for each user to have their /home folder as their desktop folder. I am not sure where to start trouble shooting this. I have looked a quite at few of the gconf.xml fiels for the user, but do not see anything out of the ordinary (comparing to other user's gconf.xml files)

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Ubuntu :: Only Get Desktop Background After Logging In?

May 29, 2011

I am running ubuntu 11.04, and recently installed slim to be able to change my login screen theme. After changing it, I restarted my computer, typed in my username/password and it just brought me to an image of my background with no icons or the sidebar. When I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 it brings me to a command prompt. Also, after the log in I get an error displaying Enter password to unlock your login keyring. After entering my password nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Switching Between Desktop Environments Without Logging Out

Mar 21, 2011

I have both xmonad and Gnome installed and tend to switch between them quite often. Normally, I need to log out and log back in which is starting to become annoying because I need to open any running applications again.I have tried using "Switch User", but it doesn't work. I go to the switching screen when I am logged into Gnome and log in again after selecting Xmonad, but it brings me back to my Gnome session.

So is there any way to log in as the same user with two different desktop environments at the same time?

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Ubuntu :: Turn Desktop Into A Server?

Jan 18, 2011

How do I turn My 8.04 Ubuntu Hardy Desktop into a Hardy Server when the distro support expires in April 2011?

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Ubuntu :: Turn On Remote Desktop Via Ssh

Mar 11, 2011

I have an AppleTV running a version of Ubuntu on a usb drive. I want to be able to use my iPhone as a wireless keyboard and mouse but the apps require that I turn on remote desktop in ubuntu.problem is, I use it for xbmc (crystalbuntu) and since the AppleTV only has 1 usb port, I cant plug a usb keyboard or mouse in as the flash drive with the OS on it is in the usb port.I can ssh into the AppleTV and run terminal commands. Is there a terminal command to turn on remote desktop so I can use the iphone keyboard app?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Session Crashes To Login Screen Soon After Logging In?

Oct 10, 2010

After upgrading my netbook (Eee 1005HA) from Ubuntu Lucid to Maverick, I can log in okay, but it crashes back to the login screen a couple of minutes after logging in, after the desktop has loaded. I haven't been able to find anything in syslog/dmesg/etc. about why this is happening, but it isn't happening on my other laptop which I just upgraded to Maverick as well.

Edit: memtest86+ showed no errors and the live USB desktop works fine.

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Fedora :: Logging Into Root User In Gnome Desktop?

Mar 10, 2011

I need to update my NVIDIA server settings, but to do so I need to be logged in as root user. Does anyone know how to do this from the gnome desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Turn The Desktop Effects Permanently On?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using Kwin desktop effects. I turn on some desktop effects and it worksbut after I reboot my PC, the desktop effects does not turn on automatically.I always need to turn it on again. I always resume the compositing every restart.Also, I can't find all the effects in kwin. I can only adjust the basic effects (the first tab) but when I tried to go to the all effects tab (the second tab) it is empty.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Logging In With Password The Loading Desktop Stalls?

Jan 27, 2010

Since update yesterday to kde4.3.5 I notice this am - after logging in with password the loading desktop stalls. In cat /var/log/messages I grabbed part that seems possible.

Jan 28 03:17:39 SUSE11-2 SuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules successfully set
Jan 28 03:17:42 SUSE11-2 kernel: [ 70.264865] bootsplash: status on console 0 changed to on


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Ubuntu :: Turn On Remote Desktop Via Command Line?

Oct 4, 2010

I have to access my laptop and transfer files but the screen is broken. The only protocol that I know for certain that's on that machine is rdp. Since the screen is broken I can't test anything else.

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General :: After Booting Logging Into The User A/c - Gives A Blank Screen With The Desktop Wallpaper

Jan 8, 2011

I just put on my Linux PC now and after booting logging into the user a/c, it just gives a blank screen with the desktop wallpaper - no menu's or anything, so there's pretty much nothing I can do. I know I had removed the menu and replaced it with the dock (awn dock or something).

However, I can log in as root and root works fine (so I'm doing the update at the moment).

Coming back to my question, I used to know an Ubuntu command which I put in as sudo (terminal)and it used to work like a magic command which would literally restore and repair my linux installation - I even used it when I bought a new system and transferred my linux hard drive from my previous machine to the new one and this one command actually setup and prepared my linux installation to work smoothly in my new PC - just one command after connecting my h/drive in the new PC.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Turn Off PC And Then When Its Turned Back On There Are Items On The Desktop That Were Not There Before?

Oct 20, 2010

I am having this weird problem when I turn off my PC and then when its turned back on there are items on the desktop that were not there before (they had been previously but been moved to another folder).Also partitions that I dont want to mount are suddenly mounted and I have to umount as root. I think I have some problems in my grub2 installation since installing 10.10. I ran the boot info script, and can see that there are problems but I get nervous messing with grub

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General :: Turn Off The 'launcher' Style Desktop On Ubuntu Netbook

Jul 10, 2011

Is there a way to turn off the 'launcher' style desktop on ubuntu netbook remix, that doesn't involve reinstalling?

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Software :: Desktop Effects Wont Turn Off?

Feb 16, 2010

I made the mistake of turning desktop effects on which slows down my computer. Now the problem is i cant turn it off.

I deselect "enable desktop effects," absolutely nothing happens as a result.

I tried tricking it by checking enable again than when it offers that 10 seconds to keep the settings, chosing not to, and desktop effects shut off finally but within 2-5 seconds reactivate.

It's as if posessed. Howcome it is unresponsive to turning off??? and turns on by itself??

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Ubuntu :: Make Mouse Pointer To Turn-around Desktop After Exiting From One Side?

Jan 23, 2011

There are pretty good graphical features on gnome. But I could not find a nice feature, allowing mouse pointer to turn-around the desktop area. I want the mouse pointer goes to left side of screen when it reaches right side of desktop and vice versa. Or goes to bottom of the desktop area when it reaches top of screen. It makes using mouse and moving around the desktop area using a touchpad easier.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Turn On Desktop Effects Neither In KDE Nor In Gnome

Jul 20, 2010

i just installed opensuse 11.3 (after being on Mint for couple of years) and really impressed with stability compared to latest Mint 9/Ubuntu10.04.the only issue I have now is I can't turn on desktop effects neither in KDE nor in Gnome.In gnome i can't change compiz seetings at all - the windows freezes after i try to click on 'Enable desktop effects', and that's it. It worked fairly well in ubuntu though.

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OpenSUSE :: Turn Off The Tooltips Which Appear When The Mouse Moves Over A Desktop Icon?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm finally switching (slowly) from KDE3 to 4 (in 11.3). There are 2
things I so far haven't figured out:

1. How do I turn off the tooltips which appear when the mouse moves over
a desktop icon?

2. How can I assign a keyboard shortcut to minimize a window?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.5 Desktop Effects - Turn Off The Jerky Dimming Effect

Jun 11, 2011

Just installed openSUSE 11.4 which comes with KDE 4.5. It has taken a while for me to find my way around and I am still trying to change settings so that VLC is default multimedia app rather than Amarok or similar. how to turn off the jerky dimming effect which was being applied when I close a window. Out of interest does anybody know what memory and cpu overhead these effect costs and how many lines of code? More to the point does anybody know who needs them?

When using Dolphin with column view does anybody know how to have the left margin shown rather than the right. As it is now, with long files names, the right hand end of the filename is shown and to see the directories I have to use a slider to scroll back to the left. I do not recall this being the case before. It used to be that the long file name was cut off unless one scrolled. In that way you could see all the directories and when moving files life was simple. Now this is not the case and actions take longer.

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OpenSUSE :: Turn Off KDE 4.6 Desktop Background Satellite View Globe?

Jul 5, 2011

how can I turn off the ugly red labels for the continents? I cannot find this option anywhere!

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Gdm When Ubuntu Boots A Desktop System?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm trying to find out how to configure upstart.Specifically, I'm trying to turn off gdm when ubuntu boots a desktop system.I have already seen and read various posts on this topic, including this post:Which I will summarize as follows:1) Use init.d style config tools (eg. rcconf) to turn off gdm.his does not work.2) Remove /etc/init/gdmThis works.

However, there must be some kind of configuration tool for this, which I simply cannot find.How can you configure upstart?If there is indeed, no configuration tool, then why on earth has ubuntu swapped to using this un-configurable start up system?This discussion is also being taken to the upstart dev mailing list directly, but I'm hoping someone here and simply point out what I'm doing wrong...

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General :: HPLIP - When Turn Off The PC And Turn It On Again The Printer Does NOT Work

Nov 4, 2009

I have Ubuntu 9.04, and a HP laserjet 1018 printer.

I install the printer using:

And when it ask me about plugin I give the path to it. (the 3.9.2 version of the plugin, because Ubuntu 9.04 has the 3.9.2 version of hplip)

well I install the printer, everything works perfectly.....but, when I turn off the PC, and turn it on again, the printer does NOT work!, I send work for being printed but mothing happens , Ubuntu tells me that the job was printed but ... no case, my printer does not print it.

I have to install it again since cero. what can I don to stop install it every time I turn off the computer ?

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Ubuntu :: Keeps Logging Out By Itself?

Jan 27, 2010

I've tried to find a solution on other posts but can't find one.Karmic keeps logging me out automatically. Sometimes there are less than five minutes between logouts.Initially I upgraded from Jaunty, so, in case that was at fault, I then did a clean install, but that hasn't worked either.I've been hoping one of the updates will fix it, but no joy ye

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Keeps Logging Out

Feb 22, 2011

Why does Ubuntu 9.10 keep logging me out? This only started about a week ago and it seems to be getting worse. I have not installed any new hardware or software. The only thing that's been installed recently are the routine Ubuntu updates. I just got logged out 4 times in less than 10 minutes while I was trying to type a reply to a message in another forum. I had to reboot into WinXP to post this message and finish my reply in the other forum. This is getting REAL annoying and I can't find any solutions. Someone suggested that uninstalling Compiz would fix it so I did that, but it seems to have gotten worse. I've really liked Ubuntu until now, but I'm on the verge of trashing it if this problem can't be fixed.

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Ubuntu :: Run A Command Before Logging On

Mar 15, 2010

how I could run a command before logging on, in addition, the command needs to run as root.

This is going back to some few weeks months ago, shortly after I upgraded to Karmic Koala. Since then, the sound device doesn't work automatically. I donno why, but alsa doesn't seem to detect the audio device.

Once I have booted the machine, I can access sound by doing:

sudo alsa force-reload

Needless to say, that's pretty annoying and I posted two or three threads to find a solution to this problem, but never got anywhere.

Failing that I get the issue resolved, running the 'alsa force-reload' command at boot up, so that when I'm logged in, it's already working.

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Ubuntu :: PWI Crushes After Logging In?

May 23, 2010

after finally managing to install perfect world international rising tide on my ubuntu 9.04 and after i fixed the cursor problem ,i finally managed to run the game however when i wanted to enter my account to actually play the game ,just after logging in the game crushes ,i really want to play the game ,plz help me.i ran it through wine in the console and i got this: fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone on a side note is there a way to get rid of the black flashing boxes on the screen.

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Ubuntu :: When 10.10 Loads Get The Above Pop-up After Logging In?

Feb 27, 2011

When Ubuntu 10.10 loads I get the above pop-up after logging in.Does anyone know how I would go about finding out what this refers to, or how I could address it?

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